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We Love the Nightlife

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This started very strong! The decadence, the pairing of two disco socialite vampires, the intriguing hints at the power dynamics in the vampire world… I was practically licking my lips with anticipation. But unfortunately the things I anticipated never quite came to fruition. One, it was slightly maddening to make it through this entire book and not see even the remotest smidgen of a hint at some sapphic vampire sex or desire. You’re telling me these ladies have spent fifty years doing nothing but go to clubs, dance all night, eat people, and have sex - but never was that sex ever with each other or another woman? Especially considering the front cover?? Two, I felt a bit let down on the vampire politics and worldbuilding front. This story is pretty much just about Nicola and Amber. I wanted to know more about Tamsin and Margaux and more about all those delicious little hints about the vampire world that had me so intrigued - it seemed like a novel setup compared to other vampire stories - but all we really get is how the vampire world relates to our main two. So without any gayness and only minimal vampiric worldbuilding, the rest of the story kind of wore thin for me after a while.

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This was so NOT what I was expecting from Croft, and it was delightful! A tail about vampires--their friendship, their toxic games in their friendship, maintaining that friendship, ripping apart from one another. Finding out about their past, their present, and how their stories interweave. It was a fantastic, fun read, and I look forward to her next.

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I loved the dark and mysterious world of Nicola and Amber's London. The two vampires have a complicated and compelling relationship after several decades of companionship amidst a changing nightlife scene. Through alternating perspectives and timelines we slowly unravel the plans that both women have for each other. The dry tone and humor throughout was a perfect fit for the book. It was a very fun and glamorous book for fans of disco, toxic friendships, and Interview with the Vampire.

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This was… so boring. What a DRAG?! Literally nothing happened and I hate that I wasted my time. It had so much potential and I love a vampire-esq book but this just was not it.

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I loved this book! It was different. I loved the character development. There relationships were intense and fun and dysfunctional. I loved the spooky party girl scene. This book was fun, fast paced and I will definitely be reading more from this author.

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A codependent toxic friendship and they are vampires! This book was so great. The first half made me fantasize about becoming a vampire myself. Around the middle, I was having second thoughts. And at the end, I wanted to be a vampire again!! lol

I loved the back and forth through time, finding out about "Nicola" and then REALLY finding out about her. I felt sorry for her in a way but she really did go about everything wrong didn't she. I really love Amber and ended up being so proud of her! Fifty years is a long time to be in a bad relationship, lover or friend!! Happy that it ended how it did, I was really nervous there for a while! I know Amber will be a great Maker to Courtneay and they can have a true friendship! YAY!!

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3.5 rounded up
Thank you to the publisher for the gifted (free) ARC

I love the way this author writes her novels!! So twisty and suspenseful! This book explores the dynamics between two women who have spent the past few decades together, but are now growing apart. One desperately wants to let go, but will the other let her?

This subject matter was a new one for me, so I was a bit apprehensive going in. I’m not sure I’d venture back into the world again, but I did enjoy the ride!

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𝗠𝘆 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 3 ⭐️
🤍𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: horror
📖 384 pages
𝗘𝗺𝗼𝗷𝗶𝘀: 🪩🧛🏼‍♀️🩸🍸💃🏼🍾🕯️💿
𝗣𝘂𝗯 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲: 8/20/2024

🩵𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲🩵

Thank you @berkleypub for the #gifted early copy!

WE LOVE THE NIGHTLIFE initially drew me in with its unique & creative plot set in a London night club, but it quickly lost its momentum, & was hard to finish. Despite its potential, the book draaaagged on, with little happening until the last 80% of the story & it felt too long. While I appreciated the unexpected twist towards the end, the overall execution fell short.

Despite the book's shortcomings, the writing remained strong, vividly descriptive, allowing me to easily visualize the scenes.

With its potential & imaginative plot, I could envision this story seamlessly transitioning to the big screen 🎬. As a book however, it felt slow paced & struggled to maintain engagement.

𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲:
◽️ alternating timelines
◽️ dual POV
◽️ vampires
◽️ disco
◽️ revenge

𝗣𝗹𝗼𝘁: In 1979 London, two disco-loving women, Nicola, a centuries-old vampire, & Amber, a lively American, meet, altering their lives forever. Nicola offers Amber eternity, but secrets lurk beneath the glamour. Decades later, Amber seeks freedom from Nicola's control, uncovering a history of deadly betrayals. Nicola suggests opening a nightclub to keep Amber close, but Amber plans her escape, risking everything. If she fails, the party ends for good.

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I love the previous book from this author Stone Cold Fox, but unfortunately this story was not for me. I think the characters were very good, but the plot was soooo slow. If you love a more character driven story than I would say this is for you, I just need something a little more than this book offered. I still look forward to seeing more from this author!

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I wanted to love this one — I really thought it was made for me — but it fell flat. I kept dreading picking it up because the pacing and character building was underwhelming and the plot was lackluster. It was definitely a unique story, and I can see a few of my followers who adore character-driven books picking this one up, but it wasn't for me.

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Thank you to Berkley Publishing @Berkleypub, and Netgalley @Netgalley for this arc. All thoughts are my own.

Nicola is a beautiful, brooding vampire for nearly two centuries when she meets the charismatic Amber. When Nicola offers Amber eternity together where the nightlife will taken center stage, she takes her up on the offer, but things are not always what they seem.

Nearly fifty years later, Amber wants to be on her own, away from Nicola’s controlling ways. But is isn’t so easy to break up a friendship, especially when she knows that others who have tried have ended up dead.

Nothing like a codependent toxic female relationship to get your juices going, oh and don’t forget that they’re vampires. This book had some fun and interesting aspects. I enjoyed the dual point of view, but at times I got lost in the past and present timelines. I felt that it sort of threw the pacing off and I just couldn’t hit my stride and it was a little unsettling. To add to it, the writing style was short and choppy. However, the story was still fun, and I enjoyed learning about Nicola and Amber. The cast of side characters helped add to the drama and make this an enjoyable read. I did find it interesting that Nicola and Amber loved clubbing so much that they wanted to do it forever. I am still racking my brain for something I enjoy so much that I would want to do it forever, and the only thing I can settle on is reading. So that has to count for something.

If you enjoy disco and vampires, you’ll love this book.

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I have a soft spot for vampire stories in my I was very intrigued by this real life vampire book. I always find it interesting what "vampire rules" each author lines up for their crew. How much does garlic, sunlight, crosses, stakes in the heart matter, etc?

This book takes on girl friendship, power within friendship, toxic relationships and we watch as one POV is trying to get out and the other is trying to keep her IN. While it may be about vampires, in a really fun and unique way, it's more than that as well,

I found myself kinda pushing myself to read. It seemed like the pacing was a bit off at the beginning. Overall, it was entertaining and a different read.

Thank you go NetGalley and Berkley for the advance e-copy of this book.

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If you grew up in the 1970s and/or are a fan of disco music, you might know what song has been running through my head since getting an ARC of this book!!

Nicola and Amber meet in a London dance club in 1979, the tail end of disco’s popularity. Amber, a vivacious young American married to a staid Englishman, longs for fun and attention, so she goes clubbing alone many nights. Both women see each other as kindred spirits, and their shared love of dancing cements their friendship.

But while they may share similar interests, they’re actually quite different. Nicola has actually been a vampire for nearly 200 years, and she thinks Amber might be the perfect companion to spend eternity with. Realizing Amber’s unhappiness, Nicola offers her the opportunity for immortality, where every night can be full of music, dancing, and glamour, without any of the trapping burdens of human life.

