Cover Image: Romancing the Grump

Romancing the Grump

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A great hockey romance. I loved the interactions between all the players. The main characters had lots of chemistry and I found myself rooting for them the whole time.

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This book was sooooo fricken cute omg I was giggling and smiling and kicking my feet. Was it perfect? No it wasn’t. But was it enjoyable and a very good read? Yes it definitely was!!

I don’t know what else to say apart from the fact that I had a very good time reading this. Nathan was definitely broody and Summer was quite literally a ray of sunshine. They were the perfect grumpy x sunshine and neither of them were annoying!!

There’s no spice in this book and if I’m being honest I didn’t even miss it. In fact I didn’t even realise until I was well into the book. The relationship between Summer and Nathan was slow-burn but also at such a perfect pace. I liked the side characters and the plot line with Nathan’s brother.

The only thing I will say is that the ending felt a little abrupt but other than that I really really liked this one!!

Thank you @NetGalley and JPC Publishing for this ARC of ‘Romancing the Grump’.

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I had a suspicion for a while now but after reading this book I am a proud to say I am a BIG fan of the grumpy x sunshine! This book was GREAT yall. I didn't realize it was spice free until mid-read but honestly, I don't know if it would have fit in this one. These characters were awesome. I loved meeting the side characters and trying to figure out who will be pairing off. I am probably going to read the first one because I am a legit series addict. This book made me smile with how determined Summer was to make Nathan smile. I loved learning more about their backgrounds and why they both are the way they are. I loved the little nuggets that Nathan started giving Summer that were like GOLD. Just overall a really easy summer read with some hot kisses and an HEA.

Summer is excited to start her new job. She is a little nervous but isn't letting it show. That is until she has a run in with none other than Nathan Sanders in the parking lot. The same Nathan who gave her all kinds of tingly feelings when they met each other in the fall at a festival. The same Nathan who is now scowling at her and looking like she is an inconvenience. And yay! This is her first day. Moving along with the story, Summer finds herself in a situation where she is asked to be Nathan's fake girlfriend for PR purposes. She doesn't mind because she is finally facing that she has some feelings for him. At least this way she will be able to spend some time with him and maybe work on getting him to smile more. Maybe she will get to know a little bit more about the team grump who she cant stop thinking about. Especially now that he has actually smiled, and they have kissed, and they are pretending RIGHT?! He has made it clear he can't do relationships, but Summer can't help but read into how he acts around her versus what he is saying. Could he be ready? Would he want to try with her because she definitely doesn't want to pretend anymore.

Nathan is happy. He is doing what he loves, and his team is doing better than expected. He has a problem now though. This PR campaign of his brooding pictures has turned a little too risqué for the team. Some of the fans are losing their minds which is when Parker, their PR person, comes up with Summer and Nathan fake dating. This way the fan ladies will cool off. The problem is Nathan doesn't know how to be a real boyfriend let alone a fake one. He just knows what to NOT do, and that is be how he remembers his dad. Which is why he has to keep reminding himself that him and Summer are just friends. Even though that kiss felt real. And waking up next to her felt real. And seeing his name on her does things to him. But definitely they are just friends. But maybe he could try to break the mold that he has kept himself in. IF he could do it for anyone, it would be Summer.

I haven't read anything by Jenny before but will definitely be looking into her other series which is in the same universe as this from what I can tell with some characters that we have met. I liked the lightness of this one. The angst and heat were hot but again no spice. Lots of thoughts about things happening but nothing more than kisses which fits this story. This one made me smile, and I hope it will make you smile too!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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4.5/5 ⭐️ This book was such a sweet hockey romcom. Honestly, I wish the Appies were a real team so I could follow them in real life. Summer and Nathan had the perfect blend of slow burn, grumpy sunshine and banter in this book. My only critique would be that I would have loved to read more about the side stories (Summer's ex boss and Nathan's brother). I will definitely be checking out the other couples' books!

