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The House at Angel's Beach

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Thank you for allowing me to review this book. I loved the story. It was different to other storyline. Ivy and Jody, two sisters return to their father's property after realising they each own 1/3 of it. In doing so their poor relationship with each other and their father stir up memories, both good and bad. These are well written and the characters are first rate. The ending had been feeling very emotional.
Highly recommended.

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I really enjoyed this book with it's hidden gems. A family torn apart by the sins of the past, two sisters trying forgive one another and hearts that need mending. There is a bit of everything in here to keep you satisfied even some sinister events. This is a quick, enjoyable read which will keep you reading until the end.

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A return to River’s End and a visit to Fairview.

Ivy and Jody, two sisters return to Fairview House upon receiving a third each in inheritance of it. But on arrival they find things not as it should be. A broken window, books thrown about on the floor and a ladder on the ground.

Ivy and Jody want to know why. The begin by digging into the past and find out more than they realise about their family and the house that is part of them.

But it’s Ivy who finds out the best of returning to Fairview. The lost love she she left behind.

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Ivy returns home to finalize her and her sisters inheritance, she finds letters that make her question everything. Loved the book.

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If you love a good mystery, with twists and turns, a little romance and hard to put down book, this one’s for you. Ivy Ross returns to Rivers End after ten years. She left after her father confessed to a crime. It devastated his daughters who loved him dearly. When everyone turned against the daughters, Ivy moved back to England. Now she’s back and trying to figure out what to do with the retreat that was their home. Ivy and her sister own each a third of it, along with their father. Their father will be getting out soon and he will need some way to support himself. Can they re-open it? Will they get guests again, especially after everything that happened? As time goes own, things take a turn. Someone breaks in, Ivy finds letters that might help them figure out what happened? Ivy has strange memories. She can’t figure out if it’s true or a dream. Things just isn’t adding up. Will the sisters become sleuths and discover all the secrets? As they work together, Ivy and her sister finally become close as ever. Add in an ex Ivy left behind and feelings that hasn’t faded, you get wonderful characters who deserves to find out the truth and move past all of the hurt and anger for a better future.

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Book was interesting. Initially a bit of a slow start, but very good overall. Characters were very detailed. My only issue was I thought the characteristics for Ivy fit Jody better and vice versa. Once I made it through that the story picked up steam. I won't spoil the plot, but some definite twists and turns. This would be a great vacation read!

Thank you to the Publisher for the chance to read this book. All opinions expressed are voluntary and my own thoughts and views.

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EXCERPT: One more summer here would be divine.
She could relive all the good memories and then create more to replace the bad ones. Spend her days watching the ocean change colour and walking and cooking and even try to write again. Growing up, Ivy had written stories almost as much as read books and later, part of her interest in managing Fairview was the opportunity to pursue her love of writing. Not poetry, like Dad, but sweeping sagas of family drama across generations.
Nobody understood why she gave up on her writing dream, but she knew. Having real-life tragedy forced upon a person will do that, let alone losing the chance to have a future with someone who might be your soulmate.

ABOUT 'THE HOUSE AT ANGEL'S BEACH': Ivy Ross left Rivers End ten years ago, vowing never to return. Her heart broken, her trust gone, the father she adored behind bars. But when her sister Jody begs Ivy to return to finalise their inheritance, the majestic Fairview House, she is drawn home. And when she finds a collection of heartfelt letters hidden in her father’s library, everything she thought she knew is called into question.

The anonymous letters reveal a heartbreaking love story that force Ivy to rethink the terrible night that tore her family apart. And when Ivy meets Leo, the man whose life was also devastated by her father’s crime, she realises that it’s time to uncover the truth. But that’s not the only secret waiting for them in Fairview. Can facing up to her shocking family history lead Ivy to a future she could never have imagined…?

MY THOUGHTS: The House at Angel's Beach is a slow-moving family drama/mystery/romance with the emphasis firmly on the family drama and is told entirely from Ivy's point of view with the assistance of flashbacks and a bundle of secreted letters.

