Member Reviews

Tanner Hughes is on a search for not only his father but himself. His grandmother who raised him has just past away. He has backed up the house, ready to sell and move on to his next adventure. He has a few months before his next mission is to happen so he sets out to search for his father who his grandparents always told him they did not know. Hours before she died his grandmother gives him his father’s name.
Tanner sets out for Asheboro, North Carolina, to search for him. He has stopped for dinner, comes to a young girl’s rescue that turns around and backs into his car. This leads to meeting her mother and the sparks begin to fly. While Tanner is searching and working on his love life, Jasper is searching and attempting to protect a white deer that has been spotted in the woods near his home. Jasper is an 83 year old modern day Job. His story is heartbreaking.
Nicholas Sparks has a way of pulling on the reader’s heartstrings. The connection with the characters is for the most time automatic. My only problem was the two completely different stories of Tanner and Jasper. Their paths never seem to have any chance of crossing. By the time they did I was almost frustrated from reading two books at the same time. While Tanner’s life showed a little light at the end of the tunnel, Jasper’s showed only darkness and despair and it was a rollercoaster going between the hopefully story to the one of doom.
Thank you NetGalley, Nicholas Sparks, and Random House Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Nicholas Sparks has done it again!
I really enjoyed this book and trying to figure out how the characters would all come together. Enjoyed the relationship between Jasper and the boy. It was just a good book that I wasn't ready to have end.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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I have read several Nicholas Sparks and they never seem to disappoint, Counting Miracles is no exception to that either. This book had me captured from beginning to end. I fell in love with the characters and felt a connection to them. Tanner's career as an Army Ranger hit home with me too since my husband is also one.

Tanner has been taking care of his dying grandmother that raised him. On her death bed she tells Tanner who his real father is and that he is from Asheboro, NC. Tanner is due to his next duty assignment soon but he decides to see what he can find out about his father before he reports there. Tanner is run into by a young lady on the very first day that he is in Asheboro. His car is his baby so he is not happy about it at all.

When Casey, the young lady that ran into Tanner, takes him back to talk to her mom, there are sparks that begin to fly immediately. Katelyn is a single mom of two that is a doctor. When she and Tanner begin to talk, they both feel that something is drawing them together. The whole family hits it off with Tanner. Tanner is even introduced to Jasper, an elderly man that has had a rough life. Jasper is teaching Mitch, Kaitlyn's ten year old son, how to widdle. Mitch spends his Sunday's with Jasper.

Kaitlyn soon finds out that Tanner will be leaving soon and she calls off everything with him. Tanner is pretty fond of them all now so this is not easy for him. When Jasper goes missing though, Kaitlyn calls him and Tanner ends up going to help look for Jasper. You will have to rad and find out how everything ends up for them all though. You won't regret it at all, This is a very good read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book and all opinions are my own. Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advanced copy of this book.

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Was a little hard for me to push through, I wasn’t very attached to any characters. I was able to predict the ending, which isn’t my favorite, but I still love Nicholas Sparks and the book took me on an emotional journey!

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Wonderful book I think maybe more of us need to find ourselves and mentor an older person ! I find this book being good for me. I'd like to be like Jasper, to enjoy his Faith

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A story that feels so real. This book kept me interested and I wanted to find out the ending quickly so I read the book way too fast. It was over before I knew it. Don't you love a book like that? With the name Tanner of the hero of course he's a good guy. Very interesting love story along with your family involvement of children and pets also. Don't miss out on this book!!

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Another great book by Nicholas Sparks!! I couldn’t put it down. I enjoyed the characters development and a beautiful story line.

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It’ll sell because it’s Nicholas sparks. But man. I’m over it, because it’s Nicholas Sparks. I still read it and read it fast but I’m bored with them.

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A truly beautiful story. It’s one of those novels where halfway through you’re like where is this even going? You find yourself wondering when the MMC is going to go back to his original quest & then the ending comes. Sparks has a way of creating stories of fate and you not knowing how crucial details are until the end of the book. It was a really good read. 3.5 stars for me.

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I was fortunate enough to receive a complimentary copy of this book via ebook. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

Wow! Beautifully written. I can already sense another New York Times Best Seller for Nicholas Sparks.

This story is about Tanners search for his Father, mixed with a good ole love story that sparks from a fender bender in a parking lot — to Jasper’s story and his love for his family.

Thank you so much NetGalley, Nicholas Sparks, and Random House Publishing for allowing me to read this wonderful book.

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Overall, it was a good book that I enjoyed. I liked all the characters and it wasn’t a book where you could guess the ending.

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I have never read a Nicholas Sparks book, and I probably will never again.

The story was cute, if not underwhelming. At times it felt like a USAID and military advertisement. We get it. Tanner was a member of USAID. Move on. I went into the story excited to read a romance novel that had the potential to bring tears to my eyes like most Nicholas Sparks’ movies do. In the end, there were no tears, and now I can say I have read most of the Bible (what’s with all the verses?).

In conclusion, I’ll stick to the movies.

Published on Goodreads 02/28/2024

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This touched my heart in so many ways. Showing there is still compassion in this world. Being a survivor through heart break and the will to survive. The love end of this book of course was wonderful. No one can not enjoy this authors writings.

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Add this to your TBR for September 23, you won’t regret it!

To be able to read Nicholas Sparks new book early and review it, was a dream come true! 💖 For those who know me, my wedding tables were each a Nicholas Sparks book. I spent countless hours using my cricut to have in cursive the name of the book so the books could lay open with candles and babies breath. Each guest was a part of our story, and I got to use my favorite authors books as the center of my wedding. I love how each book he has Christianity in it.

