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Sleep Tight

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4.5 or 5 ⭐️ (still deciding) but wow!!! That was a wild ride of a book. I was hooked from the very beginning and got completely sucked into the story. There was nonstop action and plot points happening throughout the entire story, that my brain hurt trying to process it all 🤣

I’m not going to lie, when I first saw this book cover, I thought it was going to be a haunted house story, but it is not lol. This is in my opinion a mix between a crime thriller and a horror book. It was about a serial unaliver and how there may be a new copy cat now after he was executed. But there are also horror like elements like creepy animal mask cults.

I will say this was so twisty and insane that sometimes I got a little confused or overwhelmed at the info and had to sit back and think about it. Which is why I am thinking of taking the .5 off the rating. But once everything was unraveled, I was gasping! I could not read this book fast enough.

Thank you to netgalley and crooked lane books for this arc!! Releases September 24th

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Although I still have a few questions after finishing this book, I really enjoyed it! The suspense and intrigue kept me in my toes til the very end and would definitely recommend!

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This book was fantastic!! From beginning to end, this read had me on the edge of my seat with too many questions to hold still. The character development was excellent and I was invested in each character and their relationships. It straddles a cast of characters from the past and present and you’re constantly in a state of trying to connect the two. And the horror - holy fear!! There are drugged up adults wearing creepy animal masks and making animal noises, thunder and lightening, a haunted forest and an amusement park… oh, and priests. This book has it all!! Excuse me now while I go read every book this author has ever written.

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Thank you, NetGalley and JH Markert, for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I'm not usually a fan of crime thrillers, but this author was recommended to me by several folks in my book club, and the premise sounded super interesting, so I took the dive.

And I'm glad I did!

Sleep Tight was a fantastic read, super suspenseful and kept me hooked the whole way! I loved the way the author combined the mystery behind the kidnappings and murders, and how they related to our MFC Tess, with Tess being an unreliable narrator herself due to her past trauma.

The author also did a great job of hiding the identity of the villain until the big reveal, and let me tell you, whatever you think is going on, I promise you you're wrong.

"I don't do the Bad Thing, Tess, the Bad Thing does me."

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I think this one will be on a lot of people’s favorites list for the year. I personally think there were way too many plot points going on and I think people would be very lost and confused if they were to listen to this on audio. Instead of a twist or reveal, a new plot point would open up and it was a little overwhelming to follow.

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Wow… just wow. This was such an entertaining book to read and just an incredible reading experience. This really plays into the fears many people have of being kidnapped or having their child kidnapped. Growing up, I was such a scared kid, I mean I’m still afraid to answer my front door! There were so many elements at play here from cults, serial killers, detectives, horror, animal masks, I mean it had a lot! The way J. H. Markert wrote this story made this such an unputdownable read!

Detective Tess Claibourne finds herself once again mixed up with the horrors of Father Silence’s legacy. Following the execution of Father Silence, a new serial killer called the Outcast begins their own reign of terror. As she digs deeper into finding her daughter and the identity of the Outcast, Tess goes back to where it all began, back to Twisted Tree. Tess must unearth memories from her childhood and face her fears if she truly wishes to be successful. Sleep Tight packs all the punches and is such an entertaining read and is one I would highly recommend!

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to read this ARC!

TW: substance abuse, sexual assault, murder, child abduction.

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I feel like I was sold on this book being a horror novel but it's really a police procedural with some creepy elements. Was I entertained? Mostly. However, the frustrating aspects of this book weighed down any attempts to conjure up excitement to pick it up and read each evening. On the positive side, the author is great at holding tension and I definitely had moments of being really creeped out. Unfortunately, This book suffers from cramming way too many ideas into a story. In my opinion, it's begging for more edits. There are so many characters and so many convoluted things going on furiously flipping back and forth amongst the chaos, by the time I got to the last 20% of the book I was begging to get it over with.

