Member Reviews

Trust the Whisper
How Answering Quiet Callings Inspires Extraordinary Stories of Ordinary Grace
by Kathy Izard
Pub DateJun 11 2024
Baker Books
Christian| Religion & Spirituality

Netgalley and Baker Books have provided me with a copy of Trust the Whisper for review:

Do you ever feel as if meeting God in the afterlife is easier than feeling God at work in this life, with the chores, schedules, messes, and unrealized dreams? God is working every day of our lives, but we dismiss this work as coincidence or chance because it is quieter than we expect. Wouldn't it be great if we could clearly understand those divine whispers? Could listening to them be the beginning of living out our truest story and purpose?

Throughout her book, Kathy Izard shares compelling true stories that help you connect the "God Dots" in your life. Sharing her own and others' experiences of moving from doubt to certainty about the divine presence in the world, Kathy offers you the courage to recognize God's guidance in your own life. By asking the right questions, trusting your intuition, being powerfully present, embracing the unexpected, and believing in the dreams God is gently urging you to pursue, she helps you ask the right questions, trust your deepest intuition, and be powerfully present.

I give Trust the Whisper five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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Actually, it is really easier for me to believe we will meet God in the afterlife than it is to feel God at work in this life because this life has brought so many fails and discouragement to me. But, this book reminds me that God works also in my life, in a quieter way.

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Trust the Whisper
Kathy Izard

4 stars

This is an absolutely inspiring book about how God touches lives and interconnects people in amazing ways. Kathy Izard has shared a number of stories of people listening to the whispers of God to go on an make impacts in their lives and those of the people who are helped by the very programs or people those whispers inspired.
This book would make for an excellent Bible study or small group. It would be amazing to see the whispers be applied and God's hand at work.
I highly recommend this book. Trust The Whisper would make a fabulous gift for anyone. I had not heard of Kathy Izard prior to the book, but I have already bought her other book, the 100 Story Home.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley.

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Trust the Whisper by Kathy Izard show the wonderful God-planned results if we only listen to those whispers that He sends to us. It is not by our power, but by His, that those mentioned in this book were able to achieve such works for His Glory. That chance meeting with a stranger, your seat mate on a plane, a misplaced book, a positive response to a misunderstood message. It is amazing the many ways will get our attention.
Releases June 11th. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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In TRUST THE WHISPER Kathy Izard tells stories of the miracles happening every day when we listen to God speaking to us. When we are still and listen to the little voice telling us to do or not do things, miracles occur all around us.
She shows us how the choices we make in our lives not only affect us but also the world around us. It isn't always easy, but the benefits are there even if we don't immediately see the results.

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It is refreshing and inspiring to read books that is in line with my faith. Trust the Whisper captures the essence of taking the leap of faith and trusting God to carry out His will. The book is an easily digestible read and the flow of the writing is effortless, it kept me glued to the page. The people Kathy Izard has met and their stories were truly inspiring and that you would think this only happens in movies. But small miracles are around us everyday and we must be attuned to it. Thank you so much Netgalley and Baker Books for the chance to read this in advance

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