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I Need You to Read This

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Member Reviews

This book is filled with twists and turns right down to the last chapter. I couldn’t put it down. I didn’t know who was the bad guy until the end. This is a must read. I really enjoyed there being a limited amount of characters allowing the reader to really learn about each one. Pre order this book now!

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Suspenseful and engrossing, I Need You to Read This is a creepy yet satisfying murder mystery. One that tackles difficult subjects while also eliciting nostalgia for newspapers and famous advice columnists. A gripping and intense, yet easy to read and entertaining novel by Jessa Maxwell.

Alex Marks lives in New York City and has a steady but boring job writing copy for a pharmaceutical company. But after her hero, Dear Constance advice columnist Francis Keen, is murdered, she applies for and is hired to take over the weekly column. As she dives into her dream job, she starts receiving threatening letters and noticing the strange behavior of the paper’s editor-in-chief as well as her assistant. As she starts to investigate, she worries what she will find about her heroes and fears her own dark past will finally catch up with her, leading to a deadly outcome much like her predecessor.

The murder mystery on its own is engaging, grabbing your attention and propelling you through this book. But the more intriguing aspect of I Need You to Read This are the themes of mistakes people make, how we avoid moving on from mistakes in a timely manner and therefore let them control our behavior, and that sometimes you need to reinvent yourself to find happiness. This is what gives the characters in this story depth, especially Alex, and has you rooting for a successful outcome.

Additionally, with the book centered around an advice column with the purpose to help people who are struggling, it’s a good reminder that everyone has something going on in their lives and that having empathy for others is a critical skill that we all need to exhibit on a more regular basis to make the world a better place.

A mystery that entertains while also making you think about life. Can’t go wrong with that combo.

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Beautifully twisted! And even better, another frank portrayal of agoraphobia mixed with anxiety and OCD. It's important to write about characters who struggle with mental health concerns because every little bit counts toward eradicating the stigma.

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Thank you so much for this ARC!

After enjoying Maxwell's first novel, I was so happy to receive her latest. I LOVED it! I am definitely in favor of her thriller writing in comparison to the "cozy" feeling of The Golden Spoon. Such an interesting premise (loved the letters) and the setting was so creepy/crawly in the old office building. Lucy gave me the strangest vibes, I will leave it at that.

Alex was a great character and I really rooted for her and was intrigued by what she was running from.

Highly recommend, could not get through this one fast enough!

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Interesting read! Definitely didn’t end the way I was expecting. Could’ve fleshed out a few of the characters’ interactions/relationships more-can’t say more without spoiling the book. Overall enjoyed!

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A 4.5 star read!

I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this book because I had never read anything by this author before. I was not disappointed though as this book was a page turner and kept me reading late into the night!

The story starts off with the murder of Francis Keen who pens an advice column, Dear Constance. Then the story really gets going with Alex Marks. Alex is a creature of routine and habit. She has secrets and they may come back to haunt her after she applies to be the new Dear Constance.

This book was good from beginning to end with twists and turns. The pacing of the story is excellent. My interest was kept from the start and if I could have kept my eyes open I would have finished this book in one day.

Alex is a realistic character and someone who I think readers can relate to in some way. Janice and Raymond are great supporting characters and I found myself rooting for them and Tom as well as Alex.

I highly recommend this book. The writing and story are wonderful. This is the type of book that will leave you satisfied yet wanting more. I can't wait to read more by this author!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion which I have given.

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Nope! I'm not sure what was going on with this one, but it was predictable. It also had way too much going on, but still somehow wasn't super fast-paced. I didn't understand how all the different elements were supposed to come together either.

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I found this an engaging mystery with a few intriguing twists. I did find it difficult to warm up to protagonist Alex, however. The one question that kept haunting me was why did she take a high profile job if she was trying to hide? There were a few gaps in logic throughout the book as well, but overall it was a quick and interesting read. Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved The Golden Spoon so knew I'd like this one as well! Copywriter Alex applies for a job writing an advice column after star, Francis is brutally murdered. Alex is hiding scars on her wrist and has become somewhat agoraphobic so taking on this job will be tough but she's anxious and determined to do well. But boss, Howard is also a legend and there's something "off" about him as she smells whiskey on his breath at work and he suddenly "forgets" his wedding ring. Rumors abound and Alex is determined to do well as Francis was revered and she is thrilled to be out in the world again, working for her "hero" no less! Lots of great action, mishaps, and mistaken identities all make this book a fast-paced thrill ride that I loved!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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first off all I love books set in new York I makes me so so so happy this book was exceptional id def recommend . I love book where the character building is there 100 percent. I felt like I was literally there

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I was a fan of Maxwell's debut The Golden Spoon despite some of the flaws pointed out by many. Maxwell was a master of painting mood and clever characters as well as writing an entertaining, provoking mystery to follow along as the reader. Unfortunately, this sequel fell a bit flat for me. It is evident that Maxwell took to heart and attempted to correct many critiques given in the writing of her first book, but she did so at the expense of what she got right to begin with. I Need You to Read This lacked, for me personally, a lot of the mood and clever characters that her debut had-while the mystery was more tight and the writing more solid, I was bummed that what drew me to her as an author to begin with was lacking.
The mystery was still fun to follow and I will definitely give her another chance as an author, but her next book could make or break me as a loyal reader.

