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This was an absolute revelation !!
I had no idea about this and found the write up intriguing

Totally loved it

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First of all I would like to thank NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This isn't my usual go to genre of book but I was drawn in by the title and beautiful cover. The book was so well written and you could tell how much research the author had put in to make this story as from doing research myself after finishing the book I could see how close the author kept to the true story with the addition of some extra characters to help build depth and mystery.

Luckily there was a character guide in the book as a lot of characters are from the same families so have the same surname and for someone like me can easily get confused as to who is related to who so was a great help! This is also more of a slow paced book so wasn't gripped for the story but I read it at a leisurely pace and finished it within a few days.

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I honestly hate to do this, especially giving that it’s an ARC, but I’ve been struggling with this book for weeks and I’ve barely hit the 30% mark. I think it’s time to be truthful with myself: this isn’t for me.

I think it might be partly my fault because I got attracted by the pretty cover and the flashy title without actually reading what it was about, but it wasn’t just that. I think this book needed more editing, for starters. For the most part I felt like I was reading an essay instead of a work of fiction. I couldn’t connect to the characters at all. And that’s the key point for me. I might dislike the plot, but if the characters make me feel any type of emotion, I’ll stick to it. Otherwise, I just can’t.

Thank you so much NetGalley and the author for the opportunity. I’m really sorry this isn’t a more positive review.

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A well plotted and entertaining historical romance: vivid historical background, fleshed out characters, good storytelling.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Kate Braithwaite does a great job in writing this type of book. It had everything that I was looking for from a historical fiction book, the characters were wonderfully written and thought the overall feel worked. It had that mystery element that I was looking for and glad it worked overall.

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Excellent historical fiction that created a well rounded look into a family severed by scandal and gossip in early America. As a descendant to the Randolph's of VA, the author did her research and brought these real people to life again. The story was told in multiple perspectives, which will give you pause on who really was the victim of this supposed crime? Highly recommend to lovers of history and Revolutionary-era America. #thescandalouslifeofnancyrandolph #katebraithwaite #netgalley #goodreads

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The Scandalous Life of Nancy Randolph by Kate Braithwaite

In 1792 on a plantation in Virginia, the body of a baby is found abandoned. A scandal ensues which ricochets throughout the eminent Randolph family and all those related to them. At the heart of it is Nancy Randolph and her sister's husband Dick. But what really happened?

This was such an interesting read - based on a true story, the meticulous research by the author is very impressive. The book is also very entertaining - at the start you think you know what has happened, but as the book goes on you wonder if you really do! Very highly recommended.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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I enjoyed this book, historical fiction isn't usually my go to genre and the history in this book isn't one I have any prior knowledge of but it was very interesting to get a look into life in such a different time. The fiction weaved into real events was compelling and I did find myself wanting to know what the resolution would be. Knowing the resolution is a work of fiction does make me curious as to the factual history that we will never know the answers to. A good read.

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Although this is an easy to read novel, it seemed like there was too many characters, naturally they are all related in some way shape or form. Even with a character guide I felt like this was a bit much.

DNF around 30%, which I hate doing. Unfortunately it was just not for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Lume Books for my DRC in exchange for my honest review.

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A well-written historical novel that is full of mystery and intriguing secrets of the Randolph family. One is captivated by the story and right when you think you know you find yourself questioning the events that occurred. The events of one night lead you down a mysterious path to family secrets and murder. I enjoyed the history of this novel and the way it was written brought it to life on every page. This was my first Kate Braithwaite novel and I think I am hooked and will need to read more from here. A portrait of secrets and forbidden love crafted with the finest pen.

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This is a take on the true story of Nancy Randolph. Nancy goes to live with her sister and her husband Richard, but when a baby is found dead it’s rumoured that it was Nancy’s child and that she was having an affair with Richard. Richard is then accused of murder and a scandal ensues.

This is a very well researched novel and it was interesting to learn about Nancy who I knew nothing about prior to this book.

The underlining mystery of what really happened keeps you reading but the book is quite slow paced and took me a while to get through.

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Thank you NetGalley and Joffe Books for this eCopy to review

The Scandalous Life of Nancy Randolph was an interesting insight into a period of history I am not familiar with Virginia in the 18th century. Some slaves discover a white baby dead in the reeds, gossip soon sees Nancy Randolph and her sister's husband Richard accused. What follows is a sensational trial.

Whilst a little confusing at times, and the pace could be a bit quicker in places this was an intriguing story exploring how far reaching the effects of a crime are on families, communities and through time.

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My review for The Scandalous Life of Nancy Randolph by Kate Braithwaite (4 stars): A great historical fiction novel

Thank you Joffe Books for sharing an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I truly enjoyed this epic family drama set in the late 18th and early 19th century US. The story follows the lives of two Randolph sisters, Judy and Nancy. Their love for each other and close friendship are uncanny, though they could not be more opposite in character. Practical and thoughtful Judy is so different from the passionate and fun Nancy. In their younger years their differences seem to complement their relationship, but as the events of their lives unfold these exact differences are the cause of the shocking dramatic events of the Randolph family.

