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Cheaper, Faster, Better

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Cheaper, Faster, Better
Posted on May 26, 2024 by Jack

While I was browsing through Netgalley looking for an interesting read, I came across the name Tom Steyer. I am pretty sure it was in the business & finance section as I browse there sometimes for investment books suitable for a “RetiredGuy”.

Anyway, the name sounded familiar and then I remembered that he was in the debate for the Democratic Party nomination for President. Tom Steyer is a very successful investor and businessman. And ran in the primaries to raise awareness of climate change issues.

As a scientist, I see overwhelming evidence indicates that climate change is a great threat to everybody’s future and we are already seeing the early effects.

This book is “Cheaper, Faster, Better: How We’ll Win the Climate War” by Tom Steyer. Since climate change is a very real problem with multiple effects, including huge economic costs. I was not surprised to find the book in that the business section. The summary of the book sounded like I might enjoy it so I decided to give it a try.

But I was surprised at how optimistic this book is. Tom Steyer's vision is a world where we have broken our addiction to fossil fuels and replaced our dependence with newer technologies which will bring us into a future where things are cheaper, faster, and better.

The book is both very realistic as to climate change and the damage already done and optimistic about our future if we can act together address this crisis. There are extensive discussions on some of the new technologies and business opportunities as well as various roles we can each play.

I highly recommend this book for everyone.

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Excellent description of what has been done to save our planet and what still needs to be done. many 'new' technologies have been started, and need to be strengthened. Criticisms of petroleum and coal energy production is discussed, and the ways new technologies---wind, solar, geothermal, etc is being substituted for poluting energy sources.

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"Cheaper, Faster, Better" is a timely and thought-provoking manifesto for economic reform. Tom Steyer offers a compelling vision for building a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous society, grounded in sound analysis and moral clarity. While some may question the feasibility of his proposals, the book serves as a powerful call to action, urging readers to imagine a future where economic progress is not only measured by GDP growth but by the well-being and prosperity of all citizens.

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