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The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night

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"The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night by Lauren Farnsworth is a heartwarming tale of unexpected connections and the power of trivia to unite even the most unlikely of companions. Following the journey of five strangers thrust together on a trivia team, the story beautifully unfolds as they navigate life's twists and turns, forging deep friendships along the way. Farnsworth's skillful storytelling captures the essence of romance and the beauty of human connection, making this a delightful read for anyone seeking a book brimming with love, friendship, and the joy of life's surprises."

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When hurt people doing their best to get by become form a trivia team at their local pub, they become a found family that supports each other on the rollercoaster of life. The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night delves into deep issues like unemployment, infidelity, parenting woes, and mental health in a thoughtful way. This is the perfect book for anyone who’s thought: “My life is in shambles. Now what?” I rooted for the main characters from beginning to end.

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I really liked this one. I appreciate stories about lonely people discovering friends / found family and community and this fit the bill wonderfully.

I felt the mental health rep here is written with insight and sensitivity that allows the characters to evolve and grow.

An enjoyable read.

Thank you to Alcove Press and NetGalley for the DRC

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i am so thankful that i got to read this book early! thank you so much to the publishers and to netgalley. what a lovely story this was!! it was fantastic and sweet and precious and lovely in every single way!!!

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The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night by Lauren Farnsworth is a beautiful story about friendship and human connection. It follows 5 strangers who end up on a trivia team and how they form strong bonds despite their differences. I loved seeing how each character evolved throughout the book. As a trivia fan myself, I also loved how trivia brought them all together. Would recommend to anyone looking for a book filled with romance, friendships, and how life can bring you down unexpected paths.

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This debut novel, “The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night” by Lauren Farnsworth, invites readers into a delightful world where friendship blossoms over obscure facts and shared laughter. Set against the backdrop of bustling London, this heartwarming tale introduces us to five strangers who find themselves united by chance and circumstance.

Meet Bryony, Harry, Jaime, Luke, and Donna. Each is grappling with their own loneliness when they stumble upon an ad seeking members for a bar trivia team. The Red Hot Quizzy Peppers, as they dub themselves, embark on a journey that transcends mere quizzing. Their quest for camaraderie leads them to unexpected places, revealing hidden talents, vulnerabilities, and the magic of human connection.

This read is a delightful blend of wit, charm, and poignant moments. Want to know why I thought it deserved a resounding five stars? Ok, then first we have to talk about depth of character.

Farnsworth masterfully crafted characters who leap off the page. Bryony, the quirky librarian with a penchant for historical trivia; Harry, the retired accountant nursing a broken heart; Jaime, the enigmatic artist with a secret; Luke, the introverted IT specialist; and Donna, the free-spirited bartender; they all come alive with distinct voices and relatable struggles. Their quirks and vulnerabilities make them endearing, and you'll find yourself rooting for their happiness.

The trivia nights serve as more than a backdrop; they become a metaphor for life's uncertainties. As the team tackles questions like "How did prosecco get its name?" and "Which Mariah Carey song conquered twenty-six countries?"—they inadvertently unravel their own mysteries. The pursuit of knowledge becomes a bridge to understanding, and the camaraderie forged during these nights is heartwarming.

Farnsworth doesn't shy away from portraying mental health struggles. Each character battles their demons—whether it's anxiety, depression, or self-doubt. The author handles these themes with sensitivity, weaving them seamlessly into the narrative. The friendships that emerge become lifelines, proving that sometimes, healing lies in unexpected connections.

Forget grand gestures and clichéd declarations. The romance in this novel is subtle, authentic, and grounded in reality. It's about shared glances, hesitant confessions, and the warmth of companionship. The chemistry between characters develops organically, leaving you with a contented sigh.

The city pulsates through every page, from the bustling pubs, to the rain-soaked streets, and the Tube rides. Farnsworth captures London's essence, making it more than a setting as it becomes a silent participant in the characters' lives.

Beneath the trivia banter lies a profound exploration of identity, purpose, and the courage to forge new paths. The novel nudges us to look beyond the surface, to see the lonely hearts behind the answers.

This book is a gem. Farnsworth's writing is like a soothing cup of tea on a rainy day: comforting, familiar, and utterly satisfying. Whether you're a trivia enthusiast or simply seeking a heartwarming read, this novel won't disappoint.

Grab a seat at the Red Hot Quizzy Peppers' table, sip your drink, and prepare to fall in love with trivia, London, and with the lonely hearts who find solace in each other's company.

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for a temporary e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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In this book, Lauren Farnsworth explores the intricate dynamics of friendship and self-discovery among people. Set against the backdrop of London's vibrant pub quiz scene, this novel offers a delightful blend of wit, humor, and poignant moments that keep resonating.

The story revolves around five strangers - Bryony, Harry, Jaime, Luke, and Donna - each struggling with their own loneliness and longing for connection. From hilarious mishaps to touching moments of solidarity, the story is a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Watching them stumble through the ups and downs of friendship, love, and self-discovery is like hanging out with your own group of friends (and also constantly wanting to slap them in the face). Underneath it all, The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night is a love letter to the power of human connection.

A sincere thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Cheers to the magic of a good old-fashioned pub quiz!

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The Lonely Hearts Trivia Club was the best book I’ve read in a while. I feel in love with each character - each had such depth and it was special to be on each journey.

I loved how the pub quiz brought them together and taught them so much about themselves. A great story about being braver than you feel, the power of community and the importance of being true to yourself. A must read!

