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The Love Algorithm

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Rating: ★★★

I hopped into *The Love Algorithm*, the third book in its series, without having read the previous installments, and didn't feel like I had missed much—making this a solid standalone read. I always appreciate a book centered around a female lead crushing it in the tech industry, and this one fits that theme.

The story revolves around a female engineer who is excelling in the tech world of robotics. However, the AI for her personally built robot friend was developed seemed a bit far-fetched.. Despite this, the book delivers an engaging opposites-attract, forbidden work romance plot that was a nice contrast to the normal mystery books I usually am reading.

It's a quick read, perfect for those looking for a light-hearted romance with a tech twist. While it may not be the most realistic depiction of AI and robotics, it offers an enjoyable escape with a strong, inspiring female lead.

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Camilla Isley's latest novel takes readers into the heart of Mercer Corp, where Reese, the head of the research and development department, must supervise the boss's son, Thomas, as he rotates through various departments. Reese, a brilliant young woman excelling in a STEM field, represents the strength and resilience of many women in the workplace. Despite facing attempts to undermine her by certain men, Reese continues to thrive, embodying the determination and perseverance of women in similar positions.

Thomas, initially portrayed as a classic nepotism beneficiary with a career handed to him on a silver platter, is tasked by his father to learn the company's inner workings before taking over as CEO. His journey starts in Reese's department, where he must earn the respect of other managers. As Thomas learns about robotics engineering and gets to know Reese, he begins to challenge the initial assumptions about him. His transformation from a privileged heir to a supportive and genuine colleague adds depth to his character and their developing relationship.

While the novel follows a familiar workplace romance and opposites attract trope, the inclusion of a strong female lead in STEM and the evolving dynamics between Reese and Thomas make it engaging. The banter between the characters, although not as sharp as in Isley's previous works, provides humorous and heartfelt moments. Reese's brilliance and Thomas's genuine admiration and support for her, despite his initial flaws, highlight a positive portrayal of feminism. This delightful and thought-provoking romance explores the intersection of love and technology, making it a charming read despite some predictable elements.

This was a simple, fun, easy and quick read. The perfect type of book for a holiday or to get you iut of a read-slump. This was also my first book by the author, and I enjoyed it.

Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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This was a simple, fun, easy and quick read. The perfect type of book for your holiday, beach, pool kind of read. This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.


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We first were introduced to Thomas Mercer in Not In A Billion Years (book one). Despite being the younger Mercer brother, he is poised to take over the family business. But his father and current CEO knows he has a lot to learn. A move to the robotics department is the first step in familiarizing himself with the entire company. Studying under Dr. Reese , Thomas quickly learns his interest in robotics isn’t something he can leave behind.

The Love Algorithm is the third and final book in the True Love Series by Camila Isley. I loved how Isley structured the series. It is essential that readers start with the first book. However, since the second and third book appear to coincide with one another, readers do not have to necessarily read them in chronological order.

This was a fun, quick read. While I could have savored this book, as I didn’t want to say goodbye to this series, I couldn’t help but devour it. It was the perfect conclusion for all characters.

Highly recommend if you like:
-opposites attract
-strong FMC
-witty banter
-tons of chemistry
-closed door romances

* Before becoming a best selling author, Camila Isley worked as an engineer. Her first hand experience as a woman in STEM allowed her to write a convincing FMC in the field. Dare I say it is her best work to date!

Special thanks to Netgalley, Boldwood Books, and Camila Isley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my review.

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A Delightful Romance with a High-Tech Twist

Camilla Isley's "The Love Algorithm" is a charming and witty exploration of love in the modern age, cleverly blending romance with the intriguing world of tech startups and artificial intelligence. The novel captivates readers with its unique premise, endearing characters, and delightful humor, making it a must-read for fans of contemporary romance.

Plot Summary:
The story revolves around Lana, a brilliant computer scientist, who develops a revolutionary dating algorithm designed to match people with their perfect partners. Despite her professional success, Lana struggles with her own love life, often relying on logic and data over emotion and instinct. Enter Liam, a charismatic and slightly cynical journalist assigned to cover Lana's groundbreaking work. As Liam delves deeper into Lana's world, he begins to challenge her faith in algorithms and sparks fly in more ways than one.