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This was my first novel by this author. I’ll give it 3.5 stars. First, it was an incredibly long book (in my opinion). With all the introduction of characters, which I’m pretty good with keeping straight, I was confused a few times. In addition, the references to Tess (main character) and growing up in Twisted Tree with her Detective Father, Leland. Something sinister happened all those years ago. Tess’s daughter Julia has been kidnapped, and only Noah (who suffers from multiple personalities) can help them find her. Understanding what happened in the past plays a vital role with everything in the present.

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I saw someone say this mixes crime thriller with cult horror perfectly and couldn’t agree more. If you’ve been looking to dip your toe into the horror genre, this would be a great one to start with. Its not over the top and the “gore” I would consider relatively light but still leaves you chilled.

You start the story with the execution of the serial killer, Father Silence. Who, after all these years, finally breaks his silence with the chilling warning to “beware the one that got away”. We quickly meet the "Outcast" that makes everyone question everything about Father Silence.

This story is told from multiple POV’s and each one is like you’re peeling back a layer just for it to bring you deeper into the mystery. You wont be able to stop turning the pages to figure out what is going on. By the end, you hit this crescendo that leaves you reeling. And the imagery?! Top notch.

I do want to add a little bit of a trigger warning, there is substance abuse, some involving a relapse and childhood trauma, which does involve r@pe.

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3.5 stars rounded down. I’ve heard lots about Markert so I was pretty psyched for this one. I enjoyed the story overall but felt there was a bit too much going at once. The story started off strong but between the characters and potential personas, there was just a lot to keep up with. Some have nicknames and it was hard keeping everything straight.

I also struggled with the way this book toed the supernatual line without firmly committing. I would’ve preferred it pushing the line a bit harder if supernatural was the intent. Instead it’s just used to justify any convenient bits.

I enjoyed the characters but there was some major cliches there.

Overall I still would love to check out future works for Merkert. The book has a lot going on but would interest those who enjoy books about cults and buried secrets.

I received an advance review copy for free from NetGalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I'll be honest--what first grabbed me about this book was that fabulous cover. But once I delved deeper and read the synopsis, which intigued me beyond words, I knew I had to request it on NetGalley! And oh my goodness, am I glad I did! On to my review!

The prologue was compelling, leaving you as the reader with so many questions, but setting the stage for an enthralling psychological thriller that will often leave your heart racing. The plot-line surrounds a serial killer known as Father Silence, his House of Horrors, and the gruesome legacy he leaves behind. There was so much going on in SLEEP TIGHT that my head was spinning during most of it. You need to bring your A-game to this novel — don’t expect an easy read where your mind can wander. Don’t read it while you're sleepy, either! I found myself rereading passages just to make sure I was following everything correctly. As a former psychology major, counselor, and professional student (haha), I was truly fascinated by so much about this book. I don’t want to divulge anything, though, because any spoilers going into the novel would be tragic. The less you know, the more you’ll enjoy it, trust me!

There are many characters in this book, which sometimes negatively impacts character development. However, the author does an amazing job of developing his characters with such detail, helping the reader become even more immersed and invested in the story playing out on the pages. Tess (our MC) is a complex, flawed, brilliantly written protagonist. Her strained relationship with husband, Justin, added to the tension and helped truly humanize both of them. The antagonists in SLEEP TIGHT are equally well developed, including the Outcast and Noah, making both absolutley intriguing, especially when we are given glimpses into their troubled minds. Long held secrets, as well as traumatic suppressed memories, slowly make themselves known—a gradual process, but only helping propel the plot forward in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine going into this book.

Oh, and I especially loved reading the "BEFORE" chapters in the novel, including the police interviews. Each was deftly placed in the book to help build up the mystery and suspense. It's a cat-and-mouse thriller that will have you asking who is the real villain, whom can you trust, and what’s with those masks? My one complaint is about the ending, which was very good but seemed rushed in my opinion. I would have liked to see more regarding confrontation and closure. But without a doubt, I'd recommend this book to everyone who loves horror-filled stories filled with mysteries, twists, and memorable serial killers.

