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The Hudson Collection

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Elsa had polio when she was younger and has a weak leg because of it so she has a limp. Luke has a scars of his own from the war. Elsa is in charge of cataloging for a patron of the museum and then goes on a treasure hunt of sorts for a missing relic. She, along with Luke, meet a young girl who is supposed to inherit the missing relic. While looking they discover more than they bargained for.
I really enjoyed this story. This is the second book and the series and I think I liked it better than the first. I just found the topics really interesting. I loved all the characters. The author does talk about eugenics but does it such a great way. That even though a body is not perfect does not mean that you are less than anyone else. Everyone is made in the image of God. I really loved Luke and Elsa together. Overall a great story and I definitely recommend!

Content: talk of eugenics, child death, ptsd

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the netgalley and the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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this historical fiction is unlike any other and while it was my first read by Jocelyn, it will most definitely *not* be my last! the way she captured a strong-willed woman and brought a book character to life brought me so much life myself 🥹

i loved Elsa and I loved the *important* themes explored throughout the book, including autism and ptsd. My favorite explored was probably eugenics and how each and every individual is created in the image of God. AMEN. 🙏🏼

also i felt like I was in the 1920’s while reading my this story - Jocelyn has a way of bringing a setting to you! I just loved this one!

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The Hudson Collection is the 2nd book in The Central Park series. Having not read book 1, I can definitely say it can stand on its own.

This was the perfect historical fiction book. So atmospheric it transported me back in time. Full of fantastic characters who were so well developed. Layered with mystery and sprinkled with love. It truly was the perfect combination.

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"This is a very good read from the pen of Jocelyn Green.
Jocelyn Green's The Hudson Collection is the second book in the On Central Park series. The novel is set in 1926 in New York City. Elsa Reisner, a research assistant at the American Museum of National History, is sent on an assignment to retrieve stuffed birds left for the museum by Bernadette “Birdie” van Tessel, the recently deceased owner of Elmhurst Estate. Her presence at the estate causes her to cross paths with Guy Dupont, a war veteran, his dog Barney, Tatiana and Danielle Petrovic, a mother-daughter duo, and the Spalding clan.
When Elsa takes on a personal assignment to find a rare book being sought after by different people with different intentions, a simple assignment takes a different turn. Elsa must learn to juggle her assignment, work, her search for a medieval aviary, her health, and her strained relationship with her parents.
One thing that I loved about this novel was the writer’s knowledge of birds and the romance between Guy and Jocelyn, two people with physical imperfections. Elsa’s relationship with her parents is another aspect of this novel that I liked. The incorporation of eugenics gave another twist to the novel.
All in all, this novel is worth reading, with subtle plot twists that kept me engaged to the end.
I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Bethany House through NetGalley and Interviews & Reviews for my honest opinion."

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I never expected orthinology and eugenics to be two of the main subjects in Jocelyn Green's latest book, The Hudson Collection. In fact, I don't think I've ever given either one much thought. Learning about orthology was interesting. However, I nearly put down the book when the main character (Elsa) appeared to be dissecting a bird. She wasn't, but the description was so vivid that I quickly skimmed that part.

Even though I didn't enjoy the sections about the birds and their preparation for museum exhibits, I did value the author's research in providing readers with an understanding of the process. I also loved how she included people with disfigurements or who were disabled, either physically or mentally. This, of course, led to some serious discoveries by Elsa on eugenics during one of her many explorations of the mansion. The added mystery made this novel all the more intriguing.

I loved the romance between Elsa and Luke, and I felt they were perfect for each other. This was an enjoyable read and I look forward to the next book in the series.

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I won an ARC of this book through Librarything. This review is fully my own opinion and freely given.

I have not read any books from this author and I did enjoy this book. It flowed very well and the story was interesting. The characters were well-developed as well.

There were a few errors in editing but not enough to make reading difficult. The errors did not detract much at all.

I can usually guess the ending of a book but not this one. It kept my interest throughout.

This is a Christian book but not at all preachy. If you are looking for a clean, historical fiction slight mystery you will enjoy this book.

I give this a 5 out of 5 star rating.

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“Eugenics is hogwash. The self-directed evolution in the quest of a ‘perfect human product’? Absolute rubbish. You were made in the image of God, and so was every other person. Once you start reducing people to measurements and heredities, you strip them of their dignity. We aren’t livestock. We have souls."

5 stars for this book!

First of all, I want to say I really appreciated the author's stance on the subject of eugenics in this book, and how the so-called science clashed with what God's word says about who we are- made in His perfect image, chosen, worthy and loved.

The cast of characters was excellent, the story intriguing, and the mystery woven in was the perfect finishing touch.

Also, kudos to the cover designer, this book cover is gorgeous!

Elsa was a character I loved, and could easily relate to. She was very interesting, and I loved her dedication to ornithology as well as her care and concern for others. She had a lot of grit despite her condition, and she tried her best not to let it get her down.

