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Did I Kill My Husband?

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This was a fast paced amazing read! So glad I gave this book a try as I am impressed and am planning to read some more from this author!

Christina met up with her brother Ted at the bar to catch up. On her way home it is raining hard, making driving conditions pretty crappy. Christina hit something, she was unable to find it when she got out of the vehicle, so simply assumed it was an animal that ran off after she hit it. Shortly after getting home, she thought her husband was sleeping on the couch and kids were sleeping so she went off to bed. Little did she know that shortly after that, the police would be knocking on her door. From there, things get pretty intense and its hard to stop reading!

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Bookstagram and thriller introduced me to AJ Campbell in 2022 and she has very quickly became one of my favorite authors. She has pure talent when it comes to captivating, entertaining books filled with twists and turns, like no other! Her books have short chapters, great character development and she has a knack for releasing the twists in the right moment! I would read anything written by her!

Did I Kill my Husband is a suspenseful book focused on Christina. Christina has been having marriage problems, she feels as though her husband has put distance between them. He recently went through a scandal at his school and while he was found innocent, it put a strain on their marriage. Christina’s daughter suffers from a childhood illness that they fear is coming back and her teenage son is having behavioral problems as well. One night Christina is driving home from a drink with her brother in very bad weather and hits something with her car. She gets out and doesn’t see anything so she goes home. The next day, the police come to her home and say her husband is clinging to life in hospital after a hit and run. Could Christina have hit her husband? How much can one person handle? While he is in the hospital recovering, Christina uncovers another side of her husband she didn’t know existed. Surprise after surprise is revealed and who is the bad guy here? I promise you, you won’t see what’s coming.

I really enjoyed many parts of this books ms the main character Christina. Although at times, I found her to be so naive and a little whiny. Christina has a great character development and is the perfect patsy. This book was a quick read and entertaining to boot. It’s out now and on kindle unlimited!

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I've read and enjoyed several books by Campbell prior to this one, so kinda knew what to didn't disappoint, it did exactly what it said on the tin!

It was fast paced, full of suspense and had some great twists throughout.

In the beginning I empathised with Cristina - did she hit a deer or was it her husband - and then thinking outside the box, began to question whether she knew exactly what she'd done - but why?

Which leads me to my theories that when a book is based around dark secrets, lies and marital deception, you know you're in for a wild ride, and Campbell certainly gave us that!

Enjoyable, entertaining and highly addictive.

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Driving home Christina feels a bump and stops. Thinking she hit a deer she goes home only to be woken by the police. Her husband has been in a hit and run and is in a coma. Did she do it? Guilt ridden she must go about her life until secrets are exposed about the man she married.
As always a whirlwind of a read from AJ. Filled with characters you dislike or resonate with and twists and theories blown apart!
Thank you to netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

Let the truth be buried in the bones of silence.🤫

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Just when I thought that I knew where A.J. was going with this she throws multiple twists in the storyline and my prediction is thrown right out the window. There were one too many times when I wanted to smack Christina right up side the head. This is one of those books where you'll be yelling at the characters as you read along. There is absolutely no way I could've predicted the twists and turns that this book would take. A.J. is the master of unpredictability!

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Christina’s driving home from a night at the pub. The wind is whipping, and the rain is pounding down on her windshield, making it nearly impossible to see. It’s only the sudden jolt of her car, accompanied by a loud thud, that alerts her that she’s hit something in the road. She assumes it’s an animal, but a visit from the police later that night tells her differently. Her husband Michael had been struck down by a hit-and-run driver and was at the hospital in critical condition. But rather than admitting to being the guilty party, she waits until they leave to call her twin brother Fred for help getting rid of any evidence.

Her marriage is far from being happy. At the pub earlier that night, she’d been telling Fred just that. And it was the state of her union with Michael that was on her mind when she hit him. While the police don’t seem to suspect her of trying to kill her husband, all it would take was an eyewitness to put her behind bars. Running him down would look intentional. As a persistent detective investigates the accident and pursues Christina for answers, she begins an investigation of her own.

Why was her husband walking on such a rainy night? Where did he go, and who did he see? She thinks she knows. But is what Michael’s hiding as horrible as she imagines? Or is it even worse? In the meantime, Christina has secrets too — and someone’s threatening to expose her.

A propulsive, fast paced, gripping thriller, “Did I Kill My Husband?” by A.J. Campbell is literary quicksand with its power to pull you into the story — and keep you there. It’s always incredible to find a book so good that it makes you forget time and place. Yet, it’s a rush to find one that’s so well-written and captivating that you forget you’re reading. The story seems like it’s taking place in front of your eyes instead of on a page. “Did I Kill My Husband?” is that kind of book. It’s that kind of amazing.

