Cover Image: The Blue Canoe

The Blue Canoe

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Beautifully illustrated, glowing storyline and the ability to warm the heart as you watch the delight of spending the day with mom

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This book was just precious. The cover alone didn’t lead me to think it would be as touching as it was. I figured it would be a book about nature and kind of slow, but the inquisitive big sister and the affirming expecting mother were so touching.

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I found this story to be heart warming. As a big sister, I know the feeling of curiosity and worry that comes with getting a new sibling. This story did beautifully in expressing those emotions while having the mother comfort and reassure her daughter. The illustrations really helped with the story and made it come across so perfect in my opinion. I love the message that even when things change, it doesn’t mean it has to be bad or that everything will change.

This is a great bedtime story that could help many soon to be big brothers/sisters.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for this e-ARC.

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“It's okay for different people to like different things.”

The story takes us as a mother takes her daughter on a canoe trip before her new sister is born. Along the way, her mother teaches her how she should be with her sister and they see sea animals while they learn.

She has a talent the Artis! The drawings are incredible.

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THE BLUE CANOE is a very sweet children's book about one young girl's excitements and fears about her shortly-arriving baby brother, and how we will fit into the already established traditions of her family. She wonders this while sharing special time with her mother, and taking in the sounds and sights of a river canoe trip. The illustrations are lovely, and the story is sweet and hopeful. A lovely book to help children about to experience that family dynamic change.

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This is a beautifully illustrated book that captures the myriad of emotions brought on by adding a new member to the family. I particularly love how the mother does not erase all of the young girl's worries by saying "That won't happen" or "It'll all be okay." The mother is very realistic in acknowledging that she will be busy and tired at times, and that they will not know what the baby likes to do until they arrive. This picture book is a gentle, thoughtful, and sweet portrayal of the spectrum of thoughts and feelings experienced by a young child whose family is expecting a baby.

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The perfect little story to help a little one come to terms with their own doubts about a baby sibling on the way. It does a good job of reassuring the little one that things might change, but them and their interests will still remain important.

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The illustrations drew me to this book - they are so beautiful! Then I read the story about a little girl whose mom is soon to have a baby that she calls the "coming soon baby." She has questions about the new baby and how it will change things. Sweet story about a mother and daughter!

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Pjs, cuddling, and story-time before bed is a favorite at our house! The last couple weeks the kids had so much fun reading some new material I was given advanced copies of. It’s cute how now they ask what new books I have to read. As soon as I’m finished they will tell me what they loved about the book. My great little reviewers! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📚📖 @netgalley #netgalley

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I can't have enough of this cover I wanted it to be a poster, I will have to display the book on my shelves instead eheh. The artwork is very serene and beautiful and has a great mood. This is the story of a young girl who is about to be a big sister, the changes can be overwhelming, and she will need to share her mother with her sibling, but I'm glad that she is excited to share her life and protect the baby too. Their connection with nature is wonderful. Very beautiful illustrations.
Thank you for the e-arc.

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I really loved "The Blue Canoe" by Sheryl McFarlane. The story and illustrations were both peaceful and imaginative. I loved how nature, especially different types of birds, were very present in the book. I appreciated how the author used canoeing as an opportunity for mother and daughter to discuss a new baby joining the family. The images of the parent and child in the canoe and swimming in the lake were wonderful. Beautifully illustrated. This book would be great to read aloud. Thanks to Familius and NetGalley for the eARC.

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This is a sweet story about a new baby coming and the questions the little girl has. I like how the mother explains in terms the girl can understand. I liked that the girl wants to be able to show the new baby lots of things.

Thanks NetGalley for this ARC.

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This was a very sweet book about a girl waiting to meet her sibling, and excitedly hoping that the baby will like to go paddling with her and her mom in their blue canoe.
Well written. A great story for kids who are expecting a younger sibling. Lovely illustrations.

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I love how there are books now for big sister and brothers to be. Going from being an only child to having a new brother or sister in the house is a big transition. In this book, the little girl loves going out in the blue canoe with her mother. But she wonders, will her new sibling love the same things she does?

This story takes all the questions about what a new baby will be like, and answers them as best her mother can. These are not questions about what a baby is like. These are questions about what the baby will like. Will the baby love the canoe? Will they love the wildlife of the lake? Will they understand how important they all are?

And the questions about her mother being too busy for her. The mother says sure, I might be, but that doesn’t mean you will be abandoned.

Even if there is no blue canoe in the family this is a safe easy picture book to explain how children are different, and may not like the same things you do, but your mother will always love you and try to make time for you, no matter what.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review. This book will be published the 9th of July 2024.

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What they gonna love? Does they gonna love the same thing as me or as dad?

Thats what this little girl is asking a mom about her future sibling while enjoying canoeying together. Sharing this moment together and enjoying beauty of wild nature.

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The illustrations were simple, and not overstimulatinig. The book was beautifully written. The author made careful word choices that were very impactful. Overall, the book was well written and I did really enjoy it.

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This was very cute. My nieces who have a cabin would love it. I did think that the term "coming soon baby" felt kind of weird and didn't flow. But overall beautiful art and cute story.

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Subtle message that gets lost in the story. Tackles the questions of the arrival of a baby. Mother responds with compassion and endearment. Genuine interactions between mother and daughter. Emphasises understanding of the uncertain future. Gentle illustrations. Revolves around nature and new life. Evokes feelings of assurance and curiosity. Recommended for those with new gratitude. Overall, an average read.

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I chose this book because I am expecting my second child. I thought it might be a good one to read to my daughter. The actual point of the story is beautiful and the illustrations are wonderful, but I feel the point gets lost a little in the story.

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The Blue Canoe' by Sheryl McFarlane is truly a special picture book that even as a parent I can enjoy. The illustrations in this book are simply stunning, I love the colours but also the bubbles of artwork showing parts of the scene. The artwork showcasing the simple beauty of the world and its people. It's a book that's perfect for snuggling up in bed getting those extra cuddles in.

What struck me the most about 'The Blue Canoe' was how it packed a lot of meaning and weight beneath its cute and beautiful exterior. The story delves into the shifting dynamics of a family when a new sibling is on the way, a theme that I found very touching. The book explores the uncertainty and questions that children might face when welcoming a new family member. Will things change? Will I still get to do the things I love with mom? What if the new sibling doesn't love the things we do?

However, what truly grounded my affection for this book was the portrayal of love, compassion, and growth in the mother's response to her daughter's concerns. The way she allows her daughter to be seen and heard is so heart-warming and genuine. As a parent, reading this filled my heart with warmth and resonated deeply with me. I really enjoyed this book, for a children's book it really connected to my heart.

'The Blue Canoe' is a beautiful and heartfelt story that I believe every child should experience. It's a reminder of the power of love, understanding, and acceptance within a family, and it's a book that I wholeheartedly recommend for its message of connection and compassion.

As a mum that has welcomed her second child into the world. I loved this. It was so simple, and beautiful.

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