I want to thank NetGalley, J.H. Markert, and Crooked Lane Books for gifting me the ARC of SLEEP TIGHT! It was such a privilege to read this before publication. And I appreciate you trusting me with an honest review!

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5 stars. I absolutely loved this book. So creepy, fast paced, twisty and complex! The multiple POVs and amazing chapter cliffhangers left me turning pages until late into the night. I’d highly recommend this eerie and heart pounding book and I can’t wait to go read this author’s author books.

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A twisting, relentless thriller that erupts like thunder in the dark and doesn’t take a break once it gets moving.

There are some horror elements at play, but this is a thriller, through and through, with some true crime vibes to keep it interesting. Unlike many thrillers, though, its characters are anything but generic. We mostly follow one main protagonist, Tess, but there is a whole orbit of secondary characters, and every one feels intentional and complete. They have different fears and strengths and motivations and that comes through and makes the story richer for it. The writing is exciting and has a lot of momentum. It mostly follows the principal character of Tess, but it does jump around now and again to give us perspective from other characters, and this becomes a critical literary device when the action really starts. The whole book is tense, with violence and clues pervading almost every page, but once things ramp into high gear around the 75% mark our main characters are split up, and we get different pieces of the puzzle delivered from different characters while they aren’t yet able to share all of the information with each other, and for the most part this is a really smart way that let the action feel non-stop and yet everyone still felt like they were in peril. The prose was direct and almost knowing, with realistic dialogue (inner and outer) and it was overall a lot of fun to read. The story itself was a twist on things already seen in this genre space, and while it adopted a few quirks of the genre that weren’t my favorite the story twisted things enough to make everything feel pretty fresh and compelling. The mystery of the story unfolds in a satisfying way, and I liked that by the end there were things still unaccounted for. That is to say not every single aspect was spoon fed to us, some of the mysteries of trauma can’t be neatly explained (and this is where some of the horror genre conventions do come into play).

What can I say? It was fun, it kept me captivated, and I didn’t want to put it down. It touched on really interesting ideas of trauma and repressed/internalized violence, living up to parental expectations, reliance on external validation/substances for navigating self-worth and some other potentially hefty topics, but it didn’t really spend much time on any of them. They were kind of background flavors to the overall stew, and they did their jobs of keeping things interesting, but I would have liked to see at least some of those threads pulled a little harder. That could have elevated this to another level, if some of those substrata themes were explored more fully. Still, this is an easy book to recommend. It is dark, gripping, and a lot of fun.

(Rounded up from 3.5)

I want to thank the author, the publisher Crooked Lane Books, and NetGalley, who provided a complimentary eARC for review. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you, #NetGalley and #CrookedLaneBooks, for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

As Detective Tess Claibourne faced her husband's infidelity, their relationship hit a rough patch. However, when her parents were brutally murdered and their daughter kidnapped, they were compelled to set aside their marital issues and work together to save their child. When all traces of the killer’s signature point to the execution of Father Silence, a convicted serial killer, Tess knew she had to seek out Noah Nichols, the boy who survived Father Silence’s murder spree. But Noah proves to be an enigma - a puzzle Tess and her husband Justin must solve before time runs out.

Right off the bat, this book lured me with its use of the “consulting with the criminal” trope. There’s an unexplainable gravitational pull in solving crime by seeking the insight of a convicted murderer (think “The Silence of the Lambs”). I am fascinated by how the author has explored DID or “dissociative identity disorder” through the lens of a paranormal structure. However, I would have wanted a deeper discussion on this because, quite honestly, this arc pretty much supports the supernatural aspect of the entire narrative. Instead of blurring the lines between reality and the paranormal, the author did not expound on the origin or mechanism behind this extraordinary ability.

