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Midnight Harbor

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Well I am blown away. This is the best book I have read in a long,long time. So many emotions, broken people living solitary lives, but then reconnecting. I took several pauses, because I could not handle the emotions. It was well worth the time to be involved in this experience. I’m not a huge musician, but it sure drew me into the behind the scenes of artists of all types.
If you only read one book this year—- gasping and perish the thought. But this book is astonishing. I loved how the main characters each dealing with personal traumas and tragedies merged into a blend of recovery. I liked how it wasn’t a perfect ending and things still to be resolved. But isn’t that real life?
I just reviewed Midnight Harbor by Davis Bunn.
#Midnight#Harbor #NetGalley.

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MIDNIGHT HARBOR is the eighth novel in the Miramar Bay series by DAVIS BUNN, and the only one that I have read.
The author obviously knows a great deal about art and music and has set the scene for Kari, a famous artist, and Ian, a famous musician, to meet in Miramor Bay where they have each come to get over the trauma in their lives., and it seems as though they are soul mates………
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Kensington Books.. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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This is the eighth book in the Miramar series. While there are plenty of supporting characters from previous books, this storyline is strong in its own right as a standalone novel.

Kari Langham and Ian Hart are brilliant talents haunted by their pasts. For Kari, the daughter of a successful LA businessman who bristles with rage and an ice queen mother, her survival mechanism was to avoid her family and hide her talent as an artist. Ian, a classical guitarist, is suffering not only from a loss of his passion for music, but also struggling with a catastrophic implosion of his career after the betrayal of his manager. The two cross paths as they retreat to regroup in Miramar, a charming coastal town north of San Luis Obispo, CA.

I enjoyed following Kari and Ian as they faced their fears and began to deepen their relationship as friends with the possibility of romance. The prose drew me effortlessly into the story and kept me engaged through the complex emotional landscape of the protagonists. I would have liked a more solid ending, which felt vague, but perhaps more will be revealed in the next book in the series.

My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This review is being posted immediately to my GoodReads account and will be posted on Amazon upon publication.

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Very glad to read another story in this series set in Miramar Bay. Although each ‘stands alone’, there is mention of characters from previous volumes.
As a musician, I was interested in one of the main characters & especially in the details given about particular pieces. (I didn’t know Rodrigo was not a guitarist himself – yet he composed one of the most popular pieces in the guitar repertoire.)
It has been most enjoyable to replay the pieces mentioned, listening with ‘fresh ears’ : despite Schubert’s Erlkonig being a great favourite, I had never heard it performed on guitar before.
And I did appreciate the wise words of Indrid...
All in all, there was enough of the familiar & enough that was new to maintain my interest in reading this book. I look forward to future additions to the series.

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Midnight Harbor by Davis Bunn has yet again brought me to a soft, happy place.  The novel brings us back to Miramar Bay on the coast of California.  A small town full of residents who are happiest being just themselves.  This is the 8th book in the series.  

Ian Hart is a classical guitarist who is headed to hear his Aunt’s will. She left him her possessions in a place she calls Midnight Harbor.  Really he is running away from the mess his manager left him in, with all of his possessions and accounts frozen.  Ian feels like he has lost himself in the music and needs time away to find himself again.  

Interestingly he meets Kari langham at a restaurant taking a picture.  Kari is really the famous artist Kariel.  She has just finished showing her work to her family and really the world as herself.  Until now she has been reclusive to almost all.  She has just moved to Miramar to start her life in a new place where she can paint and live with seclusion.

However, that type of seclusion is not possible in Miramar. While people are good about keeping famous people underwraps, the town is full of people who want to embrace her. Kari and Ian are drawn together by their music, art and fears. Together, could they face their future?  There is only one way to find out, Miami's music and art festival. 

I loved the artistic characteristics of Ian and Kari.  I felt like I understood the reluctance of Kari with her family in a visceral way. Both the main characters were emotionally damaged by their families and yet found a way to help the other face the next step.  The story kept me entranced and allowed me to become part of it by invitation.  Midnight Harbor by Davis Bunn is another wonderful story about Miramar.

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From the highs to the lows, Ian has felt it all. The author will keep you involved with the story with the characters and the plot development. The dealing with family and loss and how to travel through life without knowing what will come next. A great read that has all the right things to keep the reader involved.
I received an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley and leaving a review by my own choice.

