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Clara Poole and the Wrong Way Up

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I was completely captivated by the first book, and this one has only deepened my love for the series. I adore middle-grade books, especially those that blend adventure with heartfelt moments. Just like the first book, this one introduces us to a world of fun and quirky characters, thrilling adventures, and a message of love, friendship, and the joy of the journey being more important than the destination. It’s a light-hearted yet impactful read for both children and adults. I can’t wait to share this series with my daughter when she’s older.

Thank you to NetGalley and Pixel+Ink for the arc of this book.

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The second book in the Clara Poole series is just as good as the first. It allows for some character development to the characters we met in book 1 while introducing some new people into this world. Having Clara as somewhat of an outsider helps us as readers learn about world right along with her. I felt so bad for Clara when Hatsu kind of turned on her - she was already feeling like she didn't belong and had to work harder than everyone else to prove herself and then her best friend turns her back on her. It was nice that they had their moment during the final race to get back on track, but it turned out to be short-lived as the next crisis immediately followed. Just as with the first book, I loved the parts with all the kids working/plotting together. There are some really great characters there and they each bring something to the story - and sometimes their comic relief is greatly needed. This book has a really great twist towards the end involving the villains of the piece - I kind of felt bad for one of them and then remembered how awful they had been to Clara and her friends throughout the story. I thought the parts involving Greta's death and Clara's father's new romance were brushed over a little too quickly (am I alone in hoping that Greta isn't really dead and this was all part of a bigger plot?). The ending of this book makes me so so so excited for the next book! I can't wait to find out how this new adventure goes (and how Clara and Ophelia do as allies). This series is a definite must-have for classroom and school libraries!

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What worked:
There are immediate changes and strange occurrences to signal a mystery is brewing. The new students arriving at the Air Academy discover they haven’t been accepted yet and Clara is informed she’s only an alternate. She won’t be a student unless someone else drops out. Students and teachers have been seriously injured due to broken bridges and faulty equipment found in the airborne school. The headmaster’s opening address to students is confusing as he’s forgetful and loses his train of thought. He also suffers from sleep-flying and must be retrieved when he drifts off into the sky. Clara finds cryptic messages and clues so readers will try to figure out what’s happening behind the scenes. A surprising twist awaits when the plot reaches its climax.
As with the previous book, the author includes many characters to either act as Clara’s friends or fill the role of antagonists. Short, little Hatsu has been looking forward to being Clara’s roommate since last year’s great balloon race which proves she’s Clara’s most enthusiastic supporter. Until she’s not. Ophelia still detests Clara although Clara begins to view the girl differently after overhearing a conversation. Their relationship changes. Clara and the academy’s biggest problem might be the assistant headmaster. He divides the new recruits into two groups and the Peregrines are clearly the favored team. He also treats Clara with disdain and puts her in unwinnable situations. A former enemy becomes an ally but Clara’s team is dysfunctional with constant internal drama.
A highlight of the book is how the cast of characters changes as the plot moves along. Students from the past have been injured or traumatized enough to leave the academy and that trend continues. Readers won’t always know if characters are gone for good or if they’ll eventually turn up again. A teacher, assumed to be dead, returns unexpectedly and becomes a mentor to Clara. She raises the concept of gender bias and readers are frequently made aware of her conflicted past with the acting headmaster. The actual headmaster finally disappears from the academy but Clara is almost certain it isn’t an accident. The popular safety director vanishes with him and readers will presume they may be gone forever. A fellow student named Binder loves to joke around and create havoc so he keeps everyone on their toes.
What didn’t work as well:
The main conflict is difficult to identify as the characters are worried about being accepted to the academy when they’re not clashing with each other. The bigger issue is what’s happening behind the scenes and the author provides red herrings, misdirection, and vague observations. The clues Clara finds are often found by accident and they’re then put on the back burner due to some other problem.
The final verdict:
This book is quite different from the previous one as it’s a new, exciting adventure in the skies. Clara encounters animosity, doubt, and jealousy from other characters but readers will admire her efforts to do the right thing. I highly recommend you give this book a shot and I look forward to its sequel.

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This was a great sequel in the Clara Poole series, it had everything that I enjoyed from the first book and used that adventure element perfectly with what I wanted. I thought the characters felt like they were supposed to in this world. It had everything that I enjoyed from the genre. Taylor Tyng has a great writing style and I can't wait to read more from them.

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I devoured this so fast like I did with the first one. I love this story, the characters and just everything. I highly recommend and can’t wait to have both books on my shelf.

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