Cover Image: To Break a Dark Cage (Book 3)

To Break a Dark Cage (Book 3)

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Member Reviews

Say it with me kids: gaslighting your partner into sex is not the way to fix your problems. Neither is refusing to communicate. We got it? Good.

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This series just keeps getting better and better! I love the back and forth between Gwen and Mordred. The storytelling is absolutely phenomenal and the spice is just right. Cannot wait for book 4!

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Such a lovely book! Cannot wait to see how the story goes on. I found the characters well rounded. I will wait for book four anxiously to see how the story will develop!! So exciting

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I flew through this series and this book was no exception and cannot wait to read more. What an easy and fun read!

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Gwen is the prisoner to a man she loves. She sided with Mordred's enemies and allowed a demon to grow. Gwen is sent away from Avalon but the magic has other ideas of its own. Now Gwen only has one more chance to save the island from war.

This is book 3 in the series. I read the first two on Kindle Unlimited and loved the story. It is a fantasy romance with some King Arthur inspiration elements, along with some spice.

It was such an easy read to finish off on. It followed on from the previous books nicely and referred to previous aspects just when I forgot about them so it was just nice to be reminded of all the little details. The only real twinge I had was how the miscommunication trope was executed as it just seemed like things couldn't resolve.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for my advanced readers copy of To Break a Dark Cage by Kathryn Ann Kingsley.

The WORST thing about this book is I did not know there was gonna be a fourth one. I thought this was going to be the conclusion. Now I have to wait to see what happens?! The suspense is killing me!
This book series is wonderful and wholesome. I love the heart you can tell the author put into this story. I will say the dialogue can be cheesy at times, but I would probably say the same things as our main character, Gwen, if I was in her shoes.
This book is filled with opposing viewpoints and morally gray characters. It's very refreshing to see so many different view points in one storyline. But they don’t feel overcrowded or fighting for the spotlight.
Overall if you like betrayals, magic, the king Arthur legend, and romance you will undoubtedly love this series!

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A super fun easy read, enemies to lovers vibes are great! Enjoyable and entertaining! Hopefully the next one is just as good!

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In this third installment of the series, Gwen is sent away to return to Earth so that Mordred can finish what has been started. He wants Gwen to be safe at all costs. But Avalon has other plans. Gwen must find a way to protect innocents, her friends, and the man she loves from disaster.

I am such a fan of this series. I had not read any of these books before NetGalley approved me for a review. I knew right away that this wasn't one of those series that you could just pick up and book 3 and be ready to go. So I purchased books one and two for my Kindle to prep. What a great choice! I'm in love! Take me to June immediately so that I can get my hands on book four.

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This series was not what I expected and right now I'm not sure I'll read the next book. This review contains spoilers.

I hoped Morded will get a good redemption arc, but instead he was still stuck in his way, Sure, he did not punish the elementals again (at least for now).

I am also not sure how I feel about Gwen. She was this girl that didn't want anyone to be hurt, even the demon set on destroying Avalon, but eventually she transforms into a person that's ready to kill everybody because her love was imprisoned (and rightfully so) and I wouldn't be annoyed with the ending if her personality hinted that this might happen.

And what's going on with Doc/Merlin. He's clearly influencing her final decision, just waiting for her to voice it.

All in all, I don't think the book is bad, but the whole series was not what I expected and that left me a bit disappointed.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review

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The romance was hot and full fo sexual tension. Loved how it was fast paced! The cliffhanger was brutal, though.

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Unfortunately this was a DNF for me. I found it hard to get into and it just didn’t draw me in like the previous two books. I think the fact that the plot for each book is essentially the same made it hard for to feel invested and even the broody Mordred couldn’t save this one for me.

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I enjoyed this one just as much as the first two books. I’m looking forward to seeing where the book goes in the fourth book.
It was well written with a good flow.

Thank you to Netgalley, the Author and the Publisher for an eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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All I can say is that book 4 better blow my mind because this book did not do it for me. i was disappointed. I really enjoyed the beginning of this series. That is all I will say.

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While I see a lot of potential in this premise, it wasn’t able to hold my attention throughout it like I’d hoped. Beautiful cover though!