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Redemption story

Book 8 in the Miramar Bay series is a beautiful story of personal and public redemption. Ian, a recently disgraced classical musician retreats to Miramar Bay after his former manager embezzled from him and ruined his reputation. Ian just wants to hide away from the public eye, and the quiet town is perfect for that.

Kari, also known in the world as the famous artist, Kariel, wants something similar. She's never been comfortable in the spotlight, prefers that people don't know who she is. Her art remains private until she decides to share it. She also moves to Miramar for the peace and quiet. When the two of them meet, the rest is magic.

I absolutely loved the first 80% or so of this book, it flew quickly, the main characters were rendered so perfectly that I felt I knew them. In my opinion, the last 20% wasn't as smooth or endearing, maybe a bit rushed. But, all in all, a redemption story where both MC's faced their fears and held each other up when they were weak.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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Another story set in Miramar California. Although book 8 in the series, one does not have to read the others to understand the story. Characters from previous books drift in and out of the story, depending on how their jobs and/or hobbies intersect with the stories of Ian & Kari. Ian & Kari are both artists dealing with personal issues who end up in Miramar searching for escape and understanding when they cross paths at a bar. He likes her art without knowing who she is while she enjoys and finds inspiration in his music. They explore a friendship with each other while working on overcoming their issues. Enjoyable read that seemed to fly.
I received an ARC copy of the book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Ian and Kari- two wounded people- find one another and heal in Miramar, a place for second chances, This is the latest in a series that's dependent only on place (although fans might recognize a character or two) so it's fine as a standalone. Ian's wrestling with his future as a guitarist after betrayal by his manager while Kari , who has broken with her family, is beginning to blossom in her art. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Know that this isn't a steamy one and it's a good read.

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Midnight Harbor returns us to Miramar Bay. It is book nine in the series, though it isn't necessary to have read the others to follow what's happening here. Miramar Bay is a place folks go to rebuild their lives and find a new start. In Midnight Harbor, we meet Ian Hart, a professional classical guitarist who has lost his fire and possibly his career. We also meet Kari, a wildly successful artist who has kept her identity a secret until now.

This is a lovely story about finding the courage to walk into the future, no matter how terrifying it might be. It's also about standing up for yourself and not letting others define who you are. While these characters live life in the public eye, the challenges they face - fear, needing true friends, difficult family members - are issues everyone can identify with.

This is a clean romance featuring gentle, sweet people. The supporting cast is delightful (watch out for those backup singers).

I enjoyed it, and I think you will too.

Family friendly.

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What happens when two stars lose their magic? When they need a safe harbor? Ian's music career has slammed to a halt. He is burned out. His manager absconds with his monies, leaving Ian in a scandal and financial mess. Kari has finally revealed her true identity to the public and her family. However, she needs to escape her toxic family if she hopes to continue her art. Will Miramar be their salvation? Will these two stars find each other and their safe harbor? Davis Bunn has created a riveting work in Midnight Harbor. His characters draw the reader into their lives, their pain, and their dreams. A copy was provided for my review, but all opinions are my own.

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This book eight in this series. Midnight harbor. Is abou music and art in which I sometimes got lost,
Two emotional wounded people find understanding and comfort with each other. Ian, a famous classical guitarist, is ripped off by his manager and blamed for the scandal. Kari is marginalized by her volatile family and finds solace in her art, achieving fame as Kariel in which she is only now making her identity known.
Both are at a crossroads and feeling their way forward, making peace with the new reality. The familiar gang in Miramar is back, offering support and affirmation.

I will be rewriting a full review in a few weeks

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Book eight of the Miramar Bay series is one of my favorites. This is a tutorial on music and art in which I sometimes got lost, not unusual with Davis Bunn’s deep narrative prose.
Two emotional wounded people find understanding and comfort with each other. Ian, a famous classical guitarist, is ripped off by his manager and blamed for the scandal. Kari is marginalized by her volatile family and finds solace in her art, achieving fame as Kariel in which she is only now making her identity known.
Both are at a crossroads and feeling their way forward, making peace with the new reality. The familiar gang in Miramar is back, offering support and affirmation.

