Cover Image: Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea

Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea

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This book. Wow. Grab some tissues, but be prepared to laugh out loud inappropriately as well. You will feel everything that Jude feels and you will weep for her and cheer for her. Surviving her husband's death isn't as easy as everyone around you expects it to be so Jude goes off to find a place to heal and heal she does, but in the process, she also finds herself as well as making new friends and strengthening old ones. The problem is that you can't live your life on other's timelines, hopes and dreams, but rather you must follow your own. This is part of the journey that Jude must figure out on her own while dragging us along. It is so worth the journey to read this book and experience the heartbreak and learning to not only survive, but thrive again that Jude goes through. This author really knows how to write characters that engage and enthrall as well as make you want to kick some of them. I absolutely can't wait to see what journey the author takes us on next!

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Another beautiful story, set on Anglesey by Caroline Young. Jude, the main character is grieving for her husband when she decides to leave Oxford gir the Island. A place she had visited with Alex and held happy memories. Initially, she hides herself away in a rented cottage by the sea, but gradually she is enticed out and makes friends with 2 very different women. This gradually turns her life around.
The story is deeply moving, at times deeply upsetting and at others joyful. I can highly recommend this book.

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Brilliant return to Anglesey this time with Jude who is looking peace in chaotic life after the death of her husband. What she didn’t expect is to fall in love with the cottage she’s temporarily renting or with the people she is lucky enough to call friends.
Life then becomes complicated and she has designs to make but what is the right ones and who is the right one for her.
Well written and great to go back to peaceful Wales for another visit

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Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea is a book that can wring out your emotions and drive you to a tissue box. The aching loneliness of the main character is palpable and the setting just highlights the wretchedness of the situation. Jude is a complex main character. Certainly, learning that you move through life even when it’s hard, is a lesson in this story.Somehow the author, Caroline Young even evokes the mournful beauty of the island with the use of the Welsh language.

Having said all that, the book is uplifting as well. It is a story about love and second chances and being given your dream. The island of Anglesey with its quiet beauty and wildlife was almost another character in the novel. Perhaps the best part of the island were the people of the island, strong and practical, full of independence and life. I fell in love with the island, the people and with Jude.

Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea by Caroline Young is a wonderfully poignant read.

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I did not finish this book. This book was a well written book and I’m sure many people will find it appealing. I didn’t finish it because I’m not real familiar with a lot of the places they were talking about in England and I was not able to keep my focus with the book. The author did a good job developing the character, as well as the minor characters. I definitely will try to find another book that perhaps would hold my interest more.

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Jude Fitzgerald had been shattered by her husband's death, only a few years after their wedding, and was still grieving. She knew Oxford wasn't helping her, so made the decision to head to where she and Alex were so happy; the small island of Anglesey. Renting the small cottage called Hedd, which she loved with a passion, she spent her days walking the beaches, long lonely nights, often crying herself to sleep - and gradually she made a few friends. Jude has some wonderful support, including her husband’s best friend. He tries to help but there are complications. He has carried a torch for her for many years and this creates some awkward moments: especially now that Alex is gone. Yet, knowing this, Jude still turns to him for comfort as he is a kind shoulder to cry on. We learn he has his own lessons to learn and what he thinks he wants, may not be right for him at all. His journey is an interesting one with many twists and turns. The truth will make itself known while rendering some unexpected emotions and outcomes. I did like Jude and disliked Tom immensely as he is just wanting what he does have and is just despicable. This was a beautifully told story. It starts out slow but builds as the book goes on. I came to really like where Jude moved to and the friends she made.
It’s a nice romantic book perfect for your next beach read.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and publisher.

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I adored this book! I was drawn to this story when I found out that it follows Jude's journey through grief and it absolutely did not disappoint.

Secrets of The Cottage by The Sea weaves themes of friendship, family, love, grief and forgiveness and Caroline Young intertwines these themes so well.

