Member Reviews

What a beautiful tribute to an amazing plant!

I have been interested in the use of nettles for years, and this book is a wonderful introduction and deep dive into this plant. It grows wild on my farm, so I have a ready source of it, but I don't feel I'm using it as much as I could. Reading this book has reminded me how great fresh nettles are as an early spring foraged food source (and there are lots of great vegetarian recipes to try in this book) and as a dried tea.

In addition to culinary uses, Brigitte Mars provides lots of information about the plant, its history and traditional uses, medicinal uses, and fun facts. The book is full of gorgeous bright illustrations as well.

I recommend it for anyone interested in herbalism, foraging, and general plant knowledge!

Thank you to Netgalley and Storey publishing for the advance read e-copy. I plan to add the hard cover to my shelves when it comes out!

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First, I’ll have to say that what intrigued me to review this book was the cover & the title.

I’ve heard of the nettle plant and have had different teas or body care products that used nettle in some way, but I’ve never had an in depth break down of the nettle plant like I was able to read in this book.

Even the tidbit about how if you’re pricked by this plan and get some type of rash from it, there’s still health benefits that you’ll gain from that prick!! Who would have known!?

I would def recommend this book to anyone studying herbs or working with plant medicine.

I volunteered to read this ARC through NetGalley.

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The cuteness of the cover pulls you in, but the wealth of knowledge keeps you reading. Nettle Power is all about one of the most incredible plants - Nettle!

I had no idea how resilient Nettle is or how many uses it has. At home, nettle tea has always been a go to, so I figured learning more about nettle would be helpful. Little did I know nettle has SO many more uses! Don’t let its notorious sting turn you away. From herbal remedies, beauty products (like the ancients!) and cooking recipes, nettle is so versatile. I loved learning about the benefits for allergies and inflammation. It’s great to find alternatives to OTC medicines. I look forward to planting some nettle seeds and having some Nettle Power of my own this spring!

Thank you to Storey Publishing, Storey Publishing, LLC, and NetGalley for an ARC of this beautiful book.

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This book does a very thorough job teaching about nettle. The values of nettle, how to grow, harvest, and forage nettle. The author discusses medicinal properties, making, and using nettle medicine. There are cosmetic and cooking with nettle recipes.

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I started reading this book because I was curious about the title. It turned out to be a very interesting book that talks about the health benefits of nettles, as well as how to grow, store, forage, etc. I had no idea about the health benefits of getting stung with nettles and that people purposely sting themselves for medicinal reasons! Interesting recipes including recipes for shampoos. Looking forward to trying some of the food and drinks. Thanks to Netgalley for the eARC.

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Wow, did I learn a looot from this book!! And hello??? The art was wow, wow, wow. Will I buy the physical copy when it comes out? Yes, maybe.

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