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Small Town Horror

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Small Town Horror by Ronald Malfi was a good book. It left you guessing. There are many twists and turns throughout. There are some aspects that you wish were expanded on but it was good otherwise.

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A secret shared between childhood friends (Andrew, Dale, Eric, Tig & Meach) threatens to come to light in this newest novel from Ronald Malfi.

If you're anticipating fast-paced, in your face horror, that's not what you're getting here. This novel is a dread-filled slow burn that develops and reveals, akin to a Poloroid photo, as we flip from our current place in time, where our main character Andrew is returning to his hometown, back to when all of our characters were growing up together in Kingsport 16 years ago.

I've personally always loved the set-up of having to go back to your hometown to deal with something. There's something so familiar about this premise in that it's something most people will do in their lifetime. It also functions well in many genres i.e. horror, romance, drama, etc.

Small Town Horror explores the reverberations of guilt and the prospect of the supernatural, the power of local legends and the intolerance of small town mentalities, the evolution of relationships and the consequences of deception.

There were things in this story that I didn't see coming, which was a welcome experience, but I also at times I found myself slogging through the story which yielded a less enjoyable reading experience when that would occur.

I give Small Town Horror by Ronald Malfi 3.75 stars ⭐⭐⭐✨ (rounded up to 4 stars for NetGalley)

Thank you so much to Titan Books for approving me for this eARC! Small Town Horror was one of my most anticipated 2024 releases & Ronald Malfi is a favorite contemporary horror writer of mine 🖤

Pub Date: June 4th 2024 📖

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I'm a huge fan of Ronald Malfi having read almost all of his books. I was excited to see what the author had to offer here as I'm also a fan of horror set in small towns. This one had all the usual tropes but done in a way that is compelling, well written and keeps you engrossed right to the last page. Ronald Malfi's writing style is impeccable and so immersive that you can picture yourself right there among the characters. The story is tense, chilling and leaves you feeling things long after you finish. I'd highly recommend this author to anyone who loves a good horror novel. If you're new to this author, I'd highly recommend checking out Come With Me and Blackmouth after this one. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.

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New York attorney Andrew Larimer thought he left his home town for good.. But a call from one of his old friends brings him back to deal with responsibilities from a past he'd tried to leave behind. Returning to his childhood home he's finds a reunion of old friends who share a terrible secret, forced back together to deal with a disappearance and a ghostly presence from their youth. Ronald Malfi takes a classic horror theme and puts his own spin on it. Replete with his stellar prose, the story continually goes in directions you won't expect.

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I do like the way Malfi tells a story. He has a style that combines literary fiction, horror, psychological thriller, and character studies into a complex narrative that is rich in detail and high in creepy factor. I've seen other reviewers compare it to It or Stand by Me, and I can see the comparisons. King, too, manages to blend multiple elements into a fully-three dimensional world that is the embodiment of creepy while simultaneously offering a snapshot into a time and place, with a focus on the friendships of children. The atmosphere is thick on the ground here, and the town of Kingsport almost becomes a character in its own right as the past and present come together in this one.

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3.5/5 - This is my third Ronald Malfi book and I was looking forward to a great read.

This is the story of 5 friends where, when teenagers, events unfold to have a dramatic effect on each of their lives. As adults, they live with guilt, fear, secrets, grief, lies as events collude to bring them back to the small town where the catastrophic event happened. It is an interesting concept of how many seemingly random events can collate into and lead to one catastrophic event. The first half of the book is slow, I almost gave up a couple of times. The overly descriptive paragraphs and the long drawn out story does weigh down the narrative of what could be a much more exciting book. However I do realise it is a slow burn read. There are a couple of good twists. that I didn't see coming. I did enjoy it, the second half far more than the first, but would definitely like to read more of this author's books.

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𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫
𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫: 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝟓 ⭐️

🤯 Give me a group of friends with a shared traumatic childhood experience and you can take my money!!

100% recommend that you read this when it releases, it’s creepy, spellbinding & mindbending!

It took me a week to read but I read the majority of it yesterday and I devoured it.

It gave me that ‘stand by me’ vibes with friendships but it also gave me ‘IT’ vibes with the childhood trauma horror.

Thank you Titan Books & NetGalley for this eArc.

Don’t forget releases 4th June 2024!

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Small town horror with a 1980’s feel is all the rage of late and Ronald Malfi’s latest doesn’t disappoint. It’s fun and well written. It’s not going to win any awards but it won’t sit on your unfinished shelf either.

3 1/2 stars

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Thank you to #NetGalley and #TitanBooks for sending this book for review consideration through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

I had little hope for Malfi's recent book to impress if the previous horror novels I've read are anything to go by. Those I've read have failed to stick with their intent to evoke fear from start to finish. It is why some books in this genre don't get to keep a consensus of high ratings. Evoking fear in a written format is much more challenging than when done visually, like in films.