This is actually book two in a series and if I'm honest I haven't read book one, but it worked perfectly well as a stand alone read.

Another book that gave me all the feels! I was absolutely routing for Jude and loved her character progression. ❤️

5 star read from me! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I can't wait to read more from Caroline Young. I really believe she is destined for great things as an authour. Watch this space 👀

Thank you so much to @netgalley and the publishers for my ARC copy for an honest review.

#NetGalley #CarolineYoung

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I picked this book by the title and cover only! Jude is starting over after losing her husband. Starting over, friendships, old love, new love, unexpected happiness. It has it all. I’m ready to book a trip to Anglesey! The description in the book is amazing.

Thanks to netgalley for the advanced copy.

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Although the second installment in the "Welcome to Anglesey" series, "Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea" stands alone effectively. Caroline Young crafts a poignant narrative, skillfully tackling various challenging themes against the backdrop of London and the picturesque Anglesey. The protagonist, Jude Fitzgerald, navigates the aftermath of her husband Alex's death, finding solace and healing in Anglesey as she grapples with grief and questions about her future. Young's vivid descriptions bring the setting and characters to life, drawing readers into Jude's emotional journey of loss, friendship, and self-discovery. "Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea" is a beautifully written story that resonates long after the final page, making it a highly recommended read.

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This was a very fulfilling story. Very sad in parts and very happy in others. The characters really brought the story to life and the surrounding fiitted it brilliantly. A very apt conclusion

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Just a lovely, feel good romance with lots of spectacular scenery- nothing not to enjoy as a light read!

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A lovely story although very sad at times. A young woman widowed and lonely decides to up sticks and move from Oxford to Angelsey in North Wales. Idyllic, but freezing in winter. She makes me friends and eventually everything turns out good for her. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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a cosy read, certainly good for holiday/summer. I'd not realised there was a part one, so maybe I was a bit out of the loop, but it was still good and had adequate mystery.

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4.5 shiny stars. Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea was the first book that I have read by Caroline Young. Even though it was the second book in the series Welcome to Anglesey, Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea can definitely be read as a stand-alone book. Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea was both moving and heartfelt. It covered several difficult topics that were portrayed very well and realistically. Caroline Young set her book in both London and on the tiny yet beautiful island of Anglesey located in Wales. Her vivid descriptions of the landscape and local people of Anglesey were so easy to picture and relate to. I fell in love with many of the places she described and was easily able to connect with many of the characters in Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea.

Jude ( short for Judith) Fitzgerald married Alex, the love of her life. They enjoyed a few blissful years of marriage until Alex was tragically diagnosed with cancer. Even though Jude and Alex desperately wanted to become pregnant and start a family, they were told that they were incompatible and would never be able to conceive a child. Jude had suffered more than one miscarriage. With Alex’s diagnosis, Jude realized that she and Alex would never have a child together. Then the inevitable happened. Alex died and Jude was left with her memories of him. Every inch of the home that Jude had lived in with Alex was haunted with her memories of him. Before Alex died he made Jude promise that she would return to Anglesey in the near future. It was a place they had visited on their honeymoon and fell in love with. They both had happy memories of the time they spent there. They had planned to return there again together but now Jude would have to return on her own if she wanted to keep her promise to Alex. Jude’s friends tried to be there for her through her grieving process but the house and London brought back so many memories that Jude knew she had to leave. She decided to go to Anglesey to try and heal from Alex’s death. Jude knew she required and longed for solitude. She appreciated her friends but she had to grieve in own way so she packed up her car, put her house in London on the market and headed for Anglesey.

