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The Chamber

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Wow!! Will Dean certainly knows how to make you feel you are right there with the characters. I enjoyed this read so much - so atmospheric, claustrophobic, and suspenseful! I cannot imagine being in one of those chambers even on a good day! Then with your colleagues mysteriously dying?! In those tiny confines?! Such a good, creepy read! And that ending?!?!? I need to talk about this with someone!!

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Will Dean never ceases to amaze me with his range! All of his standalone novels vary widely in topic, but are so perfectly executed!

The Chamber has such a unique premise: Deep saturation divers aboard a hyperbaric chamber...and they start mysteriously dying. Wow, right!? With this novel, I learned so much about a topic I knew next to nothing about, so that gets major points in my book. I love when a fiction novel can teach me something. Dean very evidently did his research for this novel, it is so detailed, so meticulous, so descriptive, I truly felt like I was right there in the chamber. No detail was left out, nothing was skimmed over. When so many thrillers don't take the time to develop anything beyond a crazy plot line or encourage a little depth, I am so impressed with The Chamber's ability to give an education on deep saturation diving while still encompassing all the necessary elements of a stellar thriller.

The tension in The Chamber was tangible, it was so tense and impossible to put down. I couldn't read anything else until I finished this one. My only critique with The Chamber is the ending: while it made sense and was plausible, it did feel a little rushed and on the obvious side. There wasn't really much of a twist, which is characteristic of Dean's previous novels, but I can forgive it in light of the intenseness of the story as a whole. Overall I loved this one, and maintain Dean as a favorite, auto-read author for me!

I received a free digital copy of The Chamber from the publisher, all opinions are my own.

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I read the last one and thoroughly enjoyed it, it was one of my favourite books of the year so when I heard he had a new book out I jumped at the chance to request it.

Whilst I have no background knowledge of diving ect I felt this gave a good description of what it's like for me to be able to imagine it but it just didn't grip me like his other book did. Maybe it's due to my lack of knowledge or interest in the subject matter. I just felt parts were long and drawn out and just wanted it to end.

It was ok just confusing and long in parts. It's not one I would read again or really recommend

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Wow!! This was intense. To be honest, I nearly quit reading about 20% in because I could not get a handle on the technical lingo and dive terms… but once things ramped up in the plot it was easier to understand. This took a locked door thriller to another level. While some parts felt a little long and dragged on, I was in full suspense for most of the book and the end had me holding my breath!

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I hate rating books less than three stars but unfortunately this book just didn’t hit for me. 🫣 I went in with high hopes because Dean’s previous release, The Last One, has been one of the best books I’ve read this year and because the synopsis sounded gripping and intense. Turns out I was just let down by this one.

First, I had to look up YouTube videos and Google photos to be able to properly envision the environment, lol. That said, he clearly did his research for this book and still did a great job explaining everything, I just think the space/technicality is so incredibly complicated and elaborate that it’s hard to grasp solely when reading.

This book started out good and once you start to get into it, it just fell flat and was pretty dull. It was very repetitive and I was pretty bored until the end. Then we get to the ending and not only was it disappointing and anticlimactic, it was confusing. I had to reread the last chapter and I still don’t think I grasped the actual answer/who the murderer was. 😂

Again, I hate negatively reviewing books because I know the author worked hard but this is how I honestly felt with this one. I will still for sure continue to pick up books from Dean, though!

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

**** Small Typo Error: Beginning of Chapter 36, there is a missing quotation mark at the beginning of the sentence “Not everyone’s built to go downrange…”

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I don’t know if intense is even a strong enough word for what I just read! I literally had to stop a few times and make myself breathe! So descriptive I felt like I was underwater! Originality is Will Deans strong suit and it shines brightly with every page! Many thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this copy for read and review!

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I am a huge Will Dean fan and this newest one is no exception. I felt paralyzed with anxiety while I read this heart rate inducing thriller. Divers stuck deep underwater with a set amount of oxygen and one of them is a killer?? Yikes.

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Oh wow! The Chamber gives a whole new meaning to the locked room murder mystery and I whipped through it as fast as possible.

I’m going to keep this as brief as possible because going in blind is essential!

Brooke is a saturation diver and she, along with 5 others, alternately work on the bottom of the ocean repairing pipelines, etc.… while living in a small pod under a ship. It’s a hyperbaric chamber and they’ll spend a month there breathing in a helium mixture, wiping down everything constantly (because illness/disease in this situation is really bad), and having most of their basic needs met by the Betty’s on the other side of the porthole. It’s a claustrophobics nightmare!

There’s so much more, though, which is why I highly recommend this read. Not once was I bored with any of the details, it’s fascinating and well told by the main character.

This is a group of people that have worked together multiple times, they’re close and know that without trusting each other, they’ll be putting themselves at risk. So, close knit, definitely, except this trip has a new guy. Imagine if one of the people dies? And nobody knows why? Then another. Then another. That trust in each other starts to wear a bit thin. Problem is, they can’t leave the chamber until they’ve fully decompressed and as the day’s, hours, and minutes tick by, each of the survivors becomes more and more suspicious of their dive mates.

This is where I’ll leave off on the synopsis except to say that Will Dean wrote this book with every locked room thriller lover in mind. I had a new suspect every few pages and man, I wasn’t prepared for the twists.

Freaking loved this and I’m telling everyone about it! Highly recommend to any fan of the genre!

Tense, thrilling, and unforgettable!