With ultra short chapters, “Did I Kill My Husband?” is a quick, suspense-filled, engrossing read. The big twist that came toward the end was surprisingly one I didn’t see coming, probably because it involved a character I didn’t suspect of anything, including being interesting. I audibly gasped when Michael’s secrets involving this character were revealed.

What a story! Even the title is compelling. Did Christina kill her husband? I hoped it would turn out to be true throughout most of the book, but especially after that twist. It could have ended with that scene, and I’d have been left with my jaw dropped and my mind blown. Instead, the last few chapters have an epilogue feel to them, giving a conclusion to everything that happened. It’s a perfect ending for an unputdownable book.

“Did I Kill My Husband” is my second book by A.J. Campbell, and it’s concreted me as her fan. I can’t wait to read more.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Christina is driving home one night when she has an accident. Thinking she has hit an animal, she drives homes. Later the police turn up. Her husband Michael is in hospital, the victim of a hit and run. Then the blackmail letters start arriving. Somebody knows the truth.

I really disliked the character of Michael. Right from the start he didn’t appeal and seemed shifty. I always think that if I have really strong feelings about a character, then the book is well written.

This was full of suspense. I genuinely had 3 or 4 theories as to who the blackmailer could be. Didn’t see the reveal coming though.

As for the final ending, I found that a bit disappointing. I like things to be tied up in a definite conclusion, and this wasn’t.

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AJ Campbell has done it again and produced another book that is impossible to put down! I think it has to be her twistiest book yet.
I was absolutely hooked from the very first chapter and despite thinking I had it all worked out on a number of occasions was proved wrong right to the very end!
“The Phone Call” has been my favourite of AJ Campbell’s books so far but I think “Did I Kill My Husband” may have just snatched that. Most definitely worthy of a 5* review.

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I did enjoy this book and found it easy to read. It dragged a bit in the middle but then picked up again towards the end.

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This is the first book I read by A. J. Campbell, but it won't be my last! I accepted every single one of her red herrings, and I suspected everyone!

Campbell takes everyone's worst nightmare - accidentally hitting something with your car - and amplifies it until the thought of what happened becomes an all-encompassing albatross.

While Christina doesn't want her husband to die from his injuries, she also doesn't want him to recover enough to identify the hit-and-run culprit. And she has her suspicions about why he was out on that stormy night, walking the road instead of driving. So in addition to trying to cover her lies with more lies, she has to follow the breadcrumbs to discover what Michael has really been up to.

This was truly an edge-of-your-seat thriller, and an engaging read!

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Bookouture for introducing me to this author through an advance reader's copy.

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Christina is meeting her twin brother at the bar one evening because she’s reached her breaking point. Her marriage has left her feeling frustrated and at a loss for what to do next. While heading home, she unknowingly runs into an object, which she assumes to be an animal. At the exact moment and location where she hit the animal, the police call to let her know that a vehicle has hit her husband, Michael. Christina is left to determine if she struck her husband, who now lies in the hospital. During her investigation, she stumbles upon unforeseen revelations about Michael.

Once again, AJ Campbell impresses with another fast-paced novel that lives up to expectations. The abundance of misleading clues and unexpected plot twists in the book make it hard for the reader to put it down.

Many thanks to A.J. Campbell, Bookouture & NetGalley for a review copy.

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4 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A.J. Campbell coming in hot again with a new edge-of-your-seat thriller!

Christina and Michael have a picturesque marriage, except for some past accusations by a student at Michael’s school. Things finally seem to be looking up, until Christina is driving home one night and hits something. Confident that it was an animal, and unable to find anything after searching, she continues home and goes to bed. Little did she know, Michael was not yet home, and she soon finds out that he was hit by a car the night prior. The police are investigating. They say it was a hit and run, and Christine is devastated to learn she may have caused her husbands injuries. Did she hit her husband? Will she be able to get to the bottom of it before the police zone in on her?

This was a great read that I thoroughly enjoyed. Towards the end, I felt like it may have been a bit drawn out, but there were so many details and twists that I didn’t see coming, which is something Campbell always does well. If you’re looking for a twisty read, with some family drama, look no further and snag this book today!

Thank you to @netgalley and Bookouture for my copy, and as always, thanks to @ajcampbellauthor for continuing to write such gripping novels that keep me reading into the morning hours.

#didikillmyhusband #ajcampbell #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #readingaddict #fortheloveofbooks #thrillerbooks #psychologicalthrillerbook

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I just love an A.J. Campbell read. I always know I am going to be entertained and there will be a final twist at the end that will make me gasp aloud. I tore through the pages of this one. Needing to know what was going to happen to Christina and Michael. See Christina and Michael have been having some marital issues. Michael sleeping downstairs on the couch and Christina waiting for him to warm up the bed. After a night out with her twin brother. Christina is driving in horrible wind and rain. The car slams into something, she gets out to see what. The rain made it impossible to see. It had to have been an animal, she convinces herself as she gets back into the car and heads for home. Hours later the police arrived at her door, her husband has been found lying in the road. Left by a hit and run driver. Will Michael make it?

