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Winter Lost

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Patricia Briggs adds another wonderful installment to the Mercy Thompson series with Winter Lost. Mercy's half-brother shows up on her doorstep cursed after a mission from Coyote goes south (or does it - one never knows when Coyote is involved). Mercy and Adam pick up where her brother left off in rural Montana and get caught up in the schemes of Norse frost giants.

As with all her books, Briggs brings a fast paced and exciting plot, with a killer sense of pacing and flow. Reading her books is like eating chocolate - I just finished my first bite; how can I be done already! My only major complaint was that every chapter was separated by an interlude that either had minimal relevance to the main plot, or the relevance wasn't clear until much later, breaking up the flow to the otherwise linear narrative. I like the occasional perspective change to add depth to otherwise unreliable narrators, but the number of pov's included seemed unnecessary.

Mercy and Adam also spent most of this book away from their pack and I missed them! That said, there was at least one most excellent scene between Warren and Sherwood worth waiting for. These two are now my new favorite pair.

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As soon as I saw a new Mercy Thompson book was coming out, I knew I had to read it. This series by Patricia Briggs is one of my favorites.

I really enjoyed this one. Had a hard time putting it down, so I could sleep, work, etc....

I loved getting to see POV from others beside Mercy. And loved to see how all the characters work together to do what needed to be done. And I'll be interested to see what's next.

Thanks Netgalley, Berkley Publishing Group. and Patricia Briggs for giving me the oppportunity to read this book.

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I love Mercy Thompson and will never stop reading this series. That being said, I found the lack of cohesion with the interludes confusing, and I just wanted more. Was there a point that I missed? Or were these random side character tidbits there just to take up space?

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Mercy’s back, but not whole after her outing in Soul Taken, and that’s weighing heavily on Adam and the Pack. But that won’t stop her from jumping to action when her brother arrives on their doorstep bespelled and unable to communicate. They’ll need to ask the Frost Giant in Montana who cast the spell to remove it, but that will pull them into the workings of a much larger spell and with webs connecting to many other stories. Briggs’ ability to spin a web of connections and explore a wide range of mythologies and histories has always been the draw for me and she had fun with this one. Not the place for new readers to start, but definitely a good addition to the series.

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I love this series so much. The story, the friendships, they pack dynamic and the way the characters keep growing and bonding, keeps readers hooked. I was a bit confused by some of the perspective switches and the timeline, but that just meant that I read it again and enjoyed it even more. Hope for more of Gary's story at some point, but it was great seeing him again.

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Mercy’s brother, Gary, shows up at her house traumatized and unable to speak. Mercy, even though her magic has been screwed up by a fae artifact, heads to Montana to try and convince the ancient creature responsible for the spell to release him. Too bad he can summon the blizzard of the ages! Along with Adam, Mercy has to figure out how to find his stolen harp to save Gary and ,no pressure, the world.
Another great installment in the series. Thanks Netgalley for the ARC. My opinions are my own.

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Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs, Briggs is a fantastic writer and for me she always delivers. If you are a fan of Mercedes and the trouble she always seems to find, you won't want to miss this book!

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Patricia Briggs has created characters that I love to read about and return to every year. Winter Lost is the newest book in the Mercy Thompson series that follows Mercy as she tries to save her family and friends. This book was a wonderful addition that included some new mythology that I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into. What I love is that Briggs gives us a break from the usual setting with the Pack and takes us to a new place with new people to meet and learn about in the wilderness of Montana. As always, this book was action packed and fun to read. I can't wait to see more books that involve Gary and his future with the Pack. As always, I highly recommend Patty's books for fans of action-packed urban fantasy.

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me this advanced e-reader's copy in exchange for my review.

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Reading a Patricia Briggs book always reminds me why I am right to set aside other books when I am just finding myself not invested in the story or characters. This is just another, in a long series of examples, of wonderful story telling and character development. I couldn't put it down, so invested in what was happening and how delighted I was to be back with Mercy and Adam!