While becoming a vampire is exotic and exciting, Amber realizes that she still needs friends, and perhaps more. But Nicola is full of rules and wants to control Amber. And after nearly 50 years, Amber discovers just how far Nicola has gone to keep Amber right where she is, so Amber is ready to start a new life. The thing is, though, leaving Nicola may be the most dangerous thing she does—if she can even succeed.

The book is narrated by both Amber and Nicola, and shifts through time, from Nicola’s childhood in the 1800s to the present. It’s rare to find a story which has female vampires at its core, and these are really fascinating characters.

Rachel Koller Croft’s debut, Stone Cold Fox, was excellent, and this book, while very different, once again proves what a talent she is.

Thanks to Berkley and NetGalley for the advance copy. The book publishes 8/20.

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“I should have known the party was over when she casually suggested killing my husband back in 1981” </b>

🧛‍♀️ARC REVIEW 3.85 Stars 🧛‍♀️
Publishing Date- August 20,2024

What To Expect-
🪩Toxic Friendships
🪩Dual POV
🪩Dual Timeline
🪩Character Driven Plot

My Thoughts-
This was a fun book. 
Imagine being stuck with some friend you don’t even like anymore?? Well Amber feels trapped in a friendship with Nicola, so she is plotting and scheming a way to get out.

This book is basically about female friendships and control but vampire style. I mean I feel like we've all been in a toxic friendship in one point of our lives?? So it was certainly, an interesting read. This story was one part horror, one part women’s fiction, one part thriller. I kept asking myself, “wtf am I reading?” In a good way.

The two FMC were well liked. I was rooting for Amber and Nicola, separately. I was hoping that they would mend their friendship, talk it out maybe?? But in the same token I was like, “wow what a b****” 😂😅 The side characters definitely added to the drama that was seeped into this book.

The pacing dragged a little in the beginning, didn’t stop me from continuing, I didn't lose interest at all. Once the plot picked up I was completely immersed in the storyline, I ended up binging to the end.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes, vampires and reading about toxic friendships. It was a fun drama filled book to read.

🪩Hot Stuff- Donna Summer
🪩Dancing Queen- Abba
🪩More Than A Woman- Bee Gees
🪩Bad Girls- Donna Summer
🪩Maneater- Darly Halls & John Atoes
🪩Night Fever Bee Gees
🪩I'm Coming Out-Diana Ross
🪩Sweet Dreams- Eurythmics
🪩The Sign- Ace Of Base
🪩Stayin Alive- Bee Gees
🪩I Will Survive- Gloria Gaynor

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I absolutely loved Rachel Koller Croft’s debut novel last year, with its snarky tone and incredibly twisted inner monologue, so I was thrilled to have the opportunity to read her sophomore novel early!

We Love the Nightlife is the story of two young women who literally love their party girl youth so much that they become vampires to stay eternally young, beautiful, and ready to party. Nicola has been a vampire for many years when she meets Amber in the days of disco in 1970s London, and the pair become fast friends. Nicola eventually lets Amber in on her secret and turns her. Flash forward to the present day, where Amber is ready for a change in her life. The pair decide to open their own nightclub, but it may be too little too late.

The deliciously dry wit and tone are here again, but the whole book seems to pulse to the beat of dance music. Music are dancing is incredibly important to both of these women, and multiple scenes show how the clubs of London have been the set for most of their vampiric lifestyle. It oozes glitz and glamour, and reading about the changing trends and music in the club scene over the years was fun.

At its heart, this book is about female friendship and control, just with a vampiric slant. The vampires feel more human than in other entries of this genre, with real feelings and problems. They just drink blood on top of all that human emotion. The atmosphere is broody and dark to absolute perfection, adding a chill when hearing about the vampires needing to feed,

I was very entertained by the dual POVs and getting inside both Nicola and Amber’s heads, and thought that worked perfectly to tell their stories. Betrayal, murder, the glittering nightlife, and blood thirsty vamps…what’s not to love?!

