Cover Image: The Reaping (Steinbeck and Reed, Band 2)

The Reaping (Steinbeck and Reed, Band 2)

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This book was a bit creepy!
Steinbeck and Reed are called into a town called Alku because of a murder that resembles another case, however the person charged with that murder is currently incapacitated in a prison. What follows is a very harrowing story about an old towns morals and just how far it will go to keep their secrets buried.

This was a very interesting story, but I felt it had a very slow start. The last 30% was very captivating and I could not put it down until I finished! I did end up really enjoying this book, and seeing how everything tied together! The characters of Harry and Evangeline made me enjoy the story even more they really are an interesting team! And that epilogue makes me wish I didn’t have to wait so long til the next book!
Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercier publishing for the arc!!!

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Started to read this. I couldn't finish it. I completely lost interest in the book. This is disappointing because I have read and loved all the author's other books.
Did not get past pg 45.

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I rated this book 5 stars. It did take me a little while to get into it but the last 50 or so pages made everything worth it. And the last page of the epilogue gave me chills, learning about Harry’s sister’s abductor. I wonder if we will hear more about that in the next book?

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Unique town, creepy story line and very interesting concept. Can one town have an unusually high deviance rate? Why? How?
Another great Steinbeck & Reed thriller!
Thank you to the author Jess Lourey and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this!!

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Thank you NetGalley, Jess Lourey, and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

I tried so hard to enjoy this book. The Taken Ones was very good and I had high hopes for this one. However, I couldn't get past a few things in this book. I do like the strengthening relationship between Harry and Van and how they both have a huge passion for their careers. Both are struggling with events from their past that keep coming up as they solve current cold cases. The overall plot and setting of this book, I found really hard to enjoy.

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The Reaping is the second book in the Steinbeck and Reed series of books written by author Jess Lourey. I have to preface this review by stating that I am huge Jess Lourey fan and have loved every single book I have read of hers. Her diverse writing style is commendable and I have become a huge fan of her true crime books that are some of the best out there.

This book features Agent Harry Steinbeck and cold case agent Evangeline (Van) Reed as they focus on a somewhat odd cold case that becomes linked to a present day ongoing situation with the Alku, Minnesota people. I must admit it took me a few chapters to get engaged with this book as it seemed slower paced than the previous book but once I did, I was hooked.

The Alku people have some quirks and oddities of their own and understanding that was critical to understanding how this story comes together but Lourey, once again, masterfully weaves the tale of intrigue, mystery, gore and suspense to create an unforgettable story. The main characters are as entertaining as they were in the first of the series, The Taken Ones, and I found their interaction believable and completely entertaining.

Some of the parts of this book were disturbing and creepy but then that is what makes a book memorable, right? If you are prone to being frightened by reading scary books this is probably not the book to read before bedtime. It might give you nightmares.

As always, the writing by this author is top notch and I was thrilled to be able to read an ARC well before publication time. Thanks to the author, NetGalley and publisher for providing me a copy of this book for review. I loved it and can't wait to see what happens with this duo in the future.

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Forensic scientist, Harry Steinbeck and Agent Evangeline Reed are tasked to catch a killer of children.
It is believed that the murders are linked to a 25 year old cold case.
Harry has to travel to his home town, which he is reluctant to do

Consumed by guilt for the disappearance of his 9 year old sister, the secrets of his past are haunting him.

I read the first book in this series and loved it. Harry Steinbeck is a very complex character. Serious and fastidious in his ways.
Evangeline is a very different character.

Creepy, menacing and downright scary, this book will grip you from the first page to the very last.

Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this book

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This review is that of my own.

Jessica does it again. This time the novel takes place in a small town in Minnesota. A murdered nurse has ties to this small town. Once Van and Harry noticed that past murders occurred, they take a trip to investigate.

Arriving in Alku, Harry and Van are confronted with a a possible blood witch and a town rich with lore.

The Reaping also focuses on Harry’s life. Harry hides a secret that involves his sister and being so close to Duluth, his hometown, makes him uncomfortable (he’s also harboring a lot of guilt).

This novel definitely makes me want to rethink about living in a small town. If you’ve lived in one, it’s hard to describe the ‘family’ values. However, the small town of Alku takes these family values a bit too far.

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Agents Harry Steinbeck and Van Reed are back in action. Murder and mystery finds them in the small, remote, cult like village of Alku, Minnesota.

A violent murder, a nursing home for a unique population, missing children, and old memories of when Harry's younger sister was kidnapped make for a heart stopping read.

I was so excited for the second book in this series, but found it kind of slow. The level of anticipation wasn't as intense as it was in The Taken Ones, but I still found this book to be a great read. I audibly gasped multiple times as the twists and turns of the plot were revealed.

Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. I have my fingers crossed that there will be a 3rd read in this interesting series.

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Just finished this ARC and it was not at all what I was expecting (I also didn’t know it was the second book in her series — I didn’t read The Taken Ones yet but I followed along just fine)

I thought it was just okay while I was reading it but THE ENDING 👏🏽 the last 20 pages were SO good.

