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Love Betrayal

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Great story, I loved the story and how it felt like there were two story lines in the book. I feel like it can make the book more entertaining and have at least one resolution before the book ends. The characters felt relatable, and some of the decisions made felt very much like real life scenarios. My only complaint was that there were too many current “trendy/viral” moments in the book, which I feel makes it age quickly. Overall though it was a very good book.

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Love Betrayal is set in the world of the MC and is filled with secrets and betrayals that will either make the club stronger or weaken them. The Angels and Devils MC are living a new life with new leadership, and everyone is trying to find their place in the new MC. As the Enforcer of the MC, River tries to keep everyone safe and in doing so he thinks he shouldn’t receive happiness because of the darkness he carries. Being with Bella is one of the best things in his world but he doesn’t think he deserves her. Bella lives in the MC world but has never witnessed the darkness it entails until she gets a glimpse of River’s dark tendencies. Their story is about loving that one person no matter what because you know who they are on the inside. They have the greatest chemistry and I love their intensity when they are on the page. All the betrayal and lies that are in between the pages makes for a great story and you will not be disappointed when you read it.

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I looooove this series!! Love Betrayal is phenomenal!! Chantel knows how to write MC.. I devoured thus book in one sitting..

I loooved River & Bella!! I was looking heard to this book when we met these two in book 1 Love Grudge. What starts a casual.. continues.. but the chemistry is there and it’s fire! I loved the communication and the no nonsense..

Fabulous Read Chantel!!

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I really enjoyed Love and Betrayal. There were some parts I was confused about but thats on me because I didn’t know that there was a book where the MCs met previously. Overall it was really good It was filled with lots of suspense and turns. Nothing could have prepared me for the plot twist. I can’t wait to see what else comes out of this series.

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The book sounded like it was going to be very promising. I’ve read a lot of mafia/dark romance books. This is my first biker one in AWHILE. So I was excited to see if I still had an interest.

The first page on my Kindle had the word “fu*k” 5 times. The second page another 3 or so and the third another. Now I’m all for giving off that bad boy don’t care what people think personality…but that was absolutely excessive along with the fact that we know nothing about the characters because they JUST met and in that same moment we’re already getting a penis reference. I need some REAL connection before we give reference to her being IT for him and what she does to his man parts 😅.

I read a few more chapters and I just couldn’t get past the rushed storyline, the zero chemistry between River and Bella, and lack of personality in the FMC Bella, besides constantly giving the ultimatum but not following through with her threats to her man and her woe is me it’s all my fault attitude. One minute her and River don’t have good communication and the next they’re all of the sudden pros at communicating their differences. What?

Then we have the ex boyfriend and the plot twist of why he was in a relationship with her at all. And of course he’s the one trying to tear their world’s apart. It just felt obvious from the moment we meet him towards the beginning that he was a dirt bag.

Overall I think this was a good effort but a lot more could have been added to make it a really good dark biker romance. It also is a quick read which I liked. I give it 3.5/5 stars!

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So excited for the continuation of this series! After the total bombshell that took place in the previous book, I was interested in seeing where Chantal took things, and I was not disappointed in this book! This installment focuses on Julianna’s cousin Bella, and Romeo’s cousin River, who we saw flirting in the previous book, and come to find out they’ve been in an unofficial relationship of sorts since that night as well. The only difference is that River keeps his relationship separate from the club and club business, and Bella isn’t involved in her family’s MC business, but rather in the real estate side of the business for the club, taking Julianna’s old position. There were so many twists and turns that I didn’t see coming in this book – between Julianna’s sister and River’s father, but also with how River really keeps Bella in the dark about who he ”truly is” even though she really does know him aside from his anger and violence in relation to the club and why he is like that. I can’t wait for the next installment and see who is next in these families to fall in love!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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I thought this book was ok it was pretty predictable, but the plot was enjoyable. I just wish it wasn’t so predictable and I felt like the conflicts were resolved a little too easily. And the story just progressed a little fast in my opinion.

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This is shaping up to be an excellent series! We have family. Friends. Love. Anger. Jealousy. Serious heat. Danger. Secrets that come tumbling out. And a truly unhinged person or two just to make it interesting.

River and Bella are perfectly matched and they also know how to communicate when things get hairy, so they’re quite the relationship goal already. They don’t hold back when asked the hard questions. They don’t keep secrets from each other. And they don’t back down when anyone steps to them. At all. They support each other and their family every step of the way, and Bella’s also instrumental in proving that Corey isn’t a child anymore.

Even with the drama that swirls around this bunch, this doesn’t feel like it’s over the top. Instead, it’s got me wanting more. I want answers and Corey’s story and probably a few others. I want someone served what they deserve. And I want it all now!

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River and Bella ♥️
This book was so Good! The romance and suspense make this a gripping page-turner.
It was thrilling to read the apparent reasons so many characters are the way they are, but it left me wondering what their real motives are. I love that feeling when a story keeps you guessing what's going to happen.
I love that the crazy drama in this story is with everyone else but not between River and Bella. Even though they start casually they are devoted to each other right from the start and conquer everything together. It's so refreshing to read. I love the family dynamics and the way these two MCs can coexist... Or can they????
We shall see....