But "Small Town Horror" undid me.

"One, two, three, four…five."

Five friends who grew up in a small town had a dark secret they had to bear for years. But no evil deed goes unpunished, and the specter of a past not entirely forgotten has come to haunt them in ways that drove their sanity to the brink. When a missing woman brought Andrew Larimer back to Kingsport, he and his old friends were again faced with the fear of what they had done all those twenty years ago and what they were about to face next. It may or may not have had anything to do with a curse and the town's witch.

Written in a rich, descriptive style, my first read of Malfi's is a haunting reset that delves deep into the loss of childhood, trauma, and guilt. Its dark atmosphere and ghostly elements are marked by a genius of a plot that resonates with a similar intensity to Stephen King's "It." The chapters were skillfully structured, weaving alternate timelines to connect each adjacent chapter. There's a tangible eeriness to how he describes even hackneyed gothic elements that work to their purpose. Several literary devices (foreshadowing, onomatopeia, and symbolism) were utilized to create a sense of dread and anticipation with an intensity that compels the readers to keep turning the pages.

Of particular interest is how certain elements, symbols, and textual echoes were interconnected to mean something significant that unfolds in the end. One example is the author's use of onomatopoeia (beep… boop… beep, boom… boom… boom) and how these repetitive sounds alone could send shivers down my spine as indicators that something terrible was about to happen. I also love how Malfi knew when to inject sensory details and scary elements by creating an atmosphere of disquiet. And if you think this book is a ghost story, think again. It could rival a thriller book if the plot twists in this novel are anything to go by.

"Small Town Horror" is a chilling slow-burn horror piece that casts a veil of verisimilitude into the eerie depths where dark secrets, lies, and crimes in a small town are whitewashed. There is more to its narrative than the familiar tropes of "The Witch," "The Vengeful Spirit," and the "Inescapable Fate," among others. It urges its readers to understand the psychological motivations behind guilt and conscience and their ethical and social repercussions. While the book is undoubtedly one of the well-written horror novels that brought me fear while perusing its pages, certain plotlines remained unanswered. I would have preferred the author to expound more on Ruth Graves' character because, more than anything, the horrors that transpired in the small town of Kingsport need a stronger origin arc.

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Oh man, what a wild book from start to finish. The twists and turns were great, but I was able to predict a couple of them. Even then, it didn’t ruin the book for me because there was so much happening. I ended the book in confusion, but in a good way. I believe all my questions were answered but I’m so overwhelmed with the ending to process it!

This was my first Ronald Malfi book, and i am interested to give one of his bestsellers a shot!

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ARC by NetGalley and the publisher.


Adam Larimer has tried to put his past behind him. He was successfully doing so until he got a call from an old friend. It seems running away from his cursed past life is no longer possible. Adam faces the reality that he has to return home, to the very place he has attempted so desperately to forget. Returning home means confronting memories and horrors from a night that forever changed his and his friends childhood lives. For the secrets and horrors they have long hidden must be dealt with face to face.

Small Town Horror revolves around five friends that share a secret past that slowly begins to seep back into their perspective lives. The overall set up and vibe you get felt very reminiscent of Stephen King’s It. With this also being broken down into two timelines, past and present. The main premise focuses on one’s guilt and how its effects can linger and haunt an individual. This aspect was realistic and I felt portrayed very well. The setting with its small town provides a truly creepy atmosphere, as many of Malfi’s describing scenes are vivid and terrifying. I found myself many times while reading, truly uneasy as the tension filled horror grew with each turned page. I found the mix of horror, mystery, and supernatural to be engaging and left me questioning what was real and not while reading. however, I did find the pacing to be a tad bit inconsistent as the middle did drag slightly. There also were some intense scenes and trigger warnings that personally I found hard to look past to fully say that I completely enjoyed this book. Overall Small Town Horror was a creepy read with a few unexpected twists. While I can’t say that I loved this book I do recommend it if you are looking for a haunting slow burn horror story with all the spooky small town vibes.

Small Town Horror comes out June 4th, 2023.

Thank you again NetGalley and Titan Books for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Buckle up for a journey back to Kingsport, a town Andrew Larimer swore he'd never revisit. Ronald Malfi's latest offering, with its promise of mystery and horror, seemed like a surefire winner. Yet, from the moment I cracked it open, I found myself sinking into a swamp of familiarity.

Andrew, our protagonist, is a successful attorney on the cusp of fatherhood, yanked back to his hometown by the desperate plea of his childhood friend, Dale. Dale's wife has vanished, and the specter of their past misdeeds looms large. Joined by a cast of characters straight out of Central Casting - the police chief, the addict, the single mom - Andrew finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and guilt.

