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What Stays Unsaid

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Member Reviews

I enjoyed this , all Brit a bit predictable for me , the writing was to a degree fun and I’d love to see your next book .

3.5 stars

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A thrilling bachelorette with a bunch of eclectic ladies and deep buried secrets? Sign me up!

I love books like this, I didn't need to read more than two lines of the description to know I was all in. Not only was I all in but it was the type of book that once approved, I instantly had a "tummy ache" and had to leave work to go home and rest (read) .

I was feeling fine, in truth, I was just super anxious and could not wait to get started.

It was worth it

You think you've heard this story before, but you will be mistaken. Sophie Flynn, weaves an intricate web of secrets, lies and deceit.

Buckle your seatbelts folks, you're in for a wild ride.

Check out this teaser:

You are invited to a surprise joint hen-do to celebrate our two brides, Alex and Millie

Location: Remote Dartmoor Farmhouse

Don’t forget to RSVP and remember, watch what you say…

As friends gather for a hen weekend, they are all smiles, but cannot hide the web of tension that bubbles beneath the surface.

The group was forever broken by the devastating loss of their childhood friend, Becca. The prettiest and most powerful of them all, her absence lies at the heart of this fractured friendship.

Now, decades later, someone wants to expose the truth about what happened, and will stop at nothing to reveal the secrets long since buried.

As a dark storm gathers out on the moors, dangerous secrets and accusations threaten to explode between the group.

Will they all survive the fall-out?

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Can you really trust your life long friends? This book is a dangerous mix of toxic friendship and a claustrophobic, isolated setting. I have never read a Sophie Flynn but from the very first page I just couldn’t stop reading even if I wanted to. I love a slow burn thriller and this is no different, the dual narrative slowly reveals the secrets and lies of the past and the motives for their actions in the present. If you love a thriller that will have you turning the pages then I highly recommend this.

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A book I could not get into unfortunately, not for my tastes at the moment. An odd start that just did not grip me sadly.

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"What Stays Unsaid" by Sophie Flynn hooked me from the beginning. It is the story follows a group of friends who are reuniting for a hen weekend to celebrate the impending marriages of two brides. But as they gather together, it becomes clear that there's a lot of tension and unresolved issues lurking beneath the surface. The group's history is marked by a tragic loss, and it's clear that this event has left a lasting impact on their relationships.
As the weekend progresses, secrets begin to unravel, and accusations start to fly. The group's dynamics are complex and multifaceted, and I loved how the author slowly peeled back the layers to reveal their true motivations and emotions.
The writing is superb, with a narrative that flows seamlessly back and forth through time. The characters are all morally grey, with complex personalities and motivations. I particularly liked Jenny, who was sweet and genuine, and Georgia, who was sharp-tongued but also had a vulnerable side.
One of the things that really stood out to me was how the author explored themes of trust, deception, and the lengths we go to protect our friends. The book is thought-provoking and raises important questions about human nature.
My only criticism is that I felt like some of the characters got away with some pretty egregious behaviour. While I understood that they were all flawed and imperfect, it was hard to see them escape consequences for their actions.
Overall "What Stays Unsaid" is for fans of psychological thrillers. The book is original, engaging, and has enough twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat. The author's writing is superb, and I loved how she explored human relationships' complexities.

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Thanks to Canelo and NetGalley for the ARC. My first by this author. Fun read dealing with a not so fun, but relevant topic. Recommend

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Secrets And Lies..
A surprise hen party at a remote Dartmoor farmhouse turns toxic in this gripping, tension fuelled novel of suspense. As the group gathers and a storm outside begins to mirror the storm beginning inside, what will come next? A propulsive plot populated with a credible cast, lies and deceit galore and twists aplenty leads the reader to a satisfying denouement. Compelling and immersive.

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This was bonkers in the best kind of way and had me hooked from prologue to epilogue.

A group of friends come together for a surprise double hen-do weekend for two of their friends. Little do they know that it’s a weekend where many secrets will be revealed, a weekend that will change their lives forever.

This one surprised me several times. Every time I thought I knew where the story was going or what the twists would be, the story would take a turn and go in a totally different, unexpected direction. I eventually stopped guessing and trying to figure things out and just let the story take me where it wanted me to go.

The story is told from multiple POVs (five narrators) as well as dual timelines (then and now). This style can sometimes get messy and bog the story down, but Flynn does a nice job giving each narrator a unique voice, as well as keeping the timelines clearly delineated so there’s no confusion or murkiness surrounding the events of the story.

Using the five narrators the author allows us to peek into their minds to get a glimpse of what they’re thinking and what their motivations are. The only problem is that they’re five unreliable narrators, so we can never be sure what they’re hiding and we can never trust what they’re thinking. We never know who to believe.

This was a fun read with some unexpected twists and turns. It’s my first time reading this author and I look forward to reading more.

Thanks NetGally and Hera for the advanced copy.