Thank you to JPC Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this complimentary copy for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are solely my own

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"Romancing the Grump" is the second book in the Appies series, and even though I didn't realize it at first (totally my fault), it's great as a standalone read! 📚

This YA romance follows Summer Callahan, who starts a job as legal counsel for the Appies, a small hockey team. There, she reconnects with Nathan, the guy she's been attracted to but who rejected her months ago. He's grumpy and against relationships. 😠❤️

Normally, I'm not into love at first sight, but this was a super cute, swoon-worthy romance! It's got grumpy x sunshine, fake relationship, friends-to-lovers vibes, with dual POV. Summer is refreshingly straightforward about her feelings, while Nathan's character is complex, dealing with daddy issues and a no-dating rule. Still, their relationship is sweet, with mutual respect and protectiveness. 🌞💖

No spice here, but if you're into feel-good, adorable love stories, this is for you! 😊

I adored this book and the whole Appies crew. They're like a fantastic found family, and their stories are always entertaining. Summer never gave up, even knowing Nathan's personal struggles. And Nathan couldn't resist her charm for long. Their love was so evident, and seeing everyone rooting for them was just adorable! They deserved to be together, and I'm thrilled they found their happily ever after. 💑💕

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Oh, be still my beating heart but that was just perfection. Nathan and Summer, your story made me feel all the feels. I didn't want it to end.
Sweet, funny, tug at your heartstrings perfection. Great writing, great cast of characters. Why haven't I read any of Appies books before?!
Romancing The Grump is just perfect. It's got that perfect balance of ingredients. Enough sweetness, enough spice, sprinkles of laughter but also heavier emotional issues. There's a tiny bit of ice hockey too. And I do love hockey. I'm just swooning over here but I just loved that book.
So I'm off to get the other Appies books and if you love sweet romance books, do yourself a favour, and read them too.

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I like the base of the romance. I have not read any of her books previously so I may have been missing a bit of a backstory. I thought the fake dating was cute, but it didn’t fully makes sense on why they were fake dating. I just knew that they were. I didn’t fully understand some of Nathan‘s reasoning the way he reacted to certain things just felt off I did enjoy the romance. I thought it was very cute.

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ANYTHING FROM THE APPIES SERIES IS AMAZING!!! This book is great and Nathan is a dream! I loved this book so much and loved the connection between Nathan and Summer.

Thank you to NetGalley for this great book

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This was the sweetest thing I’ve ever read! I loved the tension between Nathan and Summer but the actual friendship that developed between them was so fun to watch. I was giggling and kicking my feet watching their romance blossom through their “fake” relationship. I usually don’t read closed door romance but the writing was so good and I was so invested in Nathan and Summer that I didn’t even notice the spice wasn’t there. Easily a 5 star read! Will definitely be reading more Jenny Proctor when I need a feel good romance!

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This book was a sweet hockey romance with a grumpy hero and very interesting main female character. I loved Summer Callahan, she was such a breath a fresh air, a woman who knew who she liked and despise Nathan's extreme grumpiness she supported and stood beside him the entire book. She isn’t afraid to say whatever she thinks and act according to her feelings, Nathan was the reason for the 4 stars, he was so stubborn and set in this ways, it was a bit frustrating.
In the end, this was one of my better read of this month, I loved the characters, there were a few sweet moments. A grump/sunshine trope with a fake relationship and a sports romance with a feisty and intelligent female character, what's not to love.

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Took me awhile to get into, felt very slow paced. But once I got into it I was really into it. I didn’t even miss the spice because the story made up for it.

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In Romancing the Grump by Jenny Proctor, the story follows Summer (FMC) uprooting her life as an attorney at a DA’s office and moving to work in legal for a minor league hockey team, the Appies. Here, she meets (again), Nathan (MMC), the broody defenseman who is solely focused on playing hockey and never letting anyone get too close emotionally. Due to a social media craze for Nathan, Summer agrees to a fake-dating arrangement to help the situation until the craze dies down. Will this fake situation lead to real feelings? What happens when the fake dating starts to feel more real as the days go on?

Overall, I really enjoyed this story! It was a sweet romance filled with emotions, second guessing and angst between the two MCs. I thought doing a dual POV for this story was perfect, that way we were able to see into each MC’s mind and really grasp the terms of their relationship. I thought the side plots were well done and tied in well with the story as well. I would recommend this book to someone looking to read a sweet (no spice), hockey romance!

I posted my review on Goodreads (linked below) on 5/11/2024.

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I usually enjoy hockey books and this was no exception. Nathan and Summer made for a really enjoyable book. It was funny, warm and sexy, without the fake drama that you sometimes find in some books. Not only will I recommend this author. I am now off to Amazon to find her other books.

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This is the first time I read a book by Jenny Proctor and it makes me want to read more!

All these other couples made me want to read their stories. This won't be the last book I read of Jenny.

This book was a very slow-burning, fake relationship romance. They become really good friends first, which is fun because they were so distant in the beginning. I did like to read Nathan's pov because he fell so fast. How he couldn't talk to her and just blurts out the most random things.

I do love hockey romance, and this one didn't disappoint. Looking forward to reading the next one!