But this book, oh my gosh heart! It was full of hope and so many amazing biblical references. One of the main characters kept connecting his life to the story of Job. Trials and hardships, but with beautiful endings. His story just was so hard to hear but the way it ended was just so sweet. His outlook on life and the situations was so encouraging.

I love how Nicholas Sparks has two separate stories going on in his novels, and somehow they collide. The other main character Tanner, just melted the reader. The perfect guy, single, but had a past and a hard time staying put after being in the service. But when he gets hit in the parking lot by Casey, the daughter of Kaitlyn, and you’re just anticipating this sweet love to happen. Tanner is so sweet with his son Mitch, and Kaitlyn can’t help but not notice it. But Kaitlyn went through a divorce, has two kids to think about, and he has never settled down. Both have guards up. So how can they do it? The chemistry, the sweet comments, the small gestures of affections….I LOVE a sweet love story and I absolutely loved the way Tanner showed his love to Kaitlyn.

Thank you Nicholas Sparks, NetGalley, and Random House Publishing group for the honor to read this wonderful book!

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Nicholas Sparks' books are always a hit or miss for me. There are some I absolutely love and others I could barely get through. This one sticks somewhere right in the middle. You get everything you normally expect from his books - drama, angst, tears - but I guess I'm just used to his books having a romantic theme, which this did not. I would still recommend it, and I know I'll be purchasing it for my library because most of my patrons are diehard Sparks fans.

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Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks
This story starts out with Tanner and he's heading to NC to find his bio dad. He grew up living with his grandparents and the last one he had just buried. She told him his father's name...His mother had died in childbirth. He grew up all over the world and joined a delta force type group. Loved helping others.
Story also follows an old man in Asheboro, NC, Jasper and his dog Arlo. He's concerned about the white deer, very illusive and always in danger, they can't blend in during seasons as well as brown deer. He tracks a few poachers down.. even talking to their father and it's all denied.
Story also follows Cassie and her mother Kaitlyn and the young boy Mitch. Kaitlyn is a doctor and makes house calls and helps with running daily bread food pantry.
Love hearing all the charity work. So much of their past lifes are discussed so you can collect all the information for yourself…
Like a type Sparks novel this one connects all these people together in the most fascinating way.
There is something for everyone in this book: romance, love, scary parts, mysteries, the morelss and so much more.
Received this review copy via Random House Publishing Group via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
#CountingMiracles #NetGalley.

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Sparks has done it once again... he has masterfully weaved together two heart wrenching stories about loss, true love, and the quest for ones family. I cannot get over how well his beautiful writing paints such a vivid picture in my head. I found myself fully invested in Jasper's life and Tanner's journey from the first few chapters. This is one that will stay with me for a long time.

Thank you to Netgalley and Random House for the ARC.

To the publisher: I found a few grammatical errors while reading. Here are the quotes as written
- 'Jasper stopped to have lunch, and as far as he could tell, Arlo to enjoy the sandwiches as much as he did.'
-'He ate canned tomato soup and lay down for a nap; this time, he fell asleep quickly and the alarm woke him right on time.'

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book! Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors and has been for quite some time. This book is not one of my favorites of his and found myself missing the typical romance his novels usually have. I found the book to be slow at times had to force myself to keep reading. I was surprised by heavy Christian tone the book had, which I had not previously noted in any other NS books. Tanner and Kaitlyn’s relationship seemed forced to me. I enjoyed the interactions between Mitch and Jasper thoroughly.

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This was a light, easy read. There were some sad parts, but I didn't find them to be soul crushing. Tanner is an Army veteran who never met his father. He ends up in Asheboro, NC in search of him, at the advice of his dying grandmother. In true Nicholas Sparks fashion, a romance is involved, but it's not over the top or even the main storyline. Other things I enjoyed were the Bible verses woven throughout Jasper's story (Jasper is another main character in the book. I liked how the verses were tied to the circumstances being discussed. I thought it was unique how Jasper's life was compared to Job's. I think the theme of the book could be summed up with Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. I give this 3 stars. Special thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this Advanced Reader Copy to me!

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In his captivating novel, Counting Miracles, Nicholas Sparks weaves a heartwarming and poignant tale of love, loss, and the enduring power of human connection. The story revolves around three compelling characters whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways, leading them on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Tanner Hughes, an Army Ranger raised by his grandparents, embarks on a quest to find his long-lost father after his grandmother's passing. His search brings him to Asheboro, North Carolina, where he encounters Kaitlyn Cooper, a single mother and doctor. Despite their initial hesitation, they feel an undeniable connection and find solace in each other's company. Meanwhile, elderly Jasper, living alone in a cabin near a national forest, is haunted by a tragic accident from his past. When he hears rumors of a legendary white deer spotted in the forest, he becomes determined to protect it from poachers. As these characters' paths converge, they find themselves caught in a web of emotions, secrets, and life-altering choices. Sparks masterfully blends the individual narratives of Tanner, Kaitlyn, and Jasper, creating a tapestry of interconnected lives. With his signature storytelling prowess, he explores themes of love, family, forgiveness, and the transformative power of human connection. Through their trials and tribulations, the characters learn to confront their pasts, embrace new opportunities, and find healing and redemption. Counting Miracles is a beautifully written and emotionally charged novel that delves into the depths of human nature and the resilience of the human spirit. Sparks' vivid prose and intricate character development bring the story to life, leaving readers captivated and deeply invested in the characters' journeys. With its poignant exploration of love, loss, and the search for meaning in life, Counting Miracles is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the human capacity for hope and resilience.

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