Member Reviews

I didn't finish this book. These characters make me crazy, with their peer pressure and ridiculousness. Two of the protagonists have already been accepted to their top colleges and don't want to compromise their positions; tell me why they even show up to the stupid party where dares are assigned anyway.

I can see how teens would like this book, and they are the target demographic anyway. They would hate-read the book, not realizing that they have too much in common with the characters of the book. For that reason, I'll buy this book for my classroom library.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #RandomHouseChildrens for the book #TheDare by #NatashaPreston. This book is about senior pranks and dares and everything that can go wrong. As four friends try to face and live with a tragedy from a fateful night, relationships start to fall apart. Desperation turns everyone to point fingers and try to frame others. Will they all end up in jail instead of college?

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Finished it in one day! I could not put it down!

I absolutely loved the entire story. The way everyone has become so paranoid of each other and rifts are forming between these friends is fascinating.

But the plot twists are the true stars of this book!

It's the final weeks of senior year and the pranks are beginning. But Rhett Wilder takes things to another level and they are no longer just pranks, they're dares. If you choose not to participate you are taking the chance that your secrets will be exposed for the world to see.

When Jesse, Luce, Atlas, and Marley are given their dare they didn't expect that it would wind up changing their lives forever. But can they keep this secret together or will there be a weak link that brings them all down?

On Sale 05.07.24

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I completely devoured it. It was so fast paced and so high anxiety I had to know what was going to happen next. This book was super suspenseful and had good character development and drama. And there were some wild plot twists too!

Overall this was a super entertaining YA thriller and I really enjoyed it!

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The Dare was so good. I really thought I had it figured out but it was intensely more complex than I would have imagined and it was fantastic! Marley has been vastly underestimated and go Marley it was something to see. I really enjoyed this prank gone wrong story that had so much more to reveal. Definitely a great read and I highly recommend it l!

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This one took a bit for me to get into, but once thing's got intense and suspenseful; I didn't want to put it down. Especially the last half, I stayed up way too late to finish and it was well worth the loss of sleep! lol

I've read two other books by Natasha Preston: The Fear and The Island (both 5⭐)
I think this book was my favorite ending! All I'm going to say is that Marley is a sneaky badass!! Highly recommend reading this when it comes out tomorrow. Thank you Netgalley for an arc copy, all opinions are my own.

I hated Jesse and I kept wondering what he was capable of. Truly terrifying. I was disappointed in Luce. And Atlas, well, I'd love to give him a piece of my mind...

There were some twists that happened that I suspected would, but it didn't take away from the story and it made me feel good when I got it right. Natasha Preston is great at making you think it could be anyone that's the "bad guy".

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I want to start out by saying thank you to @netgalley and Random House Children’s for an E-ARC of this book!

This book was a great read for me and got me out of the biggest reading slump I’ve ever been in! It was so good! It was giving major I know what you did last summer vibes. If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll know what I mean. It was fast paced and kept me interested the entire time. I was blindsided completely by the ending, I was actually shocked. I literally said “what?” and had to read it again because I somehow couldn’t believe it. This was a rollercoaster and I’m so glad I got to read it!

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Preston does it again! And again! And again!
The Dare Natasha Preston was such a fun ride!
It is a fast paced and holds your attention from the very beginning. I can honestly say I did not see the twist coming, and I was pleasantly surprised with how everything unfolded.
Natasha Preston is one of my favorite YA thriller authors. She always brings the most interesting and compelling stories.

Thank You NetGalley and Publisher for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Oooo I really liked this one. The premise reminded me a bit of I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER with teenagers trying to cover up a trauma. Even though the book was told from one perspective, it still somehow kept me interested and a bit surprised at the end!
Marley, Atlas, Luce, and Jesse are seniors and looking forward to their new lives at college at the end of the school year. They just have to get through the Dares that the rich, popular Weil brothers dole out. You better say yes to the dares or else they will find out your secrets and expose you in front of everyone. No one wants that. Marley and her boyfriend, Atlas, and Jesse and Marley’s best friend, Luce are dared to drive down a road at night with no head lights. Everything was great until they all hear a thump, only to find they hit someone. What would you do? Tell the cops and turn yourself if, ruining your chance at college and a good future OR cover it up and hope your friends won’t turn on you?

Thank you NetGalley for providing me a copy with this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Once again Natasha took me on a wild ride!! This book creeped me out but I couldn’t put it down!! I was completely blind sided by the ending as always! I can’t wait for more of Natasha’s books.