My thanks to Atria Books for this gifted DRC!

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If you don't like being confined in small spaces or have claustrophobia or germaphobia, this book may not be for you! I will admit that when I first started this one I thought it was going to be a DNF but I stuck with it and the pages started flying by. This will keep you on the edge of your seat and you will feel compelled to read until the end to find out what the heck is going on. I kept thinking of the movie "The Abyss" when I was reading this just for the pure fact that it takes place undersea. The raspberry jam reference was one I could have lived without but now I cannot unsee it so thanks for that Will.

This is a quick, edge of the seat thriller that I could not put down. Wonderful work by Will Dean. I loved another novel from this author and I'm excited to read more from this author.

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books | Atria/Emily Bestler Books for access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was terrifying! I don't think there could be a more perfect scene for a locked-in thriller. Imagine being contained in a hyperbaric chamber at the bottom of the sea. No fresh air. No way out. Six SAT divers living in close quarters with no room to stretch out and no semblance of privacy. When they start to die one by one, fear and doubt set in amongst the remaining crew members. What is happening and who can they trust? Who is next? The feeling of isolation and claustrophobia was palpable and covered my skin like a heavy, wet blanket. I had to take several deep breaths while reading just to calm my nerves. It was an intense read up until the final chapter where it left me very confused about the culprit. I thought I knew, but now I'm not so sure. I really enjoyed this book, but I would have liked the end to be more clear. This was my first book by Dean, and I look forward to reading more from him. I would definitely recommend it.

Thank you to the author, Atria Books, and NetGalley for granting me digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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When Will Dean writes a book, I stop whatever I’m doing and prioritize his newest. His books are twisted and haunting and leave me questioning what is real and not real. You could call them a real mindfuck.

And the Chamber is no different. It’s a claustrophobic nightmare at the bottom of the sea. People are dying without warning in a tiny tin can of a room. And everyone is a suspect. And the pressure just keeps rising.

Raspberry jam.

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Okay, I loved the book, The Last One by Will Dean so I knew I would enjoy this one. I do really love his writing style. However, I didn’t love the storyline. I was on the edge of my seat to know what happened, but I wasn’t shocked. This book was very informative and interesting to understand Sat diving, but overall it took me much longer to read than I normally take to finish a book and I enjoyed it, I just didn’t love it. 3.5 stars.

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I'm just not the right reader for this author. This book started off strong but then it just got repetitive. I predicted one of the twists early on and then the final reveal was just okay.

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Another great Will Dean. You feel like youre in there with them. And the ending...nice! Never disappointed with this author.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC of The Chamber.

This was my third Will Dean book and the one thing they have in common is the ability to make you feel deeply unsettled. I felt confined and claustrophobic throughout the story. I rarely say this, but I think the story would be a better fit for a movie than a book because, despite the guide and diagram at the beginning, I still had a hard time picturing the layout of things in my mind while I was reading. I do also wish the ending was more definitely explained.

Overall, a solid locked room mystery!

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Thank you to the publisher allowing me to read an advanced copy of Will Dean's latest book!!
I may or may not admit to screaming from pure excitement to be able to read this!
I was hooked to The Last Passenger so i was dying to get to read this!
I loved both of these so much! Will Dean knows how to keep a reader hooked and engaged! I am absolutely unable to function until I finish his books!

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Many thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for a copy of this!

I have to say, this book surprised me. I was not a fan of Dean before as I couldn't get into his previous book at all. But this one was one that definitely held my interest! It was also a unique idea which I thoroughly enjoyed reading.

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What in the world did I read?! This is my first book by this author so I was super excited to be picked for an ARC. I thought this book would give me Oceangate/Titanic Submersible vibes but it couldn’t have been farther from that. I will say that the author did take his time listing out what the definitions are at the start of the book. There was even pictures so for the uneducated such as myself when it comes to those, it did help knowing where the pieces were.
Anywho, onto the book…. All the men in this book had a nickname and a name which became confusing and hard to keep track of. I felt it was repetitive and it ended up boring me instead of leaving me on the edge of my seat waiting for this thing to implode.
I’ll definitely try some other books from this author but this one sadly wasn’t for me.

Thank you to Atria and NetGalley for this ARC for my honest review.

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This book is my literal nightmare. Full of suffocation, claustrophobia, and intrusive thoughts. You can’t trust anyone and there is nowhere to run.

The Chamber is intense from the very first page. I enjoyed learning more about saturation diving and appreciated the struggles Brooke faced as the only woman in her field. There was a great focus on mental health - the challenges faced while on a dive and those we face in our everyday lives.

The story is fast-paced and kept me on the edge of my seat. Each twist was shocking in its reveal and the end had me second guessing everything that came before it. Another phenomenal psychological suspense from Will Dean!

This book highlights the trauma and dangers of sat diving, so be sure to check content warnings before reading. Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Will Dean is an auto read author for me he successfully gets me hooked so early into his books and I can’t put them down. This was no exception I read this in 24 hours! If you like eerie, tense, atmospheric locked room thrillers then this will be for you! It is very claustrophobic and describes in detail the close quarters many times so if that will bother you then know that going in! The reason I didn’t rate this higher was because I didn’t feel as invested in the characters. I found myself not caring too much who the killer was and who survived. I also found it confusing for a while that everyone has 2 names. Trying to learn 12 character names right off the bat was a tad confusing. Lastly this may just be a me problem but the ending slightly confused me despite rereading it

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