I had high hopes, fueled by my admiration for Malfi's previous works. Yet, as the pages turned, I couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu. The tired trope of estranged friends reuniting to confront a dark past felt stale, despite Malfi's attempts to inject it with a dose of horror.

The characters, unfortunately, failed to captivate. Andrew and his cohorts felt like cardboard cutouts, lacking the depth and nuance that I've come to expect from Malfi's creations. Their meandering conversations and lengthy introspections only served to bog down the narrative, leaving me yearning for a swift resolution.

It pains me to admit it, but this one fell short of the mark. While others may find enjoyment in the familiar beats and eerie atmosphere, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. Ronald Malfi remains a master of his craft, but even the best stumble from time to time. Here's hoping for a return to form in his next endeavor. Two stars from me, with a heavy heart.

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This was a really well written and unique take on the “small town horror” trope. I’ve read some of Malfi’s work, and this is right up there with the rest of them—great writing, unique storylines and ideas, and a perfect sense of dreadful eerie atmosphere. I really enjoyed the dual timelines of this book—one past and one present. It had a coming of age feel in a spooky small town feel, but with unique twists and turns throughout. I read the book just knowing “something isn’t revealed yet” but having absolutely no idea what it would be, and the twists were masterfully done. There were a few books and movies’ vibes this book gave me but I don’t want to ruin anything by sharing those. The “spookies” in this book are really well described and unique and while I started reading this book thinking it would be similar to many other horror stories I have experienced, it absolutely was not. This is a great read for any time of year and for any fan of themes of friendship, coming of age, secrets, and a few others I cant spoil. And of course, if you’re already a Malfi fan (if you’re not, what is wrong with you) then this one hangs right on up there with the rest! Thank you to Netgalley and Titan books for the ARC. This one releases soon on May 28!

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Ronald Malfi is the most dependable read in horror today. You know you're going to get great, flawed characters and the shit scared out of you. No one does terrible people trying their best better. SMALL TOWN HORROR is one hell of a terrifying book.

There's this great thing Malfi does, which is have us rooting for these terrible people. It's amazing, because bothing he does is over the top. These are all subtle choices. Choices any of us might make in similar circumstances. Selfish people. He does a great job of exposing the bits of ourselves here. Horrible teenage accident. Bitter friendships. The darkness that drags them down. A d the twist tiwards the end that flips everything we thought we knew. Brilliant.

I think this is one of his quite books, in the vein of Come With Me, which is a good thing. Lots of tension and entertaining.

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This book absolutely nailed the creepy vibe for me. Childhood friends have to reunite because of something that happened when they were younger. This book is about secrets that are shared, as well as lies that have been told. While the book was a bit slow to begin with, I absolutely devoured the rest of the book. I love the twists in this book as well as the reveals of secrets! Small town horror is not just a clever name. If you want to get into Malfi's work, I definitely suggest you start with this one.

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I saw a few reviews/blurbs saying this is Malfi's best yet - and I have to agree.

We follow Andrew as he returns to his hometown to face his past - his 4 childhood best friends and the thing they have been hiding for the last 20 years.

This genuinely scared me - at one point I was reading in the dark and had to turn my light back on!

Malfi is a master at blending timelines, characters, and interesting twists and turns. Highly recommend!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the Kindle ARC. I became a fan of Ronald Malfi after reading his coming-of-age book, December Park. I thought it was so good that I got my husband interested and he's not much of a fiction fan. I was concerned that Small Town Horror would be formulaic, since its a story of a group of friends who get drawn into a horrific situation but I couldn't have been more wrong. Small Town Horror starts with Andrew being called back to his childhood town to help a friend who is in legal trouble. Andrew, an attorney, and his wife are expecting their first baby and Andrew is reluctant to return to the town that he vowed he would never see again. The book takes several twists and turns, all surprising and shocking. The last third of the book is a real gut-punch. Small Town Horror is about sins of the past, no matter whether they were intentional or not, and how punishing the retribution for those sins can be.

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Though not a particularly original plot, there are certain elements that make it stand out. The characters feel very real and the supernatural elements of the story give you a growing sense of unease as the story goes along. This is a slow burn story so strap in and enjoy.

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Another excellent read by Ronald Malfi!

He has become one of my favorite authors in the horror genre, second only to Stephen King. If you love dark, old- school horror, and you aren't reading books by Malfi you are missing out.

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After 20 years away from their home town, five childhood friends are confronting their terrifying past together. Each are haunted in their own way and are forced to relive a horrible secret. If you love the horror trope of childhood friends facing their past, this book is perfect. It has some hauntingly creepy aspects and is a slow burn from the start. We slowly learn about each of the friends and their dark secret is revealed to help gain more context while moving the story along. This was a fun mix of mystery and supernatural, with some twists in the end. Overall, it was a fun read!

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