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Skeeters GN

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Light-hearted horror comic, that at least doesn't realise how much it could have riffed off the old giant insect B-movies of yore. It's close enough to those, as you can't really change the structure of bugs grow – bugs attack humans – humans try to attack back, much anyway. Here of course it is the humble mosquito, given no end of ridiculous size increase, power improvement and whip-cracking nous, all because of some weird experiments gone wrong. Yes, those. The clear and obvious problem is we don't have a car windscreen big enough to splat them all on, so what are we going to do?

I think the issue here is that while it doesn't go down the vintage pastiche enough, there are a lot of other things it doesn't do enough of – and that's not to say I'd like it if they did. The wannabe whip-smart dialogue is naff, the body horror isn't full-on enough (a lot of the art happy to not let you know what the heck it's actually portraying), and the whole attack-on-a-major-outdoor-jamboree scene focuses on our heroes so much you think the comic actually has a problem in funding the background extras. So all told what we have is spliffy (yawn), colourful (yay) but pretty generic monster-of-the-month stuff, where three and a half stars feels too generous.

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Someone please make this into the most fun B rated Horror Film that’s been released in probably the last 2 years! I had a blast with this. I was promised gore and giant mosquitoes and this delivered on both with bells on. Adding in fun quips and unlikely Heros like in our favorite Evil Dead. I hope my fellow horror graphic novel readers flock to this and enjoy! Thank you to Net Galley for the Arc Copy for my review.

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Skeeters is a killer read. Fun, funny, and the perfect level of gross. I definitely need more of this in my life.

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This was such a fun book. Alien mosquitos?! Sign me up! We follow a small town sheriff as she tries to save the town from huge mosquitos from space. Along with the help of a few fellow town's people, the sheriff runs to the source of these big bugs, a research facility, and battles them. Will they be able to save the town and each other??

I really enjoyed this. It was fast paced, gory, and just absurd enough to pique my interest. I would recommend this if you are a sci-fi fan or just hate mosquitos.

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I have mixed feelings with this one. The first chapter of the graphic novel was promising. I dig the setting and I thought the idea/story to be unique. I started having issues with it midway through when the theme switched completely. Although, I'm comfortable with the content it was random and seemed thrown in.

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This was every Saturday morning watching bad-CGI monster flicks with my grandmother in a graphic novel. It followed the formula beautifully, it didn’t take itself too seriously, and it didn’t set out to look pretty.
I had a lot of fun reading it and would recommend it to fans of those cheesy monster movies (think “Sharktopus”)

My thanks to NetGalley and Mad Cave Studios for giving me access to a digital ARC to review.

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A new hatred for misquotes has emerged!
This is a quick read with an amazing illustration style and an interesting take on how to defeat monsters. There's humour and good character development considering how fast-paced this graphic novel is. The monster design is interesting, but unclear. My only major criticism is that the "misquotes" were muddled from the heavy details and unclear structure (making it difficult to clearly see the 'horror'). However, horror fans will love this regardless!

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not impressed by the art or the writing; "Kankakee" is an indigenous American name so why would you make a joke about it sounding like an STD.

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SKEETERS is pure B-movie fun and creature feature madness. In other words, it's incredible. You've got your small-town-hiding-government-secrets setting, your disgruntled sheriff, your stoner conspiracy theorist, your secret government agent, and your crazy mutant monster outbreak leading up to an epic, burn it to the ground showdown. If this sounds familiar that's because it is. The story is by-the-numbers mashup of Slither/The Fly/Grabbers/etc, and while I have to deduct points for lack of originality and character development, I'm still rating it highly for pure excitement and Kelly William's excellent art (which reminds me of one of my faves, Owen Gieni). The creature design is gross and there are some pretty brutal kills. If you're a fan of gory horror comedies then this should be right up your alley. SKEETERS may not tread any new ground, but because it follows all the right beats it's still a blast.

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This is a short graphic novel that masterfully blends horror with comedy. A small town "Kankakee" becomes infested with an enormous insect-like creatures that have escaped from a research facility. A brave sheriff, along with two exterminators, fights to protect the townspeople. Luis, delightfully funny character, adds much-needed humour to the story.

If you are looking for a quick read that combines horror and comedy, grab this book!