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I generally love Davis Bunn’s writing, but this one didn’t grab me quite the way his earlier works have. There are many things I like about the story. The culture, the music, the art, bits of history. The counselor turned friend who dispenses sound advice. The trips down memory lane with the songs. Excellent research on the different fields. I like what Midnight Harbor stands for, "A place where you can retreat when life’s storm is at its most violent." The author is an excellent writer, he finds the perfect words to describe certain characters, “avaricious” and “irascible”, and describes normal events wonderfully, “The wind clutched at them, carrying the scent of more rain to come. It hastened their farewells.”

Toward the beginning of the book Indrid says that Kari doesn’t need counseling but a friend. Judging by her upbringing and her reaction towards her family, I disagree. It’s great to have a partner, but it’s also great to overcome, get healing and know that you can do it. “Kari represents a direction the audience is happily willing to take. Their enthusiasm relegates the critics and their dark ways to the past.” Yes! What a breath of fresh air. In the end, the main characters have definitely started to climb out of the pit they had found themselves in. As I’m going over my notes, I realize it deserves 4 stars instead of the 3 I had in mind. I wasn’t taken in as much as usual, but there is still plenty to enjoy in this book. Hopefully, there will be a part 9 and we’ll find out how Kari and Ian are doing.

Thank you Kensington Books and NetGalley for making an ARC available to me, I was not required to leave a positive review.

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As always the story was great. I love these Miramar books a lot. I think this one should be sold with the opportunity to actually hear Ian's playing of his guitar. The description of the music he creates is beautifully and fully escribed - oh how I wish I could hear it. Kari's method of painting is beyond my comprehension, but that too I would like to

Mr. Bunn seems to have a a great deal of understanding of an artist and his world.

I would highly recommend to anyone who wants some joy brought into their life. It was hard not to [eased with the outcome, but also sad that the story has ended

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I usually love Davis Bunn books but this one didn’t strike me as typically his style. Guitarist Ian and artist Kariel both have inner struggles regarding their art and performing, but they find solace and strength as they work through things together. I had trouble finding the spark between them and thought that they were a little too dependent on each other only a week into their relationship. This one just wasn’t for me.

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I pretty much read this book in one sitting. I always enjoy new Miramar Bay books from Davis Bunn. This one has a lot of characters from previous books show up, so you might want to be sure you’ve at least read The Christmas Hummingbird and Shell Beach.

This book starts off fast, with two people escaping their pasts for refuge in Miramar Bay, but Bunn doesn’t let them stay there for long, as new futures suddenly are a possibility.

If you’re a fan of classical music, jazz and a few other genres, you’ll enjoy the character of Ian. If you’re an artist, you’ll like Kira. Bunn weaves their stories together in a breath-taking fashion, bringing about hope for quite a few people in the process.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. #MidnightHarbor #NetGalley

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I have such mixed feelings about this book. I loved the focus on music and art. I loved the almost instant connection between Ian and Kari. I loved how protective Rafi and Graham were of Kari. I listened to some of the music mentioned in the book, which helped me connect more to the story.

The deep struggles that Ian and Kari were going through individually were a bit confusing to me. I also did not like the ending at all. It was too sudden and made the book feel incomplete. I guess it kind of parallels the end of a concert. The audience doesn’t want the concert to end, but it can’t go on forever. The book just left me feeling like something was missing.

I received an advanced readers copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This book was good, albeit different than I was expecting. The main characters are both very mature. The way they think, they talk and the people they associate with, all mature. There's thought put into what they say and often their conversations seem very measured and controlled.

I feel like the characters are too measured to really to appeal to me. When I'm with my friends and having discussions, conversations flow easily and aren't thought out. It feels more honest that way. There is a time and place for what's in this book but it doesn't feel real. If you're always treating someone as fragile then they're going to act like it, in my opinion. I think the kid gloves her managers used with her was too much.

I'm not sure I'd recommend this book. The first half was more enjoyable than the second, and I obviously had issues with the characters. It was fun to see my hometown (Lompoc, CA) mentioned in the book. Unkindly, but still.

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This was my first visit to Miramar Bay. I would like to read the previous ones. Some interesting characters live there. Book eight contains an intriguing couple with issues. A precious cat adds to the story. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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