The story is loosely based on true events, though Kate Braithwaite included new untold perspectives of those whose voices haven’t historically been heard or documented. As the strain in the Randolph family begins (it’s impossible to share more details without spoiling anything), as a reader we’re faced with questioning our characters’ motivations, true thoughts and feelings. If you like an open-ended novel that isn’t prescriptive of whether you should like the characters or not, you’ll enjoy this novel. This is moral greyness at it’s best.

It is sometimes shocking to read realistic historical fiction because of the harsh realities of the times, and this novel is no exception. I strongly recommend you check your trigger and content warnings before going into this one, as the novel has some language and events that might affect the reader negatively.

I enjoyed the pacing of the first part of the book and found the events and the story extremely interesting. I’m glad the author has included a detailed list of all the characters, which I had to go back to a few times before I got the gist of the complicated family trees. Once you get on board with all the characters, the story is easy to follow. I did struggle with the second half of the book as I thought the pacing slowed down quite a bit, hence why I reduced my rating to 4 stars.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to those who like historical fiction.

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An intriguing story that is hampered by a confusing multitude of characters with the same or similar name, time jumps that and major events not always placed clearly in the timeline, and slow pacing. From the synopsis, I was anticipating a true crime-ish story – but all that sensational events are complete within the first half of the book. The remainder of the book is effects and aftermath. This makes for interesting reading, but it was not what I anticipated and hoped it would be. Still, this is solid historical fiction, told in an easily-accessible manner, detailing a piece of American history I knew nothing about – but of which I would like to learn more.
By telling this story through the eyes of Nancy and her sister Judy, the author does a great job of illustrating early American society – in particular highlighting the role of women and their lack of agency and complete dependency on family (particularly the men). It weaves together their lives and experiences inside the strict social norms and realities of the time. And is further enriched by the inclusion of the voice and perspective of Phebe, Nancy’s slave (an admittedly fictionalized account added to an otherwise well-researched telling of actual events). All told, this is a good read,

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This is a historical retelling of one of the first American scandals. In 1792, slaves stumbled across the body of a white baby hidden in the logs. Rumors were that Richard Randolph and his sister-in-law had a baby and discarded the baby to protect their reputation. The gossip results in a sensational trial.

While the concept was interesting, I found it difficult to connect with the characters. I understood what was happening, but I didn't really care about the characters or what happened to them. I also felt the pacing was a bit slow for my liking.

I think readers of Kristin Hannah or Kate Morton would like this book, also readers of historical mysteries or historical fiction.

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This is an interesting story. There was much detail. I appreciated Phebe"s perspective chapters to add more richness. I was unfamiliar with the actual story this book is based from, so I found it easy to get confused by the different characters even though a family guide was listed in the beginning of the book. It is a long book and expresses family relationships from that period well

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An intriguing story with an awful lot of rather similar sounding characters. Set in late 18th century Virginia it's a story of young love between a girl and her brother-in-law, with possible/probable results and consequences. I found it rather slow and ponderous and the language used sounded rather modern. Being based upon a true story, I went and researched that and found it far more interesting I'm afraid - even though there remains quite a lot of conjecture about the whole family and events. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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This book was very interesting from an historical perspective. The way Nancy was perceived by her own family and the remaining society just because rumours arose around her having an affair with her brother in law was incredibly unjust and I found thought provoking, as society at the time was looking at their women in this way. The story was well developed and had me invested in the characters even though it felt slightly slow paced at times. The writing style was good and it felt modern to me while sustaining the feeling of reading a book set the 1700s.

Concerning the characters I felt that Nancy is a strong woman at heart, but society prevented her from displaying this strength to the outside. She has rather modern values for the time and the way she supports her nephew Saint and treats her maid Phebe I find impressive considering the society at the time. Phebe is Nancy's rock and even though she is not free she supports and cares for Nancy not only as her mistress but also on a human level which I find displays a lot of strength. Judy is Nancy's sister and I find her quite dislikable along with the rest of the family, such a righteous bunch in my impression.

All in all I find this book very interesting historically and from a modern point of view quite thought provoking on how society should not be. This book gets my recommendation for anyone liking historical fiction with a grain of real history in it.

(A review will be published on May 2nd, 2024 on my instagram and Goodreads)

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I’d never heard about Nancy Randolph or this author before, but I was super intrigued by the blurb!
It felt like walking back in time from the very first page.

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A great retelling of a famous family from Gerogia, this book was something different from my normal historical fictions.

The history alone was worth the read. Add in the mysterious baby, a plantation and it gets better.

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