When Jude arrived in Anglesey, a realtor helped her find a house that was available for Jude to rent and fit the requirements that Jude was looking for. The most important thing for Jude was that the house had to have a view of the sea. A home called Hedd matched all the things Jude was looking for. Its location allowed Jude to take long walks on the beach, something she didn’t realize that she needed so badly. Jude spent her evenings alone and allowed the tears to flow freely. How would she be able to go on without Alex? Then one day, a handsome stranger named Owain Pritchard knocked on Jude’s door carrying a box in his hands. He introduced himself as a local who helped other people fix, repair and build things on the island. He was carrying a Jack Russell puppy in the box and explained that this pup was the last of the litter and thought that Jude was in need of a friend. Jude accepted the puppy from this stranger and named the puppy Pip. Over the next several months, Jude came to love Hedd, the sea and the tight knit community. She made friends and slowly started to heal. Jude even enrolled in a course that taught introductory classes that helped her learn the Welsh language. Jude became torn between her love for Anglesey and the new friends she made there and the continued support and questions that her friends put forth back in London. Jude’s friends from London found it hard to understand Jude’s desire to stay in Anglesey. They wanted her to return to London. Alex’s best friend, Tom, had also expressed his feelings to Jude. He still had feelings for Jude. Jude realized that Tom wanted to make things work out between them but Jude wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She had chosen Alex over Tom all those years ago for a reason. Could she develop feelings for Tom now? Could Jude open her heart to anyone else ever again after experiencing Alex’s love?

Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea was so well written and beautifully executed in its descriptions. I really felt that I was in Anglesey with Jude and saw all the beauty she saw through her eyes. Caroline Young did an excellent job depicting Jude’s feelings of loss, grief, uncertainty and sadness. The themes of friendship, second chances, cancer, mother/daughter relationships and acceptance were prevalent throughout this book. All of my emotions were touched by this story. I admired how Jude evolved, grew and pursued the life she wanted to live despite the opinions of others. It was hard for me to stop thinking about this book even after I finished reading Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea. I recommend this book very highly.

Thank you to Storm Publishing for allowing me to read Secrets at the Cottage by the Sea by Caroline Young through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. It had a surprising amount of depth and well developed characters!

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Secrets At The Cottage By The Sea is actually book number two from the ‘Welcome To Anglesey’ series of books but can very easily be read as a stand alone with no problems whatsoever.

This book has very descriptive, wonderful writing and it made me feel as though i was there on the island of Anglesey, totally immersed in all of the story’s goodness.

It was such an easy book to read and right from the very beginning i was turning the pages faster and faster so that i could find out what was going to happen and how it was going to end.

This was a wonderful, heartwarming, emotional read and I thoroughly enjoyed it………

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I liked that this story seemed to come full circle as Jude was overcome with grief after her husband had died. She had promised him she would visit Anglesey in North Wales again for them both. It was very emotional watching her journey with grief and life and how her promise helped to heal her grief. I liked that she ended up with a second chance at love and a chance to get to know her mother on a different level.

The cottage by the sea sounded like a beautiful place to live, open your heart, and heal. This book had many Welsh phrases translated into English which added to the Welsh cottage, the people who lived there, and the beautiful landscape.

I really enjoyed how the book ended and the epilogue. I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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I must say that I first saw the cover, and that the synopsis seal the deal.

This was such a good book. It is not a fluff read, and I truly enjoed it.
Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC

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Grieving the loss of her husband, Jude Fitzgerald leaves Oxford and travels to Anglesey. She needs to soothe her soul and believes this is the place to do it.
Beautifully written with vivid descriptions of what sounds like a stunning island, we join Jude and feel her grief.
I found myself thoroughly invested in this book, it proved what I have always believed, there is no rhyme nor reason to grief and there is most certainly no time limit.
At many times sad, but also incredibly uplifting, this book focuses on the power of friendship, the need to be alone at times, the complicated relationships one may often encounter and hope.

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This story dragged a bit but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It's an adjustment reading this author due to language, customs, and unfamiliar country traditions. I found myself checking the dictionary for meanings quite a bit which interrupted the flow. I felt that Owain was not given enough credit or opportunity to express his feelings. Assumptions were made about his circumstances that didn't seem realistic.

Although I received a free ARC ebook from Net Galley and the publisher, all thought and opinions expressed in the review are my own.

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