Mercy's half brother Gary, shows up on her doorstep, incoherent and in need of her help. The only thing for Mercy and Adam to do, is to head up to Montana, where Gary was last residing, to find out what he was up to in hopes of finding a cure. Of course, when both Gary and Mercy are involved, it's pretty likely that Coyote is around somewhere, messing around with forces he shouldn't be. While we didn't see as much of Coyote as I might have liked (yes, he's a trouble maker, but he's grown on me!) he was definitely a key player....
When Mercy and Adam make it to the resort, they are snowed in with several others who "should" be preparing for a winter wedding... but the groom has not arrived yet and there is a mystery that needs solving before anyone will be allowed to leave.
Overall- loved it. There were some threads from previous books that were tied up... but I hate that the vampire Bonaratta is still out there messing with everyone. I have a feeling we're gonna see that come to a head soon though! Or maybe I'm just hoping!

Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC and the opportunity to read and review this book

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I definitely liked this more than Soul Taken and Smoke Bitten. It didn't wow me like Storm Cursed did, but I think that was an especially good installment in the series.
A couple of important ongoing problems get resolved (one for sure and the other I'm pretty sure), but one big annoyance is still looming in the background, which makes me cranky. I suspect/hope that will be resolved in the next book. I think Briggs is too good to keep this thing going indefinitely.
I was delighted that characters from a short story I thought was a one-off showed up in this book. Without being too spoilery, rereading <i>Shifting Shadows</i> before this comes out might boost your enjoyment.
The pacing was good, with a nice mix of action, intrigue, and relationship stuff. I liked the shifting POVs too. It's interesting to be in Adam's head sometimes.
I'm pretty happy with this one, and I think I'll like it even more on a second read.

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As an avid fan of the Mercy Thompson universe, this book was a good continuation of the series. However, much like River Marked and Fire Touched, acted for me in the series, I feel this book was a bit more of a "background" book. Dont misunderstsnd me, please, it was also a much-needed recovery from the previous book in the series, Soul Taken. To explain a feeling is difficult but it feels slightly more light-hearted with plenty of scary monsters. You come to understand that it serves a big purpose in the stories of the Mercy-verse but at the same time it doesn't tackle any of the big bads that have previously been established despite there being multiple to choose from. Rather it is its own identity of a story.

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This was a good addition to the series but not my favorite. I loved the addition of new folklore and characters, but there was a little too much happening with all the interludes that took away from the main story. It'll be interesting to see if the plot bits from the interludes come up again in future books though.

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This book is much like Wild Sign (Alpha & Omega series) takes us into the forest and away from the pack. There is a purpose to this. Briggs uses several interludes to show us how the pack functions without Adam and Mercy. It is very interesting. Also, how Adam's security business functions. The main plot has to do with another big bad, Gary, Coyote, and several fae--oh, and a surprise character that had me googling mythological arachnids. Briggs always weaves an interesting tale, and I love Adam and Mercy's relationship, especially in this book when we get to be in Adam's head for certain chapters. This is definitely not for those who have never given Briggs a try, but fans will enjoy it.

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Like a spider's web, the threads of the story are all connected creating a wonderful new addition to the Mercy Thompson series.

After the previous book, Mercy is left damaged due to an artifact called the Soul Taker. It's effecting her mentally and magically. When her half brother, Gary, shows up on the Hauptman's front porch unable to communicate, Adam and Mercy are off to a remote resort in Montana to find a way to cure his ailment. Of course, there is more to the illness than what they each realize. This sends them on a bit of a mystery and search for another missing artifact. Not only is Gary's well being dependent on them solving this mystery, but the world.

In Winter Lost, the format is a bit different than previous books. There are characters with their own chapters. For me, I believe these are to fill in some of the gaps in the back story of the new characters in order to eliminate the need when the mystery is the primary focus. It did throw the reading experience off for me a bit, but it wasn't so much that it changed my enjoyment of the overall book.

