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Women's Hotel

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Member Reviews

This was a much slower book with minimal plot but a strong cast of characters. I had trouble stay engaged and immersed in the book. I do think the author did a good job setting the scene and using accurate details for the time period. Based on the description of the book I was just really hoping for more and left feeling a little let down. I was really stuck between rating this a 2 or a 3 but ultimately decided to round down. If you are more into historical fiction this might be the book for you but it just didn't work for me.

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I gave this 2.5 stars, rounded down. There were a lot of moments I enjoyed throughout the book, including the ending; however, there were a lot of dry sections that took a while to get through. The lack of plot also through me for a loop and I felt created a lack of purpose to continue reading.

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There is no plot here, it’s all slice-of-life in 1966 at a long-term hotel for single women in NYC. The characters are engaging and funny. I was literally cackling towards the end (Carol/Bryan/Ruth, IYKYK). A charming BBC show could be inspired by this book. 4.5 rounded down to 4⭐️

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I see what this book is trying to do - and it sometimes succeeds. It is very funny, but often at the expense of the women it depicts. Obviously written by a man, this book is just not for me.

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Women’s Hotel by Daniel M. Lavery

This novel is about the residents of a women’s hotel in 1960s New York City.
While I found the history of such establishments fascinating, I struggled with this book. I wanted to like it, and indeed I did like parts of it.

My struggle was that it never felt like a novel. Rather, it felt like a history of the building and a cast of characters.

I liked the history and the characters, but ultimately, I wanted more of a plot. I felt like I was looking at just a snapshot of the building and its inhabitants, which was lovely, but I wanted more of a story to move everything forward.

I still found it all interesting but was left wanting more.

Thank you to HarperVia for the Net Galley ARC.

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Hilarious!! Fans of Lavery will love this one -- he brings the perfect blend of humor, plot, and heart. I thought the hotel setting was so fascinating, and loved the opportunity too get to know so many fabulous characters.

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I really enjoyed this novel ,I have heard about Women’s Hotels so was interested in reading about the.I enjoyed the characters reading about their lives their reasons for living there. #netgalley #harpervia

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I'm happy to report that Women's Hotel was no exception to my nearly 10 year love affair with Daniel Lavery's writing. This was such a perfect little book, with humor that glints and bites. By which I mean, it was actually funny, unlike 70% of what I read lately. I'm convinced we share the same brain (when he mentioned the bourgeois disappointment of Percy Florence Shelley to the memory of his radical parents I nearly hooted). In perhaps the highest praise I can give, I've sent excerpts to my sisters and will be forcing them to read it when it comes out.

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I ultimately did not finish this book. I kept trying to read more to get into the story but I found it difficult to digest and just not captivating at all. Really tried and wanted to love it but found myself rereading sections because I had zoned out from how bored and disengaged I was. Would not recommend.

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The characters of "Women's Hotel" were well-developed and fascinating. It took me a little bit to get into the story, as with the number of characters and switching of perspectives, it was a bit of a dull or difficult kind of read. The sheer number of characters, especially ones with similar names, made my read a little tricky. I couldn't keep track of which character was which for much of the first half of the book. As the story developed though, and I understood the pacing and the slice of life sort of tale it was telling, I got more into it and found details that were delightful and deeply interesting. I loved the variety of characters and the way each of them lived their lives--the diversity and intrigue really pulled me in. A really interesting concept for a novel, I enjoyed peering into this hotel and living life with these women.

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I really liked this book, and I think the world-building and character creation worked great together. I found them to be dynamic and very entertaining to read. I was looking forward to this book and it did not disappoint, I can't wait for it to come out so that I can have a physical copy of it

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Thanks to NetGalley and HarperVia for the opportunity to read Women's Hotel by Daniel M. Lavery. Being familiar with these types of establishments from "back when" I was intrigued by this book and enjoyed it.

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