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Disturbing the Dead

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The Rip Through Time series has quickly become one of my favorites, and I look forward to each installment. “Disturbing the Dead” incorporates some very interesting plot points—including a “mummy-unwrapping party” and the first female medical students in Edinburgh—and aspects like these make this time-travel-to-Victorian-Scotland series so fascinating. I have grown so fond of these characters and the intriguing cases that come their way. Each book provides rich interactions between the characters and a complex crime. Best of all, this book includes a most unexpected twist, and I was riveted. This is a can’t miss series for readers who love time travel! Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this audiobook in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Disturbing the Dead
A Rip Through Time Novel
by Kelley Armstrong
Narrated by Kate Handford

I received an ARC of this audiobook through Netgalley.

I love this author and I love this series

My one real bone of contention is that the romance sizzles so slowly as to be barely noticeable.

I find that I love time travel and historical fiction stories especially when there is romance involved.

I love the narrator too!

I highly recommend this book and this series.

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“Disturbing The Dead” is the third, and my favorite, installment in the “A Rip Through Time” series. Mallory and the gang investigate the death and partial mummification of a Victorian Egyptologist. The suspects are few but the pieces are many. I don’t want to say too much because things that we’ve been waiting for happen in this book and I was there for all of it. I stayed up late to finish. I’d be ok with the series ending here but things weren’t exactly settled when this tale concluded so I’m hoping that means we’ve still got more adventures ahead of us!
As always, Kate Hanford is a great narrator! Her Scottish voice isn’t stellar but it’s passable enough for me.
*Thanks to MacMillan Audio & NetGalley for the advance audiobook copy.

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Kelly Armstrong does it again! I love this series.

We focus on Mallory and she has been moved from current day to Victorian era Scotland. I listened to the audiobook and it was fabulous!!! the Narrator was fabulous. They start by focusing on a mummy unwrapping where a murder takes place. Mallory is not too sure about the mummy unwrapping as she finds it to be in poor taste based on her views.

I hope series continues.

Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read and review.

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Disturbing the Dead by Kelly Armstrong is the third book in her A Rip Through Time series. Mallory has been quantum leaped from current day to Victorian era Scotland. The murder takes place at the party of a mummy unwrapping. I was glad that Mallory viewed the idea of a mummy unwrapping as extremely poor taste, based on modern views. She also doesn't let the people in that time get away with casual racism, classism or misogyny. People tend to blow it off or let folks in the past get away with just appalling views because that was just the time they were in. I feel like Mallory is like an ally planted in the past and hopefully made a few people think twice and will make a difference in her own time.
Thank you to netgalley for the ARC. Opinions are my own.

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Thanks to Macmillan Audio for the gifted audiobook.

5 stars.

Note: If you haven’t read the first 2.5 books in this series, I HIGHLY recommend doing so ASAP. It’s Outlander meets The Alienist – part his-fic, part mystery, part romance, part sci-fi. It’s genre bending in the best way and I’ve never read anything like it.

Review: WOW. I didn’t think I could love this series any more than I did coming into this book, but I do. Book 3 brings us back to 19th century Edinburgh and gives us murder, mayhem, and mummies. While the first two books center around world building and developing Mallory’s professional life in the 19th century, book 3 explores Mallory’s personal life and deepens her relationship with the Gray family. I always feel a little devastated when finishing a new book in this series, but this one was especially tough because I’m more invested than ever in the characters and their world. I CANNOT WAIT for book 4.

Audio: The narrator, Kate Handford, is PERFECT for Mallory. Although she’s narrated many other books, I’ve only ever listened to her perform this series, so in my head, she IS Mallory. She does a wonderful job of bringing this story to life and I highly recommend picking up an audio copy of this one.

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A wonderful addition to a delightful series! I always enjoy my time spent with Mallory and Grey, but this was an especially fun visit as it not only contained a fun mystery, but also moved Mallory's story onwards. Kelley Armstrong is a master at giving us a nuanced tale with a satisfying ending. The narration is, as always, a joy, and I can tell who is speaking by the the pitch and demeanor of the narrators lively storytelling.

