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The Honeymoon

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Thanks netgalley for this great thriller, and another wonderful book from Shalini Boland well done.
Stella and her handsome husband were in Venice for their honeymoon it was such a beautiful city and great hotel was amazing.
Everything was great on their first night they had dinner and went to bed. But later on Austin said he wanted to go out he thinks he lost his credit card and would not be long.
Stella wanted to go with him but the answer was I will not be long go back to sleep.
Stella woke up much later to find Austin had not gone back to bed, she got up and went looking for him to no avail.
In the morning Stella was getting worried and then called the police Austin’s parents and her parents to help to look for him but no success.
Where was he did Stella really know who she had married.

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This was an okay read. It did feel a bit like it dragged , I didn't love as much as her other books but did enjoy. I found it to be a bit all over the place with characters and parts of it didn't flow well.

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A romantic honeymoon in Italy slips into a shocking nightmare…

Stella and Austin are newlyweds and off to Italy to for their honeymoon. During the first night there Austin wakes in the middle of the night. He realizes he left his credit card where they dined earlier that evening. He’s adamant it can’t wait till morning and needs to immediately return to the restaurant and hopefully retrieve his card.

And Poof! Austin is never heard from again.

Stella is of course crazed with worry. Endless searches by her, the police and eventually both sets of parents prove futile. What happened to Austin?

Told from Stella’s perspective in both a now and then timelines. The storyline flows easily and quickly. And it will keep you guessing all the way to the end!

Nope! Did not see that coming! Well played!

A perfect weekend read!
I always enjoy books by Shalini Boland and this was no exception!
Looking forward to more!

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer

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A great thriller with a shocking ending! I love Shalini’s books- they are always enjoyable and there is always a twist that I never expect! Story flowed great and I enjoyed the characters. Her books are always quick reads for me- I start it and can’t put it down. Definitely recommend! Thank you to NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer and Shalini Boland for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Now that I have lifted my jaw off the floor to The Honeymoon which is Shalini Boland’s latest thriller , I can proceed with my review. Wow!!!! What a book!!!! Stella and Austin get married and go on their honeymoon to Italy. This is told in different POV’s - before the marriage and during the honeymoon. All I can say is that Shalini knows how to tell an awesome story. The ending and the epilogue (EACH ONE IS A SHOCK!) have me literally speechless! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review. This is Shalini’s best book yet. To be published June 13, 2024.

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Thank you Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for the copy of The Honeymoon by Shalini Boland. I’m not sure why I keep reading Boland’s books, because they’re like potato chips - fun to consume but no real substance. This was another easy read, but for some reason I lost interest in the story about halfway through because Stella’s POV got tedious and the Then and Now transitions were clumsy. The reveal was good, so if you like surprises you might love this one.

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Thank you,NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer for this ARC.

I found this story interesting but it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat. I didn't feel it was suspenseful as I thought it was going to be. I wanted to know what happened to Stella's husband and there was a mystery surrounding his disappearance, I just felt this story was missing something but I can't put my finger on what it is.

The ending was interesting and not expected. I just felt like the epiligue was a letdown. I did enjoy the book but wish there was more to it.

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Stella and Austin are honeymooning in Venice when he goes out and doesn't come back. Stella spends her days looking for him and being stalked. Meanwhile, Austin and his business partner have had a falling out-each saying the other one has been stealing from the company. Stella's parents and Austin's parents join them in Venice to hunt for Austin. Without giving too much away, a friend back home gives Stella and the police a lead. I did not expect the ending to be what it was. This was a good book, but I feel like her last three books that are with a different publishing just aren't on par with her previous books.

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Stella and Austin go to Venice for there honeymoon.
Stella woke up to Austin all dressed and ready to go out as he left his credit card at the restaurant they went too.
Stella waited for Austin to return but he never did. Stella should be doing honeymoon things but instead she is handing out photos of Austin. She goes to the police to report him missing, she also thinks she is being followed. Austin mum and dad come to Venice to help look for him.
Austin business partner turns up and Stella thinks that he might have something to do with Austin going missing as Austin and Bart his business partner have had a falling out as Austin accused Bart for taking money from the business.
The book is told in two different times lines - then and now which I really liked.
I thought I knew how the story might go but how wrong was I. I loved the twist and turns but omg the epilogue I did not see coming. Loved the read and would definitely recommend it, five stars.
Thank you NetGalley and Shalini Boland for the advance copy for exchange for an honest review.