The two sisters are very different. Ivy is a nurse, and lives alone in a small flat on a tight budget. Jody has married well and bears little resemblance to the woman Ivy knew ten years ago. She works for a charity organisation, mixes in high society, is polished, toned and buffed. She has 'people' to do everything for her. Ivy thinks she drinks too much and is far too thin.

Although this is a quick easy read, I failed to be fully engaged by it. Ivy's flashbacks were annoying, the secret letters a disappointment, and the mystery easily seen through. I would have liked to have liked this more, but I just don't. However, I am an outlier in my opinions on The House at Angel's Beach by Phillipa Nefri Clark so please do check out the many more positive reviews.


#TheHouseatAngelsBeach #NetGalley

THE AUTHOR: Phillipa lives just outside a beautiful town in country Victoria, Australia. She also lives in the many worlds of her imagination and stockpiles stories beside her laptop.

DISCLSOURE: Thank you to Storm Publishing via NetGalley for a digital ARC of The House at Angel's Beach by Phillipa Nefri Clark for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

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The mystery at Fairview House really pulled me into the story and what happened, but it was the characters that fascinated me.  Ivy and Jody grew up in Australia and later in England when their parents divorced and their mom moved back to England.  They used to spend summers with their dad.
The story started with the sisters back in Australia at Fairview House because they each owned one third of the house along with their dad who was in prison.  They were trying to decide if they should sell the property.  While returning home Ivy had flashbacks of an accident but she doesn't know what to think because she had not been there.  Her sister was concerned about her zoning off into space.
The book was fascinating as lies, secrets, letters, and break ins came to light and finally the truth about that night was revealed.  I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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It was a marathon. I started reading and couldn't stop. It's a story that takes place in Australia and involves lots and lots of family drama. But, with the mysteries solved, I'm ready to recommend the book. Read it, it's really worth it.

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3.8 Stars
One Liner: A nice family drama

Ivy Ross left River End after her father went behind bars. She vowed not to return and lived in England. However, Ivy had to get back when her younger sister, Jody, called, saying it was time to finalize what they did with their inheritance. The Fairview House was ‘the place’ for all kinds of artists back when life was normal. Ivy wants to sell it, but Jody wants to keep it in the family. She also wants to sort out the differences between the two.
Ivy is reluctant but does what she can to find out more about the large property they own. It doesn’t help that she sees Leo, the man she loved before the fateful tragedy destroyed their future together. As Ivy digs deeper, she realizes there’s a lot more she doesn’t know.
The story comes in Ivy’s third-person POV (and the last in a few letters).

My Thoughts:
The book is a standalone set in the same place (Rivers End) as the previous two books. While it has a few recurring characters, not knowing them will not affect the reading experience in the least.
The beginning is a little slow (the pacing improves but the story drags in the middle) as we need the time to understand the dynamics between the sisters and their pasts. Their relationship has a few thorns, but the affection they have for each other is evident.
We get the story from Ivy’s POV, but can see what she doesn’t and connect the dots she ignores. It’s more of a waiting read to see how and when she will finally get to the truth. However, we don’t know everything, so there’s some intrigue left to keep us going.
The letters mentioned in the official blurb are opened almost around 40% or later, so the wait was a bit long. Similarly, Leo’s entry also takes time. This is a family drama more than a romance. Not an issue, as such, but given how nice Leo is, he could have had a bigger role in the book.
Most characters are flawed (except Leo). Ivy can be annoying at times, but it aligns with her overall arc as someone who picks flight when faced with danger/ uncomfortable situations. Jody can be annoying, too, but her struggle comes across a bit more clearly (despite the POV belonging to Ivy). There is one character I cannot like or sympathize with. Good that we don’t get direct interaction with them even if their role is crucial.
The book shows different types of relationships between couples. It is a subtle study of love and loyalties (and misplaced loyalties). What each character does with their relationship when things get complex reflects who they are or who they have become due to the circumstances. Interesting!
The ending is heartwarming, as it should be for books in this genre. The epilogue has a mini-epilogue in it, which I found rather sweet. It works for my HEA love.

