Cover Image: Bad Dreams in the Night

Bad Dreams in the Night

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Member Reviews

I loved this collection of short horror comics by @adamtots that draw on urban legends. I wasn’t familiar with many of them but that didn’t detract from enjoying the book as a stand-alone. Super spooky stories and great to dip into before bed! My favourites were Butter Corn Ramen, Bus Stop and Viola Bloom - which I thought ended the collection on a brilliantly ominous note! 😅🥺

The artwork is stunning and I loved how each story has its own style and colour palette. I also liked how the idea behind each comic was explained in a short summary at the end of each one, giving you an insight into the inspiration and process.

It’s a quick read and would make a perfect gift for those into horror stories, comics and graphic novels and beautiful illustrations.

Thanks to @andrewsmcmeel and @netgalley for the arc!

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I loved this!! It gave me all the nostalgic “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” vibes! I am hopeful he will write more!

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I am so thankful to Adam Ellis for haunting me and Andrews McMeel Publishing for sending me this beautiful copy before publication day -- April 16, 2024.

Bad Dreams in the Night is practically an adult version of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, and boy, oh boy, was this the book to read before bed because those nightmares were coming at me from every angle. I finished this in one sitting and absolutely devoured and digested each story.

There are tales of random body parts and bones in a woman's milk door every morning for her to find. There's a tale about a seriously addicting ramen shop whose recipe is to die for. There's a story about a woman named Viola Bloom, and as soon as you set your eyes on her, you're done. And I'll never forget the story about sitcom madness that seems to be more of a hellscape Kate can't escape from.

Beautifully scripted and illustrated, Bad Dreams in the Night will keep you up at night with your doors locked and eyes peeled because, like I said, you're bound to have nightmares after this one.

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I always love reading Adam Ellis's horror comics on insta and to have them all in one book is fantastic! Also the little snippets about what inspired each story afterward is so fun to read, especially the ones inspired by his personal experiences. A quick, fun read for a dose of horror and some really unique short stories!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for a copy of this ARC. All thoughts are my own.

This collection of short horror stories was a lot of fun. I used to be hooked on shows like freaky stories ("it's a true story, happened to a friend of a friend of mine), and are you afraid of the dark? This set of stories really brought me back to that, those urban legend scary stories, that belong around a campfire. Creepy, intriguing, and with all the right twists.

I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a short horror story, or even just the occasional dose of creepy. You don't have to read it all in one sitting, though I certainly did.

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If you like Adam Ellis' work on Twitter, then you'll like this. There were a couple stories from Twitter; however, I did enjoy reading them again. The stories are creepy, and a couple are a new take on old tales.

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I've been following Adam Ellis for years and love his comics.
This book was perfectly creepy and really gave the feeling of those old Spooky stories books I used to read as a child. I love the little text after each comic explaining where Ellis got the idea for the comic from. It gave the book so much more depth. I recommend this book to everyone. I can't wait to buy a physical copy of this book.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for providing me with this ARC!

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Humor, Horror and Art.
Honestly, it's all anyone needs.
I grabbed this without realizing that Adam Ellis was the author & artist (I'm impulsive and inattentive at times). I was pleasantly surprised and likely already biased bc I love his work. Bad Dreams at Night is no exception. Each story is of varying degrees of creepy and amusing. I love that they're each relative to Ellis' life, waking or dreaming. The art is perfect and at times icky. Again, what more do people want?

Thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the eARC!

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WHEW I always forget how much I fucking hate horror!!!! But I'm a huge fan of Adam Ellis's work, so when I saw a copy was available, I grabbed it.

I enjoyed the format of the stories - some short, some long, some so fucking creepy, so just weird - but I felt like some of the shorter stories struggled at being interesting. There was a concept but it never fully manifested, if that makes sense.

But some of the longer ones were really great and spooky as fuck and I really liked the notes at the end as to why they were written.

Also loved/hated the total callout for all millennials reading the girl with the green ribbon. Loved that we were all traumatized by that story!!

Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for a chance to read and review!

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Thank you Netgalley for the chance to review this,

I have been a fan of Adam Ellis for gosh I don’t even know how many years, so the chance to review this before it comes out is like a dream!

