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Elizabeth of East Hampton

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This retelling of Pride and Prejudice totally blew me away. It was funny, endearing, and spicy, and the characters still felt like they carried the personalities of the original, but it was so perfectly updated for a modern time. I love the shifts in the storyline that the authors made while still nodding to the original (looking at Lydia's story here!) and I think how they are building out the retelling universe with letting other Austen characters be side characters is fantastic.

I can't wait to catch up on Emma of 83rd Street and I will be ready and waiting for their next one to come out!

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I LOVE Pride and Prejudice and I am always up for a modern retelling of Jane Austen's book. This one is a dual POV with Lizzy and Will!

I think the authors captured the Bennett family dynamic very well. Every sister had a distinct personality that was molded to fit into the modern times while still staying true to what they were like in the original book. Jane, as usual, is so relatable, and I liked how her shyness and awkwardness was really played up. I also loved how Mary was an environmentalist warrior. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments that made this book enjoyable. And even though each sister was different, they loved and supported each other no matter what.

Will was the perfect Darcy. He was reliable and just Lizzy's person, and being able to read chapters from his POV really helped portray how deeply he cared for her and loved her. I have a soft spot for Darcy's grumpiness masking his big heart, and Will's character really hit the spot.

Overall, I really liked this book! It had its own unique characteristics (not just a straight retelling/copy of Pride and Prejudice) while keeping and revamping some of the key aspects/scenes that we know and love from the original.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Elizabeth of East Hampton follows the tale of a young woman who, forsaking her own aspirations, dedicates herself to supporting her family. Through relentless sacrifice and unwavering dedication, she ensures the well-being of her loved ones. However, as summer brings an influx of tourists to East Hampton, Elizabeth finds herself in conflict with Will, a wealthy and obstinate individual.

Upon their initial encounter, Elizabeth perceives Will as the epitome of urban sophistication, accompanied by a matching attitude. As their paths intersect throughout the season, Elizabeth discovers layers beyond Will's aloof exterior; beneath his cool demeanor lies a profound loyalty.

This narrative explores themes of sacrifice, self-discovery, the pursuit of dreams, and familial dynamics. A captivating beach read, Elizabeth and Will's journeys resonate with adult readers, illustrating the importance of asserting one's desires amidst life's demands.

Thank you NetGalley and Gallery Books for this advance copy in return for my honest review.

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Cuando vi que era un retelling de orgullo y perjuicio de inmediato pedí el ARC.

La historia empezó bien, pero le faltó mas acción y sentimiento porque conforme pasaban los capítulos se vuelve aburrido.

Lizzy fue aceptada para hacer un postgrado de periodismo en una prestigiosa universidad, pero se ve en la difícil situación de tener que aplazar sus estudios y probablemente perder su lugar porque su padre tiene problemas de salud, entonces tiene que hacerse cargo de la panadería familiar.

Will es rico y un exitoso hombre de negocios, debería ser feliz, pero sigue sufriendo por la muerte de sus padres 5 años atrás. No disfruta de la vida y cuando conoce a Lizzy, alguien llena de vida le provoca que quiera alejarse de ella, sin importar que se sienta atraído. Sin embargo, su amigo y la hermana de ella tendrán un romance que hará que tengan que pasar tiempo juntos.

Mi problema fue que faltaron gestos, actos, miradas, toques, etc., porque todo se dió por sentado. Me imagino que como la mayoría ha leído el libro de Jane Austen o por lo menos ha visto alguna de las peliculas, se tiene una idea de como es la historia y la escritora se confió y todo esta a medias.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was such a fun updated retelling of Pride and Prejudice! The main characters Lizzy and Will had such amazing chemistry and I loved how their relationship grew throughout the book. The spice was a nice little bonus to this retelling. I thought that it stuck true to the original work while still giving it an updated feel. I thought the first half was a little slower for me as everything was set up but I absolutely flew through the second half and thought it was a great pay off. I would highly recommend for any Pride and Prejudice lover who wants a version set for now.

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I absolutely LOVED this adaptation. Like so many others, Pride and Prejudice is a favorite of mine. I had low expectations going in because I hold the original so highly. Despite that, this book was such a fun ride! I enjoyed seeing a modern take on Elizabeth and Darcy, and the easter eggs from Emma were a fun treat as well. Can’t wait to recommend to friends!

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What a fun retelling of Pride and prejudice. It's a great summer read that holds true to the original story while also being something that people who are not familiar with the original story can enjoy as well. While enemies to lovers is not typically my favorite I am familiar with the original and knew what to expect.

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This may be my favorite retelling of Pride and Prejudice. I loved Lizzy and Will and all of the little moments that alluded to the original story. This was so hard to put down and I devoured it in one day. I can't wait to read more by this duo! Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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After a somewhat slow start, once the FMC and MMC met at the Bennett Bakery, I was surprised at how much I was invested in the characters. I thought most of the choices in modernization of the story and characters were smart and fun. The only thing that didn’t ring true was Elizabeth not reaching out to Will after she gets called home to help her family. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the book. I definitely think it’s one of the better reimaginings of this classic book wand iconic characters. I also enjoyed that Will didn’t hate Lizzy’s family as much the original story. It helped make him a more sympathetic character. Fun, breezy read!

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This book is great if you’re looking for a modern rewrite of pride and prejudice! I think Emma of 83rd street was better- the story felt more like its own version. However, if you’re a classic lover, this would be the book for you!! Be sure to read their earlier work- Emma of 83rd street.

