Cover Image: Chilla Gorilla and Lanky Lemur Journey to the Heart

Chilla Gorilla and Lanky Lemur Journey to the Heart

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This picture book boasts colorful illustrations and cute characters, but overall, it felt generic, cheesy, and preachy. While the authors aimed to deliver a powerful message, the execution missed the mark. I appreciate the intention to teach kids about mindfulness, meditation, and mantras, but the message overshadowed the story. I prefer when messages are subtly woven into a compelling narrative, but this story lacked originality and felt too straightforward.

That said, I think kids and parents would still enjoy reading this together. Despite the story's shortcomings, the illustrations are cute and likable, and the characters are adorable. With a bit more uniqueness and a subtler approach, the book could have been much more engaging.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. These are my own thoughts and opinions.

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Story could be told more effectively with fewer words that have more impact. Message is delivered in a cheesy and preachy manner. Important lesson about how to handle emotions. Generic illustrations that lack expressiveness. Introduces mantras which is a good coping mechanism. Themes of friendship and normalising uncomfortable feelings are portrayed consistently. Lesson outshines the story. Overall, a mediocre read.

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I am so blessed to have recieved this free ARC for my honest review. This was such a beautiful read on a day that I really needed it. I have 3 neurodivergent kiddos aged 3-9 and this was an absolutely perfect beautiful story. I will absolutely be buying this for our bookshelf. It was meditating and mindfulness with kids but as you read along the story about 2 friends slowing down and working through daily stressors in a healthier manner. We here had a tough day of feelings and even as a parent reading this story I found my stress levels melting away. Thank you for this read 10/10

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Chilla Gorilla teaches his good friend Lanky Lemur how to manage negative emotions. He also lets him know these negative emotions are normal, but don’t let them dwell in your heart. I absolutely loved this story, so many good lessons. There’s also a little mantra Chilla teaches Lanky to help him cope. As a Christian, I would give a child simple Bible verses to focus upon, Gorgeous, fun, vibrant illustrations. I was blessed with a free ARC, and I’m voluntarily leaving my review.

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Chilla Gorilla & Lanky Lemur: Journey to the Heart prompts one of the essential learning events for all children. That is how to respond to the emotions. In that commission Kimberly Snyder and John Bier deliver in a delightful tale that also leaves children with a mantra to help manage those sudden up’s and down’s.
Preparing children to recognize the continuum of their emotions—from restlessness to feeling a need for a hug to admitting that others’ conduct can hurt—is one of the central tasks for caregivers. For Danish developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, assisting children with managing the tumult and joy of the emotions must precede learning. Otherwise, whatever crisis distracts a child will inhibit a mind. That is precisely the reason schools so frequently provide free- and reduced-cost meals. It’s the reason that school counselors so often must make referrals to other care providers. Until children feel safe, even against the frustration and delights of school itself, they are not entirely present.
Snyder and Bier assist in presenting a read-aloud story to toddlers. In all the scenes a troubling emotion is named and absorbed. Its energy is then reframed in a recurring affirmation: feelings come and go and yet all can be calmed where peace and love can grow. Concretely, this maxim prompts that necessary distancing of repose. Developmentally, it teaches that the conditions of a moment are always in flux. Recentering in the constants of one’s heart is the primary take-away from Chilla Gorilla. That’s a message from which those toddlers’ older siblings and friends can benefit, even while offering parents the space to take a few deep breaths themselves.

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This book was very cute. I loved the graphics, it was an easy read with a clear message for kids. My son actually asked for it multiple times after the first read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

This book was very cute and I enjoyed the illustrations. I enjoyed monkeys as a child (especially curious George) and this book also reminded me of the infamous gorilla, Koko.

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This is such a cute book. It has a great message in the story. Illustrations are beautiful. I would recommend it for a classroom or a home library.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for my honest review.

I wish I had a friend like Chilla Gorilla! He has so much amazing advice to give! And he really helped his friend Lanky Lemur a lot. I picked up some great tips too.

When Lanky feels restless, Chilla takes him on a fun adventure to get the sillies out! When something happens that makes Lanky angry, Chilla teaches him to let those feelings go and not let them ruin his day. When Lanky doesn’t succeed in doing something, Lanky tells him to stay calm, take a deep breath and figure out how to solve his problem and that sharing makes you feel better and lots more :).

“Feelings come and go, yet in your heart is a calm place where peace and love can grow”

Great advice as part of a nice and beautifully illustrated story.

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Chilla Gorilla and Lanky Lemur is a heart-warming story about friendship and overcoming anxiety. The story follows the adventures of two friends who learn how to deal with situations that are beyond their control. Chilla teaches Lanky how to use his heart to find peace and calm when his emotions are running high. By looking to his heart, Lanky learns to control his temper and find comfort and peace.