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In The Dare by Natasha Preston we meet Marley a senior in high school who is fearing the traditional dare that always happens at the end of senior year. especially since the Wilder brothers have been attending high school the dares have changed from funny pranks to scary and soon even life threatening. In her senior class it is red Wilder calling the shots they were once best friends but his families money and standing in the community obviously has gone to his head as he ghosted her the summer after eighth grade year. When they begin Marley counts herself lucky when all her her best friend Luce and their boyfriends Atlas and Jesse have to do is break in Mr. authors house the strange man who lives in town and steal a watch Marley finds this suspicious especially since the Wilders in Mr. Arthur whose ancestors founded the town have had a battle over his land but the stakes go way up on their next dare when her and her friends accidentally run over the loaner. Unfortunately this isn’t the worst thing that’s going to happen to Marley and Mr. Arthur isn’t the last one to die but why are they blaming her for the murders including her friends? Like always Natasha Preston has given us a very twisty entertaining YaThriller that does not disappoint there were things in the book that gave me pause but not enough to ruin the storyline I especially loved the twist at the end I thought her and Red making nice was a bit suspicious but like with all Natasha Preston‘s books nothing is done without forethought this is a very good read and one I definitely recommend. I want to thank random house children’s for my free ark via NetGalley. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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I really enjoy Natasha Preston’s books, and this book kept my streak going. It is YA so if that’s not your thing you may not enjoy this read. It’s a simple story, a group of friends are at the end of their Senior year, and this time of the year is notorious for year end pranks & dares. Some are simple, farm animals on the school grounds, glitter bombs, moving furniture around, setting off fire alarms … but some are more sinister, stealing cars, breaking & entering, erratic driving, etc. They don’t have a choice on which one they get (dare or prank), that’s decided by the Wilder brothers, if you turn them down, one of your deep-dark secrets gets revealed, and no one wants that. When one of the dares goes completely wrong, the group of 4 make a completely wrong choice, that will alter their futures forever. They all agree to “take it to the grave”, the secret should never get out. Somehow, someone knows what happened, and the 4 friends start turning on each other … who told? Who saw? Maybe one of them was in on it? You’ll have to read to figure it out!
The CONs I had for this book, there were a lot of characters, and especially when they started to turn on each other I was having trouble remembering who everyone was, and what their “story” was. Also, I feel like SO much happened at the end, I had to go back and reread, I wish some of the secrets and twists were introduced a little be earlier. But it was still a good read, and the typical Natasha read I like!

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So you think you've heard this story before with 4 friends involved in an accident and trying to cover it up, but YA suspense thriller queen puts her own spin on it and it works out very well. Some aspects/twists I was able to guess, some were a complete surprise. If you're a fan of her or of this genre, you'll have fun with this one.

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I really enjoyed this book! In the beginning, I really did not know where it was going or what was going to happen to make it suspenseful, and I was so pleasantly surprised and hooked! This was a great young adult thriller! Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for a review, thank you Random House Children’s!

I saw someone refer to this book as having “I know what you did last summer” vibes and that is SO on the nose! It definitely was a bit more of a young adult read, but was still fast paced enough to keep me hooked.

We follow the POV of Marley as she navigates the last two weeks of high school with her friend group. They partake in senior dares which land them in some hot water and we see relationships and dynamics begin to unravel.

It’s a solid read overall, but not my usual on the edge of my seat. There were some predictable points, but it was still worth the read!

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Struggled to get into the book simply because I was not particularly fond of any of the characters, and the idea of any Wilder Brothers, out in the world is quite terrifying. I enjoyed the tension between friends after a tragic accident bonds them together for life, the reader gets a glimpse as to how this starts to erode the friendship, and the paranoia that begins to set in. The pacing seemed a bit off to me but it definitely begins to pick up towards the end, culminating with a twist I did not see coming.

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Ooh this one was so great! I loved the high stakes and tension. Marley was such a badass throughout the book and I didn’t see the twists coming at all! I love love this author and can’t wait to pick up a physical copy!

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Thanks to Netgalley & Random House Children's for the E-ARC! Loved the setting & all the plot twists. Also very fast-paced. New favorite author!

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This is the second Natasha Preston book that I had a great time with until the end and then everything fell apart. This is an example of a story that I NEED at least one likable character. Not a single person in this story had redeemable characteristics. I wasn't rooting for a single person and especially hated what Marley did at the end of the book. Honestly, what was the purpose of that? It was so beyond frustrating.

On top of the obnoxious characters and painful ending, this was a pretty close rip-off of "I Know What You Did Last Summer." It wasn't even just inspired, it was almost directly ripped off for the main plot line down to the unhinged characters. I was really enjoying the dares and that aspect of the book, but once the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" plotline started, I began to lose interest. This book was just straight up frustratining and I wish I had found at least one character to like.

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Marley is in her senior year of high school, just weeks away from graduation. She has been dating her boyfriend Atlas for the past 3 years and her long time BFF Luce has been dating Jesse; they are a really close group and while looking forward to graduation they are nervous about splitting apart. To make the best of their senior year they join in on the senior pranks lead but Rhett who's brothers have been known to take things too far during their senior pranks. Rhett has decided to include dares into the mix and if you refuse to comply he will let everyone know your biggest secret. Marley and her grew were given the first day which was drive on the most dangerous road in town with headlights completely off. Jesse assures everyone it is no problem and everything will be fine; and it is until something jumps into the road and they hit it. Was it something or was it someone?

I loved this story just as I have loved all of Natasha Preston's books; the twists in this one were great! I definitely recommend!

Thank you Netgalley, the author and publisher for my ARC!

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