Character Development:
Lana is a relatable and well-rounded protagonist, embodying the modern, career-driven woman who grapples with the complexities of balancing work and personal life. Her journey from relying solely on algorithms to understanding the unpredictable nature of love is both heartwarming and thought-provoking. Liam, on the other hand, provides a perfect foil with his skepticism and charm. The chemistry between the two is palpable, and their interactions are filled with witty banter and genuine moments of connection.

"The Love Algorithm" delves into several relevant themes, including the role of technology in our lives, the quest for perfect love, and the importance of embracing vulnerability. Isley masterfully weaves these themes into the narrative without coming across as preachy, allowing readers to reflect on the balance between data-driven decisions and the messiness of human emotions.

Writing Style:
Isley's writing is engaging and accessible, with a good balance of humor, romance, and introspection. The dialogue is sharp and realistic, and the pacing is well-maintained, keeping readers invested in the story from start to finish. The novel also offers insightful commentary on the dating landscape in the digital age, making it both entertaining and relevant.

One of the strengths of "The Love Algorithm" is its originality. The concept of a dating algorithm is timely and intriguing, and Isley does a fantastic job of exploring its implications in a lighthearted yet meaningful way. The character dynamics are another highlight, with Lana and Liam's evolving relationship being both believable and enjoyable to follow.

While the book is highly enjoyable, some readers might find the plot somewhat predictable. The storyline follows a familiar trajectory in the romance genre, with few unexpected twists. However, the engaging characters and fresh premise more than compensate for this minor drawback.

"The Love Algorithm" is a delightful and thought-provoking read that offers a fresh take on contemporary romance. Camilla Isley has crafted a story that is both heartwarming and intellectually stimulating, making it a perfect choice for those looking to explore the intersection of love and technology. With its endearing characters and witty writing, this novel is sure to leave readers with a smile on their faces and a renewed belief in the unpredictability of love.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the tagged publisher for providing me with a copy of "The Love Algorithm."

Women in Science
Enemies to lovers
Workplace romance
Romantic comedy
One bed
Forced proximity
Slow burn to end all slow burns

In this book, we follow Reese and Thomas, who work at Mercer Corp, which is Thomas's dad's company. Thomas has been the poster boy for years. However, a situation has arisen where he now needs to get more hands-on with the company and learn more of the inner workings. So, now he's heading to the robotics division of the company. Enter Reese, who works in the robotics division and is there to teach him the ropes. Their first meeting made me laugh out loud. My favourite character in this book has to be K-2p, the AI bot. He's so funny and snarky.

Reese represents many women in the workplace. She’s a woman in a STEM field, a boss at a young age, excelling. Yet, when certain men don’t get what they think they deserve from her, they try to tear her down and smear her reputation. Despite this, she doesn’t let that stop her and continues doing what she loves. She embodies the strength of many women perfectly.

Thomas, on the other hand, is (at first) a classic nepotism beneficiary being handed his career on a silver platter. He’s the opposite of Reese in so many ways. However, in the end, he surprises you in many good ways that you must read to find out.

#TheLoveAlgorithm #WorkplaceRomance #STEMBoss #GenderDynamics #ProfessionalGrowth #AIAssistants #RomanticComedy #BookReview #SlowBurn #ResilientWomen

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I was so grateful to have received another ARC from Camilla Isley, and after LOVING It's Complicated, I had high hopes for this one. Unfortunately, this one fell a little flat for me. This one follows Reese who is the head of research and development department for Mercer Robotics. When she finds out she will have to babysit the boss' son while he does rotations throughout all of the departments, she thought it was going to be easy, until she sees him.

This is a typical workplace romance, opposites attract romance. The bonus is that it has a woman in STEM, which is always fun to read about. I don't know exactly what it was about this story, but I struggled to connect with the characters. The banter didn't land with me as much as it did with her other books. While it was by no means a bad book, because it was still super cute, it also wasn't my favorite. 3.25 stars.

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Thanks to NetGalley, Boldwood Books, and the author for the chance to read this book.