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Disturbing the Dead (A Rip Through Time #3) by Kelley Armstrong
Narrated by Kate Handford
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Genre: Historical Fiction, Sci Fi & Fantasy
Expected Publication Date: May 7, 2024

Disturbing the Dead is the third book in A Rip Through Time series by Kelley Armstrong. This book can be enjoyed as a standalone mystery or as part of the series. I was soooo looking forward to reading this book and it did not let me down!

This book is fast paced and absolutely captivating. It literally had me on the edge of my seat and was so emotional. This book was more than I expected and I loved it all!!!

The narration by Kate Handford was wonderful! I loved how she brought this book to life!

I highly recommend reading Disturbing the Dead. I’ll be patiently waiting for the next book!!!!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Rating: 5/5 Stars

Does there any genre that Kelley Armstrong can't write?! Seriously I have read police procedural series, I have read her horror and now I just read the third in this historical fiction / mystery series and let me just say, it just keeps on getting better. I am a huge fan of time travel books. And this series is just everything...

Disturbing The Dead is the third in the "A Rip Through Time" series and seriously I cannot begin to explain how much I loved this book. This one is hands down my favorite of the three. This story was so captivating right from the start. Mallory, a modern day detective is still living in 1860's working alongside Dr. Duncan Gray, the undertaker/medical examiner. This time these two head to a mummy unwrapping and get a little more than they asked for. Just as in the others in the series, these two along with the help of a cop and Duncan's sisters, they face the mystery and try to solve it using resources available with Mallory's futuristic brain.

This one was fast past, engaging and was so interesting right from the start. There was even more character growth in so many of the characters in this one. One particular part of the story really set me on edge and had me jumping up and down in excitement (but I will refrain from saying because of spoilers)... But that ending though, let me just say.... I better get a fourth book! I just loved this one so much. I cannot recommend it enough.

I was able to listen to this one while reading along with it on my kindle and this was just so well done. I loved it. Kate Handford was amazing and brought this story to life form me.

Overall, this is a phenomenal series. All of my historical fiction / mystery friends - you really should pick this one up. Disturbing The Dead is releasing on 5/7. Be sure to check this one out! Huge thank you to NetGalley, Kelley Armstrong, St. Martins Press, Minotaur Books, and MacMillan Audio for the eARC and ALC in exchange for my honest review.

Do you enjoy when an author writes different genres? Do you have any authors to recommend? Do you tend to like one of their genres more than the others?

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"Disturbing the Dead" offers readers a captivating blend of historical intrigue and modern-day mystery. Set against the backdrop of Victorian Scotland, the novel transports readers to a time where societal norms and customs reign supreme. However, some readers may find themselves frustrated with Mallory Atkinson's refusal to conform to the expectations of Victorian society, which may seem unrealistic given the time period. Additionally, while the plot is undeniably engaging, the mystery itself could arguably take place in any time period, detracting somewhat from the historical setting. Nevertheless, Kelley Armstrong's skillful storytelling and atmospheric prose create a compelling narrative that will keep readers guessing until the very end. Overall, "Disturbing the Dead" is a gripping addition to the Rip Through Time series that will satisfy fans of both historical fiction and crime novels alike.

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I stopped to investigate parts of historical Edinburgh while listening to this mystery and enjoyed learning about the connection of the Newgate novel and detective chap books to modern mysteries. Issues surrounding the craze for Egyptian artifacts were also interesting. I like the characters in this series and Lady Annis’s acerbic wit and her banter with Mallory are especially fun. While the clues are all there I didn’t solve the mystery before Mallory and Dr Gray, and I certainly didn’t expect the large plot twist. This is an entertaining time travel mystery and my favorite of the series so far. Recommended.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a review audiobook. All opinions expressed are my own.

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5 🎧
The 3rd installment of this series and so much fun! We’ve got time travel, mummy unwrapping and mystery! I was so excited to get an advanced copy of this audiobook as I’ve loved the first two books of Kelley Armstrong’s A Slip Through Time series. And this was another great addition to the series!