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Thank you NetGalley and to the publishers for giving me this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

2.5 ⭐️⭐️

This was sort of dumb but in a B horror movie way and I actually enjoyed it! It’s short,funny and just a good time all around.

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Skeeters GN
- Bob Frantz & Kevin Cuffe -
- Artist : Kelly Williams -
- eARC
- Publishing date:30 April!!
Thank you #Netgalley and #madcavestudios for this book!

Skeeters GN is about a sleepy town where nothing exciting happens with a horrible name - Kankakee , Virginia.
The Sheriff there is tired of the bored and sleepy town, to the point of wishing for something exciting- like a drug smuggling operation! That’s the problem with wishes - you have to be more specific- because something catastrophic happens.
With the help of two oddball exterminators, the Sheriff tries to protect the town from giant hybrid insects that escaped when the government was secretly studying its infected victims. But will they emerge victorious and alive is another question…

This book was really written well!! This graphic novel’s illustrations were so gory and interestingly detailed!! They were ABSOLUTELY interesting- This graphic novel was written nicely as well so 4/5 ⭐️!!
The only thing was there was a lot of swearing and some parts had mentions of drugs and such so it isn’t a good read for younger kids below age twelve … Also; as one of the few graphic novels I’ve read , I sometimes got confused about the order to read it.. But still a good read nonetheless and if you like gory graphic novels
with hilarious one-liners, this is perfect for you!!
(Recommended Age:12+)

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Skeeters is an eerie, but also humour filled graphic novel about mutant mosquitoes. What happens when the science experiment / alien bug escapes the laboratory and starts munching on the villagers? And how do you kill them?
Lo and behold - a bitchy but high swinging sheriff will be joined by two exterminators - one of which is high as a kite all the time and has the ability to not mutate after being bitten. Does all of that sounds total nuts? Yeah, it is. It is gory and crazy. All together - a great time with vibrant illustrations and characters that will definitely annoy you at least once.

Thanks to NetGalley and Mad Cave Studios for providing me with the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Skeeters is a B-movie alien monster story, in the vein of 60s/70s violent schlock. This could've been fun but was it? Eh.

The story starts immediately in the action. I'm wondering if there was a disconnect or miscommunication between the writers and the artist because the writing gives little to no backstory or characterization and... neither does the art. Usually, what one lacks the other supports but in the case of Skeeters, it's just all surface level "wouldn't it be cool if..." sort of stuff, mostly highlighted by the fun, gruesome art by Kelly Williams.

The art reminded me a lot of Hack/Slash, a favorite comic series of mine and one that is all about crazy monsters. I couldn't help but think of that comparison again and again as I quickly finished
Skeeters (not a lot of writing), and now I'm just disappointed. I love Hack/Slash, I love Slither, I love Resident Evil, 30 Days of Night, The Bay, all media along the same lines of Skeeters but done with more heart and skill.

I didn't hate my time with Skeeters but I won't be checking out more of this one, sorry. For another Mad Cave book that's quite good though, I recommend checking out Cullen Bunn's A Legacy of Violence, released last year.

