Cover Image: I Let Her In

I Let Her In

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishing house, narrators and the author for the opportunity to listen to a complimentary copy of this audiobook in return for a review based upon my honest opinion.

Cassie thinks she has it made, she is married to what she thinks is a wonderful man, has a lovely son and has just moved into her husband's family home, recently inherited. While getting to know her new neighbourhood, she finds her next door neighbour is quite abrasive to her, even though she was a highschool friend of her husband John. Cassie then meets Amy, who she hits it off with right away and hires to be her dog walker. John insists that she get references but Cassie thinks that she knows her well enough. But does she really; is Amy who she says she is. When Cassie finds out about a death that happened in her home many years ago, she wonders if she even knows her husband and wonders what other secrets he could be keeping from her. When Teddy, her son, goes missing, all eyes fall to Amy, who it turns out, Cassie did not know well enough. The ending of this book was the best part.

I enjoyed listening to this book, the narrators did a great job, easy to listen to, good cadence and tone of voice. It was a good storyline with a few twists and turns along the way. I would definitely check more of this author's works.

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I was hooked on the mystery part of this book even from the prologue. As a thriller, it was definitely on the more slow, psychological side, which is the kind I prefer. It is a dual POV of two women who come from different walks of life, yet have more in common then they know, or at least one of them doesn’t know. They begin to form a friendship and mystery slowly unravels as their characters and pasts unfold. My biggest complaint was actually how one of the issues is resolved (or not resolved) in the end, but I can’t go into more detail on that without spoilers. Still, it was ultimately a very good mystery thriller thst kept me entertained, and the audiobook narrators did a great job at ensuring that.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was just a so-so book for me. I typically love domestic thrillers, but this one dragged out in many parts. I also wanted to scream at Cassie sometimes, because of her naïveté. I felt that the book needed to be more engaging and complex from the get go and just didn’t feel like it was its best self.

The narrator was lovely and I always appreciate a unique European accent, since I’m American.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Bookouture Audio for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a read!!! This was my first ever audio book so I struggled through it, listening for a change. Maria is one of my fave authors and she didn't disappoint. The twists and turns kept me riveted and I finished it in record time I think. I can't recommend this book enough, you won't regret reading it

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A terrifying premise -- can you trust your husband? can you trust the person that cares for your child? And if not, what then??? Kept me on the edge of my seat!

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I really thought I was going to love this. The premise was excellent and it started off strong, however, I found myself losing interest as the book went on. I think the characters were just not dynamic enough to hold my interest. I did like the ending explanations but wasn't overly shocked either. Overall, I think this had a lot of promise but didn't quite deliver in the details. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What an amazing thriller story with great storyline and great characters. Really liked the writing style and the cover is beautiful will definitely read more from this author.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC Audiobook!

In 'I Let Her In' by Maria Frankland, listeners are treated to a slower-paced thriller. Personally, the pace was too slow for me, but I assume it would be just right for fans of slower-paced thrillers. The plot, while somewhat predictable, still managed to hold my interest. It's like solving a puzzle where you can see some pieces coming together, but the overall picture remains intriguing.

I really want to point out that the narrators did a great job of conveying emotions and setting the tone, although one voice didn't resonate with me. Admittedly, I can be quite picky when it comes to narrator voices. So, I recognize that it ultimately boils down to personal taste.

Overall, 'I Let Her In' offers a compelling story and engaging narrators, making it a great choice for those new to thrillers or looking for a more relaxed suspense experience.

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Maria Frankland sure knows who to write domestic thrillers: unlikeable characters and fast pacing and paranoia all over the place!
We meet Cassie and her husband Jon who move into his childhood home with their little son Teddy. Amy is the one to support Cassie by walking the dog while she is at work. However Amy has her own reasons to work for the family. So this is how the roller-coast-ride starts over!

I enjoyed the vivid narration by Kristin Atherton, Emma Swan!!
Thank you #NetGalley #Bookouture Audio for this audiobook

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This was a fast pace fun thriller full of twists and turns then ENTIRE book! I would recommend this book to people who like Freida McFadden books. I felt like they were written in a very similar format.
I loved how each POV and Part of this book was handled and how it brought so much more to this story. I love finding things out at the main character does but also receiving the supporting information needed from other characters POVs.
I like the new book cover on goodreads a lot more than the one on NetGalley saying "She's the friend I always wanted until she steals my child". Mainly because I think a lot people don't read thriller that have to do with children. Yes, Cassie's child does get taken BUT I don't think that should over shadow the entire book because we knew he was okay and it was handled is a good way that won't cause the reader any additional stress.
The narrator did a fantastic job on this book! I could listen to her English accent forever!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the audio version of this book. It is out now!