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For any lovers of the classics, Elizabeth of East Hampton is a great addition to the collection of reimagined classics. I love how the authors take the spirit of Pride and Prejudice and update the story to feel more connected to our modern day. I will note that in modern context it becomes clear just how complex Austen’s original story was! And for fans of Harding and Belleza’s previous work, Emma of 83rd Street, you’ll love the Easter eggs included here!

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I couldn’t have been more thrilled to read a copy of this book before publication. I adored Emma of 83rd Street and was so excited to see this dynamic duo’s retelling of Pride and Prejudice set during a summer in the Hamptons. This was a Read Now and I couldn’t download it fast enough!

Elizabeth of East Hampton is a modern-day retelling of Pride and Prejudice. This enemies-to - lovers romance is charming and witty making it the ultimate beach read.

I adored the setting, characters and the amazing chemistry between Lizzy and Will. I will read anything by the dynamic duo!

Thank you to Netgalley and Gallery Books for the chance to read this book before publication. All opinions are my own.

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Elizabeth of East Hampton is a fun & modern retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. If you are an Austen fan, I think you’ll enjoy this new twist on the classic story!

We meet Elizabeth Bennet, a 20 something year old woman who put her life’s ambitions on hold to help out her family in a time of crisis by staying home and working at her family’s bakery in East Hampton.

Summer has arrived and tourists from the city are filtering into town, including Will Darcy, a handsome and seemingly condescending man who at first, really rubs Elizabeth the wrong way after meeting at Bennet’s Bakery.

The two come to terms with facing their fears, finding love, and letting themselves go after what they truly want in life.

Even thought I knew how things would turn out because I’ve read and seen Pride & Prejudice, I still enjoyed this story. I really liked Elizabeth’s character and enjoyed the dynamics with her sisters! I also loved that we got to see some characters from Emma on 83rd 😊

I believe someone who isn’t familiar with Jane Austen’s work will still like reading this book — it’s definitely not a prerequisite. It’s a fun summer read for the beach or by the pool!

Thank you Gallery Books for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley!

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Elizabeth of East Hampton was a fun, easy and heartwarming read. It was really enjoyable to follow Elizabeth and Will’s love story.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. I recommend reading Elizabeth of East Hampton when it publishes on August 6, 2024

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This was very sweet. A bit slow paced in sections but I still enjoyed it. “I loved you first” is a favorite for sure!

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I was a big fan of Audrey Bellezza and Elizabeth Harding’s “Emma of 83rd Street”, but after reading “Elizabeth of East Hampton”, I am an even bigger fan.

It’s never easy when an author sets out to retelling a classic story. And for a story such as “Pride and Prejudice”, the bar is even higher. Bellezza and Harding not only succeeding in crafting a wonderful story, but they did it on a way that was new and fresh.

I thoroughly enjoyed their modern take on P and P, and despite knowing what would happen, found myself guessing as to how certain characters would be reimagined.

Fans of Austen and retelling will admire the clever Easter eggs the authors have added to this book. Additionally, they’ll also enjoy having a visit from Emma and George.

I do hope that Bellezza and Harding will continue retelling and reimagining Austen. I’d love to see what they do with Persuasion and Mansfield Park.

This book is a fun summer read any Austen fan will enjoy. Thank you so much to NetGalley and to Gallery books for letting me enjoy an ARC copy of this book.

9/10 stars

All opinions are my own.

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A fantastic Pride and Prejudice retelling!! Elizabeth of East Hampton puts the perfect modern spin on Austen’s classic tale. All of the characters were so true to their personifications and I could easily see each of them fitting into these roles if Austen was writing today. Elizabeth and Will were such strong characters and I loved the glimpse into Darcy’s mind. The side characters, including the entire Bennett family, stole scene after scene. I absolutely adored this book!

Elizabeth of East Hampton is the second Austen retelling Bellezza and Harding have taken on. I’m excited to go back and read their first, Emma of 83rd Street, and hope they continue with modern retellings of Austen’s other works!

Thank you to Netgalley and Gallery Books for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book of all time, so I tend to have mixed feelings when it comes to a retelling. My standards are high because these characters and this story hold a special place in my heart, but my hopes are also high because I want to immerse myself in this story again and again. What I'm saying is that it's a tough act to follow and to retell this classic story in a way that is modern, stays true to the story, but also has it's own personality is not an easy task. I think Audrey Bellezza and Emily Harding did an amazing job.

There were no huge surprises for those of us who are familiar with the story, but I enjoyed some of the character updates they made for this book to be set in the present day. I particularly enjoyed Mary as a passionate, eco-warrior character in this book and Lydia as a slightly less selfish version of her original character. This book stays pretty true to the original but does manage to feel like it is it's own story. I loved it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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I love love LOVE this book. It was perfection! I am always going crazy for a Jane Austen retelling. This was fantastic! I adored how this story modernized all the classic plot points. It felt so fresh and fun but still warm and cozy, like your best friend got a makeover! I cannot recommend this book enough. The vibes were immaculate!

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I really enjoyed seeing how Bellezza and Harding would update the original in their retelling, and many of the details were so fun: the Hamptons! The Bennet's bakery! Much smarter versions of Mary, Lydia, and Kitty! But I could barely finish this; once Darcy and Elizabeth got together I just. didn't. care.

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