Cover Image: A Flower Garden for Pollinators

A Flower Garden for Pollinators

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This book introduced me to many new plants that are ideal to add to pollinator gardens. I appreciated its organization; flowers with beautiful photos were presented by season and each included their scientific name. I’ll definitely seek out different varieties to include in my garden each year after reading this!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy!

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Loved a good rainy day yesterday☔️☕️🎀 life lately has been BUSY with end of the year things for the kids, but it makes my heart happy to receive advance copies of books. Reviewing a book is so fun! Especially ones I wouldn’t pick out myself. So many books, so little time.

This Beautiful Day by Fred Rogers (publishing date December 2) Just add this to your Amazon cart now, and get one for all of those special to you for Christmas. This book was a gem. Rogers words are so gentle in reminding us to move from situation to situation with wonder. I loved the quote “You don’t have to be anything more than you are right now.” Such a beautifully spoken book. Highly recommend. @fredrogersproductions @hachettebooks

When Doing It All Is Undoing You by Alyssa Joy Beckhe (publishing date September 16) This. Book. Everyone. Needs. Wow!!! I feel like life is crazy, and you think it’ll settle and it doesn’t. Everyone seems wiped and worn out. Trying to do all the things, be all the things, and be happy?! What would happen if we stopped spinning our wheels, and instead we aim and lean into what Gods creating in us and we are becoming from it. Phenomenal book! @alyssajoybethke @worthypub

A Flower Garden For Pollinators by Rachel de Thame (publishing date June 10) I took a chance this year and planted some bee friendly flowers. I loved this beautiful book full of ideas, and ways to put together flowers. The illustrations and descriptions were wonderful for someone trying to learn. Wonderfully done! @racheldethame @hachettebooks

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A Flower Garden for Pollinators is a very well illustrated and information rich gardening guide for pollinator supportive species diverse gardening by Rachel de Thame. Due out 11th June from Hachette on their Mobius imprint, it's 207 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.

This is a year-round guide for creating a good environment and support for pollinators. The emphasis is on diversity and natural organic techniques. The chapters are arranged around the seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each season showcases plants at their best during the season. Plant profiles used throughout include binomial (Latin) names as well as common names. The photography throughout is stunning and in full color. Additionally, the text is enhanced by small pen and ink illustrations and gorgeous color botanical art by Lauren Lusk.

Five stars. This would be an excellent choice for public library acquisition, home reference, gift giving, or for allotment/gardening group library.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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A great book! It has excellent information, helpful pictures that are also beautiful and makes me want to go plant for pollinators ASAP!

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A Flower Garden for Pollinators was so well written. I love to read Rachel de Thame's writing in this book. It's kind of ethereal and also passionate. She brings to the UK gardener a plea for the mindset that we don't want tidy gardens for gardens support pollinators and wildlife and bring forth life that gardens aren't just for viewing they are for spaces that beneficial are dependent on. That we live with beneficials and we need to recognize they need our support and that it's actually a symbiotic relationship that when we help them we also help ourselves.

I loved the page "checklist for a pollinator garden". Superb. As someone who teaches about native bees and pollinator gardens with a huge focus on native plants I find often that UK focus gardeners lack that component. A lot of the suggested flowers are more traditional ornamentals, cultivars, which is fine but the book could have been elevated talking about native plants in the UK that support pollinators.

With that said it's still a very informative book, well-written with beautiful photos and suggestions.

I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher Hatchette Book Group for the opportunity to read and review A Flower Garden for Pollinators by Rachel de Thame.

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Pros: I am working to make my flowerbeds more pollinator-friendly, so I was very interested to read this book. This book is both full of practical information and lovely photography. I also loved the botanical drawings. I learned about many new-to-me plants and saw some of my favorites like hellebores that I want to add to my garden.

Cons: I live in the Southern United States, which is quite different from the UK climate referenced in this book. That's not a bad thing--just a note to readers to compare climates and learn about ideal growing conditions before planting.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Book Group | Mobius Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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A fantastic collection of pollinator popular plants! I have a grand appreciation for the lengths that were taken to make a complete collection of verity and types of pollinator plants. Thank you to Netgalley and Hachette Book Group | Mobius Books for access to this digital arc. This title came at the perfect time for my seasonal garden planting. Using this title I have gained a robust knowledge of variations I did not know existed of some of my favorite flowering plants. This title takes the overwhelming world of flowers and makes it a bit easier to sift through on both type and color. With this title anyone will find themselves capable of making a vibrant garden with pollinators at the forefront throughout the growing seasons. In depth flower profiles are a shining aspect of this title along with incredible photos that will benefit anyone looking to ID something at the garden store. Suitable for all who are interested in gardening.

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A Flower Garden For Pollinators

Growing flowers that cover all the seasons to care for pollinators is the theme woven throughout this delightful book. With a mix of drawn pictures and photographs, flowers are presented for your consideration with highlights as to why pollinators find them particularly helpful.

I was pleased to find I was already growing several of the suggestions noted, and added many to my list of flowers to add for next season. Herbs & trees for pollinators are also briefly highlighted.

As Rachel writes about each recommended flower, it’s like hearing her tell wonderful stories of old friends. I enjoyed reading her descriptions and you will too!

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