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A Dark and Endless Sea: A Novel

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A man with no memory joins a crab boat in Alaska. The captain acts like he's been waiting for the stranger to arrive and seems to know more about the protagonist than our main character does.

A unique plot but not much horror or scares.

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Blaine Daigle has done it again: created a masterpiece of horror that blurs the line between nightmares and reality, blending bleak, visceral horror and encounters with animals that are just a, with incredibly isolated, atmospheric settings.

Perfect for fans of The Lighthouse (movie) and Dredge (video game).

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💥💥 Book Review 💥💥

A Dark and Endless Sea
By Blaine Daigle

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars

This was my first time reading a book from this author so I was very excited to jump into the novel. The author just throws you into this dangerous/risky horror atmospheric story that makes you seat in the edge of your seat biting your nails. It was dark and creepy. Sometimes it made my stomach bubble from the gore he has you picture in the novel. The writing was wonderful and descriptive. I really liked this book and will read more books from him.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wicked House Publishing for providing me with a free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC (my first!)!

The premise and intro to this book were so fun; a man with no memories is pulled to the sea and onto a crab fishing boat where he's met with distrust. He soon finds out that he's not the only one with dreams distorting his reality.

The middle felt a bit long with short bursts of chaos. The albatross scene will live in my head for a long time despite much of the middle feeling like a slog at points.

The end brought me back in for a satisfying finish. I'm interested in reading another of Daigle's books, he has an interesting point of view in horror and I've increased my rating because of that.

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Daigle has a way with words. This is a cosmic/atmospheric horror that fills you with dread from the beginning. HIs writing is eloquent and descriptive. He develops his characters well and makes you care about them or hate them. Highly recommend.

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Another splentacular novel by Baine Daigle!

Whitt has horrible dreams and a past he cannot remember. A voice in the dreams lead him to a crab fishing ship, the Sonia. Other crew members experience similar nightmares and use drugs to keep them away. The crew member soon turn on each other as they are unable to explain or comprehend what is happening on the boat. While at sea, parts of Whitt's fragmented memory start coming back and the voice promises him peace from the nightmares but at a cost.

Yet again Daigle has written a fantastic dark, atmospheric horror novel. The reader is drawn into the dark, cold and threatening sea as well as the horrifying dreams Whitt experiences. The writing is so good I could vividly see the boat, the sea and the underwater city in my mind and feel Whitt's loneliness and isolation. I loved the addition of the supernatural elements to the story. What is a story at sea without some sea creatures (monsters)! This is the third book I have read from Daigle and I have absolutely loved them all. High recommendations of this book and the author.

Thanks you NetGalley, Wicked House Publishing and Blaine Daigle for the copy of this book.

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If you’re looking for a captivating story that deals with complicated grief, isolation, sea monsters, and/or complex characters, this is the book for you.

A man with a lost past joins a crabbing boat that heads into uncharted waters. A voice in his head grows stronger and tempts him in exchange for his memories. The crew drifts into a surreal nightmare as they journey into the dark and endless sea.

Blaine Daigle has shown readers that he can write eloquent, thrilling, and emotional stories across a wide range of plots and settings. I find that each book he puts out is even better than the last (although they are all excellent), and he is definitely an author I will continue to follow.

I’m not usually a fan of unreliable narrators, but Daigle created such a deeply captivating character with Whitt. Despite not always knowing what was true or a dream, I was able to step into this character’s shoes and felt a lot of empathy for his plight. I also felt dread and a sense of claustrophobia being stuck on the boat.

This was a fantastic horror story, one I’ll definitely recommend to others.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Wicked House Publishing for a copy.

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Can Blaine Daigle do wrong? No. No he can't. I read his first book, The Broken Places, on Kindle Unlimited, because it was recommended in the Books of Horror group on Facebook. I love that group because the recommendations are frequent and fantastic, but there are SO MANY HORROR NOVELS. I ended up reading The Broken Places based on the cover, which scared the crap out of my son when he saw it. It was so creepy and atmospheric and had so many elements that I love (trapped in snow, a creepy town?? YES). A Dark Roux was next, and it was one of the most depressing books I've ever read in the best way ever. Again, so atmospheric, like am I IN the swamp?? Yet is was nothing like The Broken Places - it was a whole new level of creepy. When I had the chance to get the ARC for A Dark and Endless Sea, I jumped at it. I wanted that ARC. I NEEDED that ARC. I got it and I was not disappointed. Again, a new, completely different level of horror. Again, so atmospheric (trapped on a boat in the middle of an unforgiving sea with a mysterious captain?!), which is not easy to do. You find a lot of authors write what they know, so Laura McHugh sticks to poor towns in Missouri, Stephen King writes about Maine. But Blaine Daigle hits a variety of environments, draws in different horror elements, and it's just incredibly well done.