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The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night by Lauren Farnsworth

5 young adults (age 22-30) answer an ad to be part of a pub trivia team to find friends in London. The novel takes place over s series 9f months as the team competes in a quiz championship. The book is told from 5 different perspectives but always in the third person. Looking at the cover of this book I thought it was going to be light-hearted and funny. It wasn't. There were funny bits but it was a rich story of 5 people learning to accept themselves, as they settled into whatever their version was of adulthood. Even the young mom Bryony was rediscovering what it meant to be an adult and what she wanted after losing her identity into being a mom (she got pregnant at 17 and has 2 teenagers.) Mental illness was treated with respect; Donna's actions were very consistent with someone trying not to admit that they were suffering. I particularly liked Harry's slow realization of his own wants and power. This book reminded me of A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby; fans of that novel will find this one a modern kindred spirit. 4 stars
Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for this advance eARC in exchange for my honest review

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In Lauren Farnsworth's delightful debut novel, "The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night," five lonely Londoners embark on a journey of friendship, self-discovery, and the pursuit of happiness through the unlikely world of pub trivia. Bryony, Harry, Jaime, Luke, and Donna, each harboring their own unique vulnerabilities and yearnings, find themselves drawn together by a shared desire for connection. As they join forces to form a bar trivia team, the Red Hot Quizzy Peppers, they navigate the highs and lows of competition, camaraderie, and the complexities of human relationships. Farnsworth deftly weaves together their individual stories, exploring themes of loneliness, belonging, and the transformative power of friendship. What sets this novel apart is Farnsworth's ability to create characters that are both relatable and endearing. Bryony, the shy and insecure librarian, Harry, the charming but commitment-phobic bartender, Jaime, the ambitious and driven businesswoman, Luke, the struggling artist with a heart of gold, and Donna, the wise and witty retiree, each bring their own unique perspectives and challenges to the group. As the Quizzy Peppers progress through the trivia league, they learn to rely on each other, not only for answering obscure questions but also for navigating the ups and downs of life. They find solace and support in their shared experiences, forming a bond that goes beyond the trivia table. Farnsworth's writing is characterized by its warmth, humor, and poignant insights into the human condition. She captures the bittersweet moments of life, the awkwardness of social interactions, and the longing for connection with honesty that is both moving and uplifting. "The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night" is a celebration of friendship, resilience, and the unexpected paths that life can take. Farnsworth skillfully blends humor and heart, creating a story that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. This charming debut is a reminder that even in the midst of loneliness, human connection can be found in the most unexpected places.

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i did not have much high hopes for this because i like more romance over fiction, but this was a fun book to read and i liked it

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As soon as I stumbled upon the summary of The Lonely Hearts Trivia Night, I was immediately drawn to it. The novel follows the journey of five strangers who join forces to participate in various trivia night competitions. One of the things that I found particularly intriguing about the book is how the characters all come from vastly different backgrounds and circumstances, yet they form a bond that transcends their differences. The heartwarming story is a beautiful tribute to the power of friendship and the beauty of human connection. I highly recommend this novel to anyone who is looking for a thought-provoking and uplifting read.

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The kindle formatting was broken for me. I wasn’t able to read. Leaving five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for the ARC.

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I enjoyed the way this approached the multiple characters. There were realistic portrayals of adult relationships, for the most part. I didn't appreciate the portrayal of bipolar disorder. I would believe that the author did a great deal of research into BPD, and there were certainly pieces of the portrayal that were very accurate, but it still felt like a rushed and forced way to show a very serious and nuanced disorder, and that piece of the narrative felt very incomplete to me. That said, I do think it is important to have narratives of people with BPD living normal lives; Donna just felt a little too one-dimensional and defined by her BPD.

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I really enjoyed this charming, anxious little book. While each of the characters initially frustrated me with their shortcomings and quirks, it made for an incredibly gratifying journey to watch them learn and grow. I’ve rarely encountered a book that lets their characters be this messy, this frustrating, this deserving of a good shoulder-shake for such a dedicated percentage of the book. Despite wanting to dunk these characters into the Thames on multiple occasions, their consistent internal growth kept me engaged, rooting for them until the end of their journeys. The payoff of the quiz finals was so much more exciting because of far they had all come, and it was a delight to see their weird, diverse little group cement themselves into lifelong friendship.

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I thought this was going to a cute found family book but this was actually much deeper and a great representative for mental health. I loved the trivia aspect including the integration of trivia questions as chapter headings. The characters were all so interesting but would have liked a little more depth to each. I didn’t feel like I got enough from them for me to care much about them. Something about the writing style bothered me but I think it was because it used British references and humour which of course I’m not going to get. Overall, this is a cute short easy read I recommend

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I am very sad to report that I just didn't get on well with the writing style in this one. I think the premise is a really good idea however the start of the book felt too choppy for me to feel like I could really sink my teeth into the characters. I did DNF this at about 15 percent in, so I am unsure if these things are resolved by the end of the book. I struggled to feel. connected to any of the characters and at times felt confused by where we were in the story due to the way the book switches characters and locations. I don't think by any means this is a book to write off, it's worth giving a shot. It just wasn't for me.

*I default my DNF's to 3 stars out of fairness to the author.*

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It is a captivating story that had me hooked from the very beginning and kept me reading late into the night. First it was painful to see all these dysfunctional people in their dysfunctional lives, but later their characters started to improve.
I found the plot very interesting, and I especially liked the clever way the author linked some trivia questions with the plot.
There are quite a number of problems mentioned in the story like mental health, marital problems, parent-child conflicts, all very well handled.
Although there is not a traditional happy ending, the author gives us hope at the end of the story.
I really enjoyed this book and can recommend to everybody.

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Loved this book. My first book from this author. Made me a total fan with this book. would read this again and again.

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I enjoyed this story which follows several very different characters joined by Donna's ad to form a trivia group. I found the characters unique. The handling of mental health issues was done ok, and the friendships were nice. Overall a good read.

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