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Stella and Austin are in Venice for there honeymoon. After having a nice together Stella took a nap. She woke up suddenly to her husband dressed and ready to head out. He left his credit card at the restaurant. Stella waited in bed for his return only he never returned. Now Stella wanders the foreign streets of Venice alone searching desperately for her husband.

They met online. Dated for four years. Austin proposed after dating for three years. They spent one year planning the wedding despite Stella’s protest so that Austin was an entitled arrogant guy who always got whatever he wanted.

Austin runs a business with his long time friend Bart. Bart and Austin got into an argument over money blaming each other for skimming money from the business causing a rift between them.

Shalini Boland writes about a newly married woman who went to Venice for her honeymoon only to discover that her husband went out and never returned. Stella should be doing touristy things with her husband instead she’s searching for him, putting up posters, and talking to the police. Thrilling isn’t a word I would use to describe this book. Basically it falls within that category where someone is hiding secrets while the other is trying to uncover them. These types of stories take time to come together. It’s a slow steady climb to the top with many characters involved. Shalini Boland alternates between the past and present by showing readers who Austin and Stella were as a couple and the family dynamics of combining families.

Building a compelling concept takes effort. Building a story off the theme of secrets is tricky. Readers will have to wait until the end to learn the secrets which means your time and patience is of the essence. The progress was slow with not a lot to work with. It was hard to get excited about reading with very little activity. I kept getting distracted.

Overall, the unveiling of this secret was monumental and quite unexpected. The second secret in the epilogue was rather easy to guess. While I was blown away by that conclusion I unfortunately wasn’t compelled by the journey to get there. This is why writing stories about secrets is tricky because the best part of the story is revealing the secret.

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Book Title: The Honeymoon
Author: Shalini Boland
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Pub Date: June 13, 2024
My Rating: 5 Stars!
Pages: 267

Story is told “then’ before the Honeymoon and ‘Now’ after the Honeymoon.

Stella and Austin first day of being married ends with a delicious dinner at the ‘La Terrazza di Stella’; a family own restaurant that Austin picked because of the name of his Bride. After the couple goes to bed, Austin gets a phone class from the restaurant that he left his credit card on the table. He tells Stella that he is going to go get it and will stop at the supermarket to pick up a phone charger as he left his at home and the phone need charged.
Austin does pick up his card stop at the restaurant only vanishes and never makes it to the supermarket.

I love psychological thriller and whenever I see the blurb
‘An absolutely gripping psychological thriller packed with jaw-dropping twists’.
I take it as a challenge.
This blurb did NOT state that- However it was
An unputdownable, psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping ending.

A story written by Shalini Boland is automatically put on my TBR shelf ~ Yep! I am a fan ~ this is number twelve! Shalini Boland is one of my favorite authors.
Ms. Boland does not disappoint. I knew to expect the unexpected and yet, I was still surprised.

Also want to thank NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for June 13, 2024

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when you read this Authors books you know you in for a gripping addictive read. Stella and Austin are in Venice for there honeymoon there first evening there they go for a meal and go back to there room. Austin gets a phone call from the restaurant that they went to he left his credit card. he tells Stella not to come with him. but Austin never returns. Stella calls the police and when she goes out looking for him someone is following her. A very twisty and addictive read so good

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📖 The Honeymoon
✍️Shalini Boland
🗓️ 13 Jun 2024
📝Thomas & Mercer

Stella and Austin are finally married and on their honeymoon in Venice. On their first night there, Austin goes out to retrieve his lost credit card. He never returns. Stella acts right away and frantically calls the police. How could he disappear like that? Was it his business partner, the ex that does not get the hint!?

This was so good! I didn’t expect this! I figured part of the plot but still, it was done in such a good way. The characters gave me all the emotions. The love, the betrayal, the hate, everything. Could I always back up their reasoning? Nah, but as long as it works for the story!

This book was such a lovely surprise. Well written and thought out plot. The twist at the very end got me.

⭐️Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my advanced copy. All opinions are my own, I was under no obligation to review.

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Stella and Austin have arrived in Venice for their honeymoon which should be the trip of their dreams, but when Austin vanishes on the first night, Stella knows she must search and do everything she can to find out the truth. But what she finds out along the way suggests that her new husband may not be the man she thought he was... Another brilliant thriller from Shalini Boland, I found this one really addictive and it kept me guessing until the shocking ending. Wow! Amazing twists and turns, a brilliant read.