Luke was a great male lead, and just the sweetest guy. I can't say a whole lot about him because of potential spoilers, but he was a fine gentleman and had a neat redemptive backstory. He was compassionate and was a good friend to both Tom and Elsa.

Here's one of my favorite quotes from the book:

"...I will always be your safe place to land.
I can’t give you wings, but I’ll be your solid ground.”

The Hudson Collection was a sweet and clean, slow burn, closed door romance that I loved and definitely recommend!

Thanks to the publisher for the complimentary e-book I received to review through Interviews and Reviews. I was not required to write a positive review, and the thoughts above are solely my own.

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I loved The Metropolitan affair, the first book in the On Central Park series, and was eagerly awaiting this second book. It surpassed my high expectations! The fast-paced plot pulled me in from the beginning and kept me engaged to the end. Beautifully crafted characters stole my heart and sparked my imagination. I was especially drawn to main characters Elsa and Luke and secondary characters Tatiana and Danielle. I love Elsa’s strength and resilience despite her physical limitations. Luke, with his own physical scars and personal trials, is the perfect match for her with his patience and support. I love the way their love story develops. Seamlessly integrated historical detail and particulars of the science of ornithology serve to inform and entertain the reader and enhance the story. The vividly described settings beckoned me to travel back to 1920s New York to experience the story wherever it took me whether it be Coney Island, Central Park, or the imposing Elmhurst estate. I greatly appreciate the encouraging faith lessons on the worth of every individual regardless of their station in life or physical imperfections since all are created in the image of God. I loved this book, and highly recommend it.
I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Bethany House Publishers through Interviews & Reviews via NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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This is a multi-layered mystery that will captivate readers from the first to the last page. Beautifully written, I found this to be the perfect balance between history, mystery and romance. Elsa has been sent on assignment to catalog a collection of rare birds for the museum when she discovers more than she bargained for. Along with new friendships, she finds that adventure abounds. Set against the atmospheric backdrop of an old mansion on the Hudson River, the plot revolves around a treasure hunt for a missing artifact.

I found the cast of characters endearing. Luke was the perfect hero for Elsa. As their friendship developed, I couldn't wait to see how they would reach their happily-ever-after.

The author does not shy away from some gritty topics such as PTSD and eugenics. The theme of finding value in the fact that we are all created in God's image was woven seamlessly throughout.

What keeps drawing me back to Jocelyn Green's stories is her gift for storytelling. Each is an impeccable blend of plot pacing, character growth and strong faith threads. This is an outstanding addition to the On Central Park series. It can easily be read as a standalone novel.

****I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher and Netgalley. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Hudson Collection is the second book in the On Central Park series but can definitely be enjoyed as a standalone if you haven't read the first book.

This book was so beautifully written. We've got history, romance, mystery and a beautiful message of faith all weaved together beautifully to create a story that kept my attention from start to finish. Elsa is an ornithologist (a scientist who studies birds), which I thought was really interesting and definitely outside the typical careers we often see in historical fiction. Her position at the American Museum of Natural History leads her to a mansion where she's tasked with cataloging a bird collection and ends up befriending the gardener and her daughter... and being caught up in a bit of a mystery too... These characters were so perfectly written, and I couldn't help but be drawn into their stories.

The talk of eugenics was admittedly very hard to read about, particularly as a mom of an autistic child and someone who has their own share of physical and mental health struggles... but it led to a very beautiful message about being just as God created us to be that I really appreciated.

If you're looking for a wonderful historical read, this is definitely one worth checking out.

**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley for consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Wow! Once again, Jocelyn Green's writing does not disappoint! This book has it all! There's a mystery, intrigue, and a romantic love story! I was fascinated with Elsa's job and her love for birds!

The characters are wonderful! I truly cared about them and their lives. I was especially touched by Elsa and Birdie. Elsa did not let her physical limitations ruin her life. She learned a lot about herself and came to terms with how she perceived her family, herself, and her future. Birdie was compassionate and caring. She suffered a huge heartbreak, but it didn't stop her from being generous to others.

There are lots of serious issues in the book. Polio and its effect on people, ptsd in soldiers, autism and the eugenics movement. The spiritual aspects throughout the book offer hope and the reassurance that God is with us, leading us on the right path.

Side note: Jocelyn Green is my favorite author, and I buy all of her books! I've pre-ordered this one!

I was provided a complimentary copy of the book from Bethany House through Interviews and Reviews via Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a good follow-up to the first book in this series, The Metropolitan Affair, but you didn't have to read that to enjoy this one. In this book we have Elsa, who is an ornithologist, working for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The museum inherits a valuable collection of bird taxidermy and she's assigned to catalog and bring them back to the museum. She's glad to get out of town and encounters new friends and the mystery of a missing ancient book of birds.
I enjoyed this book and hope the author writes more in this series.
Thank you to NetGalley and LibraryThing for this book in exchange for a fair review.

