Member Reviews

My thanks to Troubadour and NetGalley for a copy of “ The Forgotten Past- Vol 2 “ for an honest review.

I really enjoyed the first volume of this book , so I was thrilled to get another chance to read some really interesting, entertaining and informative unknown stories from bygone ages.
I particularly enjoyed the chapter on the Honorable Horace De Vere Cole !!
I can only hope there are further volumes in the pipeline .
Well worth the read

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The Forgotten Past – Volume II by Andrew Vinken is a fun read for anyone that loves historical trivia, especially that of a les famous and much more quirky nature! My favourite has to be the biggest April Fools Joke in history; the extent that Porky Bickar went to for this escapade was really quite outstanding!

There was only one little blip and that was using the same image of the Titanic twice, but, given that not many were on hand to provide images or etchings of the same, we can move past this and continue celebrating how much fun this book is!

Disappearances, discoveries, mysteries and mayhem, from across the globe and over the 18th and 19th centuries, written in an affable and engaging way. I would highly recommend this very entertaining and informative volume. I will certainly be looking out for Volume 1 and any subsequent volumes

Thank you very much to Netgalley, Troubador I Matador and the author Andrew Vinken for this very interesting ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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