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WOW - this one was a bit of a slow burn at the start but trust me when I say this one takes you for a trip!! This is my first read from Maxwell and I finished this quick-paced thriller in a single sitting! Yes, some of the twists were a bit predictable but that didn't make it any less entertaining. This would be an excellent book club pick - thanks for the ARC!

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This was such a thrilling read. I loved the twists and turns, and had an ache in my chest I love feeling when I’m unsettled by a thriller. While there were certain aspects of the plot that I deduced, much of it was very unexpected and made me feel like I was sitting at the edge of my seat! I adored the found family aspect of this novel as well, and Alex slowly learning to trust again was beautifully written. There was so much to love about this thriller. Just so so well done!

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This was a fun one! I wasn't sure I was going to like it, took me a bit to get into it at first but once I did I was hooked. Really picked up in the second half, and didn't let up until it was over.

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I have been a fan of author Jess’s Maxwell for awhile. Her whodunnit stories are immersive and usually have stories within stories. I Need You to Read This is no different.
The story revolves around an up and coming newspaper columnist who is trying to figure out the death of the former columnist and her idol.
I loved the character developments in this story and how they shaped the mysteries without the book.
I recommend this book to readers who like a good mystery and a suspenseful book!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!
3.5 stars! This entertaining quick read checks all the boxes for an easy to devour thriller novel. While there's nothing mind blowing about the plot or characters, the book serves its purpose and kept me entertained and pages turning.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

I've really enjoyed reading this thriller and found myself looking forward to getting back to it each evening. Alex is a young woman living in New York and working as a copywriter. She is very careful to stick to her schedule and doesn't socialize much. Eight months earlier her hero, Francis Keen, was brutally murdered in her beach house. When the paper Francis worked for as an advice columnist decides to hire her replacement, Alex is quick to apply.

After securing the job and beginning work she discovers that life at the newspaper is not as it appears and she is terrified by the threatening notes she begins receiving. Is Alex being stalked by the same person who murdered her predecessor, and is she in danger as well?

I'm unfortunately able to see plot twists coming a mile away, but this one did have me a bit fooled. Character development is well done and I was able to care about the main characters and their stories. I highly recommend this one!

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After the long-running advice guru behind the famous Dear Constance column is murdered, newcomer Alex Marks gets the chance at her dream job. Young, inexperienced, and in desperate need of a fresh start after a tough past, Alex is floored when her application to be the new Dear Constance is accepted. No sooner had she joined the paper, however, that she begins receiving threatening messages.

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This book was a slow read, but I ended up liking it. Ms. Maxwell really stuck the ending for me in this story.

As you go further into the story the action really ramps up and it gets easier to put the pieces together. In the beginning, you really want the characters to feel more well-rounded as your perception of them seems superficial for (at least) the first half of the book. However, I understand why the author chose to do this, and you will too upon the conclusion.

The characters, setting, and story all hit the mark for me. I would recommend this to anyone who likes mystery/noir/armature sleuth novels, but be warned about the slow beginnings! This book is worth finishing - don't give up on it.

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When Alex Marks leaves her old life behind to start anew in New York City, she finds comfort in the anonymity of big city living. Aside from her acquaintance with a few diner "regulars," she has done well in keeping to herself. When popular advice columnist Francis Keen, who just happens to be Alex's lifelong role model, turns up murdered, Alex finds an unexpected opportunity in becoming her predecessor. She soon finds that with her newfound dream job comes the loss of her much needed anonyminity, and the people she is hiding from may be closer than she thinks. With the murderer still at large and a past she will do anything to keep consealed, Alex needs to piece together what really happened to Francis before history repeats itself.

Okay, I really liked this book. I found the characters to be so lovable. Jessa's writing style allows for zero slumps or dull, dragging moments. Even during "low action" scenes, she keeps the reader engaged without relying on unnecessary fluff and filler. As an experienced thriller/mystery reader, I was able to predict the basics of the plot. However, because it was so well written, I didn't mind at all. I'd gladly reread this one in the future!

A big thank you to Jessa and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review of I Need You To Read This by Jessa Maxwell. #INeedYouToReadThis #JessaMaxwell #NetGalley

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