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There's not a lot of things i would sell out for. Unfortunately free comic books is one of those things. So shout out to mad cave studios for providing me a free early copy of their collected edition of skeeters. Now the skeeters collected edition comes out on april 29th and it collects issues 1-4. If you don't want to wait you can check out and you can get issues 1-3. You can also pre-order a digital collected edition which will get you issues 1-3, it'll pre-order issue 4 for you and as well as get you a physical copy of the skeeter graphic novel. Now, before i dive into the actual review of the comic, keep in mind this is a horror comedy comic inspired by movies like arachnophobia and slither so that's what you kind of have to expect when you go into a book like this. Now this book was really reminiscent of late '90s early 2000’s comics. Especially with the art style, which i personally really enjoy this art style. It kind of brings me back to some of the og turtles comics and i think it really fits with the story and the theme of the story. You have your big bad corporation and government agency that found an alien species that breaks out; then high jinks and chaos ensue. With that being said you're not going to get a ton of deep deep character development. It follows the formula of those late '90s early 2000s horror movies. You get your main cast of characters already in the moment and the time frame is within like a day or two. So it's like real quick and the story is moving. So you don't have a ton of time for the character stuff. While in most comic books character work and the character stories are really important. With a comic like this, because of the theme and the subject matter. The main focus and the really important part of story is actually the monsters. The outbreak is really the main character of the story and i think this one does it well. My hands down favorite part about this book is the art without a doubt. This art while i really enjoyed it some people may not like. There are some scenes where it's like overly graphic but i think it was done well. I personally i like that sketchy art style and what's really cool are the colors in this book. I don't know if they used actual watercolors but the digital coloring of this book made it look like it was watercolors. With the shadows and the way that the blood or different liquids splatter on the screen it looks like watercolors. Like in all of my reviews i don't want to spoil anything. But story-wise there's no twist you don't see coming. Just keep it's not a story that you read to really reflect on your life or your choices. That's not what the story is. This story is like action movie, horror movie, dumb fun. Just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride. While there's not a ton of character backstory in this book, we do have our steady cast of characters that i think are pretty enjoyable. They're likable characters and are interesting. We have carla the town sheriff , you have jj and luis  who are the local animal control workers, then you have the mysterious agent donald smith; who works for that government agency that accidentally released this outbreak of alien monsters. While there's not a ton of time for the characters to grow, you do see some character progression with the luis; who is your standard stoner character that believes in aliens and cryptids. There's always that one character like luis in every horror movie.. The one that's like telling everybody “hey guys some shit's happening” and nobody believes him because he's a local stoner and crazy person. Right now the ending i'm not going to spoil it but some of you guys may hate its it's very on par for this genre of movie that this book is inspired by. So i mean it was a fun stupid ending. I don't know what you expect from a book like this. You're not going in to read some life-changing book you're just here to have some fun. It's a fun monster book and that's what this provides. It doesn't try to be anything bigger than that. It doesn't try to take itself too seriously. It's just a fun book. Man i really enjoyed it. Now i don't know if they carry this book in local comic shops but for sure you can directly support the publisher so go check out and thank you again for providing me a free early copy.

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Entertaining enough book although it didn't do anything drastically different from others in the genre. I like the characters and how they grew to care about each other by the end but the art wasn't doing it for me. The creatures were detailed but because they were completely red everything blurred together. When in panels with fire it was hard disguising the creatures from the orange flames. But if the story sounds interesting you should still read it because you might enjoy it.

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Really enjoyed this graphic novel. It does make you wonder about what the government is hiding, doesn't it?

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First I would like to thank Mad Cave Studio and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC.

It was a fantastic read! It's really funny, the horror and art are great, the pacing is perfect and the art gorgeous.
The cast of characters is small and they are all very engaging.
I loved this book and highly recommend it.

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Netgalley Review

Star Rating: ★★★★☆

This was pretty awesome, made me chuckle, interesting storyline, and I'd be okay to see where the story goes. It's a quick read, but you the author does great with making you love the characters in a short amount of time.

Overall I think it was worth the read and am excited to grab the next one already.

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The premise and execution of Skeeters are as thin as the page its printed on. A backwoods town is under assault by alien mosquitos and the only thing standing in their way of global domination is the 27-year-old sheriff, a pair of delivery boys, and a government agent studying the alien creatures. It's a goopy, gory, straight to video B-movie stoner horror book that posits a question I'm sure very few have ever asked with 'what if Jay from Jay and Silent Bob fame was the only thing standing between us and the end of the world?'

Co-writers Bob Frantz and Kevin Cuffe waste no time escalating the threat levels, spends even less time than that on character development, and even less time on meaningful or memorable dialogue. I'm guessing it took about five minutes to write each of the four issues collected here and am admittedly stupefied it took two people to write this thing. Kelly Williams's art is mostly enjoyable in a suitably nasty looking sort of way. His monster designs manage to be both familiar and suitably alien-esque even if the creatures mostly end up looking a lot like Jeff Goldblum's The Fly but with an enormous proboscis to suck and skewer all manner of Earth life.

Skeeters isn't good, but I imagine there are worse ways to kill a half-hour. I did read this sober and realize in hindsight that's probably not the best way to consume this particular melange. It probably wouldn't hurt to light up before, during, and after, and might even make this whole thing better. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

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