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The Real Deal

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Member Reviews

Cute quick read. Story felt rushed at time so I lost focus. Ending was expected but also abrupt. The text message conversations showed up as a rectangle so context was lost a little. Overall, cute and enjoyable.

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This wasn’t the best, very standardized for its troupe. I feel like things could have been explained better & done differently. Very bummed.

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dnf at 15%
I just didn't really care about the characters and what was happening. I could see someone else enjoying this it just personally isn't for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this book.

Piper and Aiden are rivaling realtors that are forced to work together to sell a home. They have a history, and it isn't a good one. Can they overcome their past to create a bright future?

I read this in a matter of hours. It was the perfect fluffy palate cleanser after some more heavy reading lately. It's one of those books that you can skim through and still know what's happening and in this instance, I didn't mind that. I am not a fan of miscommunication, however, and if the MCs had just had ONE big heart to heart about everything, this book could have been a lot stronger. I found Piper to be quite immature for a woman of her age, and quite petty. I also thought the ending was way too quick to resolve issues. There was very little depth to the characters as well. Overall, I can see myself reading this again if I was bored or wanted a very easy read. 3.5/5

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Title: The Real Deal
Author: Amelia Hall
Genre: Romance
Media: ebook
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Favorite quote: N/A
Sum of this book in 5 words or less: Cuties.
KU: Yes


Themes: friends to enemies to lovers, enemies to lovers, real estate, cancer, divorce



Short summary - Piper and Aiden are both real estate agents, and they have to co-list a luxury property together. They are forced to work together to get the property sold for a couple that is wanting to separate.

This book is marketed as an enemies to lovers rom com, but they were friends first before they became enemies. I think the added layer of friends first makes it so much sweeter when they get together - because they have a lot of shared history.

We get to explore themes of cancer - Piper even having thyroid cancer and beating it. She wears scarfs to cover the scar from it and it’s great character growth when she finally stops wearing the scarfs all together.

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Thank you BetGalley and publisher for this book!

What a great romcom! I loved the slow burn. This one had me hooked from page one. I loved the love story and the secondary characters are so funny!

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I wanted to be charmed but this fell short for me. It was clear there was a hating game vibe trying to happen and it was sweet watching Aiden pine for Piper but a little too formulaic. The red herring boyfriend turned out to be too predictable of a jerk, the professional rivalry actually wasn’t really a rivalry and the romance needed a lot more heat.

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The story of Aiden and Piper. Both in real estate, she thought they were friends till he stole one of her clients. Now they are forced to work together. An enemies to lovers romance.

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This book was…ok. Piper and Aiden are both real estate agents in Vancouver. Piper supposedly hates Aiden because he once stole one of her clients and because she admitted she had feelings for him and he didn’t reciprocate at the time.

I think my biggest issue with this book was the fact that Piper was SO NEGATIVE. About everything. And she wasn’t stubborn, she was plain bullheaded, no matter how detrimental it was to her life. The ending also felt super rushed…I was actually a little surprised when I got to the end like…that’s it??

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This was a interesting concept for what I was expecting from the description, it had the elements of romance novel that I enjoyed and thought the overall story was told perfectly. Amelia Hall wrote the characters and how they worked in this universe. I enjoyed the enemies to lovers element and thought it was realistically done. I enjoyed the characters and their development and glad I got to read this.

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This is what i like to call a pallet cleanser of a read. Cute, well paced, romantic. I really like both of the characters and the plot was engaging and interesting. It was a great read to break up some of the darker stuff I read.

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I really enjoyed this book! The characters were very well written and had great character development throughout the book. The romance was great and paced very well.

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This was a great story! The characters were like able and the plot was great! I was really interested and would definitely recommend.

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Looking for something cute and refreshing? Check out THE REAL DEAL by Amelia Hall

I thought this was an entertaining read that I enjoyed! It was quick, full of likable characters and I absolutely flew through the book.

I liked the growth for both Piper and Aaron. I especially liked how Aaron acknowledged his mistakes and had real character growth.

I would have liked more romance development between Aaron and Piper - the tension could have been a bit higher. I also missed seeing the happily ever after - the ending felt abrupt and I would have liked to see them together and see Piper do well at her job

I think Piper's previous battle with tyroid cancer was well handled - For such a fun book, it was handled with care and compassion.

Thanks to NetGalley and Invisible String Press for the ARC! Opinions are my own

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4 stars

This was a pretty solid, entertaining read which I enjoyed very much!

I loved how both characters were portrayed: how Piper didn't give in too quickly into her feelings and how Aaron acknowledged his mistakes and had real character development. I loved their competition for securing the buyer to the house.

But I felt like we could have done without the FMC relationship with the other realtor, as it was just a plot device. It would have been better to have more moments between Piper and Aaron!

Thank you to NetGalley, Invisible String Press and Amelia Hall for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Amelia Hall, and Invisible String Press for this A R C!

All thoughts and opinions are my own 💕


Find more on my IG @kayreads_romance

⚠️ !! Please be sure to check any TWs before diving in !! ⚠️

* Enemies to lovers
* Real estate agent FMC
* Rival real estate agent MMC
* Workplace rivals
* Cancer rep

Spicy chapters:
16 (kinda)

My thoughts while reading:

I don’t really understand the world of realty but I understand that we hate Aiden

Ugh I’m hoping he’s just a secret softie for Piper and will love her


I have been flying through this book! I am enjoying it so much!

I enjoyed the book a lot but I feel like the ending was rushed.
I wish we could have gotten to see more of Piper and Aiden together, as well as see Piper actually succeed at her job. It felt unfinished to me, but I did enjoy it while I was reading it!

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The Real Deal by Amelia Hall
A fun enemies to lovers romp.

Piper is a young real estate agent in Toronto, trying to grow her business after it was set-back by thyroid cancer. Aiden is a fellow agent, but with legacy connections and unscrupulous behavior like stealing Piper’s client. Piper finally gets the chance to list a multi-million dollar property which will launch her career, but it requires working with Aiden. Can they successfully work together on selling the property? Has Aiden changed his ways or is Piper’s career and heart on the line?

As a real estate agent myself, I was very excited to read this one. I enjoyed the real estate setting and the descriptions of their efforts to sell such a valuable property. I was very impressed with Piper’s hustle and hard work, it will inspire my work. Overall this was a fun read and I would recommend to other fan’s of romance books. It had all the good elements – eccentric side characters, dogs, strong character development and a slow burn.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for my E-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you for the ARC!

This book was definitely fun and entertaining but it wasn't necessarily special. I won't be staying up thinking about it. But as a book it was a fun, light read that I enjoyed well enough.

Thank you for the opportunity to read!

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I liked watching Piper and Aiden overcome their history. I felt like the secondary characters were a bit more entertaining and I hope they get their own spin-offs.

#TheRealDeal #netgalley

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This second-chance romance is completely written from Piper’s point of view as she comes face-to-face with a high-powered real estate agent who swooped in and signed a client she was wooing early in her career. It has your typical romance story-telling devices — high-stakes situations, he falls first, rival love interests, etc. — but I enjoy that the characters tackle real-life problems, too. Without giving too much away, there’s a cancer survivor, serious career and family discussions, and a few random surprises from secondary characters.

If I have any criticism, it’s that the pace of the story is slowed at some points by repeating background information or excessive details. I found myself skimming ahead at some points, and I suspect other readers will, too.

But, if you’re looking for a light summer read, this one delivers with light romance, interesting characters, and a fun storyline.

Thanks to #NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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