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Venice has been referred to as “La Serenissima” since Byzantine times, but there’s nothing serene or peaceful about the Lewis’s honeymoon!

I love Boland’s ability to serve up the unexpected. The last thing one imagines doing on such a magical night is searching the canals and passageways for a loved one. Stella’s husband simply disappeared on the first night of their honeymoon after leaving the hotel to retrieve his credit card from the restaurant they’d dined at hours earlier.

I loved this pacey armchair travel to one of my favourite European cities as well as the chance to narrow down a potential suspect from a cast of untrustworthy characters. The alternating timeline allowed me to constantly change suspect focus as I learned more about Stella and Austin’s pasts. I could imagine the panic and the frustration at communicating with a police force in a foreign country, dodging the ‘I told you so’ looks from disapproving parents, the anxiety of not knowing which friends/family to trust, and the depth of guilt one would feel for not accompanying a loved one on their errand.

Boland’s complex plots and unsuspecting twists are STELLAR!

I was gifted this copy by Thomas & Mercer and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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The Honeymoon by Shalini Boland is an absolute roller coaster of a read from beginning to end.

Stella is madly in love with her new husband Austin and is thrilled to be spending their honeymoon in romantic Venice. But when Austin goes missing, Stella finds herself in a desperate search that will yield more questions than answers. Just how well does she really know the man that she has vowed to love forever?

In my book, Shalini Boland can do no wrong as an author, and she proves herself once again with this bingeable and completely engrossing thriller. Just when you think you have it all sussed out, stop and think again.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for an ARC.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 13th June. Wow, wow what a book I flew through it, as there were many twists and turns that completely threw me as I thought I worked out what would happen but of course I didn’t!

Shalini Boland does it again with a highly addictive and thrilling book! I absolutely adore this authors writing style and her ability to write suspenseful book that keeps you on the edge of your toes!

Overall, a fantastic and highly suspenseful book that will keep you guessing to the very end! I can’t wait for the next one! 😊

#myreview #bookblogger #potd #pyschologicalthrillers #whatiread #booksbooksbooks #bookstagram

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My Review:
Wow and Loved!!!!! What isn’t there to love about any of this authors books. She is definitely one of my favorites for so many reasons. I get hooked from the very first page with every book I read of hers. I immerse myself into the characters lives like I’m the one who’s actually there living it with all of them. Hours can pass me by until I realize I need to get up and get something done. This book was no different. I didn’t know what to trust with this one. As I continued reading I noticed there were many secrets to be had. My first question was who is telling the truth and who is lying. It was very hard to tell as everyone had a different version of the same story. That plot also had me very intrigued. Who goes missing on their honeymoon? That should be such a happy romantic time instead it was sad and miserable. Now let’s talk about my favorite part, the ending. It rocked me. I was like OMG. I can’t wait for this authors next book.

In conclusion, the plot, the characters and all the twists in this book made this book an enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it and happily give it 5 Hearts❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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The Honeymoon by Shalini Boland

It was the perfect romantic honeymoon. Until her husband disappeared.
It was supposed to be the happiest time of their lives. But for newlywed Stella, the dream honeymoon has turned into a nightmare overnight. Her perfect husband, Austin, has vanished without a trace.
Alone in Venice, Stella frantically searches for him. But as fear turns into confusion, she finds herself questioning everything she knows about the man she married. Has Austin really abandoned her, or has someone from his past finally caught up with him—the business partner he threatened to sue? The obsessive ex-girlfriend who refuses to let go? When Stella becomes convinced someone is following her, panic sets in.
As hours turn into days and clues start to unravel dark secrets, a terrified Stella can’t help but ask herself: is her husband who she thought he was at all?

I give this book a 4 star rating. It was a quick read. You got to really know the characters and felt the scenery of the book. I would recommend reading this book.

I received this ebook arc free from NetGalley and am voluntarily writing this review.

I just reviewed The Honeymoon by Shalini Boland. #TheHoneymoon #NetGalley

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Wow! I’ve just finished this book and what an ending. I certainly didn’t see that coming.
I’ve loved all of Shalini Boland’s books, however this definitely stands out as one of the best.
It’s the perfect psychological thriller and one that I’d firmly recommend.

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