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Oh, I loved this book. Steinbeck and Reed are keepers!

A murder in the mysterious town of Alku has remarkable similarities with the murder of a family there which is a cold case. Van and Harry drive north to see if this is a cold case that they are going to take. Harry grew up in Duluth so returning to that part of the state brings up the bad memories of his sister going missing when she was 10.

The town of Alku is a very insular community founded by 7 families from Finland. Alku is family and one must always protect family. I love the way the town is described through Van and Harry's eyes and the creepiness that they feel while there. We see much of the town through the eyes of Rannie, a 40 year old man with the mind of a child. His perspective of the town is eye opening and chilling.

After reading the ending, I cannot wait for the next book in this series.

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I really wanted to love this book as much as The Taken Ones but I didn’t. I was so excited to read the sequel, but unfortunately it just wasn’t as good. It seemed to take an extraordinarily long time for anything even remotely exciting to happen, and I was bored.

Don’t let this stop you from reading The Taken Ones and all of Jess Lourey’s other books as they are fantastic!

Thank you to NetGalley, Jess Lourey, and the publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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"You never tell on your family, no matter what they do."

This was a spooky, sinister read! I really enjoyed the cult-like atmosphere of Alku, where our main mystery takes place.
A recent murder brings Harry Steinbeck and Evangeline Reed to the small town of Alku, to open up a cold case from 25 years before. Alku was settled by six original founding families generations ago, and the citizens have stuck by their ancestral traditions.
I enjoyed all the twists and turns here, which had me guessing until the end- I didn't see those reveals coming at all.

Note that this is the second in the Steinbeck and Reed series- I didn't read the first novel, and got along with this one just fine. Can definitely be read as a standalone!

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The twists and turns of the plot are expertly crafted, and kept me guessing and eager to uncover the truth behind the town's dark secrets.
While "The Reaping" may not reinvent the wheel in terms of its genre, it is a thoroughly enjoyable read that will appeal to fans of mystery. With its atmospheric setting, compelling characters, and gripping storyline, I would definitely recommend this book to others!

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The Reaping is the second book in a series by Jess Lourey.
In the book we join Harry Steinbeck and Evangeline Reed again as they work together to solve a cold case in a very weird and creepy town. Steinbeck and Reed are very different from one another, but they seem to work really well together a bit like yin and yang.
The Reaping has a great storyline, it does start off a little slow but definitely picks up about half way through!
I unfortunately haven't read the first book in the series The taken ones, but after absolutely loving the relationship between Harry and Evangeline, I am definitely going to go back and read it as well as keeping an eye out for the third book in the series so I can find out what's in store for the two of them.
Thank you to Netgallery, Thomas & Mercer and to the talented Jess Lourey for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Yes!!!! This book is crazy!! I loved every bit of it and to think I thought I was seeing stuff like Harry Steinbeck and also that asylum!!! I have never been more thrilled and excited to be reading this book!! Thank you to Netgalley for letting me have the ARC to read and review!! I was not disappointed!!!

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I must say Jess Lourey books never disappoints! This book has that engaging plot , for which you don’t want to stop reading until you reach the ending..It’s another thrilling plot, full of twists of BCA agents Harry and Evangeline and a new case they take on. I love this duo! I really enjoyed this book, but know can’t wait until the next one as we all know there is something else be revealed that involves another book ! Highly recommend! Will spread the word.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC. I read the first Steinback and Reed book (The Taken Ones) and absolutely loved it, so I was very excited to read the next book in this detective series. Unfortunately, this storyline fell short for me. It moved very slowly and the premise didn’t hold my interest like the first. This may be because it was told from Harry’s perspective instead of Van’s this time. I will still be reading book three when and if it comes out because the last few lines of the story were absolutely crazy! Give it a try, it may be the story for you, even if it wasn’t for me. I

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Another great book by Jess Lourey! The Reaping is the second book in her series, following The Taken Ones. I love how she changed the narrative in this book from Van in the last one to Harry in this book, allowing us to really get to know the second detective on the team. This books was full of twists and turns and when I thought I figured it out, I turned the page and realized I was wrong! I was keep guessing up until the very end. I will say this book ends on a cliff hanger and I’m very not so patiently awaiting for her to write the third book. This is a series that could definitely go on and on and keep getting better and better with each book! Thank you Net Galley for providing this book.

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I was really close to not finishing this one. I just couldn't connect for the first quarter of the book, and I thought about stopping reading numerous times. I have to say at this point that I've been a long-time reader of the author and the thought of DNF-ing really bothered me, so I kept reading. Whew, I'm glad I did. Things clicked into place. I was quickly engaged in the story and ripped through the last 3/4.

This was creepy, plausible (to a degree) and had numerous levels. I loved the emerging relationship between Van and Harry, each with own very-closeted secrets. My only complaint (and it's a small one), is that I missed the author's wit and humor, although, in the afterword, the line "I'd like to apologize to Finland" made me laugh out loud.

I received a complimentary copy of the novel from from the publisher and NetGalley, and my review is being given freely.

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