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"They say when you meet the one you're meant to be with you'll know.... and I did!"

I love strong characters, that pull me right into their lives and keep me so wrapped up that the rest of the world around me fades away!
This Story of River and Bella exceeded all my expectations!!
River and Bella meet and have a instant attraction, both technically from similar backgrounds and MC clubs, Bella the Angels and River The Devils. Their blooming relationship had me captured from the word go.
River is not a man to take lightly, he's dark, dangerous and definitely a walking sex bomb!! As the enforcer for his MC he carries a violent reputation and he can surely live up to it. He thrilled me!!! So many facets of this man to unravel!!!
Bella work's for her MC's legitimate business, she doesn't give her heart easily she sure makes him work for it and I loved her!!
Their relationship was joy to my heart, hot, heavy and they faced each challenge head on, nothing no one was going to weaken them!! River is a man that will protect those he loves no matter what he has to sacrifice of himself to achieve it.
The twists and turns had me ready to join their fight!! Sometimes the enemy is closer to home than you think and this author kept the suspense up right till the end!!
A story of Love, A story of Conflict, betrayal, Loyalty, family and HEART!!
My favorite MC book is have read this year !!

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There's just something about Bikers, I can never get enough of a gripping MC series and Angels & Devils ticks all my boxes. I find the danger, drama and intensity of this world seductive and addictive.

Love Betrayal is a thrilling read, a story shrouded in secrets, danger and violence. A love story about acceptance and loyalty, it's romantic with plenty of spice too. River and Bella are seriously freaking hot together and their chemistry is off the charts, I love them together.

I'm excited for more as there are some amazing characters in this series. I hope Corey and Damon to get their story, fingers crossed. I can't wait to see River try to keep his cool. 😂

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Another excellent MC book from this author. I never get tired of her books. The MMC is learning to trust enough to let the FMC into his life which is uglier than he would like her to believe. The FMC learns how deep her loyalty runs. In a world where loyalty is everything, who can you really trust? This spicy MC spicy romance has lovable characters and edge of your seat suspense. HEA included.

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I started and finished this book within a few hours. I love MC romances, and this one didn’t disappoint. Like a lot of MC romances you have the plot which normally has a lot of twists so you stay intrigued but also has a lot of spice. In this you’ll go through the journey with Bella, and River they’ve been in a relationship for over a year but Bella feels their in a limbo because it hasn’t advanced past anything casual. River is hiding secrets and doesn’t want Bella to know and therefore keeps that side of him to himself. He is very protective over her like most MC mmc are. It is in first person POV in dual pov which is a big bonus. I don’t feel like the spice over weighs the plot and it’s balanced out perfectly. This story also brings past characters and future characters. I overall enjoyed this book #netgalley

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Chantal Fernando is an expert in writing MC romance novels. Her latest book, Love Betrayal, is the second installment in the Angels and Devils MC series, and it did not disappoint. The book is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with action-packed scenes from the very beginning till the end.

The plot centers around River, the Vice President and Enforcer of the Devils MC, who unexpectedly finds himself drawn to Bella, a woman with a heart of gold. As the story progresses, the complexities of their relationship unfold, and the reader is taken on an enthralling journey.

Chantal Fernando's writing style is engaging, and it's easy to get lost in the world she has created. From the first chapter, the reader is hooked, and it's hard to put the book down. Love Betrayal is a must-read for fans of MC romance novels, and I can't wait for the next book in the series!

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Love Betrayal❤️‍🩹

Love Betrayal is the next book in the Angels & Devils MC series and focuses mainly on River and Bella. They met in the previous book when Romeo and Julianna were flirting with each other and courting danger and mayhem😳

Now that the clubs have joined forces, things appear to be going well…that is until it appears someone is following them, but not everything is as it seems and soon an enemy closer than anyone thought shows up to play ball😈

I loved this story..I guessed a few things right but there was a twist I did not see coming❣️Great story and characters and I’m holding thumbs we get more. I received an advanced copy and willingly leave my honest opinion😇

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I loved this one!
I’ll admit I was a little nervous since I had a hard time getting into the last story in this series, but this one did not disappoint!
River and Bella met when their best friends (also cousins) got together in a bar. They started off casual but have now been together over a year and Bella wants to make it more official. She wants to know it is going somewhere unlike with her ex. Next thing you know she’s moved in with him. 🤣
You’ll see what I mean when you read it.
I enjoyed the chemistry between these two characters and I felt the story progressed naturally and didn’t feel rushed.

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Chantal does what she does best, give us the world of bikers who both a Hero & Villain. River is more Villain but you can't ignore his deep sense of love & loyalty. Bella is a woman who gets it. You enjoy the characters that make up this family. Nobody is prefect, but I love that. No unnecessary angst just to prolong things. Everything had its place & purpose. Romance, chemistry, danger, love, banter & more! Read it!

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