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A thrilling third book

Wow, what a rollercoaster this book was! From the very start, I knew I wouldn't be able to put it down until I turned the last page. The plot was thrilling and surprising and I loved how the characters made decisions that I didn't really expect. It kept me on my toes. The romance is just as hot and full of sexual tension as before and the connection between the two protagonists is really beautiful and fascinating. This book was fast-paced and I loved how the author changed POVs to offer us a different vision on the story and what the characters were going through. It was filled with magic, love, secrets and danger, the perfect combination for a fantasy romance series. The secondary characters as just as interesting as before, and I have to admit that I really look forward to reading the fourth and final book in the series because this ending is UNBEARABLE!

I highly recommend this hot and intense fantasy romance series!

"I spoke naught of the survival of my heart. It goes with her."

TW: violence, war, blood, sexual content (a bit violent sometimes), assault

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Kathryn Ann Kingsley always does a great job in writing this type of book, it has that element that I was hoping for and enjoyed the overall feel of the characters. It had a great third entry in the Iron Crystal series, it uses the enemy to lover trope perfectly and glad it had that feel that I was looking for. Kathryn Ann Kingsley has a great writing style and it left me wanting to read more in this world.

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I can't wait to see where this story goes.
I need the next boo asap because holy cliffhanger.

This whole series has me invested. I have laughed and cried. It always has some good spice.

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I loved this. I loved the first two books and was so excited to get the digital arc for this one! I devoured this book easily. It was mind blowing. Go read this series

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To Break a Dark Cage
The Iron Crystal #3
Kathryn Ann Kingsley

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The small recap at the beginning was really helpful. It made it so easy for me to jump back into this series.

The pacing was good, overall. There were a few times where it slowed a little but it soon picked up again.

I loved Mordred and Gwen. Their banter and chemistry was perfect. Although the miscommunication trope made me want to bang their heads together at times 😂. The steamy scenes were perfectly done and I found the interactions between Mordred and Gwen emotional and passionate.

I liked the side characters, especially Doc and Eod (the dog). I'd love to get some chapters from Doc's POV because he's so weird 😂.

The world building was nice. I got more of an idea about Avalon, its magic and the history.

I did find some things a little repetitive, for example, the shared dreams, Gwen's magic coming and going and Gwen's indecision.

The ending was good and I can't wait to find out what happens next!

*Thank you to @Netgalley, the author, and the publishers for providing this ARC. This is my own opinion and an honest review, which I am leaving voluntarily*

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A Thoughtful Journey Hindered by Familiar Patterns

First of all, I’d like to express my gratitude towards Netgalley, Second Sky and Kathryn Ann Kingsley for generously providing me with a free advanced reader copy. This review is entirely voluntary, and I want to emphasize that it truly reflects my genuine emotions and thoughts about the story.

Star Spice ⭐️⭐️(½) rating 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Venturing into the pages of "To Break A Dark Cage," the third installment in the “The Iron Crystal series,” proved to be a journey marked by both promise and familiar frustrations. The extended duration it took to complete the book nearly led me into a reading slump. Once again, the separation of the main characters dominated much of the narrative, with Gwendolyn's path diverging from Mordred's for the majority of the book. While her journey held its own sort of intrigue, I couldn't shake the frustration of yet another separation from Mordred which could’ve been solved earlier if they just communicated. Add in the lack of character development and it left me feeling disappointed, especially considering my initial excitement for the book. Although the series could have found closure following a pivotal death, I understand the author's decision to continue the storyline.

Mordred's character development and their romance when reunited, provided a little highlight which added something to the narrative. However, despite these elements, I couldn't fully immerse myself in the story. My dissatisfaction stemmed from Gwen's character arc, which aside from the separation, felt unchanging and unfulfilled. Despite her aspirations of wielding powers to save others, her “growth” felt limited, lacking the progression I had hoped for. Witnessing her ongoing struggle with her abilities, particularly after two previous books of anticipation, became tiresome. This was the moment for her to embrace her powers fully, yet once again, the reader was left wanting, with the possibility of another installment on the horizon.

The lack of substantial worldbuilding and explanation of the magic system only served to aggravate my frustration. With each installment, I yearned for a deeper exploration of Avalon and its mystical elements. However, when Gwen finally gained some semblance of magic, the author missed the chance to fully utilize this opportunity for a deeper exploration of the magic system and worldbuilding, leaving me yearning for more yet again.

Amidst my reservations, I remain somehow intrigued by Gwen's journey and eager to see its conclusion. However, my enthusiasm is tempered by the hope that the fourth book will bring closure. I'm uncertain if I can endure another installment if it follows the same patterns. I long for Gwen to break free from her innocent façade and fully embrace her powers to save those she cares about. If the next book fails to deliver on this promise, I fear my journey with the series may come to an end.

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