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What a ride! It's a mostly psychological horror story with some violence on the side, that reminds me a bit of a Cthulhian tale. Following the main character in his descent into madness, you join him on a journey through the horrors of stormy seas, as well as those within his own fragmented mind. I would have given it 5 stars but I had some issues with the ending: I didn't dislike it, but I felt there were some holes in it. I want to keep this review spoiler free so I won't go into detail. I think it could either have gone in another direction (there were so many possibilities!) or it could have been done a bit better, so it made more sense and felt right.
But, it wasn't a bad ending. I wasn't disappointed. I still very much enjoyed the book. Not only is it still worth reading but I'll probably read it again at some point. So please, don't be put off by my opinion of the end: read it yourself and form your own opinion. Even if you end up agreeing with me, I still had fun figuring out all the ways the pieces fitted together and imagining what other possibilities might have worked. It's a haunting book either way, perfect for any fans of thrillers, horrors, tales of the sea and, well, Cthulhu.

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A Dark and Endless Sea: A Novel
by Blaine Daigle
ARC Copy

Combine a little Stephen King and a little H.P. Lovecraft and you have an excellent nautical horror.

Whitt has almost no memories. He vaguely remembers traveling across the country following a voice that calls to him. Eventually he finds himself in a small fishing town where the Sonia, a small fishing ship awaits him. Is this where he will find the answers he has been searching for? Or has he found his own nautical hell?

I never heard of Blaine Daigle before requesting to read and review A Dark and Endless Sea. I now have all of his books on my "to be read" list. This was one of the most enjoyable books I have read in a long time. I was on vacation when I started this book and to be honest it took over the trip. Reading it in the evening before bed wasn't enough, I was looking for any spare time I had to dive back into the creepy mystery.

Daigle does an excellent job at setting the mood as you read about Whitt and the rest of the crew on a trip to who knows where in the middle of the vast uncaring Ocean. The small cast of characters makes it easy to remember who is who and brings you closer to all of them. I absolutely loved the character of O'Halloran, the captain of the Sonia. The mystery behind him and the iron will he shows to reach his goals made him the most interesting character to me.

The book's story of facing the unknown, questioning your sanity, and being led around by forces you don't know, understand, or trust was the perfect amount of horror and mystery. I cared what happened to the characters and felt invested in their well being. This is a very well thought out story and it did a fantastic job of keeping my attention. I didn't find myself questioning the events or actions that took place, and I never felt that the book was dragging or filled with needless pages of fluff. Everything added well to the story and kept the pages turning.

I was very satisfied when I finished the book in almost every way. The one disappointment was that it ended. I can't wait to read another book by Daigle and I absolutely recommend this book to fans of horror and mystery. Be sure to pick it up when it releases on June 7, 2024.

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What!!! This book was the best and most creepy filled, dread inducing ride!! This is my first foray into this author's work and it certainly won't be my last!

The story follows the protagonist as he tries to grapple with constant nightmares and loss of memory. He finds himself led to a crab fishing trawler where strange and eerie things take place on the open ocean. This book was claustrophobic with some stomach churning moments!

A really great horror novel that you shouldn't pass by!

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Imagine waking up every day with no memory of who you are, haunted by the same intense and horrifying nightmare night after night. This is the reality for Whitt, the protagonist of Blaine Daigle's A Dark and Endless Sea. Whitt's journey is a mysterious and chilling one, as he finds himself inexorably drawn to the source of his nightmares: a crabber about to set sail for the open ocean. As Whitt delves deeper into the heart of his nightmares, he uncovers dark secrets and unimaginable horrors lurking within the ship's confines. In many ways, A Dark and Endless Sea feels like a gripping blend of the psychological horror of Dredge (the game) and the claustrophobic terror of Event Horizon (the movie).

Blaine Daigle's latest horror novel, A Dark and Endless Sea, is a pretty gripping read. This is my second book from Daigle, and I can say that he really knows how to suck you into his world. The way he creates these isolated, claustrophobic atmospheres is seriously impressive. Even though the story takes place on a boat out in the middle of nowhere, you can practically feel the tension and confinement seeping through the pages.