This book was great. Although there was a lot of intelligent dialogue regarding robotics that I had no clue about, it was woven into a story that had me laughing and enjoying the characters, especially K-2P!
The romance aspect of it was sweet and spicy but also full of humour.

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Super fun romance story. Third in this series but can be read as a stand-alone. Science nerd meets gorgeous billionaire and K2p robot who thinks he is human are the total stars in this book. Really enjoyed it.

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Trigger Warnings
This book contains:
• Public sexual interactions
• Workplace relationships
• Inappropriate power dynamic relationship
• Toxic masculinity regarding a woman’s professional knowledge, competence and ability.
Reese is the embodiment of so many women in the workplace. She’s a woman, in a STEM field, as a boss at a young age, excelling. And yet, as soon as certain men don’t get what they think they deserve from her, they try to tear her down and smear her reputation. And yet she doesn’t let that stop her and just keeps doing what she loves. That is the strength of so many women, and she embodies it perfectly.
Thomas on the other hand is (at first) a classic nepo baby being handed his career on a silver platter. He’s the opposite of Reese in so many ways. And yet, in the end, he surprises you in many good ways that you must read to find out.
Thomas’s father has a plan for Thomas to work hard to learn about the business, earning the respect of the other managers before it’s time for him to take over as CEO of the entire company. And the first step of this plan is for Thomas to rotate through all the areas of the business, starting with Reese’s department.
We follow Reese and Thomas as he spends time in her department, learning about robotics engineering. And whatever he can about Reese.
Overall Thoughts
I consider myself to be a feminist, even if by some feminist’s standards I don’t even hit the base bottom rung of their expectations of what a feminist should be.
But I think regardless of what you think feminism is, Reese and surprisingly, Thomas, embody what you’d imagine positive feminism to be. At least, I think so.
Reese achieved her position through her skill and brilliance. Thomas is attracted to her BECAUSE of her brilliance. And when her success is challenged or threatened by other men, Thomas backs her up and supports her dreams.
While he does have his moments of typical nepo baby idiocy. He’s a surprisingly mature, supportive and all-around good guy. The type of guy that you’d want to hate (because he’s a nepo baby), and yet you just can’t because he’s so authentically nice and sincere.

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Goofy and charming, the buildup in this was so good! Overall a good read although the ending fell a bit flat for me.

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3.75 rounded up to 4 ⭐

this book is everything it says it is except being an enemies to lovers. there wasn't really any animosity or hostility between them to make them enemies...

this book is about Reese who is this smart, hot, and kind of lonely woman who omg has finished her PhD and is even the head of a department all at 29!! if that isn't impressive, idk what is. it is about her romance with hot, smart and charismatic Thomas who is the son of the president of the huge company Reese works in- IF YK YK because we all know how the plot goes😏

it's been a while since I've read af cute romance like this and I have to say this had me giggling, squealing and kicking my feet in the air because this book had NO business being so sweet so wholesome. there was so many element of this that were just so swoonworthy, everyone need to read this!!

<b><u>some of my notes while reading this:</b></u>

the robot is SO CUTEE what a nice touch. yk how people say a kid in a book can make or break it? a robot in a book can make or break it because k-2p was amazing. he was so witty, sarcastic and the way he delivered facts- 🤌🏾

all the side character are soo great, especially gothic Maria and k-2p🤣😭😭

smiling, laughing, giggling with my feet in the air rn😂😭😭

the TENSIONN was THERE and I could feel it too

the notes he's writing for her- I'M SWOONINGGG😩


Thomas's relationship with his family is so funny🤣🤣

how will you have a fully cognizant conversation when you're "asleep"? that's so unrealistic

omgg the star wars puns🥹🥹 even tho im not a star wars fan and i don't understand it

I don't understand any of the science in this but im eating it all up while sending my thanks to God that I don't offer sciences😭

Thomas's dad, Nolan is such is g

this is closed door, hmm I don't know how I feel about that

<i>thank you netgalley and boldwood books for this arc in exchange for an honest review🥹</i>

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There is just something that I LOVE about workplace romances. Maybe it is because I don't have any cute guys at my workplace, but reading about it works too. I liked the power dynamic and the struggle of looking after someone (who is also hot and gorgeous) who will be your boss one day. You have a lot of great tropes such as billionaire and nerd, enemies to lovers, rivals of sorts, and he falls first and harder. I didn't realize this is book three of a series and I will be sure to read the first two!

