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Deeper Than the Dead

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Deeper Than the Dead is the first book by Debra Webb that I have read. It is a quick read for me because the pace of the book was steady throughout and definitely picked up the last third of the book. The book combined my favorite genres of thriller and romance and managed to do it seamlessly for my tastes. The mystery was good and it took a bit for me to solve it and I had to backtrack a few times to figure it out. I enjoy mystery/thrillers that actually require me to think a bit. I absolutely will be reading any sequels to this new series.
I want to thank #NetGalley and publishers Thomas & Mercer for the digital advanced reader copy of the book in exchange for my interview.

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This was a very intricately written book with lots of twists and turns. It’s a great thriller because of all the complications, secrets and lies. The book kept me guessing. It’s wonderfully written. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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“Deeper Than the Dead” is focused on disgraced ex-cop Vera Boyett and her inner conflict of keeping secret family stories while trying to solve the mystery of human remains found in a cave on her family property.

This ingeniously written mystery keeps the reader in constant suspense until the end. Every time I was sure I had solved the murder mystery, there would be another twist, and my clean theory would go. At the climax, I had gone through many different suspects, which made the big reveal all the more surprising.

The author expertly weaves a complex net of doubt and curiosity that makes you itch with a desire to know more and more. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a great who dun it.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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In this emotionally charged mystery by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Debra Webb, crime analyst and disgraced deputy police chief Vera Boyett is forced to confront a haunting past when the remains of her long-missing stepmother are discovered. Returning to her family land, Vera must unravel a web of secrets that threaten to shatter the semblance of a fairy-tale childhood she shared with her sister Eve.

The narrative unfolds in small-town Tennessee, where the oppressive summer humidity mirrors the stifling atmosphere filled with long-buried secrets. The complexities of family dynamics and the bond between Vera and Eve add depth to the story, making it more than just a murder mystery. As the skeletons in the closet are unearthed, the suspense builds, revealing that the town holds more dark secrets than anyone could have imagined.

Debra Webb skillfully blends emotional depth with a gripping mystery, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. A must-read for those who appreciate a compelling narrative that delves into the complexities of family, secrets, and the repercussions of a haunting past.

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This was my first Debra Webb book and it did not disappoint! I really enjoyed all the twists and turns it took and would definitely read more books by this author again!

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This book begins when Vee returns to her home town after her life is turned upside down in Memphis. As we work our way through this book new details are revealed in each chapter that put together the pieces of this puzzle. This book definitely captivated my attention and as I approached the end of the book and hated to put it down as the puzzle came together. In some ways it was predictable but it was still exciting to finally learn who was behind the murder mystery in Fayetteville.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There was enough suspense and intrigue that had me wanting to know what happens next. I didn't like the extreme overuse of the word damnit, damn and damned. Super annoying. Otherwise I highly recommend this book! I gave it 5 stars on goodreads.

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When Debra Webb comes out with a new book, I read it.

I read this one in basically a day - stayed up until 2 a.m. finishing it. I couldn't put it down. Loving this new series and I can't wait to see where it goes. Great thriller with some twists and turns.

Great book by a great southern author.

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This book keeps you reading and not wanting to put it down! Love the story line and it surprised me at each turn! It leaves you wanting more and I'm excited to read the next and this series! Love the fact this is the authors town although it's fiction and none of the people and events are real. Suspense at its best!

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My Review

Deeper Than The Dead by Debra Webb
5 Stars

I Loved the previous trilogy by this Author, I have honestly never found a book by her I didn't Love. This one is no different!

Vera has had a difficult childhood, she knows death and disappointment. She has now come past this but an unforeseen incident and a phone call throws her life into a tailspin, forcing her to return to her childhood home….

Bent knew Vera when they were young, but his family life convinced him a life in the military was the best decision. Now it has been 20 plus years, he is back home and as Sheriff landing right in the middle of Vera’s tailspin situation .

This book was so well written and the turn of events will have you unable to put this book down. It is simply jaw - dropping.

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In the midst of dealing with a work crisis, Deputy Police Chief, Vera Boyett receives unsettling news from her half sister that takes her back home. Over two decades ago, Vera's step mother disappeared, leaving no clues or evidence behind. Now, her remains have been discovered and Vera is forced to return home to spend time with her sister and half sister, while revisiting her past.

As more and more is uncovered, it's safe to say Vera isn't the only hiding from her past and keeping secrets. In a small town in Tennessee, how many bodies could there be?

This book had me on the edge of my seat multiples times. I loved the various suspects - of various walks of life and ages and how their lives intertwined in a small town. This wasn't a fast paced book, but I feel like since it is book one in a series it was important to lay the groundwork and provide necessary background information.

My only complaint was not having more information about the situation that happened with Vera's job. Hopefully, some more of that information will come to light in future parts of the series. Not all of my questions were answered with this read, which has be excited to see what's to come!

Thank you to Net Galley and Thomas & Mercer for the advanced copy of the book in exchange for a review.

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Having never read anything by Debra before, I went into this one with a completely open mind and really enjoyed it.

I found the writing style to be unique and engaging. The story was very easy to follow, and although there were language choices that I don’t often come across in modern day novels (mama, daddy, etc), I chalked it up to cultural differences that I’m just not used to. The majority of the story was slow-medium paced, but it definitely picked up in the last 100 pages when the suspense began building.

Although the story was character driven, the plot was full of twists and ever-changing theories. Every time I thought I’d figured it out, things would change and I’d be back at square one. If you like playing detective, I definitely think you’ll like this one.

I’ve knocked a star off for two particular reasons:

- I wasn’t expecting it to become intertwined with romance, and it threw me off a little. Maybe this was because there was nothing to suggest romance in the description, and I don’t often pick up books with the mixture of genres. I also wasn’t a fan of how it was executed at times - particularly the sections like “this really stressful thing is happening, but look how handsome he is”. This is definitely personal choice though.

- The portrayal of dementia, which felt a little bit too stereotypical and icky for me.

Overall I really enjoyed this one and it felt different to a lot of things I’ve picked up recently, which was definitely a positive.

I’m giving it 4 stars ⭐️

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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This one kept me on my toes - that is for sure! Once I picked this one up, I did not want to put it down. 4 stars from me!

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I found this book and the entire scenario a little strange. Bodies, and still more bodies laid out creepily in a cave on a bucolic family farm? The writing is competent and the small southern town is nicely brought to life, But the pacing in the first half of the book was rather slow and with a truly too stupid to live scene near the climax, I’m afraid it was all a bit disappointing.

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A crime analyst returns home to investigate the death of a step mom no one really seemed to like. A run of the mill cop thriller from the 1970s. Dramatic, elongated, sadly average.

* It was a pleasure to read the ARC for Deeper Than the Dead, thank you D. Webb and Thomas & Mercer

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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Have you ever felt like you had everything under control but all of a sudden you realize you never had any control? That’s what the main character experiences throughout this thrilling read. As you are introduced to new people and new motives, you begin to wonder if you truly know those around you. The characters are real and relatable. The story was good and kept me guessing till the end about who, why, where and when. Highly recommend.

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Great beginning to a new series. Debra Webb has hit it out of the park again!. Love the characters and storyline. Vera is a great at character. Looking forward to more!

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Mystery thriller with good plot, characters, and setting. Made me think whilst putting pieces together and trying to solve the whodunnit(s). Subtracted one star because denouement feels not fully finished, but I’m thinking there might be a sequel to come.

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This is such a great thriller that will have you hooked from the first page. The main character returns home to a situation and things begin to unfold. I can’t wait for more books in this series. Debra is a talented author who plots her story very well.

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