Cover Image: Boy vs. Shark

Boy vs. Shark

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Member Reviews

This was such a cute little graphic novel with such a serious message. Paul doesn't want to admit how much he was affected by a scary movie about a shark. He knows intellectually that there are no sharks anywhere near him, and his friends are teasing him because they think it's funny.
When Paul ends up in a bad situation, he takes responsibility and finds his courage. He admits to himself and to his dad that he's responsible for his actions, and he banishes his fears.
It was really fun seeing the cultural references, like Kiss and Easy Bake Oven. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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My goodness! <i>Jaws</i> really did traumatize multiple <i>generations</i> of people!

I had a lot of fun reading Paul Gilligan’s <i>Boy vs. Shark</i>. While I don’t know that <i>Jaws</i> is such an incredibly prominent staple of this newest generation of children’s lives, I can definitely say with confidence that I experienced some of that secondhand trauma from how much that movie messed with people’s heads. We have a large chunk of society terrified of the ocean thanks to that film!

What really stood out to me about <i>Boy vs. Shark</i>, though—outside of the obvious movie references—was the overall message and growth our main character goes through. I cannot stress enough how much I view the development and learning experiences this character has as inherently important to young children out there.

We may not all understand the cultural significance of <i>Jaws</i> or the Easy Bake Oven, but we’ve all experienced peer pressure. We’ve all struggled to relate to our parents. We’ve all had those fearful and upsetting moments when we think we’re going to lose our best friends. We’ve all had the opportunity to learn to do what’s right rather than what is easy or what we’re scared into doing.

This is the sort of book that I could give to so many children and would be happy to do so. It’s the sort of book I’d want to have a conversation about, to help them learn with. It’s funny and engaging and relatable and could be just what the right kid needs at the right time.

So, if nothing else, thank you, Paul. Thank you for writing this. I can’t wait to give it to my students.

<i>I received an early copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</i>

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We had a blast reading Boy vs Shark! My son and I delved into this hilarious graphic memoir together, and it was a riot from start to finish. The illustration are fantastic, adding so much humor and charm to the story. It's a perfect choice for kids who love a good laugh and adventure!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun read and will be a great book for kids to enjoy. The story was was so fun and the illustrations were great.

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