And let me tell you, he doesn't hold back on the chill factor. The setting is freezing cold, isolated, and dangerous -a perfect recipe for some serious spine-tingling moments. You can't help but feel a sense of dread creeping as you read, like you're right there alongside the characters battling the elements and whatever else lurks beneath the surface. And man, he doesn't sugarcoat anything. This book is dark, cold, and definitely not for the faint of heart. I am talking blood, guts, and plenty of terror. It is full on in-your-face horror that doesn't pull any punches.

Alright, let's talk about the flip side.

While the beginning of the novel grips you with its intense atmosphere and relentless suspense, there comes a point after the middle where things start to feel a bit repetitive. It's not that the events themselves aren't intriguing, but rather that the pacing begins to drag, leaving you itching to uncover the mysteries that lie ahead. At this juncture, the narrative could benefit from a bit more momentum to keep the reader fully engaged.

And as the story heads towards the end, it starts to feel a bit worn out, almost as if it is running on fumes. While tension should be building, it sometimes feels like the story is just dragging its feet. You might find yourself wishing things would pick up a bit and get to the point already, instead of lingering on and on.

Another aspect that detracts from the overall experience is the side characters. Apart from the captain and his second hand, the supporting cast feels somewhat indistinguishable. Over time, these characters blend together, making it difficult to differentiate between them and ultimately diminishing their impact on the story. This lack of distinctiveness in the supporting cast detracts from the depth and complexity of the narrative, leaving some of the story feeling underdeveloped.

To sum it up, A Dark and Endless Sea by Blaine Daigle delivers a gripping horror experience. Daigle creates an intense atmosphere of isolation and confinement, plunging readers into a chilling tale set on the open ocean. While the book excels at delivering scares, it does stumble with pacing issues. Nevertheless, A Dark and Endless Sea remains an engaging read, showcasing Daigle's talent for horror storytelling. Despite its flaws, this 4-star book offers plenty of thrills for horror fans, making it a journey worth taking for those who dare to brave its dark depths.

Huge thanks to Wicked House Publishing and Netgalley for granting me early digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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this uses the sea perfectly and glad it worked with the horror element to it. The characters were everything that I wanted from this type of book and loved the feel of this. It uses the memory perfectly and thought that it uses the madness of memory perfectly. Blaine Daigle writes a strong story and enjoyed the way this was written.

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New author for me. I absolutely love the cover. Well written story, will definitely read more by this author. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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This book has such good atmosphere and it truly is a haunting read. I enjoyed this so much. I would love to see this play out as a movie.

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This book was tense as Whitt is trying to regain his memories while out at sea. It started off with a little mystery that just continued to build. As they ventured further, I was trying to read faster to learn what was going to happen next as quickly as possible. I was sucked in as Whitt and the other sailors all spiraled in their search for answers.

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Atmospheric, haunting, dark and original. If you are not already intimidated by the sea before reading this book- you will be. There is more to be afraid of than the ocean itself. Exceedingly descriptive and imaginative. You feel feel like you are on the boat with the crew. This would make a great movie.
Thank you Wicked House Publishing, Blaine Daigle and NetGalley for the advanced reader's copy.

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First off, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

This is the first book I’ve read in a long while that actually gave me chills. Thalassophobia: triggered. The visualizations I got from the underwater descriptions made me shiver.

Whitt Rogers dreams when he sleeps. It doesn’t sound unusual but his dreams aren’t normal. He boards a crab ship in search of relief and weird things happen very quickly.

This book was so descriptive and well-written. I was able to feel like I was on the ship with the crew. I’d definitely read another book from this author.

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Thank you to Netgalley,Blaine Dangle and Wicked House publishing for the arc of A Dark and Endless Sea

There is something absolutely nightmarish at the thought of being out to sea. No where to run, no where to hide from those voices, the haunting songs of the sea. Blaine paints a wonderfully claustrophobic atmosphere where Whitt Rogers boards a boat to fish for crabs after suffering from nightmares of an underwater town and a lighthouse. It becomes very apparent that all is not as it seems on this boat, something is amiss with the Captain and what is that green glowing light all about?

I loved how this book played out, from beginning to end. How it ties up and wraps around itself, squeezing you tighter into the story. The characters were well fleshed out and all had different voices, even though they were suffering from the same affliction.

A great oceanic horror, 4 stars

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This book is a must-read for fans of dark, atmospheric, suspenseful tales. It's a haunting journey that will leave you with lingering nightmares (the crabs!) If you don't already have a deep appreciation for this author's ability to craft a memorable narrative, this Lovecraftian fever dream of a story will do it.

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