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Dishonestly Yours

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Dishonestly Yours is the first book in the exciting, and new Webs We Weave series.

Told from dual points of view, Dishonestly Yours follows the story of Hailey and Phoebe. Hailey and Phoebe grew up in families where crime, seduction, and the con were the norm. After a con goes bad, Hailey and Phoebe are ready for a change and set out to a small town in Connecticut, desperate for a fresh start. That is until Hailey's brother Rocky insists on coming with them. Follow Hailey, Phoebe, and Rocky as they embark on one crazy and wild ride...

There is so much I want to say about this book, but I don't want to spoil it. Here is what I can tell you. This story is a little slow to build as it sets the stage for one truly unique tale. Lines are crossed and blurred and will leave you questioning everything. This story is filled with secrets, lies, and seduction. The characters pulling you into their story, leaving you desperate for more. And just when you think you know where this story is headed, the rug will get pulled out from you and the ending will leave you utterly speechless.

Dishonestly Yours is a fantastic read from beginning to end and I can not wait to find out what happens next!

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This book was 200 pages too long, seriously at almost 500 pages, it better knock my socks off and this was sooooooo dragging.

First of all, it’s like a young love romance turned we can’t be together turned i want you but i can’t have you and i’ll just have you know after all of that at the 400 page mark they still hadn’t even touched each other!!! Like it felt like a cruel joke.

Two, it’s about con artists doing con artist stuff, but actually they want to live an honest life randomly so just kidding we aren’t going to do anything exciting we are just going to live in a normal town and have a normal job??

Three, this is clearly book one in a series, and the rest of the series isn’t out, so it left book one on the biggest cliff hanger that left me feeling so empty especially after putting up with these characters for so long.

UGHHHHH I feel like I want to boycott book two but I know too much about these characters and may need to continue, but I will not even think about purchasing book 2 until the entire series is complete.

Overall thoughts: too long and also don’t even look at this book until the rest of the series comes out if you hate unfinished endings.

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Oh I really wanted to love these authors
DNF at 30%
I found myself very confused with the plot and the characters. I felt like something was missing.
Like I said I wish I could love these to authors like a lot of readers do.

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Unique plot, following the lives of con artist families as they try to stop conning and live honestly
has angst, tension, drama, sex, romance, found family
set up to really get you invested in all the characters
huge cliffhanger!!!

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All Phoebe and Rocky know is living the life of cons, but they are determined to make a life outside of that, to live honestly. It's not going to be easy, as it's become second nature to them to lie to everyone around them, but maybe doing it together will make the difference?

Dishonestly Yours is an engaging, tension-filled page-turner that is certain to keep your eyes glued to the pages. These two have a past, one that has them hesitant to trust one another or where their hearts are leading them...and those hearts are something they can't ignore no matter how hard they try. When you live the life of a con you are always wondering if you can trust those around you, mainly because you know they shouldn't be trusting you. Watching these two fight their feelings, try to deny their connection, and deal with outside interference's was heart-wrecking at times, but there were some heartwarming moments in there too. It was quite the emotional roller coaster and then I got hit with that cliffhanger... and now I dying for more! Bring on the second book!!

If you like angst-filled romances then I have no doubt you will enjoy what you find between the pages here... it's words are guaranteed to do a number on your heart!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving my honest and unbiased opinion.

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An amazing start to a brand new series by Krista and Becca Richie! This book was very character driven, and I think it was written very well. This follows Rocky and Phoebe, two con artists who are trying to conform to a regular life without conning. It is dual timeline, so we get a lot of flashbacks to previous cons. This is where I got a smidge bored and wondered what the point of adding these flashbacks was.

Phoebe and Rocky’s relationship was full of tension, angst, and chemistry. I was rooting for them the entire time because they had so many obstacles to overcome, both individually and collectively. I loved the way they protected each other and knew that they really did have feelings for each other. In a life full of conning, their feelings ran true and I thought this was so unique and beautiful to read.

There truly is a lot of potential with this series. I loved the found family dynamic and the idea of this group of siblings figuring out new lives together. However, I think the execution of it all fell a little flat to me. I wish there was more of a plot. Overall, I gave this book a 3.5⭐️ and am interested in seeing where this series goes!

Thank you Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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If there’s one thing I know about this duo, it’s that they’re gonna make me fall in love with a cast of characters. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the dynamic of the families together. I was laughing at so many moments between the 6 of them and I’m hoping for more whole family, non-con moments as we go through the series!

Phoebe, the seductress, felt like my baby by the end of the book. I just wanted everything to end well and have her get everything she wanted. I truly just wanna wrap her up in a hug and be BFFs with her.

Rocky, the silver tongue, the love of my life, the man giving Loren Hale a run for his money. The way he was so easily able to read Phoebe is the true embodiment of why I love friends to lovers.

The angst and the drama kept me continuously reading this book! I loved all the flashbacks to different cons through out the book. I felt like I really got to understand Phoebe and Rocky specifically because of these scenes. Although the situations and roles changed, the connection between these two never wavered.

I cannot wait to see where the rest of this series goes! I am anxiously waiting for a book 2 announcement 😂.

