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The Madness

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This book is one that is different from anything else I have read in the past. This book isn’t divided into chapters but does have different photographs to help break up the sections. Some of the words mentioned within the book do not resonate with me. This book may be for some; however, this isn’t necessarily something I would read again.

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2.5 stars

The book commenced with a compelling narrator's voice that captivated me from the beginning, creating a unique and unsettling reading experience. While I appreciated the interconnected perspectives and diverse writing elements such as verses, short stories, and poems, the conclusion and direction the story took didn't resonate with me. Despite the initial intrigue and engaging writing style, the book didn't leave a lasting impact, as it lacked the lasting scare factor and memorability I was hoping for.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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What a weird book. I'm still not a hundred percent sure what all happened. But I did enjoy reading it.

This is one of those works that's entirely impossible to describe. I suppose, ostensibly, it is a novel about crime and mystery, but it hardly reads like a mystery novel. It is told from multiple points-of-view and is comprised of short stories, poems, small interludes, and even a section structured like verses in the Bible.

It was confusing and it is often very hard to read as the subject matter is fairly gruesome, although I have read much more graphic depictions of some of the subject matter.

The book declares that it has no editor. It probably could have used one. There are plenty of places with missing quotation marks or places where the author has misused words, such as “waisting time” instead of “wasting time”. Overall, I don't believe this detracts too much from the work but it is noticeable, at least to me. Of course, there are some built-in excuses, such as the narrator dictating the work to another, but I don't believe it's all entirely intentional.

In the opening, one of the first thoughts I had was that the narrator was attempting to sound like certain older works, such as Frankenstein. Later the author names those sorts of works by name as intentional inspirations. So good job to the author invoking the voices of authors past.

Speaking of voices, I was also impressed by the fact that Phillips manages to write so many points-of-view while still making them sound distinctive.

I think this is one of those books that is better knowing less going in than more, and I certainly think it has the potential to be one of those reads you either love or hate. But for those looking for something kind of weird and who don't mind some difficult subject matter, this short read is worth a look.

ARC provided by NetGalley

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Thank you NetGalley and BDA Publishing for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Overall Rating: 4.5 Stars

The Madness takes you on a wild ride through stories and poems from multiple POVs to tell a story of exactly what you expect: madness. This book jumps from the POV of a narrator writing the book through a transcriber, to seemingly unrelated stories, to tied in poems, to even more genres of writing. It all flows together incredibly well, each character standing well on their own in separate-but-woven-together tales.

This isn't the first book I've read that uses multi-POV separated stories, but it is by far my favorite to date. The changes in formatting, the jumps between different types of literary prose, it encapsulates the idea of Madness perfectly, and still makes perfect sense to the reader by the end. I would've only wished the book were longer, I enjoyed reading each story so much, but maybe that's because as they say: "The Madness is highly contagious."

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I hadn't realized this would be more dark humor rather than horror, though I'm not complaining. The writing is fantastic: even the poems (which I generally don't like) were enjoyable and made sense in the end. In fact, this is the kind of book one should try to read till the end, and I'm saying this from experience: lots of time I couldn't make heads or tails of the plot, until I reached the ending. Sometimes brutal, other times savagely truthful, the book won me over very slowly, but won em over it did! I highly recommend it if you're after a deeply thoughtful, sincere look at madness with some moments that will totally creep you out.

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Gripping from the very first page, “The Madness” takes the reader on a journey through several stories. The author has a brilliant way of writing in different styles, tones, and perspectives that somehow make this story so cohesive and engrossing. The narrative and pacing is tonal and tidal, ebbing from page to page and crashing into you the next! It keeps you sucked in.
All ties in at the end.

It’s raw. It’s human. This is easily one of my favorite unique reads of the year. I will absolutely be adding Jarale Phillips to my must buy list!

I give it a solid 4.5/5!
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book had me when I saw 'It is better to remain silent, and be thought insane, than to write a book and remove all doubt.'

Jarale Phillips took me on a hell of a ride with this one. We start with our narrator, a man currently in an insane asylum who CUT OFF HIS OWN DANG HANDS! He is telling us stories using his bunkmate as his transcriber. I was taken on a wild journey (Personal favorite was Kevin n' Joe) from Hell (literally) and back.

Through the words of the narrator, we look into the lives of many people and each story has a different feeling. Some of the stories were hilarious and it kept you guessing what was going to happen next. The other stories throughout the book show a more in-depth look into a character and we have the pleasure to read them slowly go insane. Regardless of the story's outcome, we are all together in the end and we are invited to the seance of a lifetime.

Personally, I wanted the stories to be longer. Once you're fully submerged into one of his stories, you just want to stay there. I loved Joshua as a character and would love more stories about him and his tales with Chris. The transcript with the therapist and Joshua had me cackling and you can just picture the conversation happening in real-time.

His writing paints a vivid landscape and the images that went through my mind are truly unique. Also, will never think of a clothing iron the same ever again. I truly hope that many people are able to enjoy this book and that it finds its audience. Very curious and excited to see what Jarale brings to us next.

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Alright, buckle up folks, because we're diving into the chaotic depths of Southern California's State Asylum for the Criminally Insane. And let me tell you, it's a wild ride! Picture this: you've got Your Narrator, with a tongue sharper than a switchblade and a penchant for mayhem. But don't get too cozy with his charms, because as he'll remind you, "The Madness is highly contagious."

So, let's talk about this book. First off, it's a blast. Seriously, it's like diving headfirst into a whirlpool of genres – think noir crime meets gothic horror with a sprinkle of tragic comedy, all served with a side of unhinged madness. And boy, does it work! You've got everything from short stories to poems, flash fiction, and even some epistolary elements thrown in for good measure. It's like a literary kaleidoscope, constantly shifting and morphing before your eyes.

Now, I'll be honest, it's not for the faint of heart. These stories pack a punch, and they can be tough to stomach at times. But damn, are they well-written. Each tale is like a twisted thread in the grand tapestry of madness, weaving together to create something truly unforgettable.

I'll admit, when I first cracked open this book, I thought I was in for your typical splatter punk collection. But oh boy, was I wrong. This is Tales from the Hood cranked up to eleven, and I'm here for it.

So, if you're looking for a read that'll leave you questioning your sanity and craving more, look no further. This collection is a rollercoaster of madness that'll keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Trust me, it's worth every spine-tingling moment.

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This is quite a ride - a bunch of short stories, poems, etc. all seemingly unrelated until you get to the end. My favorite was Ty's story, as gory and raw as it was. There is a lot of violence and betrayal at the base of much of this book. I'd love to see more from Jarale Phillips in the future.

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I read about twenty pages of this book and then just bought it. At first I thought it was going to be a normal splatter punk collection and then I quickly learned that this is Tales from the Hood in book form. Amazing collection of stories and definitely on my list of best read for this year so far.

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