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A work place romantic spicy comedy. I eat this genre up all the time, have read a few of camillas books in the past, I did find previous ones more easier to get into than this one. However once I was into it, I was heavily into it, the banter, the tension and the chemistry was unmatched!

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Camilla Isley is out with another amazing book ‘The Love Algorithm’. This book is another addition to the True Love series. While this is part of a series the thing that is done very well with Camilla Isley's books is that you don’t have to read the other books to know what is going on. Yes, there is a scene that was in the last book in the series but it is done again this time from a different point of view. She writes each book as if it is a stand-alone and yet when you add the other books together the story that is told is beautiful.

‘The Love Algorithm’ matches two people who are different from each other, Reese and Thomas, and forces them to work together. They have an instant pull that Reese tries to deny but at the end of it all she can’t. Then we have Thomas who right when he saw her knew she was the one but felt like he wasn’t smart enough for her. Which wasn’t the case.

Camilla is able to bring charm and love into ‘The Love Algorithm’ and I am giving it a nice solid 4 stars. There is no spice in this book as it’s a closed-door romance but even without it you are going to love the story and characters just as much as I did.
‘The Love Algorithm’ is out now and available wherever you get your books. And as a bonus, if you are a Kindle Unlimited member it is included in your membership.

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This wasn't my favorite Camilla Isley book, but it was still good. I really liked the interactions and chemistry between Reese and Thomas, and found myself laughing several times throughout the book. It just was hard for me to really get into.

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The Love algorithm by Camilla Isley, is a delightful workplace romantic comedy . A love between a head of research and design and billionaire . Reese and Thomas funny teasing and flirting although office romance is not permitted . A good light reading to ease the mind and relax. Recommend for sure .

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A fun STEM read with spicy romance. Though some of the STEM/computer science jargon I didn't understand it was an OK read. The characters needed more 'oomph' to keep my interest...took me quite awhile to finish this one.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The Love Algorithm is a hilarious workplace romantic comedy. This quick, light read will definitely brighten up your day.

The story is set in the Research and Development at Mercer Robotics and there is some scientific talk sprinkled through the work-related conversations but it isn't too much.
Reese and Thomas's funny meet-cute sets the stage for ongoing teasing and flirting. Thomas can't help himself from flirting and he makes it a mission to get Reese to admit that their attraction is mutual. Reese doesn't want to give in as she wants to remain professional and not start something with a man who is eventually going to be her boss. Thomas has a multitude of cute and fun ways of interacting with her and I found myself smiling all the way through this book.
A lot of my laugh-out-loud moments came from the little robot K-2P who almost seems too human at times in his responses to those around him. He hilariously facilitated the couple's meet-cute and has no filter when talking about Reese to Thomas. He is my favourite side character for all the added humour he brings.
I didn't quite like Maria who was over the top in her observations about Thomas. I found her annoying and just wanted to tell her to go away and grow up.
I loved the slow-burn aspect of the romance. Even though the two had an instant attraction they didn't act on it allowing the tension to build up along with Thomas's flirty and funny attempts to woo her.

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In “The Love Algorithm” by Camilla Isley, readers are treated to a delightful workplace romantic comedy that blends humor, charm, and undeniable chemistry.

At the helm of the story is Reese, a brilliant woman who has dedicated herself to her career at Mercer Robotics, rising to the prestigious position of head of Research and Development. However, when she’s unexpectedly tasked with looking after the CEO’s son, Thomas, Reese finds herself facing a challenge she never anticipated.

Thomas, a billionaire playboy with little experience in mechanical engineering, presents a formidable distraction for Reese, who must navigate her attraction to him while maintaining her professionalism and dedication to her work. As Reese and Thomas spend more time together, their connection deepens, leading to a delightful exploration of love, ambition, and the pursuit of happiness.

Isley’s witty prose and engaging storytelling make “The Love Algorithm” a joy to read, with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and swoon-worthy romance. The dynamic between Reese and Thomas is electric, and readers will find themselves rooting for their relationship to succeed despite the obstacles in their path.

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