Cover Image: Once Upon a Fever

Once Upon a Fever

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Once upon a fever is a middle grade book about two sisters who live in a world where feelings make people sick. They have people who can breathe fire due to anger and things like that. Payton is 13 and wants to be a metric and save her mom. Ani is 11 and she has an anger problem. Their father is working on research and they all live at a hospital. When Ani gets in trouble and runs away, Payton tries to find her and find the truth.

This book was pretty good. I liked all of the characters and the dystopian aspect of this book. It was interesting to see the different diseases and the feelings that caused them.

I only gave it three stars though because I do feel like it was a bit confusing at times. Especially since it’s middle grade, i would expect it to make a bit more sense. I feel like the author tried to do a bit too much with this one and there was just too much going on.

While I thought the idea was interesting, I think it was just a bit too much.

Thanks so much to netgalley and Scholastic for the arc of this one in exchange for an honest review!

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The premise and overall plot structure is the best part of this book. It could've easily been a whole trilogy, so there was a bit of rushing. I especially thought the characters could've been better developed.

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Rating of 3.5

The premise of this story was so intriguing to me. However some parts didn’t come together like I had hoped.

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Once Upon a Fever by Angharad Walker follows two sisters who live in a world where feelings cause illnesses. Payton and Ani Darke live at King Jude's hospital with their father Neel Darke, a methic working to treat patients since the "turn". When I first started this book, it reminded me of Harry Potter. The story is unique and could teach children about their feelings and their relationships with their families. The world-building could be expanded, and I think the writing could improve. Overall, I enjoyed reading this story and would read the sequel to this series.
Thank you to Chicken House and Netgalley for the e-book to read and review.

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I was hooked from the cover and thought it worked with the dark theme of this book. The characters felt like they belonged in this world and enjoyed the overall feel of the mystery going on. The plot had a strong feel and enjoyed the overall feel of this. Angharad Walker has a great writing style and enjoyed the concept that left me wanting to read more in this world and from Angharad Walker. I was invested in what was happening with the sisters and that their relationship worked well overall.

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Okay, this book was amazing. I loved the story and concept, and I loved seeing the characters grow and change as the story went on. My favorite part was when Payton finally was able to stand up for what she felt, even at the risk of her dreams, and I loved seeing how that worked out, it had a lovely message. I also thought the storyline was so creative, I would never have come up with something like that!

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Halfway through this young adult fiction, I really got hooked. This book is a mix of fantasy and dystopia with a sense of things gone terribly wrong in the world, as sisters Ani and Payton have grown up in King Jude's Hospital.

In this story, Ani and Payton are part of a society that is full of illnesses -- illnesses caused by feelings.

Slow to start, readers are introduced to important characters and a mystery early. Payton wants to be a methic like her father, and younger sister Ani has other ideas for remedies. A strongly character-driven story, each character comes to life through their actions and motives.

One theme in the book -- the power of feelings -- drives the plot and decisions of the characters. An enjoyable read for lovers of "what's next" and futuristic ideas.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

Once Upon a fever is a story about two sisters navigating a world in which feelings can manifest as magical diseases. The elder sister seeking to work with the corrupt system to help others while the younger is able to see the system more for what it is.

This book confused me, some parts felt choppy , it definitely didn't feel like a smooth read. The lore was written in a "figure it out as you go" way which worked in some places but by the end you still really don't know why the world is thebway it is and why the people that came to power were in power.

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