To summarize, The House at Angel's Beach is an introspective read about family, relationships, second chances, and healing. There are a couple of triggers.
Thank you, NetGalley and Storm Publishing, for eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for this ARC. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This is a book of rediscovering things about oneself and her family. I got that from the beginning of the book to the last page. Ivy was a delightful character and it was nice reading the book from her POV. I loved that she got a second chance at love.
This book was mainly centered on the house at angel Beach, which was given to Ivy and Jody by their Father, Gabe, who was in prison for killing someone while drunk driving. Ivy had a myriad of emotions going back to where she grew up and loved and where her father committed a grievous sin. It was easy to understand her and relate with her emotions. I liked that she mended her relationship with her younger sister.
Ivy and Jody found a series of letters about their father and they tried to find out about his past and what happened with the drunk driving incident. I enjoyed it and thr uncovering of family Secrets.
The only thing that felt unfinished was Jody's relationship with her husband, I felt like her husband was not good for her. But, I enjoyed everything else and I'd definitely recommend this book

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The House at Angel's Beach is a romance full of mystery where sins of the past haunt the present and the future. Ivy and Jordy have been estranged since her father's admission of DUI and killing an elderly member of the community. But did he do it? Is everything that Ivy remembers real or things that were told her? Is love above everything? This is an engaging story of love construed on fake premises but with an incredibly good ending. Very entertaining!
I thank Ms. Clark, her publisher, and NetGalley for this ARC.

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I felt transported!

This author did such a wonderful job at painting a vivid picture of the Australia locations that I felt like I was there in the story!

Ivy Ross has a complicated history with the Fairview House and surrounding areas. She never thought she'd return after her father owned up to lies about a tragic accident. But at her sister Jody's insistence, she returned to help sort out the future of the home turned retreat. Ivy discovers some anonymous letters from the past, indicating her father had a full life before she and her sister came along.

Ivy even runs into her one true love, Leo, who she left behind when she moved to England with her mom. He helps them work out the missing details of the past, and uncover the shocking truths. I had no idea this was one in a series!

Thanks to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and Phillipa Nefri Clark for the eARC.

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The third book in the Temple River series but it is fine to read it as a stand alone. The main characters are new although a few old favourites have small roles from time to time.

Ivy and Jody are estranged sisters who have returned to sort out what is going to happen to their family home in Rivers End. As the story progresses the house, the beach, and old memories, work to get the two of them back together. There is a packet of letters from the past which help solve a long term mystery, and an old relationship is revived for Ivy.

A very pleasurable story with agreeable characters and an interesting mystery.

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The House at Angel's Beach is an emotional drama concerning two sisters whose family has been torn apart with her father going to prison ten years ago. Both women are grown but have stayed away from their father’s resort home over the years. Now it is time to return home. What revelations these two found as well as reconnecting and reuniting. By Phillipa Nefri Clark this is listed as part of the Temple River Series but it is the first book I have read by her.

Much takes place in this story as hidden memories return, their father’s past life comes to light and both must face it all, no longer running away from it all. This is a woman’s fiction story with a dose of second chance romance. The is a lesson learned best stated by their father, that just because a love may be real does not mean it is not also wrong.

I look forward to reading more by this new-to-me-author who wrote such a gripping read with The House at Angel's Beach.

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Ivy Ross arrived home to Fairview House, from England, for almost the first time in ten years, prepared to help her sister Jody, once she arrived from Melbourne, with the sorting out of their inheritance. The past was traumatic, with the terrible accident which had ended with their father being in jail, but Ivy knew there were gaps in her memory. She'd also lost the man she thought she'd be with forever, and supposed he was now married with children.

Fairview House had been an artist's retreat, and the small cottages that formed part of their father's dream were still there, unlived in, but in good condition. Fairview House itself had deteriorated and she knew there would be work which had to be done on it. But as Jody and Ivy went through the rooms, fractured memories returned to Ivy, and in the library, she found some letters, hidden where not many would find them. The mystery of the past was coming back to haunt Ivy and she knew she had to find the answers to what really happened all those years ago...