I am a fan of this series and always look forward to the next installments. This book is primarily all Adam and Mercy. It's nice to see the two working as a team and even at moment the more playful side of their relationship. The story also brings some new characters and mingled in with brief appearances by other past favorites. The mystery as a whole is really well constructed. I enjoyed how all of the elements twisted and wound around to connect, which, of course, it pretty on course when Coyote is involved. That being said, I do wish that the mystery elements had been a little more drawn out. For me, I think this would have created just a bit more suspense. The reveals are good, but they come a bit quickly for this reader. Despite that, it's a pretty solid book and part of the series. It was a fun quick read. The book doesn't leave any loose ends in regards to the mystery. While the story lead to does lead to some outstanding resolutions, there are still plenty remaining to be dealt with in future books.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the eARC and the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Mercy is still dealing with the aftereffects of having her mind ripped open by an ancient magic artifact. While, on the one hand, it's rapidly destroying her sanity, on the other hand, it gives her interesting insights into the true character of some of the other people around her. Most of the book is focused on Adam and Mercy on a mission driven in part by Mercy's father and brother, and it's nice to get some quality time with them as a couple. On the other hand, you only get a few little vignettes about some of the other characters, and it feels like either not enough or too much - the side chapters don't seem to serve much of a purpose other than to remind you these characters exist. I guess this is a problem in a fully fleshed-out world - so many people to spend time with, and not a thousand pages to do everyone justice.

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Thank you for letting me read this early. I have been patiently waiting for this next book. I follow the author and knew about the delay. It's nice to see how this relationship keeps growing. I gave this 5 stars on goodreads

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OMG!!! I LOVE Patricia Briggs! Probably because Mercy Thompson is my all time favorite book character across all genres! I may have already read this twice and I may already have pre-ordered a copy for myself. I inhaled it. First time around, I picked it up and didn't put it down until I was done! Second time was pretty much the same, only I had to put it down once to drive to a different location. lol So, Winter Lost is exceptional.

What is is about?

Well without giving too much away...Mercy is still suffering the after effects of the artifact from the last book when her half brother lands on her doorstep, in trouble. Mercy obviously decides to help him and Adam insists they do it together.

What did I think?

Obviously I absolutely loved it. It's kind of a fantasy mystery "who done it," only it's "who has it and how do we get it back?" I really enjoyed the fact that Briggs brings it back to a Mercy (and Adam) adventure. The last few books introduced us to a lot of the pack members and had them involved, which I loved, obviously, but Mercy is my gal. Adam basically entrusts the pack with all the problems they have to deal via a few key members with particular strengths and skill sets, showing a lot of faith and trust in his people. I bet they appreciated that and you can tell how seriously they take the responsibility.

Briggs nicely ties in past books, and introduces a few new characters to have even more representation. She buttons up some open plotlines from previous books and gives us a bit more insight to the Deities that cohabit the world. It was really cool how she did it all!!

I also love how she expanded the points of views you receive the story through, bringing the other pack members plotlines along via their point of view at given points of time. I am a sucker for a well written book with multiple points of view. I love knowing what goes on in different characters heads.


Obviously I loved it! What else is there to say? Read it!!!

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Mercy and Adam are struggling with the consequences of the Soul Collector when a series of things cause them to travel to Montana in a snowstorm. ARC from NetGalley.

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This was an interesting spin on the normal adventures that you have when you read a Mercy Thompson book. I was a little worried going in reading some early reviews, but I ended up really enjoying the story. I wish that the normal side characters got more time on page for us to understand their situations within the book, but Mercy and Adam were wonderful.

As I said before this adventure is a little different, and I really enjoyed the change of getting more Adam chapters, but it was confusing with the other characters who get chapters. I wish that the chapters where titled with whose POV we were getting at the moment. I don't feel that takes away from the story if it's just label it under the number. I am looking forward to the next book and will be adding these to my yearly re read of the whole Mercy Thompson series.

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LOVED IT! This installment was so different than anything previous. There were these interludes that, at first, seemed like they weren't part of the story, but they were. Long chapters from Adam's POV, which I don't remember Briggs doing much in the past. We were dealing with a bit of Norse was just a fun, edge-of-your-seat read. Fantastic story!

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