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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We Love The Nightlife by Rachel Koller Croft is a captivating sophomore novel that delves into the lives of two female vampires in London, caught in a toxic and codependent relationship. Nicola, Amber’s creator, begins to exhibit more tyrannical behavior, prompting Amber to confront the reality of their dynamic. When Nicola betrays her in a drastic way, Amber is pushed to devise a plan to escape her control.
This gripping novel is told through alternating timelines between Nicola and Amber, creating a sense of suspense as the reader questions whether Nicola is aware of Amber’s plan. The short, easily digestible chapters make it a smooth and engaging read, perfect for readers seeking a fast-paced and accessible story. As someone with ADHD, I appreciate the structure of the book and found it to be a blessing for keeping my focus.
While the short, choppy lines in the writing style of the book align with its tone, there were moments where I personally craved more lyrical prose. This preference might stem from my familiarity with vampire novels that often feature poetic reflections on their souls and mortality. It’s simply a matter of personal taste, as I found myself wishing for a different approach to the writing at times.
I wholeheartedly recommend this book to fans of the horror genre, women’s fiction, and anyone looking for a deep dive into toxic relationships and personal agency.

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As someone who has never really been into vampire things (the lone exception being Twilight in middle school because duh), this book was awesome! It was so unique for a thriller and the whole vampire element was in such a fun but chilling way!

At its core, this story is about toxic female friendships and control. In 1979 Amber, young and married, crosses paths with Nicola while dancing in a nightclub. Soon, Amber learns Nicola’s secret and is invited to join her as her companion in eternal life. The two form a sisterhood of sorts, but as the next 50 years play out, their relationship turns different, more secrets start to reveal themselves, and the two vampires are propelled into a wild nightlife journey.

I loved the structure of this book and how it was told in two POVs: Nicola in the past and sharing her perspective on Amber and turning her + much more. And then Amber in the present day as she begins to question Nicola’s motives and plot against her. It was very cat and mouse, but so fun to follow along.

I also just truly enjoyed how the whole vampire thing was included and developed because it was done in such a way that was so casual like, “oh yeah I’m just gonna eat him anyway…” but at the same time, it set such an atmospheric and haunting scene. Plus I totally found myself enamored by the lives of these vampires and learning about how they operate amongst each other.

In true thriller fashion, you could tell the story was leading up to something big and there were a couple of interesting twists towards the end that I didn’t quite see coming that made it so good! And that ending was just totally bonkers and adrenaline fueled because there was a ton happening and you didn’t know how it was going to pan out!

While I did wish there was a bit more explanation and depth to some of the backstories, I did really enjoy this! The underlying themes of female friendship, loyalty, and living a big life were intriguing too. Overall, I can absolutely see this being a huge hit once it releases because it dazzles and disturbs in the best ways possible!

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YAAAASSSSS another banger from Rachel Koller Croft! I know I don’t have as big of a following as the others but I will tell everyone I know how much I loved this book! Stone Cold Fox was my FAVORITE read last year and this year I absolutely devoured We Love the Nightlife, pun INTENDED! This book was so much fun and this time there’s a more likable main character, but I loved Bea in SCF…. I know many didn’t but she was awesome and so is Amber! I recommend this one a million percent!!!!! I’m gonna have to get the physical copy once it comes out for my collection! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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This is one of the most unique books I’ve ever read and I really enjoyed it!

We follow two vampires starting from 1980-present time, their complicated relationship, origin story of their friend and all the mess in between. It’s a cat and mouse suspense thriller that centers around vampires in London during the disco era. If that doesn’t attract you, idk what will.

The little twist and turns throughout the story, including the big two near the end had me on the edge of my seat. I also LOVED how this book ended. It was so satisfying and gave me everything I didn’t know I needed!

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Sex. Disco. Vampires.
Eternal, infernal friends.
Toxic forever.

I write haiku reviews on Instagram but am happy to provide more feedback.

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