This book is ideal for children between the ages of 4 and 9. It offers valuable lessons on how to handle feelings of frustration, fear, and anger. The illustrations in the book are vibrant and adorable, making it appealing to kids. The book also includes HeartAlign meditation, which can be practiced in the classroom. The authors provide a QR code to access resources on this meditation and instructions on how to cope with different emotions.

I highly recommend this book, and I plan to add it to my classroom library to read it at the beginning of the year. It's an excellent resource for teaching children how to handle their emotions and cope with difficult situations.

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Chilla Gorilla and Lanky Lemur Journey to the Heart is a sweet, cheerful children’s picture book. Lanky Lemur is an anxious, fearful, and quick-to-anger cute little guy. True to his name, Chilla Gorilla is a very Zen sort of fellow. The two are good friends, and Chilla Gorilla teaches Lanky Lemur lessons on how to stay calmer, less afraid, and be all-around happier by using the wisdom of his heart. Donald Wu has illustrated the story with adorable, colorful drawings of the title characters and other jungle animals. Mighty Chilla Gorilla has a meaningful lesson for all of us.
Thank you to NetGalley and 4U2B Books. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book provided by the publisher, 4U2B Books, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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It was enjoyable. My four year old liked it and we would reread. Talks about feelings and that we can also find a calm spot in our hearts if we let ourselves breath. Not △⃒⃘lways true but a good way to explain to kids.

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Chilla Gorilla and Lanky the Lemur Journey to the Heart is a bright and fun story which introduces children to the concept of meditation in an easily accessible way. Follow Lanky as he tackles big emotions like anger, frustration, and fear, with guidance from Chilla.

I loved the way this book helped explain the link between thoughts and feelings, and validated and normalised difficult feelings. The messaging around mindfulness and meditation is simple and repeated throughout the book to help children to learn, as they follow Lanky through relatable situations. I thought the story did a great job of normalising energy, and ‘needing to get the sillies out’, whilst presenting strategies for calm and managing difficult feelings. The illustrations were vibrant and engaging, and really supported children to understand Lanky and Chilla’s feelings at any given moment!

This would be a great book for children and grownups to share. The example exercises at the back can be used by children to apply the skill to their daily life. I couldn’t link to the QR code, but once it is available I think the tracks would be a great way of experimenting with these skills in daily life.

Thank you 4U2B Books & Media, and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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This is a great children's book for anxiety .and anger management. I may recommend this to my 30 year old son, because it has great suggestions and advise. The illustrations are bright and colorful!. This book presents great solutions for anxiety, fear and frustrations. I highly recommend it.

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Chilla Gorilla and Lanky Lemur Journey to the Heart is an excellent story that teaches young children about emotions and feelings and how to respond to both.

Chilla Gorilla teaches his friend Lanky Lemur about the emotions and feelings Lanky is having and gives him tools to manage what he’s experiencing.

I appreciated that the story showed emotions and feelings of all kinds (restless, anger, fear, etc.) and explained it was ok to feel these things while also offering coping mechanisms to process those emotions and feelings. The illustrations are beautiful and very colorful and will hold the attention of young children. I definitely recommend this book for young children.

Thank you NetGalley and 4U2B Books & Media for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Publishing May 28, 2024

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What a cute book- The art and characters are adorable. It is a great book for kids to help process their big feelings and a reminder when those emotions start to brew, to use the tools to help process them. I have a feeling this will be a favorite of my daughter’s given the photos and the fun story with a great message.

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This was a cute story .I loved the illustrations .I would recommend this for kindergarten age .Lessons are learned in this story and how friends can help each other .

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This was a cute story. My 7 year old loved reading about the events Lanky and Chilla experienced. It was great at showcasing different emotions and the causes behind them. Great illustrations as well. Simple story for young readers as well. Relatable and cute. Loved the affirmation repeated throughout.

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I adored the bond between Chilla Gorilla and Lanky Lemur. The way Chilla Gorilla helps Lemur understand his feelings inspired me as a parent. My daughter struggles to deal with her feelings all the time. I plan to read this book with my daughter. I feel that my daughter will enjoy the vibrant and Hawaiian style of the illustrations. Children may resonate with Lemur and feel like they are experiencing each moment with him and Chilla. I hope this book brings parents and their children together and teaches them new ways to manage emotions.

I received an advanced review copy for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I absolutely loved this book! I feel like this is great for kids of any age but perfect for my 4 year old. Learning how to find calm and peace within yourself when things get hard is a life skill. The illustrations were wonderful and the story was quick and easy to read. The words flowed in a nice rhythm which makes it great for reading over and over again.

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