Mallory and Dr Grey are back with another mystery as they are invited to a mummy unwrapping party that goes wrong. I love that Kelley’s books have so much fun historical info as well as her detective who dunit style mystery. And enjoyed following the case, I also appreciate that the author reference her time travel at this point to keep the series making sense. Great read!

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Ohmygosh! I've been enjoying this series, but it just escalated from very good to amazing.

The mystery is excellent as usual, but it's Mallory's emotionally charged situation that nearly took my breath away. There will be no spoilers from me, but I will say that I stopped what I was doing so I could listen without any other distractions.

And although not related specifically to Mallory, I do want to say that I loved the Goblin Market. What fun!

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of the audiobook. My opinions are my own.

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Love this book, Nothing like a mystery in time. Anything with time travel is always great in my book

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I absolutely love this series where a modern-day Canadian detective is transported 150 years back in time in Scotland and finds herself enmeshed with a progressive (for the time) mortician and his chemist sister and their crime-solving activities.

This installment has Mallory and the Scooby-gang investigating the murder of a prominent Egyptologist, whose body is substituted for that of a mummy that was to be the star attraction at a public unveiling. Mallory navigates the restrictions of the time that include expectations of women's roles as well as their clothing, while she chases down clues and follows leads. My only complaint is that the slow-burn romance is ice cold here. At this point, it seems to be a figment of Mallory and Grey's imaginations. Let's throw a little gas on that fire!

Great audio narration.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance audiobook and reader copy of Disturbing the Dead by Kelley Armstrong in exchange for an honest review. I read the first half of this as an ebook and the second half I listened to. I feel so grateful for all the advance copies of Kelley Armstrong books I have been granted. She is truly my favorite author and I love every book I read of her's. This series has been has been a genre I normally don't read, but is so good! I love the continuing relationships between Mallory and Duncan, Isla, Jack and even Mrs Wallace. There is a lot I can't mention due to spoilers, but you will love this next installment of Mallory's adventures in 19th century Scotland.

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Disturbing the Dead (A Rip Through Time #3)
by Kelley Armstrong, narrated by Kate Handford

In the present day, Mallory Atkinson is/was a thirty something police detective but something strange happened and she was thrown 150 years back in time and into the body of a younger housemaid, Catriona Mitchell. By this third book in the series, Mallory is settled in as Catriona and there are even three people who know that she isn't THE Catriona but someone from the future. This makes things easier since Mallory can be herself when she's with these three people, people she likes very much and is now working with closely.

Because her boss, undertaker/medical examiner Dr. Duncan Gray, knows Mallory's real identity, he's promoted her to work as his assistant since he can use her professional detective skills in his line of work. Dr. Gray's police friend detective Hugh McCreadie also knows Mallory's real identity and willingly and humorously steps back when he knows that Mallory's more modern skills can help to solve a tricky case. Overall, other than the guilt of leaving her parents and dying grandmother in her past (actually future), Mallory has settled in very well into Victorian times and loves the works she is doing and the people she is working alongside.

The latest case of Gray, McCreadie, and Mallory arises when Gray and Mallory attend a mummy unwrapping. But things go wonky when the host of the unwrapping can't be found and Gray and Mallory must step in and unwrap the mummy. When it seems the mummy is wearing a modern day (Victorian modern day) suit, it's obvious something bad is afoot and off go Gray and Mallory to find the killer, the mummy body, and who is doing what to whom.

This entry in the series gives us some much needed closer that I wasn't sure we'd ever get since Mallory's time travel experience seems to be one way, one time, thus far. Mallory is so settled in with Gray and company that it now seems she belongs with them. At the same time, her otherworldly-ness needs to be hidden from any but those in the know. Being a modern woman squashed into corsets, layer upon layer of confining clothing, and the need to act clueless when she is anything but, can be very frustrating. Thankfully, Mallory is now introduced as being trained as Gray's assistant so she is able to let some of her modern knowledge shine through when necessary. This has been my favorite of the three books in the series as Malloy is more often able to be herself as she becomes better known as "not" Catriona. Kate Handford continues to do a great job of narrating the story and these diverse characters.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio, St. Martin's Press, and Minotaur Books and NetGalley for this ARC.

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