Cover Image: Worry Lines

Worry Lines

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Thanks NetGalley and publisher for giving me this free graphic novel.

I have to say, it is nice, simple and encouraging if you’re ever having a bad day. However I wish the graphic novel was a bit longer as I felt it was so quick finishing it. Still its a ok read..

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"You should be so proud of yourself."

"Does anyone actually know what they're doing, or is everyone pretending?"

"Here to grow, not to know."

"Plan for the worst, hope for the best, expect the unexpected, let go of the rest."

the little graphic novel is heartwarming and lighthearted. there were a lot of parts that were really relatable to me. recommending this to anyone who needs a reminder that everything will be okay.

˗ˋˏ ୨୧ thank you to NetGalley and Worry Lines for the digital arc in exchange for an honest review! ୨୧ ˎˊ˗

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This was so much fun, and a super quick read. Many of these comics were relatable, and many made me feel better or I had to show to my spouse.

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"Somethings are beautiful because they don't last forever"

"You're Doing Really Well Given the Circumstances" was a great reading.
All the experiences presented on page feel universal. Every person reading this book will see themselves in at least one of the comics.

It is not a self-help book, although it may be seen that way. I loved that far from focusing on toxic positivity, it seeks to embrace sadness and make it part of the healing process.

Regarding the art style, it's minimalist but conveys a lot with few lines. It suits the message.

In summary, it is a delightful book that focuses on positive self-perception and supporting mental well-being.

I'm rounding it up to 4 because I kept coming back to some panels days after finishing it. It's a sign that it's a book that I'll enjoy more upon rereading.

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A collection of comic strips (generally one to four panels) from the Instagram account of the same name, Worry Lines is book that would probably make a great gift for friends who are going through some mild stress or anxiety and could use something lightly inspirational with a comedic tone. Outside of that context, it's probably best enjoyed by existing fans who want to support the author.

I read an eARC from NetGalley, but this is definitely a book that will make the most sense as a physical item that can be handed to someone.

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Worry Lines is a collection of drawings from the Worry Lines Instagram account. Almost every single one resonated and I frequently found myself wanting to share them with others. Readers will likely want to copy a page and hang it in the office, or send an image to a friend. After reading this book I also went and followed the Worry Lines Instagram account, which is probably the goal of the book. :)

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Quality of writing: 5
Plot development: -
Pace: -
Characters: -
Enjoyability: 5
Ease of reading: 5

I struggle to review books like this. I feel like people that need this book right now, will benefit from it. But it won't be for everyone. It's not a book you should read in one sitting. It is a book you pick up when you are feeling not that great.
I've been following Worry Lines for a while now and their comics have always resonated with me. Do I recommend it? Yes. Because we all struggle sometimes and this book is just a reminder that you are not alone in feeling like crap.

Review copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Such a fun, cute, uplifting book. I love the graphic style and the mixture of funny and serious topics throughout the book.

Gonna grab this in physical form to keep on my shelf for days that I'm feeling low. Many pages hit me right in the feels - absolutely loved it!

Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for the eARC!

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Oh my gosh I freaking love this!

The art is funny, but still incredibly relatable with the struggles of being human.

I’m a particular fan of the section on overthinking.

You’ll basically want to gift this as encouragement for anyone going through a struggle and share the art cause people will get it.

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Was really odd, not complaining I expected it to be. I feel like this subtitle is not super accurate for most of the story. So it’s basically as easy to read as a children’s book there’s not that many words, lots of images.

Definitely gives you something to think about and made me feel seen with my anxiety and OCD. Though feel like it’s mostly about depression and anxiety. Mostly, when I was reading the story about like the coping mechanisms of counting or listing things. Very distracting but in a way that could get you thinking.

It was definitely extremely millennial by I thought there were some funny jokes.

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Worry Lines is an adorable, heartfelt book that truly made me feel seen and less alone. This book is a very sweet read for anyone who struggles with insecurity, depression, and/or anxiety.

