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Long Weekend

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Thank you to AR Hurne Publishing and NetGalley for the EARC.

This style of books has been done before many times. Written in many different styles, taking place in a lot of different places and with a lot of different styles of disappearing.

But considering all that this book was still a breath of fresh air. The suspense was still suspensing. I was still trying to guess who the bad guy was.
This book still kept me guessing through out the whole book. So well written.

I read this book in 4 hours. I did not move. I set myself up with snacks and water and then was not able to leave. It sucked me right in. Kept its claws in me until I had finished it.

A quick read but absolutely worth it.

You follow Emma. Who has been stuck in her job working for her boss Rebecca. Rebecca doesn’t want to give her a raise but will gift her an exclusive getaway at a richy rich brand new luxury getaway.

Emma plans on luxury pampering, drinks with rich people, and an exclusive expose where she would give away all the secrets of the rich.

The weekend does not go as Emma had planned.

Make sure to grab the book to find out what happens. You won’t be disappointed.

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"Long Weekend" follows Emma, a struggling journalist, who receives an exclusive invitation to the grand opening of a luxurious island resort. Tasked with writing an article about the elite guests by her boss, Emma sees an opportunity to expose the excesses of the wealthy. However, as she delves deeper into the secrets of the guests, Emma uncovers a sinister plot lurking beneath the surface. Caught in a web of power and deception, Emma must navigate dangerous waters to uncover the truth before she becomes the next victim of this twisted game.

"Long Weekend" grips readers from the very first page and doesn't let go until the shocking conclusion. From its captivating opening, the novel sets a tone of suspense and intrigue that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout.

The protagonist, Emma, is a compelling character whose journey exposes the stark divide between social classes. Readers will quickly become invested in her quest for the truth and will empathize with her struggles as she navigates the treacherous waters of the resort. The vivid descriptions of the setting immerse readers in the opulence of the resort, adding depth and atmosphere to the story.

While the story starts from page one and immediately draws readers in, it doesn't sacrifice character development or plot complexity. Instead, it expertly balances tension and intrigue, keeping readers guessing until the very end. However, some repetitive elements, such as reminders of Emma's socioeconomic status, can be a bit distracting at times.

Overall, "Long Weekend" is a gripping thriller that will keep readers hooked from start to finish. With its intriguing plot, well-developed characters, and unexpected twists, it's a book that's hard to put down. Whether you're a seasoned mystery enthusiast or simply looking for a compelling read, "Long Weekend" delivers an exhilarating experience that will leave you eagerly turning pages until the very end.

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I really enjoyed this type of thriller novel, it had everything that I wanted from the description. The characters were everything that I was looking for and thought the overall story worked with them. I was engaged with the story and loved how this had me on the edge of my seat. SM Thomas has a great overall feel and I enjoyed the writing from this book.

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I think this is a decent beach read. I did put it down at the 30% mark. There was not much happening that kept me interested.

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This was a quick popcorn thriller, with some good twists, and I read it quickly, but couldn’t seem to get into the plot. I think that because I didn’t care about the main character I had trouble caring overall. But it did have a good twist. Fun setting and premise, just didn’t wow me.

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WHAT?! I’m so confused but this was okay. I don’t understand some of it but that’s okay.
A little slow at times but it over all was okay.

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The perfect vacation went wrong type of plot. It was so fast paced and so atmospheric. I love all the little white lies and deceit throughout the story to keep the reader guessing.

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Long Weekend is a story about a few really rich people going on a secluded island for a weekend getaway. Emma is not rich, she is an assistant who was given this trip. When people start to die, this trip turns into a nightmare.

I really liked this book! I was looking for a fast paced vacation thriller and that is exactly what I got. We know right off the bat that things are going to go down because it tells us that we’re reading from Emma’s journal. I liked the sense of forewarning and the tension that created. I think all the characters were pretty unlikeable but it worked. I also liked the final twist and how it ended.

The motive and premise were a bit unbelievable to me. However, I still had a good time reading it and i would recommend it to people!

Thanks so much to netgalley and Booksgosocial for the arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Good book with a well done storyline. I liked all the characters in this one. They worked well and played well off each other the whole way through.

