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Innocent Intent

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A Whodoneit with Romance
This is a perfect example of an traditionally published book with indie nuance.

I really enjoyed this book. I'm a " whodoneit" reader and take pride in catching the killer early in the book. I thought I guessed it then changed my mind about 3 times. I'm also a contemporary romance lover and this was a good blend of murder and romance. I appreciated the building attraction between Nate and Cassidy. I hope to read more from this author.
Plot: 5
Character Development: 4.5
Book flow: 4.0
Round up: 5 🌟

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Some of the plot was predictable but it kept my interest. The novel has romance built into the plot which wasn’t expected but it was pleasant surprise. Not a big fan of series but this could easily morph into one.

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A page turner for sure. I enjoyed this new suspense thriller lane that KC Mills has taken us down with this book that has a heavy dose of romance infused into the storyline.

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This book was masterfully written by K.C. Mills! The character and story development, as well as the final plot twist, were all flawless. I was curious to see how this author would handle a thriller because I've read other books by her, and she did an amazing job. The book really captured my attention from the first page. I was wondering how Cassidy would fare in the end because the deck was stacked against her. Though mysterious at first, Detective Davis eventually showed himself deserving of my admiration. A page-turner, Innocent Intent was masterfully written. Only because I had to work did I finish the book in two days. I hope to read more thrillers written by this author in the future. Bravo, K.C. Mills!

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While I love love love K.C. Mills this thriller just didn’t do it for me mostly because I wasn’t expecting the romance to overshadow the story the way that it did. It felt like a romance with a thriller aspect per say a thriller with romance. I felt like there were scenes that were a little unnecessary and a lot of repeated statements. That being said this is her first thriller so she has room to grow and I can’t wait to see it happen!

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Cassidy Evans is a criminal psychologist, delving into the minds of some of the darkest personalities there are. She has now retired and decides to put pen to paper documenting her learnings and experiences, taking her show on the road speaking to groups of people who are fascinated by her history in this field.

But just because we have training in what the human psyche is capable of, this does not mean we may not be susceptible to our own heartache, we can also be blind regarding our own surroundings and not always see what may actually be staring us in the face.

Soon she is stunned by the body of her own husband discovered at a crime scene that she attended with a former colleague, but this is not the only surprise in store for her as she becomes entangled in this situation.

Detective Davis is a man on a mission wanting to get to the bottom of what has occurred. Not overly liked in his new office and with a team he neither knows nor trusts, he will have his own difficulties as he tries to settle into his new environment and solve the case presented in front of him. He is quite mistrustful of Cassidy regarding her innocence and over time will keep questioning himself regarding his intentions towards her and what is morally right for a man in his position.

The story moves along at a decent pace, and I found myself escaping away from the real world for a blissful few hours, this is another book I would definitely recommend. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions expressed are my own.

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I was introduced to KC Mills through her romance, so when I saw she had a thriller, I knew it was a must-read for a thriller lover like myself. I mean, who can resist a dead husband and a wife who's the prime suspect?

Cassidy Evans spent a good part of her professional life helping to put the bad guys away. She never thought that her skills would be needed one day to help prove she wasn't one of them. With a dead husband and time running out to close the case, Cassidy must work closely with Detective Davis to prove she isn't capable of doing the unthinkable.

One of the things I love about mysteries and thrillers is trying to find out "who done it?" I figured out who the culprit was 57% into the book, but when the other details came out near the end of the book!!!! I didn't see that coming. This book is for anyone who loves thrillers and is looking for something that won't get too bogged down in detail and has a storyline that continuously moves. I loved it!

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In true KC Mills fashion, Innocent Intent captures your attention from page one. There were so many intricate layers to the plot there was no way to truly predict what was going to happen next. Cassidy becomes the prime suspect in her husband’s murder and her life is flipped upside down. Everything she thought she knew was all a lie. In comes Detective Davis, a man who is secure in himself and his ability to solve even the most complex cases. This was a jaw dropping read I couldn’t put down.

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**I was given a free ARC in exchange for an honest review**. I love a great “who done it” and this book delivers. There were many times when I thought I had it figured out but there were enough twists to keep me guessing. I also loved the fact that although it’s a thriller, it wasn’t void of K.C. Mills’ signature romance.

In the beginning some of the book seemed repetitive, but t did help build the story. The only things keeping me from a 5 star rating is that 1) it’s a bit unbelievable that someone who discovered that she was duped by her husband and said she would no longer trust anyone seemed to trust the detective who was trying to pin her husband’s murder on her; and 2) I didn’t love the fact that someone as intelligent as Cassidy never thought to hire an attorney as soon as she knew she was suspect. Given her background, you’d think this would be one of the first things she did. Instead, we’re to believe she was so set on her clearing her name that she never thought to seek representation.

Despite those two issues that I personally had, this book is worth reading and I highly recommend it.

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Cassidy Evans is the blueprint. As a Criminal Psychologist, Cassidy is a savant. She spent years solving groundbreaking cases by shifting through the minds and behaviors of those driven by the darkness that controls them. After years of dedicated field work, Cassidy decides to retire and share her expertise of killers’ mentalities as a novelist. As a published author, she’s now happily married and spends most of her time traveling the world and sharing with others how to understand the twisted minds that drive bad behaviors. Unfortunately, with all of the knowledge that Cassidy is armed with, she somehow overlooks the lies of the person closest to her. When she tags along to a crime scene with and old colleague, Cassidy is shocked to discover that the victim is her husband. If that’s not enough to send her world spiraling, she also finds out that the identity of the murdered victim, doesn’t match the name on their marriage license! This book was very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! Thus book had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, double crossing, revenge, and some hot romance! A fantastic who done it and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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