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I have enjoyed Jocelyn Green's books in the past, and this is another winner. The 1920s time period and NY setting are rendered beautifully. I like Elsa as a main character, especially having her be a polio survivor. Understandably that would impact her sense of her self worth, especially since she feels rejected by her own parents. Things get interesting when she is sent to a strange estate and makes new friends. (At first there is almost a Secret Garden feeling.) The parallel between the child and Elsa's own circumstances is fairly obvious but it works. The treasure hunt aspect to the plot is definitely fun. Ultimately I especially admired the theme: we are all made in God's image.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance e-galley; all opinions in this review are completely my own.

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The Hudson Collection
by Jocelyn Green
Pub Date: June 4, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion.
Step into the beguiling world of 1926 New York and discover the power of resilience, friendship, and love from award-winning author Jocelyn Green
.I read the first book in the series, sorta by accident- and really enjoyed it. When I saw the cover for this one, I was hoping that it was part of the series (and was not disappointed) I think I loved this one even more than the first! And here's hoping that the last roommate gets a book too.

Elsa Reisner's lifelong dream of working as an ornithologist at the American Museum of Natural History is fading as the job begins to drain her passion. But fate takes an unexpected turn when she is assigned to catalog the bequest of a recently deceased patron whose Gothic country mansion holds secrets and treasures waiting to be discovered.
The main characters were complex, well-developed people. I cared about what happened to them. They struggled with real issues, and relationship tensions were created by realistic behavior.
I recommend this Christian/historical fiction to people who enjoy a clean, well written novel.
4 stars

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Historical fiction about a young ornithologist assigned to catalog the birds collected from an estate. Along the way, she learns to makes new friends, finds love and learns to deal with her disability.

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I received an advanced reader's copy of this from Net galley in exchange for my honest opinions.

I read the first book in the series, sorta by accident- and really enjoyed it. When I saw the cover for this one, I was hoping that it was part of the series (and was not disappointed) I think I loved this one even more than the first! And here's hoping that the last roommate gets a book too.

Elsa's book is set serval months after the ending of the first book. Elsa works for the ornithology department in New York's natural history museum, she is sent on assignment to collect a donation from a wealthy bird collecting family. While there she becomes enmeshed in back fighting the family is doing over the will as it affects the work she is doing for the collection for the museum.

The core of the story has to do with the idea of what does it mean to be an image barer, to be created in the image of God most high. And that part is beautiful, scars and all. I loved this!

It also didn't hurt that it hit on all these random historical things I knew something about. I've read about the Luna babies, I knew about Cher Ami and the lost battalion, and the birds at the museum. It felt like being re-aquainted with old friends

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The Hudson Collection by Jocelyn Green features a bird-watcher or an ornithologist for the American Museum of Natural History. I can’t imagine all the research that Green had to go through to have the names and the sounds of the correct birds to ring true in her novel. But then again, if they are wrong, is not like I would know the difference. I know nothing about birds except they fly, look different, and sing songs. The plot has a mystery element to it as the heroine Elsa tries to catalog all the birds in the mansion that she was assigned to bring back to the museum. Green crafted a character that had a flaw that she acquired when she had polio as a child that affected her today. But she is a strong character who knows her limitations, but there are moments when it does rear its ugly head, but she keeps moving. Similarly, there is a romance aspect between Elsa and a male character that has some surprising twist to it, but Green does a wonderful job at showing a relationship that can see past faults and learn to trust in God and grow together. Overall, The Hudson Collection by Jocelyn Green brought some lights to the world of birds and the work of the American Museum of Natural History, so fans of historical fiction with a hint of romance and mystery might love this book.

I received a complimentary copy of The Hudson Collection by Jocelyn Green from Bethany House Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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"The Hudson Collection" is a Christian romance set in 1926 in New York. Elsa had polio as a child and felt rejected by her parents and looked down on by others when she didn't recover fully. She can walk but not smoothly and she has weak lungs. When she's sent to catalog and pack a huge collection of birds at a mostly-empty estate, she meets an odd young girl and her mother, a gardener, who quickly become her friends. She also befriends two men scared from the Great War who are removing architectural elements that can be reused (since the house is to be destroyed). They're told to keep an eye out for a rare book that's been willed to the child, but the house's inheritor believes in eugenics and sees the child as unfit and therefore unworthy of such a gift. Elsa wants to find it first to make sure the child gets it, but everyone (including people with no possible legal claim to the book) are also trying to find the treasure.

The main characters were complex, well-developed people. I cared about what happened to them. They struggled with real issues, and relationship tensions were created by realistic behavior (rather than manufactured obstacles). Elsa and her man supported each other and made each other feel more confident and lovable. Interesting historical details were woven into the story and immersed me in the time and place. There were a couple of 'just how did that dog find her?' type moments that pushed believability.

The Christian theme was that we're made in the image of God and have value, even if we aren't physically perfect. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable historical.

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