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This book was about a double hen party gone wrong when the secrets and lies they have all been keeping for many years start to come out and unravel their friendships. I really enjoyed this book and couldn’t stop reading.

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I wasn’t sure about reading this book, as I’m not a fan or reading about hen weekends/nights BUT I’m so glad I read this !

You could tell something was underlying between the friends relationships but we were drip fed this info, which of course kept you needing to know more!

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #Hera for the book #WhatStaysUnsaid by SophieFlynn. It all starts with a surprise double hen-do, but the two brides haven’t talked in months. Years ago, one of their best friends committed suicide. They all have been dealing with this and now, it seems, the truth just might come out. Who is responsible for all that drama back then and the tragic death? I loved this book, the back story, current story and the lies and secrets threatening to be exposed.

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The plot is interesting. The characters are mysterious and intriguing. The setting is good. Writing is engaging. The book is reminiscing and suspenseful. It has been narrated in past and present perspectives. It’s full of truth, secrets, lies, friendship, memories and darknesses that consumed them.

Thanks to the Author

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Although the premise is not very unique, I feel this story is very authentic and not far fetched. The story is well paced and all of the characters are well developed. A few twists along the way kept the story engaging.

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You are invited to a hen do at a remote farmhouse in the middle of Dartmoor. Georgia, Millie, Alex, Jenny and Katie are all together to celebrate what is to be a planned weekend of activities for Millie and Alex. The story is told in different character's voices over a dual line - the present and the past. Becca is part of a foursome with Georgia, Millie and Alex when something happens to Becca. Later, when the 3 surviving girls go to University, Jenny becomes a member of the foursome. All I can say is that there are secrets being kept from each other, which is brought together to a satisfying conclusion.

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I love a slightly deranged old friends with secrets on holiday trope, and this one was fun! Other than Jenny, pretty much all the characters were mostly unlikable though I have a soft spot for Alex and Millie. One star off only because it dragged quite a bit through the middle, there's only so much ominous weather and vague threats and hints of secrets I can take.

Thank you NetGalley for the copy!

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Holy twists and turns!

I really enjoyed this bachelorette drama/thriller. The multiple POVs were done seamlessly and the secrets of each character weaved together perfectly. I think out of this friend group, I'd only be friends with Millie lol - maybe Jenny because of how unique her story was from the others.

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Two new brides to are taken away by their two best friends for a hen’s weekend with neither knowing what they will be attending. Each bride thinks she is just going away with one friend but then the surprise group weekend is revealed, and neither is very happy.

The girls have known each other since their school days but events happened back then that have never diminished the tensions between them, especially for Alex and Millie. The thing with teenage girls is that they can be selfish, cruel, and self-absorbed, and unfortunately this is what is happening here. This will now have huge repercussions for all involved.

The story is told from different perspectives and slowly we are drip fed information regarding secrets and lies which occurred in the past as the weekend progresses. These girls have been harboring resentments for over 15 years and soon it is all about to explode. The plot is clever and engaging as tensions rise and home truths are revealed.

I had not read this author before and will now be looking out for more of her books. If you are looking for a twisty thriller that keeps you turning the pages late into the night then this is the book for you, highly enjoyable.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions expressed are my own.

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This was a really enjoyable thriller going on, it was suspenseful and thought the overall concept was great. The characters were what I was looking for and thought they worked in this setting. Sophie Flynn has a great writing style and I enjoyed the overall feel of this. I thought the elements of friendship worked wonders and enjoyed the overall feel of this. It had that twist that I was looking for and left me guessing until the end,

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my first read from this Author it was an amazing. Addictive read. Millie Georgia Alex Jenny. have been the best of friends since primary school. Sadley one of their friends died. Millie has got engaged. But it has caused a rift between. Her and Alex. Georgia has done a Suprise weekend getaway. When Millie gets there, she has a shock seeing Alex there. And the bigger Suprise is seeing her sister-in-law to be there. this story is about the past. The secrets and lies that someone wants to stop anything coming out a very twisty read. so recommend.

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Hooked right from the first page! I love a good book with twists I don't see coming, and this book hits all the right notes. Told in multiple perspectives and timelines, it doesn't go the way you expect.

I like how the book shows that each person has layers to them and there are no boxes to categorise them and what they are capable of. It has the themes of loss, friendship, sacrifice and love. The twists were never what I expected them to be, a result of clever narrative. I could feel the confusion of the characters as they try to figure out what's going on. You feel the questions come in on what happened, why the tension, what are the secrets, how does the death in the past impact them now and what happened then.

The book uses the remote location to its advantage as I could feel the visualization. At no point does it get over the top and rather becomes a part of the story. The location add to the mystery and fear.

All the characters seem layered and sketched out. Yet they all have secrets and tension. The ending was literally goosebumps! This one is a 5 star read for me!

Thank you Hera and NetGalley for this e-arc in exchange of my unbiased review.

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