Member Reviews

The Pastor’s Wives tell all book had good intentions. It desired to be relatable and casual. It is very similar to the podcast in tone. Personally, the writing is not as focused as I would like and I would love a more thoughtful or discerning take on specific issues. It felt like the authors started with a premise (ex. PW should be able to have tattoos and crazy hair if they want.) and then it sought to justify it. The reader (who might even agree with the premise) might be better served if the principle was explained first and then fleshed out. It just felt a little too much on the defense.

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While I’m not a pastors wife, this book provides some beautiful insight and gives is a very different perspective.

I highly recommend this book for anyone in ministry!

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I give this 4.5 stars. I thought it did a great job showing what life can be like as a pastor’s wife. It humanized us and made us relatable as “real” people - not hyper spiritual icons. I appreciated the camaraderie I felt reading it.

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This is an eye opening read. Having been in the ministry for years (children's, kitchen, music), I was not surprised by any of the points made in this book. I did have a hard time relating to many references even though I am in the same age range. My upbringing was extreme control and isolation.
To any straight laced "old fashioned" Christian this book will be offensive. But hang in there. You may not agree one hundred percent, but there are so many things you can learn and apply so you don't beat down those serving in your churches. This book very much reminded me of the movie "Mom's Night Out". Watch it! It may shocked you with it's seemingly irreverent comical scenes, but in the end the message of the gospel and our true human state is strongly brought out.
Serve where God calls you to serve and be faithful no matter what is thrown at you. Ministry fatigue is very real. My experiences with pastors are a bit different in that Pastors and Missionaries are always being sent to conferences or on some kind of resting weekend while myself and other church servants are working regular life along with church service and never get a break. So the fatigue is real and sometimes you need to step back and refresh yourself. Also "no" and boundaries must be set up in every ministry. One person cannot do it all.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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These three ladies just get it! Ministry is beautiful, but it is so, so hard. These three have lived it and they want to help others that are in their shoes. The book walks you through the ins and outs of so many areas of ministry and it gives PRACTICAL advice to not only Pastor's Wives, but to anyone in ministry! Well worth the won't be disappointed!

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