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I loved this audiobook. It was really fast paced and hooked me from the beginning. I love audiobooks like this one, it kept me engaged and wanting to continue. I love the narrators and the different povs. I think the narrators did a fantastic job of portraying the characters. I enjoyed the twists and how it all ended. If you like domestic thrillers, with lots of twists and turns I recommend this audiobook!

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I Let Her In by Maria Frankland and narrated by Kristin Atherton, Emma Swan was an a brilliant Psychological thriller with lots of twists and turns throughout that will have you gripped to your chair and in my case I ended up taking my Airpod Pro's shopping with me! as well lol. This was a roller coaster ride and I loved it. This book was so addictive from the first page till the last. The Narrator's Kristin Atherton, Emma Swan were excellent and made this audiobook.

I highly recommend I let her in and its a great holiday read/audiobook.

Big Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture audio and Bookouture for my ARC.

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Cassie, husband Jon and son Teddy move into Jon’s childhood home after left to him by his parents. However, Jon never revealed what happened in this house when Jon was a teenager or why he wasn’t close to his family. Cassie, starting a new job, hires local, Amy to walk the dog while at work. Amy has an alternative reason for helping out. A regular domestic setting soon turns in to a psychological nightmare.
A fast paced thriller that doesn’t disappoint. A few red herrings put you off the true twist. Perfectly written and throughly enjoyable. I listened to the audio book and found the narrator pleasant to listen to.

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Love this author and already read the book but also wanted to listen to the audio version.
I liked the writing and how the story didn’t stale at all, just kept pushing through and intrigued me with the diverse cast of characters their interactions.

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Cassie, Jon and Teddy have moved into Jon’s childhood home, a fresh start, following a difficult recent period at their last home where she believed she was being watched / stalked.

The new home and Jon come with a jaded history.

Cassie befriends Amy who soon angles her way in to being Cassie’s dog walker. Is she lonely or does she have a hidden agenda. Through in a next-door neighbour who is very frosty, there is definitely more to this than meets the eye.

This is a well told story. The past has come back to haunt Jon, but he doesn’t seem to realise that at the start. His character is cold, arrogant and come across controlling and is constantly gas-lighting Cassie.

The story develops well and is told from both Cassie and Amy’s narratives. It gets a little slow at times, but there is purpose for the detail and pace changing. You get to know the history which leads to the present day situation.

My main critic would be that the ending does feel a little rushed but overall a decent read, I give this 4/5.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this audio.

What a good phycological thriller! I couldn’t stop listening to it. The narrators did great! I loved the plot and the twist in this book.

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3.75 stars

Sometimes, I really just hope the ultimate reveal will be something more substantial than “All the women were fighting with each other over some man.” And sometimes it is, but more often than not, that turns out to be the story.

This book was mostly fun, fluffy, and reasonably intriguing. I enjoyed it. When I need another quick, suspenseful thriller, I will consider other novels from this writer.

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Many thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an ARC audio book of this.

Mmmmmm i'm an avid thriller reader and read loads of this genre so this was just OK for me. Pretty obvious where the storyline was going and there was nothing revolutionary or outstanding that i can talk bout, Just meh, so sorry

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The narrators for this audiobook were perfection! Their voices were superb and blessed this story with the perfect blend of confusion, creepiness, and tension.

This domestic thriller has a slightly sinister tone to a story already vibrating with anxious energy. This is set in the UK in a smallish town or village. Cassie is a relatively new wife and the mother of a toddler. After the death of her mother in law, her family relocated to the home her husband grew up in. It's a nice house, in a nice area. Cassie is looking to start over from the darkness of their last home and is looking forward to returning to work for the first time since the birth of her son. As she is getting settled in, her new area she randomly meets,

Amy, who tells her she was a former dog parent. Eventually, Cassie hired Amy as her dog walker, and later, they became awkward friends.

Amy later revealed she was not familiar with dogs like she let Cassie believe. What she's familiar with is Cassie's husband, Jon.

This novel has several reveals and multiple surprises.

I guessed some of the reveal, but it did not detract from my enjoyment of the novel. What a heart-pounding adventure!

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Cassie has it all: the perfect house, exciting new job, handsome husband, and cute son. Her life looks absolutely perfect on the outside. When she and her family move to her husband's childhood home, past family secrets cant help but come to light. She has a history of being paranoid and it doesn't help that her husband is being evasive about his past and feeding every insecurity she has.

I absolutely loved this read! I could not put the book down. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book so quickly! I ate this one up. I’m usually pretty good as guessing the ending of a book up in this case I was absolutely wrong. By the end of this book my jaw was quite literally on the floor! I highly recommend this thriller. It was definitely hard to put down. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC it was definitely one of my faves!

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