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“Romancing the Grump” is a heartwarming tale that captures the essence of opposites attracting. Nathan’s gruff exterior is masterfully unraveled by Summer’s relentless optimism, making for a romance that’s as touching as it is humorous. Their journey is a testament to the power of love to soften the hardest of hearts.

Jenny Proctor’s writing shines in its ability to blend the rough with the tender, creating a story that’s both engaging and endearing. The hockey setting adds a dash of adrenaline to the mix, making this book a standout in the Appies Hockey Romance series. It’s a quick read that leaves a lasting impression, perfect for those who enjoy a sweet, closed-door romance with plenty of heart.

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It was a good book. Nothing too deep. Summer is a new attorney for the Appies, and Nathan is the grouchiest player on the team. Perfect one day read and a sweet closed-door romance.

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•Slow burn
•friends to lovers
•fake dating
•Hockey romance
•Workplace romance

This book really had it all.
I absolutely loved it. The characters were amazing! I love a grumpy MMC and Nathan did not disappoint.
Summer was a true ray of sunshine and just what Nathan needed in his life.
The anticipation of will they won’t they was written so well and they got the HEA they deserved

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Super cute, sweet closed door romance! Forced proximity, grumpy/sunshine, fake dating, and dual POV. SLOWWWWWW burn. This is the first book I have read of this series and am happy to report it can be read as a standalone! It references the first meeting between the main characters, since the book starts at their second meeting. Normally I don’t enjoy this, because it feels like you missed too much, but this is not the case with Romancing the Grump. All it did was make me want to read the other books . 🏒

The thing I enjoyed most about Summer and Nathan’s relationship was their open dialogue and respect and support for one another. Both characters had a lot of character development and you were often feeling what they were feeling. This book had me smiling, laughing a few times, and left me overall entertained.

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Wow. Wow. Wow. Just Wow.
I inhaled this book so fast. Finished it in a couple of hours. It was THAT GOOD!

Summer and Nathan are just *chef's kiss* ok?
Let me tell you why.

The characters are written so well! I love that the book starts from their second meeting, they have a sort of past (not gonna tell you, you'll have to read) that adds depth, it's not just a random love at first sight, out of no where kind of thing.

Summers' character is fierce and spicy, and she knows what she wants.
I love how bold she is. She tests Nathan's boundaries, waiting to see when they'll break, and he'll give in.
I love how she pulls all of his strings and can push him to the edge and play with his emotions just to test how far she can get (in a very playful, easy-going banter that presses all the right buttons).

Nathan's character development is written impeccably as well. His inner turmoils and struggles are well written and give you a deep perspective over his character.
I love the chapters in Nathan's pov, where you can just see the struggle in his mind, he literally tries to convince himself he doesn't want her which is adorable, but come on who are you trying to play here?

Regarding the love story, beware, it's a VERY slow burn, but it's written exceptionally! The struggle, the emotional rollercoaster, the attempt not to succumb to their emotion and hide the feeling that are growing. I felt the angst they felt. It's literally one of the only times I enjoyed reading a fake relationship book, especially when I didn't know it was going to be a fake relationship book when I first started it. But I got addicted so fast I finished it in a couple of hours!

The slow burn killed me. I was screaming at the book numerous times for them to kiss already! The tension was so intense!!! But I loved every second of it.

Regarding the hockey plot, though I understand nothing in hockey, it's OK cause you don't really need to know anything about it to read this book. It's just basic terminology and position names. You'll survive. I promise.

The book ended on such a sweet note! I loved the epilogue, but that's all im going to say about it.
The book was funny, light, romantic and easy-going, it was a very fun read and I absolutely love it! I might even read it again and would definitely recommend it to my bookish friends 🧡

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⛸️Duel POV
⛸️Fake dating
⛸️Forced Proximity
⛸️Grumpy x Sunshine
⛸️Workplace romance
⛸️Closed door romance

This is the first novel iv read from author Jenny Proctor & I absolutely enjoyed reading it. It had my complete attention the whole way through, it was definitely a hard to put down book because I just wanted to keep reading. I adored both Summer & Nathan, such a beautiful connection between both of them. I felt every emotion especially with Summer being vulnerable & taking a risk knowing what she did. Nathan learning the truth about what he thought his childhood was like, slowly opening up & knocking down the walls he’s had up for so many years. Summer is so patient, understanding & supportive. Nathan is attentive & so caring though he may come across as a grump they brought the best out of each other.

Being the first closed book romance iv read it has me wanting to read more. This book is definitely in my top favourite books.

Thank you NetGalley & Jenny Procter for the ARC ebook.

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