It features 11 horror comics in his signature style, including his take on the beloved “Girl with the Green Ribbon” and a longer, sicker version of hangnail comic which still makes me cringe.

This is such a quick and fun read, I can’t wait to buy one when it comes out.

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As someone who follows the artist on Patreon, I'd already read half of the stories. I was hoping for some more new ones, but I understand the decision to share the ones he did.

Most disturbing: Butter Corn Ramen (Mild Trypophobia Trigger Warning)

Favorite: Green Ribbon. I thought it was a cool spin on a classic.

Something interesting about Ellis' work is how soft the horror is. Some of them have shocking visuals and jump scare endings, but more often there's a quiet cliffhanger, a subtle feeling that the story will repeat itself with a new victim.

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Bad Dream in the Night is a collection of horror stories written and illustrated by Adam Ellis and based on his favorite horror anthologies he grew up with as well as personal experiences and nightmares.

I've been following the author Adam Ellis on Instagram for YEARS and was so excited to get an e-ARC of this book!! I remember reading bits and pieces of these stories on Instagram, so I'm really excited for them to be in book format.

The stories themselves are the kind of scary that's perfect for me - creepy and unsettling but I can still sleep with the lights off. I thought all of the stories were super unique and the illustrations made them even creepier. Ellis's telltale style really was made for horror. On top of this, I loved that the author put the inspiration behind each story at the end. It made me appreciate the stories even more and was a fun look at how these disturbing stories came to be.

5/5 stars, would recommend!

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I really enjoyed this, it was a great way to see his full comics without having to pay a monthly subscription to patreon. I definitely plan on buying it when it comes out.

I'm not sure if this will be a hit with everyone, as some people might not like the short story anthology format, and some of the writing is very social media new age, but I know Adam's fans will love it.

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This was an unexpected level of art and storylines all mixed up. I did like it, but It was difficult to understand at the beginning

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4 stars

What a good horror graphic novel!!! It's giving me a scary and thrilling feeling after reading it. There are 11 stories, each with a good plot and beautiful art. I highly recommend this as a short horror book that you can read in one sitting.

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Adam Ellis' ability to take simple aspects and experiences in our lives and turn them into something utterly chilling will never cease to amaze me.
The second story, Milk Door, was my favorite, perhaps because of the note at the end, which was hilarious.

If you enjoy Adam's art, his humor and how he handles horror, definitely give this one a go. Some of the stories have been seen before on Instagram (for me, at least), some have been edited, but they're all a great read and I will be buying this myself when it releases.

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I’ve always been of fan of Adam Ellis and his webtoons since his buzzfeed days, so I was really looking forward to this book.

This anthology has 11 different horror stories. A couple of them he has posted on his instagram page in the past. I kinda wish he had made all new comics to replace those. But besides that it’s an entertaining read. Each story brings that creep factor and some have that twist at the end. They aren’t scary but it’s still a good time. It’s a quick read and worth checking out if graphic novels are your thing.

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I've been Adam Ellis' fan for years and years, especially the horror stuff he's been doing lately, so I JUMPED on the opportunity to read this book. I read this in one sitting, and it was good- but not great.

The art IS great throughout, but the stories were a lot more predictable than I expected (and than the stories Adam usually posts on Instagram) It's like he chose the 'safest' ones for this release to play it safe for a mainstream release; but I don't think the world needed yet ANOTHER Green Ribbon reimagining, or r/nosleep creepypasta style 'This actually happened to me!' stories (though Adam did go viral about one of those, the 'Dear David' story). Maybe that's just me.

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Thank you NetGalley and Andrew’s McMeel Publishing for providing me this ARC

the art in this was great, Adam is really talented. but, i was a little let down by the actual stories. i suspect that they just weren’t the style of story writing for me but too many ended so abruptly as soon as anything creepy or scary was revealed that they felt more silly than scary/creepy. i still enjoyed some of them especially bus stop, hangnail, murder party and viola bloom.

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This graphic novel is awesome! It’s so addictive! I sat down thinking I’d read one or two at a time and instead I ended up reading the entire thing - I literally could not put it down. I didn’t do my laundry today because I read this instead. So good, so creepy, so amusing.

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