I am so grateful to netgalley and Berkeley for the opportunity to read this ARC!!

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I became a KB Ritchie fan years ago when they first self-published The Addicted Series, and I followed them through that and The Calloway Sisters series. Coming back to their writing is like going home to see an old friend. They have a way of writing characters that envelope you into their group and makes you feel a part of their story. You can’t help but root for them and share in their joy, heartbreak, happiness, or longing.

Filled with the Ritchies’ signature angst, they take two families of cons and make you fall in love with them. Phoebe, Rocky, and their siblings are definitely morally gray characters, but I loved their complexities and I so desperately wanted them to get their HEA. As they try to escape the family business and live a clean life in small town Connecticut, tensions between Phoebe and Rocky reach an all time high as they continue to deny the chemistry that has been there for years.

This is character-driven but with a really good plot helping it along. While the relationships between the Phoebe, Rocky, and the rest keep you invested, the flashbacks to the cons they’ve done, the uncertainties surrounding their families, and the many issues that arise in their new town propel the story forward and keep you guessing. I easily became immersed in their world and read this in one day. I loved the cliffhanger and can’t wait to see where book two will take us.

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I wanted to try very hard for this story but after 20% I couldn’t connect to either character. I found myself very confused with the plot and felt like I was dropped into the middle of a story that already was told. I love everything about this author and hope to give it another go on release week but as for this I am dnf’ing for now.

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This book was amazing! I was so excited to read this one as the premise is very unique and I am a diehard fan of the addicted series by Krista & Becca. Dishonestly Yours did not disappoint in the slightest. It is chaotic, angsty, and interesting, with the perfect blend of the found family aspects, drama, and childhood friends to lovers.

The characters are extremely loveable and each of them had their own makeup that made them unique and relatable. I loved learning about each character's strengths/weaknesses and how they have navigated through life as a con artist. The whole plotline was perfect, the way this story flows and has such an interesting take on contemporary romance. The plot is unlike anything I've read before and when this book was announced I immediately said that this would be Taylor swift's "Cowboy Like Me" in book form, which is 100% still accurate after reading.

Rocky and Phoebe are phenomenal characters and I LOVED reading about them!! They are both so complex, intricate, and have so much under the surface. I feel like this book did a wonderful job diving into these two and who they truly are. I know that the rest of the series will continue to build these characters and make them even more relatable. The character development just within this book was wonderful and I am so excited to see more!

The romance was literal perfection. These two have such a complicated history and truly there is no one else meant for them other than each other. I absolutely love the twist on the childhood friends-to-lovers trope, there is no doubt in my mind that Rocky and Phoebe are soulmates. These two are tied together and know each other SO well. Their chemistry, the tension, and the slow burn... absolutely everything!!!! I was genuinely smiling when these two interacted because their banter and everything about them together is so so so good. I am obsessed!!!

Overall, I am 100% gripped by this book series one book in. There are elements of their past writing, characters, and the overall vibe that we all know and love from Krista & Becca, so if you are nervous about diving into their work outside of the addicted series I think you definitely should still try this book out!! I am SO excited to see more of these messy but loveable characters, I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for book two as the cliffhanger had me speechless!!!!

Thank you so much, Berkley, Netgalley, and the authors for the advanced copy of this book! <3

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over hyped. This was average. Nothing special. It had some solid points but nothing to run home to mama about.

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I was so excited when we first got the news of this new Krista and Becca Ritchie series. I'm a fan of their writing and absolutely love their stories. Without giving too much away, this book is about best friends who've been con artists their whole lives who decide to start fresh in a small, Connecticut town after a job gone wrong. They want to break free from their life of deceit and crime and start a new and honest life, only things don't go as planned. For starters, they already start their new life with a lie, and things just spiral from there.

This has all the makings of a great Krista and Becca Ritchie story and everything I love about their books: humor, witty banter, strong friendship bonds, strong relationship bonds, flawed characters, gut wrenching moments, as well as intense, emotional moments, and soul mate love.

I love a good romance, but this book has one of the craziest slow burns I've read! I am so invested in Phoebe and Rocky's relationship and spent the majority of the book just wanting them to kiss already! The volley between will-they or won't-they was driving me mad! They have so much history and their love is messy, chaotic, heart-wrenching, debilitating, and intense! I feel like this book dragged me through a new circle of hell and back.

The story was so intriguing and I have so many questions after that ending. I couldn't put the book down and I feel like a bug caught in their web, writhing in agony, all the while the characters are looking at me ready to devour me slowly and painfully. I can't wait till the next book and the wait will feel like torture!

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Thank you to Krista & Becca Ritchie, Berkeley, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This was a solid first book in a new series. It did feel a bit long to me at times and the back and forth drove me a bit crazy; I was honestly just ready for some movement and chemistry in the relationship instead of the tension. These characters were really interesting, but I also wish they had been fleshed out a bit more. I found the plot and idea of the book really unique and fun! I think this series has a ton of potential and I can’t wait to see where it goes.

