Member Reviews

The beginning of In Her Place felt very rushed to move the plot along quicker. Denise so quickly shacking up with her dead sister’s husband did not feel plausible to me. The more I read the more intrigued I got, though! This thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat to try and see what the real reality is! Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this intriguing mystery!

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This book was definitely a slow burn, but when it picked up it was quite entertaining. I figured out the mystery early on, but the twist at the end was still pretty thrilling, however, I did catch an obvious discrepancy early on about the Etsy store. That was a bummer for me because I like the storyline to be as accurate as possible. I still gave this novel 4 stars.

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Thank you NetGalley for this Arc book! Omg what a ride this was! I literally inhaled this book in one sitting!
It was so confusing in the best way! I had guessed the ending but it was still such an amazing ride to take with the protagonist Denise that I didn’t even mind.
The premise of the book is that Laura and Denise are sisters and best friends. Laura is married to Conner and they are expecting their first child together. One fateful day after an ob-gyn appointment where Denise is driving Laura back home, the breaks of the car fail and they get into a catastrophic accident. Laura dies and Denise ends up in a coma for about a month.
When she finally wakes up she finds Conner and because of their shared grief they become close and eventually (a bit too soon in my opinion) get married.
Now strange things starts happening to Denise. Things keep changing around her, her version of events don’t seem to align with anyone else’s etc. the question is, is she losing my her mind or is Laura back to punish her.
This book is coming out in the 19th of March 2024! It should so be a bestseller and I can see this as a Netflix series as well!

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I could not put this book down. Denise was driving when her sister was killed in an accident…… or was she. Denise was really beginning to question her sanity as she was becoming forgetful….. or was she. What a great book.

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Denise is driving when a tragic car crash occurs claiming the lives of her sister and unborn nephew. As she recovers, she becomes closer to her sister’s husband and they eventually marry. Denise hopes to find comfort and peace in this relationship, but nothing is as it seems. Will she find out the truth before she completely unravels?

This book is amazing! I was pulled in from the first page and had to keep reading to find out what the heck was going on. Even though this is labeled as “book 2,” it’s a standalone and you can read it without reading the first book (though I do recommend checking out “Replaced” because it was just as good!).

I look forward to sharing this book and thanks so much for the opportunity to read in advance!

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After a car crash claims the life of her pregnant sister Laura and Laura’s unborn child, Denise Grady is ravaged with guilt. In mourning and healing from physical injuries, she finds solace in the arms of her sister’s widowed husband. Grief turns to “love”, and they start their lives together. They buy a house in a new community and life seems perfect for a short time. Odd things begin to happen; are they real or is it her imagination? What her therapist says is “survivors guilt” might actually be something more, something darker. Is Denise losing her mind like her mother did with her own mental issues?

The author takes you on a wild ride with lots of twists and turns which, at times, are difficult to follow but you are brought back to the main road without much difficulty. I love edge of the seat thrillers, and this one did not disappoint!

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After Denise's pregnant sister dies in a car accident while Denise was driving the guilt practically consumes her. Healing from her physical and emotional wounds brings her and her sister's husband together and they finally marry.
After moving to a new home and neighborhood strange things begin happening including Denise's toothbrush changing colors, pictures smiling at her and waking up in neighbors house Denise is unsure if she is going slowly mad from the guilt or is someone gaslighting her.
Fast paced with lots of suspense and a very good ending I enjoyed this book and read it in one night.

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Thank you NetGalley and Sterling & Stone for the copy of In Her Place. Denice felt sad and guilty because her sister Laura died in the car accident when she was driving. Laura’s husband Connor was so kind in supporting her that she said yes when Connor proposed. They moved to a new home for a fresh start but strange things started happening. Denise was worried that she had post trauma izzues or she was going crazy. Or else?
The story was well written and I have to keep reading till the end to confirm my guess. A really enjoyable thriller

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I enjoyed the other book in the series and this one was no different, so full of darkness and suspense.

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In her place is a slow burn. The FMC is easy to get attached to. If I was in Denise’s shoes I’d also think I was losing my mind. However, by the end of the book it was easy to see the twist coming. It kept me interested that I read it all in one sitting!!! I highly recommend this book if you like psychological thrillers!

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Thank you, NetGalley and Sterling & Stone for the copy of In Her Place by Nolon King and Lauren Street. This was a fast and easy read. Seeing what Denise goes through after the car accident that killed her sister made it a real page turner. The reveal wasn’t a huge surprise, but the events leading up to it were engaging and engrossing. If you’re looking for a quick and entertaining read, this is it! 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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Denise and her pregnant sister, Laura are out driving, and the brakes fail.
Denise survives - Laura and her baby don't.
Denise is badly injured, and her support is Laura's husband, Connor. They grow close and get married. Moving to a new estate with few neighbours, Denise feels isolated, and there are many strange occurences. Connor insists that the strange occurences are her imagination.

Another unputdownable thriller from Nolon King and Lauren Street.
Creepy, dark and suspenseful, I could not put the book down until the end, to see if my suspicions were correct.
Yes, I was correct, but it was the journey to the end of the novel that held me rapt.

Thanks to Netgalley and Sterling & Stone for the opportunity to read this book.

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