Each page features a relatable comic drawing, some a little more sad and some a little more funny, and some a little more encouraging.

I plan on purchasing this book for myself to read when I need a pick-me-up, for my friends for Christmas, and insisting my therapist get a copy for her office!

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Worry Lines is a cute, short read. It's a collection of comics that range in topics like anxiety, giving yourself grace when you are sad, and... potatoes?

The illustrations are simplistic but will resonate with readers going through a difficult time. It's not quite self-help, but it could be viewed that way. Some of the comics are funny, while others cut deeper.

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You're Doing Really Well Given the Circumstances is an uplifting book made entirely of kindhearted drawings and short uplifting captions. Its primary focus is on nurturing a positive self-perception and supporting mental well-being. The book achieves this by adopting a simple, friend-to-friend conversational style that warmly acknowledges your emotions without delving into an overly analytical approach popular in today's world. This heartwarming collection embraces imperfections and guides you through life's hurdles with sincerity and warmth, offering comfort like a reassuring chat with an old friend.

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I have no idea where this comic originated. I loved it. It's so relatable. I probably did a million screenshots 😂. The artstile is cute and simplistic and I certainly enjoyed it.

It's a commentary on more or less universal situations of adult life. Like failing deadlines for instance my strong suit. 💀

It's probably the cutest and the funniest self-help book I read. (It isn't saying much because I don't read that many self-help books)

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You know, this is an adult book. Well, not an *adult* book, you know what I mean. It's meant for an older age group, not written in that talk down-y way that kids books are.

But MAN, is this a good book for all age groups, including, say, 5-year olds.

There's plenty of bits of humor that wouldn't ring true for an elementary school child, but the way this artist draws out big emotions, muddled emotions, feeling bad about yourself, taking pride in the little things. I couldn't stop thinking that a lot of these pieces would be fantastic framed on the walls in my home for both me and the 7-year old.

I am just in love with this little book of emotions, plants, potatoes, and coffee. And I will probably buy a copy for Jeremiah.

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I had never heard of worry lines. Worry lines are brief, minimalist cartoons, sometimes just a few lines, which address topics such as anxiety, self esteem, and just, well, yeah, just being in the world day to day. The focus of the book is that you are doing well, or at least the best you can, so just hang in there and, hey, try learning to enjoy life. There is a full plate of life out there, don't waste your time. And you are doing just fine. You are a human being. Your feelings and concerns are not a defect of the operating system.

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This is such a sweet book, full of bright, colorful drawings and words of encouragement and sentiments a loving friend would share. You're Doing Really Well Given the Circumstances is like a book full of hugs.

Having "one of those days" that's stretched into weeks? There's a drawing here for you. Feeling (fill in the blank)? There's a drawing here that will both acknowledge how you're feeling and remind you that you're okay.

In a world full of self-help books that offer pop psychology but no real balm for the pain one may be feeling... this book is different. There are no lengthy sections analyzing your actions (or lack of action). Just kindhearted drawings by someone who understands the human experience and translates it beautifully into sweet, simple drawings.

Recommended for everyone because we all can use encouragement at one time or another.

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC of Worry Lines: You're Doing Really Well Given the Circumstances.

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Miigweetch NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

"Worry Lines" is a heartwarming compilation that seamlessly translates the essence of the beloved Worry Lines Instagram account into a delightful book. The anonymous artist's ability to capture the intricacies of human emotions, from anxiety to love, is nothing short of remarkable. Each page feels like a reassuring pat on the back, and the whimsical tributes to the power of potatoes add a delightful touch. This book is not just a collection of illustrations; it's a genuine reminder that imperfection is a shared human experience, making it a thoughtful and uplifting gift for anyone navigating life's challenges.

I recommend this book to any reader in need of some gentleness or a reminder that it’s going to be ok.
4.5 out of five stars from me! An almost perfect collection of comics!

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This was a cute book of comics about mental health. It was both sad and positive, though I found the chapter groupings and comics and little disorganized.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this ARC.

A collection of heartwarming comics where everyone can find its place :)

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