Cover Image: Street Fighter 6: Days of the Eclipse

Street Fighter 6: Days of the Eclipse

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Member Reviews

For such a large company and to assumedly build interest for fans and newcomers I was expecting much better. This feels more like an obligated creation or cash grab instead of a purposeful creation. Unless you're a hard-core SF fan I can't recommend this. It won't make you intrigued. If it wasn't for Netgalley needing a review I'd have DNF'd it. While I'm not a large SF fan (frame linking is the death of me) I am a large fighting game fan and came expecting something that gave me that vibe. However, I didn't get that except for the inclusion of SG 6:Evolution at the end which is a single issue that's added in and has no connection to the rest of the trade.
Interestingly, the main SF 6 issues don't have a credited writer which I made me hesitant. That hesitance was for not as the writing feels uninspired and uninteresting to me especially moment to moment with bland character voice. I was expecting Street Fighting not international politics. The action thriller with politics has a decent setup but weak payoff and is weird. If it's meant to hype me for the game it does not. If it's meant to give me another side of Ken and Luke I guess it does but the story is still not interesting. Maybe they wanted a more serious side of Luke which does happen here but it's so boring. It definitely doesn't make me interested in JP as a villain since he is so blandly written I honestly I thought he was a comic original throw away villain but apparently he's actually in SF6.
Part of the writing's issue might be on the localizer and editor. There are numerous grammar and spelling issues (“Its a your problem” and “ didn't' “ in the first issue alone and Nayshall (the country the entire comic takes part in) gets misspelled once). SF 6 also has weak lettering with frequent issues. There is a lack of sound effects and the ones that are there are large and distracting (one wasnt even translated properly leaving the original Korean sound effect slapped behind the English one garrishly). It's most notable in how they do that wavy lettering thing to represent a voice wavering but it is done super poorly and inconsistently.
Artwise each issue has a new artist. They do try to create a cohesive style that reminds me of those SF4 anime cutscenes as well as Korean webtoons but each artists does give their own flair. While the art isn't bad it firmly sits in the passable/middling category. It also seems like the artists were either told to not draw action or really don't want to draw it with blows always seeming off panel and panels focusing on thoughts, flashbacks, dialogue, and anything really else than the action. Which for a story with an action thriller plot is just a poor choice.
The one strong point was the issue of SF 6 Evolution. It was so good I almost brought it up to 2.5 stars. Written by Moylan it goes for pure vibes that emulate the electric energy and arcade-y fun of SF with fun characterization and dynamics. The fun mix of artists in Evolution help add to the fun vibes-only feeling. I do wish the quality was a bit better as they also do edge a bit on just passable though I preferred the artists more than the ones chosen for the mainline comic.

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