The House at Angel's Beach is the 3rd in the Temple River series by Aussie author Phillipa Nefri Clark and once again it was fast paced and electric. Set on the edge of Rivers End with the beach at the front, the magnificent views, especially at dawn and dusk, were spectacular. Painted word pictures by the author meant I was there, alongside Ivy and Leo, as they reminisced about the time before the accident. I'm loving this series, and eagerly look forward to #4. Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley & Storm Publishing for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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The House at Angel’s Beach is a heart-breaking riveting read. I was deeply moved by this unforgettable story. Phillipa Nefri Clark is an accomplished novelist. I have loved every book in the series and this one is the best yet! It’s a wonderful blend of intriguing elements. There are secret letters, a forbidden romance, family drama, a mystery-crime plot and a compelling complex set of characters— all of which kept me pinned to the pages.

When two separated sisters Ivy and Jody come together at Fairview House in River’s End after a decade of self-imposed exile to sort out their share of the family legacy, they discover within the walls of their childhood home many hidden secrets. These nuggets of truth will expose much of their father’s unknown past. A past well disguised by the fabric of time and false façades. These shocking revelations will leave the sisters reeling with mixed emotions. As they seek out the clues, they are met with many unexpected twists, roadblocks and surprises. Soon the girls discover things are not as they appear. What they learn, they never dreamed imaginable.

The girls’ father, Gabe, has been in jail the past ten years on a drunk driving offence that caused a death. This tragedy resulted not only in copious personal upheaval in his daughters’ lives but also in the lives of others affected by the accident: such as Leo who lost his beloved aunt.

When Ivy, who has been living in London, is called upon by her sister Jody (married and living in Melbourne) to return home to Australia and sort out the empty property’s future, they soon discover there have been intruders on the premises What are they looking for?

Part of the plot from the past is carried along through the letters Ivy discovers in the home library. Are the break-ins connected to these old love letters? Is someone searching for them? And if so, who? We not only learn about a fated romance from these letters written between Gabe and his Angel lover (who is not named) but possible evidence comes to light that could change the course of justice already served.

More than one romance is at the core of this novel, and a crime but family relationships are tested and shaken down to be restored. There are a number of spiritual references, too, with the Beach’s name, the romance between Gabe/Gabriel and his ‘Angel’ love. But how ‘heavenly’ is the relationship and will there be a rude ‘earthly’ awakening?

This third instalment of the wonderful Temple River series kept me intrigued, guessing and transported to an inspiring setting. It was great to see the development and healing between the sisters, restoration for their father and a very happy ending that brought all the loose ends and mysterious threads together in a satisfying conclusion. I highly recommend this moving novel – a great addition to a colourful heart-warming collection. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Many thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for the review copy.

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This book comes with a bit of everything and again set on Temple River.. Well written and it keeps you going and wanting more. 4 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for this ARC

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I was hooked from beginning to end. A beautifully written heart wrenching story which really did capture my imagination. A box of tissues by your side when reading this lovely story..

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I never miss a Phillipa Nefri Clark book, never, they are filled with fabulous characters that are so easy to make friends with, there is mystery, challenges and romance as well and this one back in Rivers End was not put down able as we meet Ivy, Jody and some awesome characters, come along for a fabulous journey.

Ivy Ross loved her life at Fairview House in Rivers End living there till her parents separated when she was very young, she and her sister Jody moving to England with her mum but coming back every summer to spend time with their father and at the beach, on one of her trips years later she met Leo and her father was keen for her to train as manager of Fairview that is a fabulous artists retreat, Ivy made a big decision to stay but two years later everything went wrong, and Ivy ran back to England vowing to never return. But now she has come back to meet up with Jody and sort out their inheritance and decide what to do with Fairview, which has sat empty for ten years.

When they discover a bundle of secret letters they must investigate and this brings them to uncover some secrets that have been kept for years and will also right some wrongs that have happened over the years, but will uncovering the shocking secrets be what Ivy needs to put the past behind her and move forward with her life. Leo is still in Rivers End and Ivy knows that she has never stopped loving him but will he feel the same way?

This is a fabulous story, it was hard to put down, with every letter read something more opened up, the tension grew as the mystery slowly was uncovered, it is filled with emotion, secrets, lost loves and many hurts along the way. I loved Ivy and Leo so much. I do highly recommend this story and the series, Phillipa Nefri Clark is one of my favourite authors, thank you I loved it and loved being back in Rivers End, I do hope there are more to come.

My thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for my copy to read and review.

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