Member Reviews

Psychological thrillers in sunnier climes are amongst my favourite things - this novel ticked those boxes and many more besides. I defy anyone to predict THAT ending...!

Set in beautiful Cyprus, Emma is an English woman, who, having married a Cypriot (now divorced), has 2 children nearing the end of their secondary education. Emma is an English teacher in her children's secondary school. Sleeping soundly in her bed one night, Emma is woken to the sound of her phone - on answering she is delivered the news from her son that he has awoken in a derelict house, lying next to him is the corpse of his brutally murdered ex-girlfriend! Believing him to have been set up for the murder they quickly hide the body and clean the crime scene. What follows is a wonderful tale in amateur sleuthing as Emma seeks to find the identity of the murderer. The reveal is spectacular! This is an utter treat, gripping to the end - a novel I would 100% recommend.

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this novel in exchange for an advance copy.

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Emma is a single mother living in Cyprus with her two kids, one being her teenage son who's been acting out a lot since her husband left her for another woman.

Things get even more complicated when the daughter of the man she has been having an affair with starts dating the aforementioned son, before breaking his heart.

But it gets a lot worse when her son Jack calls her late at night, after he was meant to be at a party, to say that he's in a deserted old house, the girl is dead, and he cannot remember what actually happened in the lead up to her death. Emma has a terrible choice to make...

An entertaining read exploring the limits of a mother's love - or the absence of those limits. It gets 3.5 stars.

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Thanks Netgalley for my copy.

This was okay but just far too slow. And then the ending annoyed me. I saw some of it coming, that wasn't this issue. My main issue is the main character's reaction to what they found out. It just made them seem even more pathetic than she did before and she was already a bit of a loser already. Not impressed.

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This was such a well written book I love the writing style and how the story pulled you in from the start and didn’t let go until the very end. It was full of drama throughout. What a final twist I really didn’t see that coming. Highly recommend this excellent thriller to everyone. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy of this book.

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A son needs his mother. How far would you go to protect him? Bribery &blackmail. Lies, doubt and pushed to extremes. Another absolutely gripping thriller from Karen Cole!

Perfect for those who enjoy:
- Short sharp chapters
- Fast paced destination thrillers
- Stories that make you question what you’d do in the same situation!
- Jaw dropping endings

With thanks to Quercus books and Netgalley for an ARC copy in return for an honest review.

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Single-mother Emma has two children to look after, a demanding job, an ex-husband who left for somebody younger. She also has a lover, a work colleague.
Her life is suddenly more chaotic when her son Jack rings and asks for her help. His ex-girlfriend, Zoe, is dead. She helps him hide the body and then has to dela with all the lies that this entails.
Will it send her into madness or will they all survive?

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What She Did by K. Cole, published by Quercus Books is a full length, stand alone, thrilling read.
Emma is a single mom with two kids, a demanding job, a needy ex-husband, She has her hands full. When her teenage son calls her in the deep of night needing her help, she can't fathom what happened. Driven by wanting to protect her pup and finding the truth at the same time, she's torn. And soon she's in danger too.
It took me a minute to get into the story, but ptettty soon I was hooked. A great read, 4,5 stars.

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This is a great book. Very well put together. The storyline is told very well and I was hooked until the very end.
Highly recommended.

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A well written book once I had got into the storyline which flowed well, I enjoyed it overall and I didn't see the twist coming at the end.

Thank you to Netgalley and Quercus Books for this ARC.

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What a thrilling read. Karem Cole is one of my favourite authors. This book certainly did not disappoint

Thank you Quercus and Netgalley for the opportunity to review

Solid 4 stars for me

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Ever since Herman Koch's The Dinner was published in 2012, there's been a plethora of books about how far parents will go to protect their offspring if they've done something bad. What She Did is the latest of these.

Emma is a single parent living in Cyprus. She lives with her two teenage children and teaches at the English Academy. She is also having ab affair with one of the other teachers.. One evening her son Jack phones her in a panic. He's woken up beside his dead girlfriend and doesn't know whether he killed her or not. Emma soon discovers just what she will do to help cover this up.

I found this to be a morally ambivalent book. The Dinner at least provided interesting debate about what you should do in such a situation. Here we have a protagonist wracked with guilt who knows what she has done is wrong and who agonises about it over and over and over yet who is unable to do anything to right the situation.

On the positive side there is a plot twist which I didn't see coming but in a sense it makes Emma's subsequent actions even less understandable. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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How far would you go to protect your son?
Fabulous suspenseful read which i was gripped by from the start.
I read far to quickly!
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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