It did take me a minute to become fully immersed in the story. But once I did all the family drama started to climb to the surface, and I was here for it all. There is way more going on in their marriage than Christina even knows. The descriptions of the weather made me feel like I was standing outside in the frigid cold. Sliding on ice and snow, the wind howling. All of this helped heighten the story. Thank you again to A.J. Campbell for sending me a copy of your newest fantastic read.

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Wow! I can always count on books by AJ Campbell. This book is a rolling storm that just keeps getting better and better. This wonderful book is full of lies, cover up, deceit, and DRAMA! There were so many times that I thought I had everything figured out and BAM I was so wrong at every turn. Let me just say, if you figure out all of the twists and turns in this book you are an evil mastermind!

This book proves why AJ Campbell is one of my favorite authors!

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The story is about Catherine who learns her husband is in the hospital. Where there might be more to the story on his hospitalization and their relationship. The perfect couple soon learns the many embedded lies built into their lives and relationship.

I really enjoyed this book and the twists and turns. The beginning of the book keeps you hooked to the storyline and characters. A very fast past and great read.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Imagine this: you're driving home, and the weather is against you. You hit something, presumably a deer, get out and check, but there's nothing there. You get home to your family sound asleep. So, a little shaken up, you head to bed as well. The next thing you know, you're waking up to the police at the door, telling you that your husband is in hospital following a hit a run..
Now you have 2 options, confess and face prison, or maintain your story of innocence and hope for the best.

That sounds like a whole story itself, right? WRONG. There is so much more to this story that is cleverly revealed throughout the book. More lies, more confusion, more revelations.

There's something about Amanda's writing that is completely addictive. Like, you know you have to sleep for a 13-hour shift, but getting answers is more important. Every chapter makes it impossible to stop there, and before you know it, you've devoured 300 pages in 24 hours, and you're left exhausted from the rollercoaster you were on.

This is probably one of Amanda's most twisty thrillers so far. I suspected everyone and was trying to put together my own investigation from every minute detail I had. I didn't, however, guess correctly where the story was going until it got there. I can easily say I had my suspicions, but I did about everything and everyone.

As always, I'd hugely recommend this novel (and this author in general) to psychological thriller fans that have a love/hate relationship with second guessing their ability to solve the case before they read it.

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I have no idea how @ajcampbellauthor does it but she just keeps getting better and better. I don’t even need to know what the book is about - they’re automatic reads for me. I would read a shampoo bottle if AJ Campbell wrote it.

Christina is driving home late one night, it’s dark, it’s hideous weather and out of no where - BANG. She hits something. But what was it? It’s no where to be seen….? She gets home and not long after the police are knocking down her door.. her husband has been in a hit and run and is critical in hospital… (squeaky bum moment right there…) Did she run him over…?!

Lads!!! This book was twisting all over the place. I was sucked right in and I was giving EVERYONE the side eye. Campbell weaves a story of dark lies, deceit and suspense. As always, her characters are the core of this book. You can feel aaaall the emotions and there is never a duffer character - each one is totally necessary.

The reveal was a total head spin. Just perfect. Campbell is a genius. End of.

Thank you massively to AJ Campbell, @bookouture and @netgalley for getting the chance to read and review #DidIKillMyHusband I am honoured each and every time I get to read an arc of hers.

Thriller fans - read her books now.

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Christina is on the way home from a night out with her brother. The weather is horrible and she can barely see through the rain. As she is driving she hears a loud thud that makes her stop. She gets out of the car but cannot see anything, she must have hit an animal that ran off. When she gets home her daughter tells her that her husband left shortly after her but hasn't come home yet, at 3am there is a pounding on the door and the police are standing on the other side. What has Christina done? Did she really hit an animal or was it a person?

I wasn't able to put this one down; it is definitely a page turned and had twists throughout. I definitely recommend it!

Thank you Netgalley, the author and publisher for my ARC!

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I am yet to read a book by this wonderful author that I didn’t love completely and this one was fantastic too. The writing led me to believe everyone was completely guilty and innocent at the same time. The main character was likeable but within the plot was cleverly written. Without spoilers I didn’t guess what was coming but couldn’t put the book down to see if I was right. Cannot wait for the next gem from AJ Campbell!

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OM0G. What a read.
I'm becoming a huge AJ Campbell fan, and I've only read two books of hers!
This was brilliant. Read in one sitting worthy, twisty and will keep you guessing with every turn of the page.
I was so addicted to reading this, the pages just disappeared. Every time I thought I'd worked something out, something else would be thrown in and I'd be off-kilter.
Fans of Freida Mcfadden will love this author, she has a very similar style.
Loved it.

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