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Phoebe and Hailey are leaving the family business. They’re trying to make it on their own in the real world without pulling off any scams. Family is everything, but their loyalty to each other surpasses anything else. However, their two con artist families have different ideas.

I love the idea of a book featuring con artists, but this one didn’t grab my attention right away. Once things began to become interesting, the story ended. Phoebe and Rocky’s story should have been white hot, but the chemistry felt off. This might have been due to the drawn-out interspersion of past timelines. I'll be reading the next book in the series, though. 3.5⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley, Shelf Awareness and Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley for this complimentary ARC. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I fear I'll never recover from this book.

The dynamics, the settings, the love, the resolution, the CLIFFHANGER?!?!?

This is the book of the summer, and I never want to shut up about it. Seriously one of the best books I've ever read.

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Huge thanks to NetGalley and Berkeley Publishing Group for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review!

Y’all, this book had me in a chokehold from the start. This is a slow-burn (in my opinion) but the plot was so interesting to me.

We follow 2 families who are all con artists. Hailey wants to be done with conning the upper class so she and Phoebe set out for Connecticut to start living a life of honesty — well, kind of. They still have to navigate not conning since it’s all they know. They can’t reveal their real identity. But they still can start over. Rocky, Hailey’s older brother, decides he has to go with them because he has to make sure they will be okay.

Once they arrive in Connecticut, they do okay… for a while. But then their parents want to know where they are, what are they doing? As free as Rocky wants to be from their parents, he knows they may never be. Phoebe and Hailey don’t think that their parents are all that bad, not like Rocky. Rocky realizes the extent of their parent’s manipulation from the time he is 15 and he voices his feelings to his father for Phoebe.

Let me just say… their parents suck on so many levels. All they know, including Phoebe’s brothers Nova and Oliver, is conning and manipulation and yet they still did not recognize the way their parents were manipulating them. They can’t even fathom that their own parents would manipulate them. But Phoebe does realize this deep down and it’s why she will never act on her feelings for Rocky until the love she has for him can no longer be denied.

Out of all the characters in this book, Phoebe had the most character growth and I’m so glad for that. Throughout the book, Phoebe reflects on some of the unsavory cons she has had to endure thanks to her parent’s plans. I think she lost the most throughout all of their cons and watching her grow and the realization of her parents deceit was both heartbreaking and relieving for me, as the reader.

So much happens in this book that made me angry, made me happy, made me sad. Ir was so well written and had me so on edges It also ends on a cliff hanger so needless to say I am highly anxious to read book 2!

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I read this book in one night. I couldn’t put it down. The tension and chemistry between the two main characters? Absolute perfection. I loved reading about the life of these two con artist families, Great pacing, great storytelling, this is classic Krista and Becca Ritchie. I already can’t wait for the next book.

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Picking up this book, I did not expect ANY of the things that went down. And yet I’m completely HAPPY and CONTENT and SATISFIED with every single thing this story delivered.

It felt like watching movies such as identity theft and the oceans 8 movie starring George Clooney, except make it a family busniess of doing con work with a mix of amazing romance.

I’ve read the authors other works, but for some reason this one gripped me by the throat and made me absolutely obsessed. Phobe and rocky were literally so precious and perfect and I loved the dynamic between the two. I literally cannot wait for this book to be out and about an fun my hands so I can never shut up about it.

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arc review

I am so obsessed with this book! I loved the addicted series so seeing that KBR were coming out with a new series it was instantly added to my tbr.

I fell in love with Phoebe and Rocky and want nothing more to see their story continue!

This book had me feeling all the emotions (as KBR books tend to do) and had me itching to jump back in whenever I wasn’t reading.

I can’t wait for everyone to meet these characters and hopefully fall in love with them like I did!

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Overall Take:
This book is a fun start to an addictive new series.

Star Rating:
4.5 Stars

New Adult, Contemporary Romance

Pheobe grew up where deception and seduction are just how you get by. So when her best friend wants to take a break from the life they both know, and try to go “normal”, they do.

They end up in a small Connecticut town. The biggest flaw in their plan is Hailey’s brother Rocky found them and is along for the ride. Conning is in Rocky’s DNA and as much as the girls want out, they don’t think Rocky can let them.

Pheobe worries that Rocky will try to get them to go back to their old life and doesn’t want him to mess up the life shes trying to make. Can’t she just have a normal life with the man she loves?

This book was a lot of fun. It is a slow buildup but when the hits start coming, it works out nicely. Throughout the book there were these little breadcrumbs that were left, and I ate them all up. So, being able to reflect back on them was perfection. Found family is such a fantastic trope and it really shined in this book. Two families are thick as thieves and are each other’s ride or dies. Towards the end of the book there was also some fake dating, which is another one of my favs though this one did get messy. This is a hard book to review fully because there are a lot of spoilers. Let’s just say that I did end up getting what I was looking for out of it, even though it took almost the whole book. Despite that, I wasn’t annoyed with this slow burn as I felt it was done well. This is well defined as being a new series, and I think due diligence was done to ensure the characters were all set up properly.

This book did end on a fairly large cliff hanger, so know that going in but it is still worth the read!

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