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The premise was so intriguing for me a vacation resort locked room type thriller but unfortunately it fell flat for me. I found it hard to suspend disbelief so it just left me unsatisfied.

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Definitely recommend this mystery plot with an intriguing beginning and ending that’s quite different from the average thriller. It’s full of suspense, surprising twists and good character development.
The epilogue ties everything together and has a perfect, shocking twist!!
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
I struggled to get into this book at first but after a few chapters I had to keep reading to see what happened and how it turned out.
Great twist at the end.
I like how it was told from Emma’s point of view via her found journal. I found her to be the only likable character in the book as well. The other, more privileged, guests were not pleasant.

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📜Long Weekend
✍️SM Thomas
📚Mystery/Thriller, Fiction
🗓️Pub date: April 16, 2024


✨Thank you @NetGalley and #booksgosocial for providing me with an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

✨Emma is awarded with an expenses-paid trip to Hotel Horizon’s grand opening. She is one of several guests who arrive at this luxurious gem, ready to take advantage of all it has to offer.

✨Only Emma is there amongst the rich and famous with sole intentions of writing a tell-all article of the secret lives of the elite.

✨ What Emma doesn’t know is she’s biting off more than she can chew. With a thwarted warning to watch out for the people she’s keeping company, she might be in over her head.

✨I didn’t love this as much as I thought I would. I thought there were too many love interests for Emma, and the story fell flat for me.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial, and SM Thomas for the opportunity to read Long Weekend.
This book’s premise pulled me in right away and the level of tension and suspense wouldn’t let me put it down. I finished this book in one weekend and was completely blown away by the revelation at the end. The villain was definitely not the person who I had expected. I really enjoyed this book and eagerly await more from SM Thomas.

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Luxury resorts and murder are my favourite thing at the minute.

This book has it all, luxury, opulence, thrills, secrets and lies but it also has rather ridiculous events. I found it very hard to suspend my disbelief so often.

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An opportunity to go on holiday at a luxury resort, Emma jumps at the chance. Emma plans to write a risky article exposing secrets of the rich and famous. Mysterious deaths occur… can she survive? Written as diary entries this thriller will keep you guessing until the very end!

Perfect read for those who enjoy:
- Destination thrillers
- Suspense
- Mystery

With thanks to BooksGoSocial and Netgalley for an ARC copy in return for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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I received an advanced copy of this book from BooksGoSocial via NetGalley.

Emma embarks on what is supposed to be the holiday of a lifetime at the exclusive Hotel Horizen. Gifted an invitation by her boss, Rebecca, Emma's initial excitement soon gives way to a chilling realization that beneath the opulent facade of the resort lies a dark and sinister plot waiting to be uncovered. Emma arrives at Hotel Horizen with a mission—to write a tell-all article exposing the secrets of the rich and famous guests. But as she immerses herself in the world of the elite, Emma quickly finds herself entangled in a web of deceit and danger that she never could have anticipated.

Despite its promising start, the novel struggles to maintain its momentum as the story unfolds. What begins as a gripping tale of intrigue and suspense gradually devolves into a series of increasingly implausible and ridiculous events. Emma's constant fixation on matters of sex and attraction became a recurring theme.

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Thank you NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the copy of Long Weekend by SM Thomas. This book grabbed me from the start, but slowly went downhill. Emma started out great, but I got tired of hearing every little detail from her POV because her view wasn’t compelling and the writing style was not for me. Maybe it’s because I guessed who was responsible early on, but the final reveal and the ending really dragged. I think if you don’t guess the culprit and love a huge surprise you will love this book, it just wasn’t for me. 2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

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I really enjoyed the premise of this book as I love island thrillers. The writing was good, albeit long winded. It probably could have used an additional 10% edited out. I found that things were discussed multiple times which was unnecessary and made the story drag at ties. While other things were handled very well, just given a brief description/moment and my mind was intrigued more so than if it was overly done as in other areas. The characters were well drawn out and I felt pulled into their world. The ending is a great twist, although who the killer is was not a shock to me. But how it was handled was very well done. I do kind of wish for another epilogue from another point of view as it would have been more rewarding to see a slightly different ending, although I don't want to spoil it for anyone. But I liked it enough. Well done book overall!

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