It's easy to pigeonhole this book as gripping as any other mystery novel of a cat-and-mouse chase accompanied by the flawed protagonist detective. But I need to get this off my chest: some flawed protagonists are easily likable, and then there’s Tess Claibourne. It could just be me, but I hoped the author could have given her a humbling moment. However, an aura of arrogance prevailed, and it didn't sit well with me. On the other hand, Noah’s arc (pun intended), with so many layers, deserves a sequel.

In the final reveal of the story, I found it disappointing how the true villain, built up as the most feared, left something missing for me to swallow as another bitter pill. The showdown fell short of genuinely showcasing the villain's dark character despite the fact that I cannot deny how masterfully developed the villain's backstory was. Again, this is just my two cents. The ending was satisfying, although I sometimes needed to reread to follow the flow of the author's writing, leaving me confused and unsure about some scenes that transpired.

The “Sleep Tight” narrative hinges on the workings of the dark and complex framework of the human psyche. Though not without flaws, it’s one of the best detective novels I’ve read. There was a perpetual sense of anticipation surrounding how the "big reveal" would unfold, as some of the twists were completely unpredictable. It may sound cliche to describe this book as an edge-of-your-seat thriller, but there’s no denying its merits. It is unmistakably a horror mystery depicting inner demons' workings propelled by unexplained supernatural forces.

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I fell asleep reading this one and finished it immediately upon waking. The storyline draws you in, surprises you, and keeps your heart pumping.

I found the characters in this book to be complicated and varied. It truly has a little bit of everything. The author explores a variety of mental illnesses throughout the narrative which didn't feel like overkill, but felt like humanity, flawed and raw.

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Tank you very much for letting me read and review Sleep Thight, Chrocked Lane Books, the author J H. Markert and Netgalley.

Overall this is a tense twisty serial killer thriller with child trauma and I enjoyed most of it. But it felt a little dragged and I fell off the story here and there through the book as it was overwritten part wise.
So if more chapters were focused only on the present time I wouldn't fell off and my rating would be higher.

I'm glad I read it and the tense creepy parts were really good.

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We get just the right amount of background and information on each the characters that I'm fully invested in all of their lives. Constantly holding my breath and on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what comes next!

This book kept me hooked from page one!! With the backstory, so brilliantly woven in with current day events, this entire book felt like I was putting together a huge puzzle one tiny piece at a time. By the halfway point, the pace picks up so much that I legitimately could not put it down! Twists and turns and mind blowing revelations that I never saw coming kept my heart racing and the pages turning!

Favorite read of the month for sure! So happy I was given a chance to pick this one up!

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I really enjoyed this super fast paced dark thriller/horror.

When Father Silence, a serial killer who dressed as a priest to lure his victims, is executed, the detectives who were responsible for his arrest are found murdered by a new killer calling himself the Outcast. Tess, a detective herself, has blocked out what happened all those years ago when her father arrested Father Silence. The Outcast soon kidnaps Tess's daughter and Tess must finally recall her hidden memories to find her daughter before it is too late.

This novel has a bit of everything, serial killers, kidnapping, cults, addiction, psychic connections, childhood trauma and creepy masks. The book has great pacing but a few times I thought that there was too much going on and maybe too many characters. I had to reread a few sections to get everyone straight in my mind. The book is full of action and plenty of suspense to keep the reader guessing until the end. I will definitely check out some other books by this author. I recommend this book for fans of dark thrillers and horror.

Thanks NetGalley, Crooked lane Books and J. H. Markert for the copy of this book.

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J.H. Markert hits another one out of the park with this mind bending, twisty thriller. Such amazing characters and the story was told in such a way that I felt like I was totally along for the ride. Back story was given in tantalizing tidbits that guaranteed my ongoing investment in the characters and their plights. The pacing was excellent and the twists were top notch. A five star read!!!
A big thank you to NetGalley , Crooked Lane Books and the Author for providing me with an arc of this title free of charge. I'm leaving an honest review voluntarily.

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This is such a complex and interesting page turner. Psychologically accurate and gruesomely thrilling. Reading this felt like a good popcorn binge during your favorite thriller movie. Thank you for the arc!

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